What's the secret to Jewish success? How are they able to always win and control everything?

What's the secret to Jewish success? How are they able to always win and control everything?

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use pedophilia to blackmail politicians. so based!


Le Jewish mustard race fucking LOL
Jews can't even control their own country.
Jews can't even contain their own people, country from being POZZED.

Reuven Rivlin Has Proven That He Is President of the Real Israel
"Israel, Rivlin said, is fast becoming a tribal state composed of four groups — secular Jews, religious Zionist Jews (also called national religious), ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) Jews and Arabs, all of them fearful, hostile to one another and even to members of their own group. “Today, the first grade classes are composed of about 38 percent secular Jews, about 15 percent national religious, about one quarter Arabs, and close to a quarter Haredim,” Rivlin noted..... All these different groups, said Rivlin, are here to stay."

"He called on Israelis “to abandon the accepted view of a majority and minorities, and move to a new concept of partnership between the various population sectors” resting on what he called “four pillars”:

1. A sense of security for each sector, so that it is confident that joining the partnership “does not require giving up basic elements of their identity”

2. Shared responsibility for Israeli society and the state

3. Equity and equality

4. The creation of a shared Israeli character."

Eternal Jew is quite a nigger(not only genetically), when you are smart enough to critically think. Muh reparations vs muh shoah rhetoric and constant whining combined with ethnic nepotism

>1/4 of economy is Swiss controlled diamond trade
Pick one


20 IQ point higher than any other race

Why don't whites do that?

Hint, if you say "the Jews brainwashed us" you're basically say you're a bunch of idiots.

If you say "The jew won't let us" it means they fucking own you and all your children.

>whites are more succesful than blacks
>ha! that proves how superior we are!
>jews are more sucseful than whites

LMAO, whites are basically the niggers of Jews


If all the race and IQ stuff is accurate then the world will always be Jews > Asians > Whites > Hispanics > Blacks

They won because anglos are the most cucked of them all

nepotism. Pols need to help each other or something first.

They focus on big picrure strategies that take years to develope while you clowns focus on the small low hanging fruit.

dis! da racyist jew keepin da white man down! we dindu nuffin!

Superior genes and culture.

The cultural thing is kind of funny. As a Jew myself I think the Romans, Greeks, and Babylonians had better culture than us. However the Babylonians died out, while we lived on. The classical world gave up their superior culture for Christianity while we didn't. That's really what our superior culture comes down to, we were the only one's not stupid enough to follow a religion that is literally designed to turn it's followers into sheep. After a few hundred years of the religion the Goys had basically turned themself into the perfect slaves and we simply took advantage of their mistake.

It's sort of like being the only person in a room NOT cutting legs off. You're going to be taller than everyone else even if you were a midgit before. The Jews were migets compared to the classical period but all our enemies either died or cut their legs off.

I wouldn't even mind that if whites weren't having their fucking countries invaded by the other groups.

historically speaking, by taking advantage of usury when christians weren't allowed

today, nepotism, high in-group preference and intelligence

they work at the patent office and steal patents, they do the same in music in movies even in college, you can't trust them they belong in the oven

Thousands of years of selective inbreeding for high IQs (albeit at the cost of physical health and durability) as well as thousands of years of living as a nationless tribe. The latter is where they got their sneaky Jew tactics from.

how did they do the selective high IQ inbreeding?

Because of the Eternal Anglo. The eternal anglo is the eternal jew. Without the eternal anglo, Israel would have never existed and without the USA's protection could not exist right now.

Plus, all the money they have comes from white americans who put their savings in their banks, watch jewlywood movies...

It's only the Ashkenazi Jews who have above-average IQ. This is perhaps mostly due to their many centuries of admixing with ethnic German/Eastern European genetics. Sephardi and Mizrahi tend to have lower intelligence than the "white" Jews.

Israel has a national IQ of 95, and that's not solely due to dumb goatfuckers.


Nobody want to admit they are jews.

Dumb goatfuckers is still the majority population of Israel.


By not being the majority and then being able to act fiercely tribalistic as a result.

People who shrug and say "they're smart" Are just lying. Knowingly lying most of the time.

From what I understand old Jewish communities had matchmakers who were higher-ups in the communities that would basically put together arranged marriages. It was essentially small-scale eugenics, but like I said, it didn't work out so well in terms of their physical health.

>This is perhaps mostly due to their many centuries of admixing with ethnic German/Eastern European genetics.
nice Sup Forums meme. Ashkenazis always cluster to eastern mediterannean populations in genetic tests and never close to Germans or eastern europe


It's selective marriages based on ability. That kind of system will work wonders.
It's also some high ethnic loyalty, too. Doesn't mean all Jews love each other universally, but there is a Jewish identity that is beyond criticism in today's society for a reason.

But they are smart. That's how they work their way up to those high positions of power, even if it is through sneaky and dishonest means. You never see any other minority group being able to do that.

biggest thing wrong with that picture
>thinks they can defeat God's chosen people
wrong, the synagogue of Satan

To answer your question, centuries of usury which was outlawed for Christians to do gave them a very giant head start. They used this wealth to organize into a multi-national system of banks which then were allowed to take over the flow of money which the governments normally would do.
Now? The satanists in the federal reserve set interest rates and print money to devalue the dollars in our wallets and bank accounts.
They are insanely insular, only hiring and promoting Jews from within once one has gotten to the top of an organization, since they can claim to be a repressed minority no one bats an eye at this but they'll chimp out when a white person does this.

Making people kill each to other

They're more studious . I dislike what some of them do when they obtain power , but they did earn that power and thusly the right to use it as they see fit . OR the race realism version - They have higher IQ than us .

fuck off you dumb kike.

Abject cronyism.
Screaming 'anti-semitism' and 'muh holocaust' if anyone questions.

It's really not that complicated. It's basic game theory. Basic host vulnerability to a virus without a defense.

Even the Scientologists infiltrated the IRS.


spotted the poor redneck. When will you realize that compared to jews you are no different from a nigger

My lord this user gets it.

>To answer your question, centuries of usury which was outlawed for Christians to do gave them a very giant head start. They used this wealth to organize into a multi-national system of banks which then were allowed to take over the flow of money which the governments normally would do.
>Now? The satanists in the federal reserve set interest rates and print money to devalue the dollars in our wallets and bank accounts.
>They are insanely insular, only hiring and promoting Jews from within once one has gotten to the top of an organization, since they can claim to be a repressed minority no one bats an eye at this but they'll chimp out when a white person does this.
Not only does he get it, it needs to be read over and over again.

One single Jew will rise through the ladders of society by the grace of white people.
Once he does he will promote jews to all other positions of power around him.
Thus taking control of that sector.
The Jew then insists on affirmative action for everyone else, and everyone else, assuming everyone is playing along with those rules, goes along with it.
But it's a lie. The Jew does not play by this rule.
And because they do not they rule almost every sector of society.
And we have just begun to notice.
The white man is FAR...FAR to empathetic and trusting for their own good. I pray we snap out of it.


They do, but the Jewish community is extremely small and close-knit compared to white America. A Jew will always have the backs of fellow Jews. Joshua's father Chaim grew up with Aaron, the editor of a major media publication. Joshua will get a job there. It's just how Jewish families and the Jewish communities operate.

Even the high IQ of Jews cannot explain their dominance in media, law, finance, etc. -- the bell curve and population numbers alone dictate that there are more qualified whites.

>The white man is FAR...FAR to empathetic and trusting for their own good. I pray we snap out of it.
Eventually, we will have little choice my friend.
When the jew usery hits the wall, the gibs will stop amd they will come after us even more. Be prepared. The State and Federal unfunded liabilities is a time bomb. I doubt the jews can find a way to cheat it more.

When will you realize that youre a parasitic race of filth and people dont want you in their countries.

I so hope you bastards push us to the brink and start an uprising. I'll take great joy in purging you fucks from these lands.


>tfw your name is Aaron and you're not jewish

They have a functional civil society parallel to the one in their host countries. Jewish subversion is sometimes the result of kicking down fences that their host society needs, on their own inclination to regard those fences as personally useless and playing no role in their own society. Still, the secret to their success is also the secret to resisting their influence where it would lead you astray. Organize yourself alongside them. Construct your own productive networks. Prosperous cultures have no need to injure each other.

>always have the backs of fellow Jews

Nigga my parents would've disowned me if I didn't do law, medicine, or engineering. Only options. That's the secret to our success. If you don't, you're fucked.

Controlling the world since 4000 bc... kek

Who Were the Mongols romans and wwwwwhat was islam

1/3 of your country worships us as the Gods chosen people. Evangelicals are literally zionists. You will never get rid of us because you are brainwashed into worshiping us, you stupid goy

>Larping as a Jew


Yes, this exactly. Success is expected (if not outright forced) in the Jewish community. It's very similar to the chinks and street-shitters in the US now. It's simply unfathomable that their children would not work hard in school and pursue lucrative careers, regardless of actual intelligence.

Going to school in the 90s, public education pushed the meme that white kids can "be whatever you want to be when you grow up!" and "follow your dreams!" Of course, all this led to was billions of dollars in student loan and debt and a mountain of worthless degrees.

naa everyone is waking up.. only a matter of time.

take your shekels and run,schlomo

Ya pretty much. It's the Asians but a different culture. I know a lot of Jews who are third/fourth gen Americans and go for that life. They were all communications or business majors. They all work real estate now and are completely cut off from the community in terms of help.

Dude, sick! You showed that LARPing Jew what for!

aaaany moment now..right?

Most Ashkenazi Jews look nothing like Semites; they are clearly mixed with Central and Eastern Europeans that converted to Judaism and married the Hebrew leftovers from the Roman genocide. Pretty much all Ashkenazi Jews have European maternal haplogroups, which, according to Jewish law that states Jewish identity can only be inherited maternally, makes all of the Ashkenazi Jews gentiles.

Collective investments.

It isn't unusual for friends and family to pool their money to invest. Sup Forums doesn't understand this because we have no friends

I hope iran nukes israel.

Ya close, but the Jewish faith allows conversion.. Really not a huge deal to anyone.

Ya we do this a lot in our circle of Jews. I've got some good investments because I could go 1/3 the price while we started initial changes.

which ashkenazi exactly doesn't look like a semite? most of those blonde jews in hollywood are actually 1/4 and 1/8 ashkenazi. Are those your sample for you conclusion?

Nope, they're plenty of somewhat adherent Jews. We kinda got shoved into media 3-4 generations ago and rolled with it. I don't know any media Jews, though.


You know how they're always talking about how fucking white people prefer each other and hoard opportunities? Well of course white people don't actually do that, but they do.

>How are they able to always win and control everything?
I work hard. I don't buy stupid shit. I don't blame others for my failures -- I learn from them.

Try it sometime, faggot.

sorry buddy but your anecdotes are irrelevant when we have genetic data

>Ya close, but the Jewish faith allows conversion..
Indeed, but again, according to your own law, because your maternal ancestry cannot be traced back to the original Jewish tribes, you are a gentile.

Oh ya dude, country clubs for WASPs never existed and the stereotypical "Chad" business major doesn't get an internship at Goldman Sachs because his dad golfs with the CEO's kid. That's never ever happened before! Not ever!

Let's see the study source.

No.... if a woman converts the child is Jewish...

smart people price things in gold

This is a slide thread you retarded CUNTS

Only in the Reform movement though, yes? I'm pretty sure the Orthodox and Conservative Jews won't accept you if your mother isn't an ethnic Jew.


ok buddy, all sources are jewish because only Jews are scientists. If you were smart you would become scientist too and make your own data

Isnt every thread on Sup Forums a slide thread?

Nope. Orthodox too. Just takes longer to actually convert. Years of studying and if your dick ain't sliced that's happening too.

Narcissism, ambition, and a lack of shame or morals. It'll make everyone hate you, but you'll claw your way to the top.

Right, so no source. Carry on then, faggot.

where is your source that ashkenazi are germans? I at least gave you scientific data and you only gave stupid anecdotes. My data is better proof than your inexistent data

See, where you're all wet is where you assume nepotism in whatever period you're talking about applied to all white people.

If white people start ethnocentrically organizing we can crush the jews. There is no secret. Ethnocentric networking works. Jews do it, while using various means to encourage whites not to do it.

No. Sup Forums has some good shit but there are so many alphabet CUNTS on here it's fucking RIDICULOUS

The main reason I'm skeptical of IQ being a static measurement of intellect or accurate other than the obvious part about it being an inductively based metric is that whites invented like 90%< of the most sophisticated technology contemporary civilization enjoys and spread their culture all over the planet in just a few centuries and continue to do so.

I think intellect is a bit more dynamic than a single line metric can convey and I think some people are just better at taking/more eager to succeed in tests.

you are retarded. all ethnic groups in USA do it. Italians do it, Pollacks do it, Chinese do it. The difference is that a big chunk of americans are mongrels and have no ethnic identity so they can't do it

You didn't give me data. You gave me a picture. Which could be any random bs dude in Microsoft paint for 20 minutes. Give me data.

And the source is basic genetic conditions. I'm an MD. Jews have specific diseases prevalent in Europeans in particular. CF, Neimann pick, etc. They correlate directly to European ancestry.

Doesn't apply to all Jews either? You pull your weight and add value or we don't help. I'm not investing in David's retarded business if it's bad and he's a dumbass...

>that feel when I will never receive oral sex by an orthodox mohel while the rest of my family stares at my bloody, mutilated penis in awe

To be a gentile is to suffer ;_;

Practice isn't common anymore and only select sects did it in the first place. Sorry, my pee pee wasn't sucked.

>They correlate directly to European ancestry
are you retarded? the genetic map I showed you puts Ashkenazi closest to Italians and Greeks which are also European. The question was if they are related to Germans and east Europeans not Europeans in general you fucking moron

Sorry but the pee pee must be sucked for the ceremony to be valid. Don't worry though, after I convert I will be sure to take care of that for you ;^)

no homo

spread anti-tribalsim amongst your enemies while being the MOST tribalistic yourself

The Ashkenazi Jews span from Germany up into Lithuania, Ukraine, etc. Again, show me the DATA for your map. What shows me it's not some random dude deciding what he thinks is white?

Ohhhh noooooo, now I'm not a Jew anymore!!!! Wait, nope. Still am. Best of luck. If you're a weird fucker you're gonna waste a lot of time converting.

The source of that data is Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam and the name of the study is Big Think: Genetic map of Europe.

your turn now for data whitey

No they don't. Look what happened today when RS even tried to get a speech about white ethnocentric interest. The national guard was called out. Kikes get ahead because they ethnocentrically organize. Simple as.

>only the Ashkenazi Jews
Ashkenazi Jews are over 80% of Jews worldwide. Only in Israel are they the [slight] minority.

wait so are Jews European and Wh*te now?

Maybe we should all join up and see what happens.

you got BTFO. whats the matter Rabbi? oven dodger right here wants to be the only nigga not cutting his legs off huh?

Can confirm. Three old friends of mine were Jewish. 5' 3" Test tube baby with a Napoleon complex and does not react well when hoisted on his own petard, adopted child from Slav father who abandoned him as a child who makes "white supremacist" MtG decks and "self-awared" himself into overeating his taekwondo prowess into oblivion, and a normal artist dude who pissed on a good man of a father.

PROTIP: Minimize your interactions, lest you repeat my mistakes.

Oh look it's the same kike loving (((Nazi))) who posts worthless threads around this same time every night. Sage goes in all fields. Also


Where in this study are you seeing what you're claiming? Your cited article states 4 things: Finland has statistically significant isolation
Germany has statistically significant isolation North / South
Italy has statistically significant Isolation from the north, speculation it was the mountains
Brithish and Irish isolation is statistically significant.

What line of the study are you citing?

they don't aspire to work minimum wage jobs

jewish nepotism is more than just a meme