Are we ever going to go back to traditional values in the US? I feel we are headed in that direction and it is inevitable. This liberal insanity can't last.
Are we ever going to go back to traditional values in the US...
Plus i dont think anything will last for long anyways
That valknut tattoo is cultural appropriation.
she looks malnourished
At the rate the left is pushing the values, they're preparing themselves for a terrible right-wing pushback. Im talking Nazi-tier; the oppression and subjugation of the white just cannot sustain itself unless (((they))) unleash full 1984-tier totalitarianism now.
I think this place, as well as the rise of the internet as a collective whole, might have saved Western civilization. Hopefully this time we make sure we never revert to such degeneracy and hedonism.
Why do you need something else to force you to o something?
Hahahaha youre a dirty sexless virgin faggot
good luck trying to recover Tradition while surrounded by parking lots and Kmarts'
the very foundations of your country would've to be disposed in order to reach a state of premodernity, starting with democracy
very irrelevant my non white 3rd world friend
Be the change you want to see in the world. Remember, the push and the advocacy for traditional values starts with YOU.
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Piss off dipshit
I think the whole West will.
Love that picture too. The kind of mother I want to be.
No. No one on the left ever will and most people on the right are just as guilty of impulsivity and decadence.
>source - 9gag
I don't think we will ever go back 1950s traditional values since women now work and have significant amount of monetary power. There's too many powerful people and corporations who would go bankrupt if women stopped spending frivolously because their husbands controlled the finance. But I do think we will go back to a late 80s pseudo traditionalism, where women were expected to marry in their mid 20s and where alternative sexual lifestyles were looked down on, chastity valued, but also where women were still allowed to have a little fun until they're 25. The reason for this is that too many single women over 30 are going mental after being sold the lie that they could have their cakes and eat it too. So now you have a decreasing white population, single motherhood rising sharply, an abundance of post wall single women and single men, which a recipe for disaster. .