Why are Light Novels so popular in Japan and imageboards?

Why are Light Novels so popular in Japan and imageboards?

Translated ones in particular are often poorly done or painful to read.
They give less satisfaction than reading an actual book because they're just trimmed down, but at the same time you could easily fit it all into manga and make it easier to digest.

I can't stand LNs regardless of the series.

>Translated ones in particular are often poorly done or painful to read.

The fan translations are, at least. Most of YP's translations are passable at least, the majority of them are about the same quality as the original prose.

>Why are Light Novels so popular in Japan and imageboards?
Because they're numerous and cheap to produce. It takes no effort to churn them (which results in their large numbers) and there's usually a handful of LNs that will be to any particular person's taste. When it comes to anime adaptations, they lend themselves even better than manga, because LNs are often comparable to anime screenplays with some added narration.

Manga is still Japan's biggest money maker. I'm sure One Piece alone makes more money than the top 10 best selling LNs put together.

Light novel discussion belongs on /jp/. Please do not shit up Sup Forums with light novel discussion.

Thank you.

The same reason why mobile games are more popular than console ones: easy to make and cheap to buy. This brings even more variety and curiosity to the market.

>Translated ones in particular are often poorly done or painful to read.
That's half your problem right there. A lot of LNs are shit, yes, but they're not all bad.

I will never stop recommending Jintai to people who can read it, for example.

Okay? They're not going to go away and people won't suddenly stop liking them just because they upset you.

I was going to watch the anime for that, is it worthwhile?

The Monogatari series translations are quite good so far and definitely wouldn't work in manga form.

Why are young adult novels so popular in the west?

Most people don't like reading actual books, that's why.
