This is New Zealand's prime minister, say something nice about her Sup Forums.
This is New Zealand's prime minister, say something nice about her Sup Forums
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would suck miles of Maori and wog cock for her amusement/10
Something jewey
She has white teeth
White teeth=White Supremacy
So therefore shes a Nazi
Would do rough anal with/10
Sexy eyes, nice teeth.
Also some of her policies seem pretty decent,
I'd fug that labour slut
the entire anglosphere is failing. it falls to us.
I think I banged her 2 years ago.
No joking really if its not her looks like her I do not remember where that bitch was from though might be her. only could be
>it falls to us.
if the west falls it will be Americas fault
True. New Zealand is so irrelevant to where it wouldn't matter what they do
She could repay new Zealand's deficit by selling the enamel on her teeth
Literally a 10/10 in New Zealand. Dear leader Jacinta is nearly perfect and will make New Zealand sweet as again.
Would bukkake. I mean that in a respectful God-fearing way. Any lewds?
Ya think anybody's cummed on her face?
I'd pay to see that
>The name of the leader of your country is "Jacinda"
and this is Germany's chancellor.
This is interesting.
>In August 2017 Ardern advocated a lower rate of immigration to New Zealand, suggesting a drop of around 20,000–30,000. Calling it an "infrastructure issue", she has argued "there hasn't been enough planning about population growth, we haven't necessarily targeted our skill shortages properly...".[70] However, she wants to increase the intake of refugees.[71]
And this is America's president
hila klein is now a prime minister?
What big teeth she has.
She will make New Zealand great again
is she inbred or something? why are her gums showing when she "smiles"? looks like some kind of horse
Long deformed mid face /10
you should see our last female PM
Her family were Dutch you insensitive neanderthal.
Ouch. I think I'd rather just be inbred
>She is the Leader of the Labour Party,
>Ideologically, Ardern describes herself as both a social democrat and a progressive. A supporter of the labour movement, she opposes tax cuts for high-income earners as supported by the National Party, and supports a welfare state that provides a safety net for "those unable to support themselves". On cultural issues, Ardern is a supporter of same-sex marriage, having voted in favour of the marriage equality bill in 2013, and supports the liberalisation of abortion laws.
>Ardern began her career working as a researcher in the office of Prime Minister Helen Clark. She later worked in the United Kingdom as a policy advisor to Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Tony Blair
>in 2008, she was elected President of the International Union of Socialist Youth.
>In early 2008 she won election as the President of the International Union of Socialist Youth, a role which saw her spend time in countries such as Jordan, Israel, Algeria and China.
>Ardern has described herself as a social democrat, a progressive, a republican, and a feminist.
>She has cited Helen Clark as a political hero.
>In her parliamentary maiden speech in 2008 Ardern affirmed her support for the welfare state as "a necessary safety net, and a support for those who are unable to support themselves", and has spoken in support of trade unions.
>Ardern voted in favour of the 2013 Marriage Equality Bill, a bill which allowed same-sex couples to legally marry in New Zealand and in 2004, she paid $20 to have her name included in a "full page ad in a major New Zealand newspaper supporting the Civil Union Bill."
>Ardern supports the liberalisation of abortion laws and advocates removing abortion from the Crimes Act of 1961.
>However, she wants to increase the intake of refugees.
>In September 2017, Ardern said she wanted New Zealand to have a debate on removing the monarch of New Zealand as its head of state.
>She is not religious and in January 2017 said she was agnostic.
id fuck her in the ass. just the ass.
i wonder how would she look under nazi uniform
well at least shes not a jew
still a fucking commie though
I say über-MILF. What world leader can compete? I wanna taste that snatch desu senpai.
your mother was is whore and you regularly consort with jews
At least New Zealand didn't elect a fema-
Oh yeah? Just you wait until she gets the Maori in charge of government. Just you wait...
She’s pretty. I bet she’s never fucked a goat-fucker.
Innsmouth looking bitch
>Just you wait until she gets the Maori in charge of government. Just you wait...
Are you implying that's a bad thing?
She has very large teeth. That's a nice thing to say, right?
She's childless. Not a milf.
Reminds me of the sexy Communications professor from NZ I had in college. I think she have me an A because she thought I was psychotic due to saying my favorite movie was Blue Velvet.
Would still bang. Not sure if I agree with childless leaders of state though.
>not picking Mulholland Drive
stop posting pic of her. NZ election does not affect to everyone outside.
Labour pushed the maori party out of government.
>Probably Jewish
>Probably never had kids
>Ovaries probably raisins by now
>Probably feminist
>Probably going to collapse country within the next 3 years
You get what you pay for.
Jesus fucking teeth! Better not have her go to China, they might try to poach her for ivory.
Formerly Mormon, now agnostic/irrelgious
Has no kids
Is feminist
holy shit, it's true
Any feet pics?
New Zealand is 100% NWO. She's a puppet.
Prime Minister John Key has refused to say whether he would rule out an independent inquiry into the historical abuse of children in state care.
2016 December 5th
Resigns 2016 December 5th
New Zealand Prime Minister John Key resigns in shock announcement
Jacinda, the Labour party and their allies New Zealand FIrst and the Greens have all pledged to hold the independent inquiry into abuse in state care. John ((("cryptokike"))) Key was NWO but NZ is uncucking ourselves from Chink ownership, which is more important than getting riled up about social nonsense.
Delicious... I bet they taste like parmigiano reggiano
Has anyone figured out what the fuck is going on? I'm reading Stuff and the Herald and I just can't make sense of anything. I'm waiting for six o clock to see if they can shed some light but right now I am confused as fuck.
Jesus then it's too late. There's no turning this shitfest around.
>Not sure if I agree with childless leaders of state though.
or women
What are you confused about? I doubt the news will help
Also true senpai.
Well firstly my sexuality. Secondly, fucking everything. And thirdly, what is the nature of the coalition and what are the policies, when and where can I find these policies?
Wait Helen is on National Radio. She will guide me.
basically a senile half maori mongrel whose party only received 7.2% of the vote (corresponding to less than 200,000 people or roughly 4% of the population) unilaterally decided to throw his support behind a 37 year old communist horse supported by only 36% of voters
If you own anything (anything at all) you should be able to see how this would be a bad thing.
NZ would turn into South Africa 2.0
Oh shit, for a second there i though you were talking about American politics.
Really makes me think.
>what are the policies?
>swap chinks/poos for rapefugees and truck of peace
>cripple the economy and utterly destroy our working class in order to "save the planet" despite the fact that NZ contributed only 0.17% of global emissions
>make abortion totally legal
>make Maori language compulsory in all schools despite being spoken by only 3% of the total population and only 20% of Maori
>forgive all student loan debt and make tertiary education """free""" to maximise rate of indoctrination
You sound bitter. Do you own an investment property?
>forgive all student loan debt and make tertiary education """free""" to maximise rate of indoctrination
sounds good
fuck thee rest tho
You really think anything is free? Someone pays for it.
>he thinks "free" education is actually free
>he thinks thousands of SJWs wasting his hard earned tax dollars to "learn" feminist dance therapy at their local marxist re-education camp is a good thing
>he thinks flooding the market with university degrees effectively rendering them meaningless is a good thing
wew lad kys
Perfect because she's probably insecure about her huge gums
someone post that winston meme of him shopped over a map of nz
1. Your a faggot
2. Take a few deep breaths
3. Its a Labour and New Zealand First coalition, meaning they will pursue the polices that those two parties campaigned on. Confirmation on policies will come out in the next few days because they are yet to formally be announced. They will likely include things like reentering pike river, cutting immigration and banning foreign buyers of housing. The coalition also has support from the Greens in terms of supply and confidence. That will mean they will get a policy or two (including a referendum on weed decriminalization) and a few ministers outside Cabinet.
>salty Nat cucks and chinks BTFO
Will NZ become an African colony in 4 years?
Thank fucking god I'm not the only one. Her teeth are like 3 times wider than her eyes
>actually have Green eyes
NZ is pretty based
oh its also important to note that the majority of the Labour-Greens-NZF coalition are list MPs meaning they weren't democratically elected they were appointed without any public oversight whatsoever
I'm sick of fucking indians.
Overly intensive agriculture is actually bad for the land.
What the fuck is wrong with abortion, you right wing christian nut bag,
Maori is a living language, language is cool, just watch Firefly.
I'm going back to uni.
thinking a woman who was president of the worlds largest socialist youth organisation and literally flew around the world trying to promote and expand the communist agenda will be a good leader
You actually elected a woman.
You people...
Just because every Nation doesnt give a fuck about your island doesnt mean the jews dont .
Here you go.
What days do you let the Rohirrim ride you?
>thinks our agriculture is "overly intensive"
>revolves largely around livestock, not crops = very little damage to land
>loves abortion and the promotion of hedonistic eroticism and degeneracy in general
>thinks under developed savage subhuman "culture" is cool and should not only be celebrated but forced upon us by law
>The new Labour-led Government could slash immigration numbers "overnight" once it takes power, says former Immigration Minister Tuariki Delamere.
>With net migration at 71,000 in the year to September, Prime Minister-in-waiting Jacinda Ardern last tonight said she expected those numbers to be cut by 20,000 to 30,000 per annum.
>Its coalition partner New Zealand First, which has also lobbied strongly to reduce immigration numbers, has set the lower target of 10,000 people a year, according to its website.
>Former Immigration Minister Tuariki Delamere, who now runs an immigration consultancy, told the Herald that these drastic changes could be made by the new Government without having to change the law.
I'm on to you.
>weren't democratically elected
Are you fucking high or just plain stupid. You have a thing called the party vote and it...... Fuck it, I'm not explaining it to you. You should of gone to school. Nine year olds have a better understanding of our electoral system then you have.
I'd let her suck my dong.
Get out of the basement and go see a farm. Also talk to a woman.
I understand perfectly how our system works and the fact of the matter is that SOME of the MPs in parliament will inevitably be list MPs -- but when the majority are list MPs, that presents a bit of a problem.
i want to be jacinda's little baby tampon boy. i want to turn into a little crying baby and then suck on her breasts. her magic breast milk would turn me into a little baby tampon boy. she would stick her hoo-hoo and i would wait with anticipation spouting little baby goo-goo ga-gas waiting for her to bleed all over me. i want to feel her jacinda blood inside my little goo-goo ga-ga baby tampon body. i want to absorb her hoo-hoo juies inside my little baby tampon boy body and goo-goo ga-ga like a little rolly-polly baby boy. it would be orgasmic to know i am one with her hoo-hoo jacinda blood and i would giggle and goo-goo ga-ga and yelp with little baby boy excitement as i roll around in her jacinda hoo-hoo and revel in her red juices, slurping them into my soft little baby tampon boy goo-goo ga-ga body. then i want her to pull me out and squeeze and wring my little baby tampon boy body so that her jacinda hoo-hoo blood and juices spill all over her jacinda horse face. it would hurt and i would scream in pained goo-goo ga-gas as pain envelops my little baby tampon boy body until i reach full climax and turn back into grown human man.
>Also talk to a woman.
Hey now, lets not make any rash decisions. You know those things carry cooties right?
>dat flag
>dat post
>dat ID