what are your thoughts on MGTOW ?
what are your thoughts on MGTOW ?
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MGTOW are a bunch of smart dudes that rejected fat entitled american STD infested used vaginas
MGTOW plan:
1:Go to Asia
2:Fuck a bunch of skinny hoes
Fat feminists want to ban mgtow from reddit because Truth is Hate-Speech in the empire of lies
Brains too big to fuck women, the superior geniuoses
every man who shits on MGTOW loves football and has an IQ under 110. Prove me wrong.
MGTOW is meaningless without functioning 2d waifu bots and artificial wombs. They spend too much time worrying about women.
I wouldn't be one if I didn't have the fear of being absolutely destroyed by women in divorce court.
Goddamn Jews...........
you don't have to worry about them at all though. i feel like mgtow is all about just doing your own thing. i discovered that i like women but i really don't like american women at all. so i stay away from them and go down other avenues because it's a wide world and i can do whatever i want with my life. so you don't have to just bitch about feminism he whole time you can ignore them and let them rot
MGTOWs are just too bitter towards how modern women are.
They've had bad experiences, and I totally get that.
But I'm personally never going to go MGTOW, I think women are great.
Just gotta find the right one and if it doesn't work out, keep looking and don't get married unless you're sure.
Also; always improve yourself.
I forgot to say this, MGTOW is a symptom, not a solution to feminism
Another example of tragedy of the commons.
MGTOW only works if most men participate.
If only some men participate, the female market becomes way better for the rest of the men.
Mgtow is pure misogyny, embrace it or stfu.
I always find it funny how many people think that MGTOW means you don't fuck sluts. Women are great, just don't invest emotionally beyond enjoying their company and having fun.
MGTOW is damage control for beta losers and they all know it deep down.
Who is going to take care of you when you're old if you don't have kids?
Their 2D waifus
peace, losers
T. LE ROASTIE #5439291
The guys accusing MGTOW of being beta losers never have much to say about the dudes that went MGTOW after multiple divorces/custody battles.
Assuming I reach the age and decrepitude when I can't bathe or wipe myself without assistance, what's the point? What good am I doing anyone by sticking around? Bragging rights? Time to die. People really get their heads up their own asses about the "value" of life.
every time
My money.
5. Get sufficiently advanced artificial womb technology.
6. Get sufficiently realistic sexbots
7. Create a sustainable all-male society as a result of the aforementioned artificial womb technology
image of a woman who will die childless and alone,
This makes no sense
Fuck off, pussy.
Destroy the feminists, faggots and Jews corrupting our society instead of quitting like a little bitch.
Jew shill.
>This makes no sense to your roastie brain
Fixed that for you.
Yeah I don't get why MGTOWs generalize so much and make decisions in advance like that. There are good women out there. But they're rare. But who knows you might find one.
well of course nobody is going to protect women in straya, you cunts gave up all your guns
'She' already has lunch lady arms. I'll stick with my vidya and forever-young, tight, and hot sexdolls. The world can fucking burn for all I care.
>gave up all your guns
Please do any research.
and if you dont its better to be alone then settle
how many guns do you have?
What about parents that take care of child with down syndrome? Who's gonna take care of them when they are old?
What about faggots? They don't gonna have children.
What if your child is psychopathic bastard that won't take care of you anyway?
NOBODY FUCKING CARES, old age sucks no matter if you have family or not. Only few lucky old timers have actual families that gives a damn about them, most of old people die in their lonely apartments or in hospitals/hospices
>If only some men participate, the female market becomes way better for the rest of the men.
Have at it. The fat, cheating, ultra-entitled cunt that I would have wound up with is all yours.
Tradcons are right-wing feminists and they all know it deep down.
W-what is xhe holding?!
yes goyim, this is perfect, wait, I mean, err, oyyy no! Yes, these MTGOW's are ruining everything... hehehe..... if only they weren't masturbating, eating junk food and idling their time away on video games!
Look, MGTOW doesn't want to change anything in society, it's you that want something from us. It's you that are manipulative whore. gtfo
How many semi-automatic guns do you have?
Zero, can get handguns if I go through the licensing.
Of course, its silly for anyone to want you to change, just be yourself, no one can make you do anything you don't want to do, I think its great that you aren't interested in girls, much too risky they could divorce you after all and it is basically impossible to fix those laws anyways, too much organizing and coordination is needed to make a change. You ever consider being a little on the wild side and being sexually adventurous? Ever feel like you're a little bi? Maybe try dating a guy? :)
So semi-auto handgun if you're licensed, not a chance semi-auto rifle?
Meh - probably good enough for Oz level terrorists.
MGTOW is useful to a point. Purple Pilling men is the most important thing for a man to learn. Absolutely essential. Things that some men go "but that's just being normal". Bettering yourself, understanding women and their tricks, having pride in yourself.
The red pill tier stuff is a whole other category. Actually hating women and refusing to date any of them is too far.
Dating a trap would be much more preferable to dating actual woman. They are more feminine than woman these days. I'd rather stick to my plan and become monk. Sex in itself is degenerate addiction.
You have to be licensed for any firearm, then a secondary license just for handguns.
Semi-auto rifles I think can be granted for special reasons like farmers.
Sure, the laws are shit and less free then yours. But we do still get guns.
Oh yeah. Definitively.
user, I don't want to alarm you, but traps aren't "more feminine" than women, they're men pretending to be women.
Maybe you don't have to be "MGTOW" and you could just be "gay".
There's nothing gay about fucking traps. The traps are the ones that are gay for taking it.
just sounds like an excuse for neckbeards to remain virgins
Interesting. Well, being forced to kiss the ass of the state aside, at least there's access.
Your children won't have to experience the terror your ancestors went through.
fetishizing men who pretend to be women, then lusting after them for the reason they're men pretending to be women is "nothing gay". They're the gay ones, not you, you just enjoy a "girly dick n-n-no homo dicks aren't gay, girls can have dicks too!".
MGTOW is a (((Jewish))) plot to get White men to stop reproducing.
If you fall for the MGTOW lie that (((they))) are selling you, instead of just meeting a nice girl at church or while volunteering in your community, you are a traitor to the White race.
Betas willing removing themselves from the gene pool.
Anti white woman is anti white. This is more jewish divide and conquer bullshit.
The dick just makes it better user.
That njoy pure wand is a top shelf dildo.
I think about this a lot.
I sometimes wonder why I bother arguing with them in their threads, especially considering their declaration of finding a group so they can go their "own way" is little more than an act of protest from those who never had a chance anyways.
I think its important to argue against this sort of thing so it'd never ideologically establish itself on Sup Forums as its just another form of diversionary and potentially life potential damaging identity politics.
MGTOW is a term invented by negative, annoying and also useless women, who were promised a nice prince that will take care of their bullshit and love them while providing nothing in return. But since the vast majority of successful and eager men aged between 20 - 35 aren't stupid enough to marry those self-entitled bitches (which there are now alot thanks to bad parenting and cultural marxism).
There is a bigger proportion of women who want to get married to a chad between 20 - 35 than there are chads that want to get married between 20 - 35. This is of course a big problem for the whores because they are crying alot and loud via social media, mass media and whatever they can let their negativity out.
Each problem has to be defined, and this is the invention of the whole MGTOW "phenomenon". Which is actually just pure causation.
And then there are the beta kv males who think they are part of that chad "MGTOW" group because they cant accept that they are so pathetic.
I actually originally typed on that prior post "I bet you're the type of guy who comments "dick makes it better tho" on things", but I thought, "nah thats probably a little much for one post, better take it out"
>Actually hating women and refusing to date any of them is too far.
But they aren't "refusing" to date, are they? The majority are beta losers who would never get anything more than a pity fuck from some 300 lb lardass gunt.
As for the rest, sure fucked-over divorced guys who have been alimony raped have a fair point and MGTOW might be a sensible option for them.
The fundamental point though is the MGTOW does not exist in isolation. It is a direct and obvious reaction to feminism and Divorce Inc.
Until that changes MGTOW will remain a factor.
To me it often appears they are like the male version of feminists. Similar amount of complaints and generalizations at least.
And often they slipped into that movement the way many feminists did. Because of struggling with the opposite gender, not being attrachtive enough to attract somebody or bad relationship experiences and such identity movements are the solution.
And for claiming to want to go their own way they seem to try to do a lot of convincing and preaching and creating boards.
Almost as if they don't want to go their own way on their own.
its a psyop
this is glorious
why is there so much flap potential at her tricep?
You abbo say that shit as if most people wasn't dumped in elderly homes by their kids all the time
Others simply forget about them, get fucked with your shitty arguments
>after multiple divorces/custody battles.
Because they don't want to admit the system is fucking broken and it makes zero sense to be part of it
>hurr durr nu sexy stuff
Bitch with the money I save from playing the cuck-marriage game I can party or just pay a hooker, we arent fucking monks who can't fuck a bitch or have kids
The game is rigged so why bother, you can't counter that because you know its true
I wish I could believe that. Unfortunate reality is that many girls I have met at church and volunteering have turned out to be total whores. Not that you would know it from looking at them, no sirree, they'd have their Bible out every Sunday, praying and swaying with the music. It's only if they trusted you that you find out they fucked their boyfriend while on the church camping trip, or that their dad molested them, or they were manipulative cunts. But they sure knew how to talk sweet, that's for sure. Lots of talk about 'grace' and 'everyone makes mistakes' and 'born again virgins'. *snort*
That's the thing about Christians I can't stand. They claim to be all about the truth, but they stuff their fingers in their ears and refuse to listen whenever you point out some bs.
I don't care about mgtow or women
I just want to play my vidya and be self sustainable
Fucken nope.
Riiiiiight, that's why all the MSM is shilling for MGTOW right? oh wait they don't you squizo cunt, they hate this shit because its like throwing a bunch of bricks to a glass building, the system is so shit that the very people who have to keep don't want to do it anymore, how does that fit into your conspiracy?
You are thinking about incels ahmed, don't worry tho I don't think goats can sue you for alimony in your cuck country...........yet
Most church bitches are born-again sluts trying to overcompensate for all the jizz they swallowed
Bunch of pornstars like crissy moran and erica campbell are now church girls, good luck with that
But being gay *is* sexy stuff user! Why bother with some spunked up old loose and sloppy hooker when you could get yourself a real man, maybe even date a another MGTOW member.
Shit'd be so cool, you'd both have all that hella cash from not playing the cuck-marriage game, you could buy a big boat, then suck each others dicks on it, it'd really stick it to those roasties and women liker cucks.
Bitch please, feminists complaint about imaginary shit like the wage gap and how everything is rape. On the other hand the government forcibly taking you money and your kids to give them to somebody else is not a "bad relationship experience", its fucking reality
Says the fag who thinks traps aren't gay
Wait, but MGTOW doesn't push being gay... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Gamer. Ha. HA.
ITT virgin hapas and rednecks tell men who had actual relationships how they should live and that they should sacrifice themselves because reasons
Aha, I didn't even notice that, I was just trawling Google for 'white women with baby'
Point still stands though. Men are fed up with the system, and we don't want to play the current game anymore. MGTOWs and MRAs are basically people saying
> Hey, normally I would be all for being in a relationship, but there's these laws and attitudes and expectations that are pretty shitty for me, and I have some ideas about how things could be diff-
> Wtf? I was just saying that I have some concerns about the society in which we live, and I think that if we were able to ta-
> Okay, fuck this, I'm not going to chain myself to some psycho bitch in this crazy, fucked up system. Being married would be great, but it isn't worth my self-respect and freedom
> Whatever man, maybe someone else will help you to see my point of view. In the meantime, stop stealing my money via taxation, and stop invading my vidya with your bullshit politics.
> Fuck. Off.
it is better that white men go extinct than live as slaves.
burn this motherfucker to the ground.
Traps *are* gay user, you must have only skimmed my post or didn't fully understand the words posted therein.
Sorry I don't speak faggasian, the dick in your mouth makes your speech all garbled and jizzy
The two horse dildos in your ass don't help either
It's a bit of a black pill, but I'm ok with this. White men created the world as we know it, and we are the ones who will be known as the most divine demographic. A thousand years from now, everyone will look at shit like the internet and global telecommunication and see it as magic because no one remaining on the planet could comprehend such devices, much less how to fathom something remotely close to their impact.
It's funny because it's not muscle, it's fat, she's weak.
well going back in time if a male did this he'd be renouncing his manhood. this is what men have done and it shall not change! go find a traditional maiden and preserve the male tradition!
If only you were a man going myyyyy waaaaayyy~~!!!!!
Think about it user, we could go our own way, together, fuck all those roasties, we'll really stick it to them when we cum inside each other!
Yeaaaaah!! *drinks some dew* Anarchy!!! *plays halo 5* Fuck the system!!! *orders dominoes* We doin' it our own way!! *gets cummed inside* we'll never be roastie slave cucks!
yes... ignore feminism, its all a Jewish conspiracy, no way its bitter fat cunts...the swastika will save you.... good luck.
It's easy to agree with you, but your fake flag is no better than his.
this is woke
Lol, Chinese version is debauchery
more Jew blaming. What is it with the fucking Jews anyway? even Alex Jones can do better than that. I get it, they have big ugly noses. who fucking cares, you dont have to fuck um.
It is a male plot to stop being slaves to cunts who cheat on you and rob you.
go back to the MGTOW redddit fag
> Real men(tm) do X
Stale meme broheim. IMO, indignant conservatives are some of the most pathetic creatures on the face of this earth. At least Sup Forums's right-wing views come from ironic nihilism, contrarianism, and aggressive truth telling, so it's funny and punchy. Tradcons keep trying to convince everyone that if we all just subscribe to their particular Bronze Age desert cult women will stop being retarded, and we know that isn't true.
*snif snif*
truth hurts eh? Go try and fly a swastika
in your home town. See what it gets you. dumbass.
Simple concept: Destroy feminism, ignore Jews; white people saved
Ignore Feminism , Gas Jews : white people die, the monuments come down, the flags get changed, and things get real black. When you are ready to fight the real enemy, let us know.
First off I'm not an incel. I'm an average guy. I can fuck women but not the top tier of women. So I'm left with the choice of 300 pound women or single mothers.
I took the third option. Call me an asshole or an incel but I'd rather play vidya and fap to porn than be a cuck. Feminism has told women to give men nothing. So now I expect nothing and I am never dissapointed.
Yes, the real enemy is women of course! Not those unfair divorce laws MGTOW always harp about
WTF is wrong with that idiots arms?
That's the weird thing about this place. Out of all of the shilling and bull shit, absolutely no one brings up how fucked the marriage courts are in the US. And no one addresses them in an argument, when they're inevitably brought up.
They are a powerful tribe with positions of power throught the west that identify as separate from whites, and they certainly prove this by being guilt-free, nationalist and ethnocentric. They very well could be using sterilization (faggotry, planned parenthood and MGTOW) via socioeconomic influence to destroy the west. If this is the case, we're fucked because almost every member Trumps family is married to one.
Thats because all modern yanks are gay. Like really fucking gay.
They are a powerful tribe with positions of power throught the west that identify as separate from whites, and they certainly prove this by being guilt-free, nationalist and ethnocentric. They very well could be using sterilization (faggotry, planned parenthood and MGTOW) via socioeconomic influence to destroy the west. If this is the case, we're fucked because almost every member Trumps family is married to one.
god you are stupid, the real enemy is feminism. when you empower women, they reject men. The end result for every country that does it has a negative birth rate. The only way to fight it is to stop deifying women. It has been said over and over again, as men we could fix this tomorrow were it not for manginas like you
here is a video about how Iran, a nation as Jew hating as it gets, they want to build nukes so they can nuke all the JEWS ASAP, and they empowered their women, so now they have a negative birth rate. youtube.com
How exactly does that relate to marriage laws being incredibly biased?