Reminder that Christians are race traitors by default as they worship a foreign Semitic God and follow a religion which...

Reminder that Christians are race traitors by default as they worship a foreign Semitic God and follow a religion which teaches that all races are the same and equal. The religion puts the idealogy over the race and culture.

On the day of the rope, Christians will be forced to choose between their race and people or their traitorous Jewish religion. Christcucks must choose wisely.

Other urls found in this thread:

You are still tasting varg virkenes cum while typing this completely shitty thread.

>marvel superheros

Not much better this one desu

Yep. Christianity is antithetical to almost everything Sup Forums espouses on here. A Christian's greatest loyalty is to the cult.

If a white Christian male had to choose between living in a world full of black Christians or white atheists... he would choose the black Christians.

A lot of the "Christians" on here are just faggots trolling though.

>pre dates marvel
>pre dates Christianity

Like clockwork. Christians are by their very nature race traitors and cowards and these posts prove it.

If Christianity is so cucked how come Vikings became Templar Knights and even King Olaf joined the crusade and removed a heap of kebabs.

Check yourself faggot, your pagan ancestors lost. Some were even converted to Islam kek before manly catholic knights came to their aid

>If a white Christian male had to choose between living in a world full of black Christians or white atheists... he would choose the black Christians.
>A lot of the "Christians" on here are just faggots trolling though.
This right here is the brutal truth. Christians have a greater allegiance to their desert religion than their own race and people.

my problem with neopaganism is that there's no unbroken line of practitioners so they make up bullshit to fill in the gaps which are huge. it'd be a different thing if the faroes or lithuania had never converted, but that's not the case. they're trying to recreate a religion with only bits and pieces of stories told about the gods and almost no knowledge of how the religion was actually structured or practiced

He's right you know. It's blood over any idol.

Maybe white Christians and Pagans can live together in Europe peacefully.

And we're saging this pile o shit bait

>Shitting on our pagan ancestors
Why do Christians hate their heritage?


Impossible. Christians cannot be white nationalists consistently eventually over time the Christians will be forced to return to their race traiting ways and we will be back to the same position we're in.

It's not bait. It's the truth. You're just another crypto-jew who can't handle the truth.

>Taking propaganda seriously

Read Hitler's Table Talks to see what Hitler really believed. Hitler was always a pagan.

Pagans are degenerate cunts larping as men who have honor and integrity

>return to their race traiting ways
Please explain, either way, i see you as another divider.
Table talks are bullshit.


False doctrine from the Jewish entertainment empire. This thread has more info

>Crusader cuck calling anyone a LARPer
The irony is delicious. Shouldn't you be kneeling to your Jewish savior?

Anglicanism isn't European nor British, and any Brit who's proud of Anglicanism is proud of a sand nigger cult. Roman Catholicism is actually from the middle east. Mormonism is actually desert cult. Paganism is Australian.

>(((Hitler's Table Talks)))
The same book were Hitler admits the holocaust, right?

You're a feisty one, huh?

this exact thread, picture and all, was posted yesterday night. At least be original fag.

Put sage in the options bar to stop these nigs

Name any pagan this based

>King Olaf
>Skyrim characters were religious crusaders for the Catholic church
man, you fucking shills are pathetic

First of all. I'm a catholic - aka true christian.

I don't hate my ancestors, I'm just not blind to history:

Catholicism is the backbone behind the medieval agricultural revolution and the subsequent industrial revolutions; we invented the scientific method; modern tutelage and education; capitalism; we united Europe under the banner of Christ and fought the Saracens...

I could go on and on....

I'm being as succinct and materialistic as possible to shorten my comment - I'm not even considering the benefits of a culture focused on the transcendent.

It was against old Nordic religion to desecrate you body, it's actually why it's against christian beliefs.
The hypocrisy of that mans tattoos is hilarious

>First of all. I'm a catholic - aka true christian.
Stopped reading right there. Stop spreading fake news with your pedo pope cuck

an honest mistake.

His name was Sigurd I Magnusson, Olaf was his brother along with Oystein.

All Catholick nigger lovers like you need to be shot ASAP

I hope for your sake, before you die, you repent of your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior!!


OP, any other ways your imbecility manifests itself?

> being a pagancuck

Wow, an actual NAZI

most people who truly buy into religion (im assuming) dont do it for retarded political/social reasons like yourself. admitting you dont believe in it and telling others to follow it at the same time is cuckery to the max. no i wont fuck your wife for you dude

Pedophilia started in the 1920 when freemasons flooded the church.

This is one of the reasons why any catholic who becomes a mason is excommunicated

Having said that, I'm a radical catholic, any pedo deserves the stake and a nice fire under his feet. A shitload of cardinals, bishops and priests believe this but the high curia of the church is being controlled by (((demonic influence))).

We all hate him.

This is why the NAZIs will fight on the side of Soros

>Invented the concept of usury into heaven through indulgences
>Corrupt as fuck, inbreed like Jews
>We the real Christians!
Okay buddy

The anti-Christian sentiment present in this thread demonstrates great ignorance and lack of understanding as to what being a Christian actually is. You do no service to yourself by being such a pathetic worm. To know Christ is to be free.

(Also sage.)

Thank you for this. I have always said this. Christians have laid down the sword and spread their ads cheeks for a .35 cents-a-day meme. Fucking idiots.

Catholics are a Satanic cult started by Talmudic Jews, who are the enemies of Christ.

>still believing this luteran meme

You paid the church as a means of absolvement - this was to signal your guilt and that you felt sorry for your sins. Bear in mind that according to catholic tradition if you get pardoned and saved in the day of the judgment you will not go straight to heaven if you bear any sins on your soul.

Let's say for example you are an alcoholic, you know you are wrong and truly sorry about what you did - you get saved but you must go to the purgatory first to rid yourself of the vice, if you went straight to heaven (a place with no vices) heaven would not be a paradise for you, but a torture.

Use google, it free ya fag

In other words.. nobody was selling acres in heaven


I an not sure that Soros is all bad now. I think he might have just floored the gas on this "Tolerant by degrees" society which was eventually going to end up with the destruction of the white race before we even realized we were being destroyed. I had no idea, until the fuse was lit. He may be blowing the plans of the Elder Zionists by awakening the rebel spirit of the white race. There is no other excuse for tearing down our history, other than to severely piss us the fuck off. But, that's what it takes to light a fire.

33k protestant cults since the 15th century.

1 catholic church since 1st century.

I rest my case

I'm confused.

If black people are the beneficiaries of the entire US government, and the white taxpayer is the tool to feed them,
how the fuck is the black american still the most impoverished of all the american races?

Racists are the most idiotic people alive. It's like basic logic fell out of their mother's meth infested cunts

>worship a kike or worship a comic book character sold to you by kikes
both choices seem pretty shitty to me

How are things over at th nsa?

OP is LARPing for the Jews.
It was they that subverted the seminaries for the last
century to make the white man destroy himself.

Real men resist the deception, fight for the hidden
intelligence of the ancients and lead the meek of heart.


Because they still remain largely unproductive and breed out of the wedlock like fucking rabbits.

Doesn't really explain how if all resources are being funneled in the direction of black americans, they're still the most impoverished while white americans are the wealthiest

keep in mind that white majority states are also the most inefficient and poorest (mississippi, alabama, georgia, south carolina)

stay strong with your lack of logic and failed superiority complex

>get free housing
>get free food
>get free cell phones and transportation
>lie around and blow any spare money you can get on drugs

>bitches about Christianty
>watches fellow Secular fags turn country rapidly into majority Muslim shithole
>watches girl friend get fucked by kebab
>threatened by government not to feel bad about it or get charged with hate crime
>girl friend no longer thrilled by his baby British dick
>raises baby kebab
>most popular baby name in country becomes variations of Muhammad
>ironically uses term like Christcuck

ah yes a secondary source that references other secondary sources, with one of those references promoting the incorrect hypothesis of an anatolian homeland of the proto indo europeans

I had no idea 15% of americans have free phones and housing.
Damn, are my parents going to be PISSED when they find out they've been paying a mortgage they didn't have to.

And, oh yeah, the dozen white women I've fucked thank you for your service.

The more you turn them away with your white bullshit, the faster your race dies.





Housing refers to shelter, as in Section 8 housing. The fact that you thought it meant houses exclusively indicates you're underaged and/or black.

Just a reminder that basically every religion taught the same thing until one day they didn't.

You are missing the fucking point here.

I couldn't give a flying fuck if whites have more money. The fucking state has no right to put a gun to my head, steal my money and give it to tyrone or a jose or buy weapons and give to the saudis.

What the thief does with your stolen money should be the least of your concerns

>Entire Western civilization
>Literally mud huts
Yeah thanks but no thanks, Varg.

Also, there's a reason the target of all cultural Marxists is the white Christian male and not Varg posters. Because even SJWs understand how weak and ineffective paganism is.


The whole thread vs 1 post

>If a white Christian male had to choose between living in a world full of black Christians or white atheists... he would choose the black Christians.
>Christians have a greater allegiance to their desert religion than their own race and people.
The ultimate redpill about Christianity.

And even between Christians themselves, if you don't follow a specific denomination you might as well be regarded as an atheist.

AnCap explains economics to a nigger... Fucking KEK OVERLOAD!!!

Your days are numbered Jamal
