Libtards claim another one.
Libtards claim another one
Thank god the US is saved. God Bless Donald Trump
you'll be right bro
What happened now?
lmao. im assuming youre meming
A literal SJW is now our prime minister, they claim they are "center left", reality is their psuedo-socialists.
I'm happy
I'm just so disappointed. I thought our country was on the track to stability, but no. We're back to penduluming between left and right governments.
So annoyed.
Also doesn't help that I can't verbalise my thoughts about it very well when I talk to people about it.
Nationals got the plurality of the vote. The way your system works is pretty shitty desu. Whatever party gets the most votes should be the one who becomes PM. No coalition bs
Reminder that head of government is best elected directly.
Flip system is best system
Fuck off chang.
National are losers and got what they deserved.
Our current coalition represents the interests of over +50% of the vote, as it should be.
Those interests are also reflected more accurately than they would be in a two party system, because people can vote for smaller parties that better represent their view
are you kidding?
you want another 8 years of open chink floodgates?
The fuck point are you trying to make, other than our system is broken?
>53% coalition
Just winding you up ya slant eyed chink. Now kindly gtfo of New Zealand. You don't have to go back to China but you cannot stay here.
Do you understand the consequences of FPP?
MPP isn't perfect, but it's definitely better than what we had.
>muh based national, you don't want a Socialist in power do you
Gooks BTFO their tears are flowing so much on Sup Forums in the last 24 hours.
Holy shit another escape country has fallen to leftist retards the end of the West is here.
Only trump can stop it in the USA.
Just remember the phrase
>Feminine Penis
and you will be fine.