Capitalism is just part of human nature

>capitalism is just part of human nature

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Look, I can post a picture too!

How'd you distribute resources without pricing

You mean that period of time right before vast health and quality of life improvements happened?

>tribal governance works at the largest scales


>no one traded goods for gold before Jesus

No, it's a policy meant to grow market economies.

computers are not part of human nature

give up internet, live in a hut and you wont need capitalism, problem solved!!!


Evolution itself is inherently capitalistic

Based on people's needs

Yeah and look how far we’ve advanced since it was introduced

Capitalism has been around since the beginning of human civilization you fucking autist. Marxism is the new alien thing. Now kill yourself onegai.

This is such a textbook strawman that it's a fucking wonder you have any replies at all.

Yeah brah, humans never exchanged goods prior to the 18th century.

True story.

what are defined as needs and who pays for them

who's to say who needs what?

awwwww yeeeeaaaaah

Communism was invented even later than Capitalism

And not only that, but the practice of capitalism existed all throughout that time, it just didn't have the name of "capitalism"

The first time a stone tool was traded for a fur was the day "capitalism" was born. "Capitalism" is a (((Marxist))) term anyways.

Feel free to lead by example and live like people did 10,000 years ago. I'll be in my home with central air, refrigerated food and wifi


What metric are you using to determine need level?

Don't Lefties hate the past cause "muh slavery" and "muh oppression" or some shit?


>le pick ((((capitalism)))) or (((((communism))))) meme

Take your false dichotomy and shove it, redditard.

Stupidest shit I ever seen.

>The first government established on those principals was that of Russia under Vladimir Lenin in October of 1917
>The history of capitalism can be traced back to early forms of merchant capitalism practiced in Western Europe during the Middle Ages
really makes you think


so much this

Worlds oldest profession ....not capitalism, WTF?

>Rise of capitalism
>The starting point of rapid technological advancement and legal enlightenment
>Implying the past didn't fucking trade shit for money or goods
Your welcomed, you fucking rat face commie

I'd seize her means of reproduction if you know what I mean

Let's talk about primary needs then.
How'd you know how much milk would go towards milk itself, yogurt, cheese, butter, ice cream, etc since people have different tastes? Plus, you would overflow people with milk by doing so less cows are slaughtered and meat becomes scarce. How'd you solve this in time?
Keep in mind we are talking about one simple raw good year. Not to mention other chain effects more complex like shortage of land for housing or farming since hordes are bigger.

Do you see how pathetic you are?

>people weren't trading among each other resources before the 1600s

and more growth, prosperity for all people occurred in 400 years than all the years previous
really makes you think...

>ancient people didn't own things
Leftism is a mental illness.

The same thing could said about socialism or any -ism, you retard.

Barter of good and labor always existed.

>suitable for humans

Toppest kek.

>what are defined as needs
Simple. Everything that communism fails to produce is not the needs.

This thread doesn't even deserve a proper reply.

They are self-evident - housing, healthcare, education, infrastructure, daycares, recreation and vacation homes for workers, etc.

The socialist state builds these things. Nobody "pays" for them.



But communism has been around for even less time you fucking retard

Just sage report and move on

If it is self-evident, then why hasn't it happened under Capitalism?

The end results of your logic means that either it is not as self-evident as you claim, or Capitalism is not as ruthlessly profit-motivated as you claim.

saged and reported

>How'd you know how much milk would go towards milk itself, yogurt, cheese, butter, ice cream, etc since people have different tastes? Plus, you would overflow people with milk by doing so less cows are slaughtered and meat becomes scarce. How'd you solve this in time?
Keep in mind we are talking about one simple raw good year. Not to mention other chain effects more complex like shortage of land for housing or farming since hordes are bigger.

You'd have to sit down and calculate this data, just as a corporation would.

>daycares, recreation and vacation homes for workers, etc.
Oh good i thought you were serious in your post. Glad I'm wrong.

>start of capitalism
yeah the greeks were basically leninist and romans were the first members of occupy wall street

You can't distribute scarce resources properly without a price system. Either you'll produce too much or you wont produce enough.

>and more growth, prosperity for all people occurred in 400 years than all the years previous



That took me one search you dumb mother fucker.

I can sit down and calculate this data very easily, as I am trained in accounting

However, I want some extra butter for the work that I've done that nobody else could do

>If it is self-evident, then why hasn't it happened under Capitalism?

Because resources aren't allocated to fulfill people's needs under capitalism. Instead, they're allocated to increase the profits of a handful of capitalists.

>almost everyone has a car, house, food, etc

Are those electricity cables?
If they have power in their homes, then they have it better than people did four centuries ago

>shits on capitalism
>uses a third world shithole populated by borderline retarded third world people who will never enlighten no matter how much money is poured on them

Can you stop larping already?


A more accurate picture would be the biker going super fast up a really steep hill, while a kike crapitalist has a mental breakdown in the background

A socialist state isn't human nature.

show an earlier picture to prove him wrong

kikes made communism
saged and reported

>you wont produce enough.

>smoking "Craven" cigarettes

And what did that get them? A broken ass economy that led to total collapse. Sage.

>almost everyone has a car, house, food, etc
This is what crapitalists actually believe

>what is the great depression
sorry we can't just force our citizens to work 60 hours a week for some bread, lest they get sent to the gulag

>b-b-b-but that's not real capitalism!

> people bartered for services in exhange for goods and vice versa

It has always been that way throughout history and always will be. It's the only system that works. You're not entitled to other people's labor, faggot.


wtf I love communism now
also stop being a pussy and reveal your flag

>implying anybody would be stupid enough to try pure laissez fare capitalism

Another idiotic bait post, i wonder what the shills are trying now

Weird how there wasn't a great depression in the socialist Soviet Union. It's almost like socialist economies are immune to the inevitable boom-and-bust cycle and its resulting economic crises. Really makes u think...

you're telling me threatening workers with death or gulag temporarily boosts production

i cannot believe it

>he thinks Vietnam is a socialist country

lets get back to the state of nature soon pinko!

Yes when no one has anything and are in poverty all the time, the people cannot get poorer! Genius

What did living standards in today's rich countries look like as they were industrializing?

Look at how incredibly the standard of living in China has increased within just 40 years. Capitalism is literally the logicial extension of the natural order of.

Humans have and will always trade.

The Pareto distribution is part of nature. Capitalism is just that in an economy. Egalitarianism is how women run households. It doesn't work in the real world, it leads to stagnation. It's good for keeping men from killing you or kids from fighting, though.

Socialists don't seem to understand genetics create social classes. A factory exists because someone competent made it. They hire less competent people so everyone can make even more money. The workers are expendable and without the factory would be drunk in an alley somewhere.

I also find that women, who are largely responsible for neo-Marxism, are under the illusion that eating three meals a day and sitting on your phone is poverty. Humans don't have a home, a car, health insurance, food, or money in their ass, those are things you have to earn. Somebody pays for those things - it should be you. If it's not, you're welcome to live in the woods.

>Capitalism replaces all higher concepts with profit
>If something is profitable, then they will find a way to make people see it as moral and good
>If a behavior is profitable, then they will turn it into a virtue
>The most profitable God is the one that deserves our devotion
>All potentially legitimate political movements are subverted for profit and turned into a product to be purchased and consumed
>"Why are Jews running our country? Why is everything so morally bankrupt and spiritually shallow and absurd? I know! It is because we aren't defending capitalism enough!"

I'm not a commie or anything I'm just saying. Materialist worldviews all together (including communism) are nigger-tier and only enable Jewish profiteers


So you're saying we should return to absolute monarchy? I agree

>posts shitslum using stolen electricity
>fails to see the scores of high rise apartments behind them
my point still stands, people are far better off now than ever before


> “Producing laws is not an easier job than producing cars and fooooooooood, so if the government is incompetent to produce cars or food, why do you expect it to do a good job producing the legal system within which you are then going to produce the cars and the food?

You guys are becoming really tedious, are you just newfag kids trying to learn some shit or are you lefties from reddit?

Post the graph's next thirty years, user

not an argument
visible sage

> implying just another collectivist ideology #347 is a "third" option
> implying the struggle between authoritarian right/left can't only be broken with freedom

My fucking sides

there is no boom in an eternal bust economy.



I swear every communist is a retard that went through a long training to look and sound normal enough to learn how to use a computer, make their way into /pol and post shit like this.

Fuck, aspies even manage to have people reply to them in a serious tone

conveniently leaving out the total collapse

That wasn't real communism though.

>no western europe
>no japan
>no US

Must be a graph of developing nations

>murder everybody
>gdp per captia goes up