What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Maybe that's just where the money is. Who knows.


It wasn't vanilla enough.

Nothing. Making these fucking threads about raita.

When the tits got bigger than their heads.

Also visible ribs is awful next to such health.

Raita has really lost me in the last few releases.

why do you fags keep making the same threads about raita every day?

I love his tits but they're just a tad bit too thin, I mean I don't like flat girls or lolis in a sexual way, i can see them as cute but with Raita its just absolutely hideous, especially his early art with the flat girls they looked ugly, he got way better.

jesus fucking christ raita
just stick to bara men and semen demon lolis

Fucked up anatomy is my fetish

Raita understand in his pursuit of the absolute girl that the sexiest body will not be anatomically correct.
We can only witness how his style evolves with small lolis and tall big tits types of bodies.

booty shorts

Erika a miracle

The last few releases have all but abandoned the skeleton look.

Loli can be safely abandoned too.

His art style reached its logical conclusion.

He's on the right track with 16.0 but I wish he experimented more with different outfits instead of constantly using that underboob summer sailor uniform.
The girls can magically change clothes anytime they want and he barely uses that as a main feature outside of 7.0
Also tons of fun costumes for the drama CD illustrations but we never see much of that in the actual volumes.

Those costumes look like shit.

I just want more costumes, not your opinion on them.

I don't think breasts are supposed to work this way

No way, they're still there. Not even delicious brown could escape it despite being wrapped in a towel most of the time. In some frames the lines are much fainter but they're still plenty pronounced in 15 and 14


If you think anything Raita has been doing recently is "skeleton" then you must be new.


>people found THIS attractive

I'm fucking tired of faggots like you, everyday posting some shit against raita.
There's hundreds of other hentai artist just pick another one you fags.

am i the only one that find it increasingly harder to masterbate to this when the MC is such a beta ass faggot?
Im a turbo vanilla fag so i know it's bad when i think this.

His older style is way more elf-like, but I can enjoy that too.

remove misa

People will defend this

>Also visible ribs is awful next to such health.
i think ribs just stands out more in anime/manga since artists usually don't draw them
you can be overweight and still have visible ribs

If I bend her over, will she break?

It would be extremely painful.

She's a big girl.

For you.

What went oh so right?

the voice

Gotta say that warrior Misa's tits are perfect. Not explosively huge like her breasts are now a days, but still admirably big. A good size. Shame Misa's so fucking garbage now a days.

Has the Brazilian chick shown up again? Was waiting on a translation to see 16.

it had grit and felt more real.

That's Sakaki m8.

I love Yuuki Aoi doing smug or crazy though. I just wish she was an adult oni by design.

His Yui has been on point though. She's a goddess.

This is a very repugnant art style

Misa-nee was the worst thing to have happened to this series.


Your taste.

Misa is basically Raita's Sakaki. He likes her so much he just decided to put her into his mahou shoujo story. Why do you think Misa shows up in almost every other MS story? He just likes Sakaki that much.

Yui is always on point.

This is fucking disgusting.

When you look at his male figures like this one then compared them to his female designs you can see he really favours making women look soft, curvy, and more stylized. Compared to males that usually have more rigid, muscular designs. Compare the two here even for example even. The girl looks soft, cute, and sexy. The male looks like he's seen some shit, he's been through some rough ass times and doesn't want to deal with anyone's garbage. Guy could probably murder you with that sword of his.

Her earliest designs are really uninspiring. He really only started to make her face look more asian about 3 or 4 doujins into the series after she showed up.

I agree that she looks better than ever now, but I still really liked her in 4.0

She just needed a better hairline, and better bangs and she'd look fine there. She really had forehead issues in her earlier renditions.

The end of Ch. 6 with her is the best thing that happened in this series.