I haven't had a good laugh in a while
Anyone got any good meltdown pics of this site on election night?
I haven't had a good laugh in a while
Anyone got any good meltdown pics of this site on election night?
The "I secretly wanted him to win" pic.
The "overly reactive please someone catch me on camera" pic.
The "OMG I'd give it to you harder than you've ever had it" chick. I mean, this one has some serious looks going. Those eyes are the lightest shade of blue possible I think.
One more of her. Yeah, she's fine.
The "I'm not getting some for a VERY long time" guy.
idk about you but the very idea that people still post on neogaf is almost triggering.
why would you ever submit yourself to such awful people? I'm posting on fucking Sup Forums and even I feel like you people are probably nicer and more tolerant people than moderators at NeoNazi.
>opens folder titled "Victory Salt"
My man.
The "I wrote a violin concerto for this moment and now I'll never be able to perform it" guy.
The "We're gay, and that's OK" couple.
OP, do you want a mix of salt, and smug, or straight salt.
The "Richard Dawkins is so fucking smart, he's a god damned idiot" screenshot.
The "I brought my little girl to give her the right impression on life and the fall of the Patriarchy" single mom.
no meltdown pic but a inauguration meltdown vid
The "Our plan failed us" muzzie lesbos.
world war III against Mexico
>Start WW3 with the Mexicans.
>everyone lines up against the Mexicans.
that kids smart. we could easly take mexico and send all the blacks to it and name it new africa then build the wall.
it was predicted
Does this mean they were deleted out of shame or moderator damage control?
haha I remember that. the worst part is this old white politician dude.
>one of the most horrid things I have ever seen
Guess he was never on Sup Forums.
How can a mature man be so retarded?
Asspain, likely
no way an 8 year old drew that kek
fucking opinionated 8 year olds
Tyler Malka owns NeoGAF.
based stef
I was just walking home and three white men wearing trump hats stopped me. They tried to hi-five me, and I ignored them like I usually do with strangers. I know not to talk to strangers, I'm 36btw. They asked me who I voted for and I said "that's none of your business." That's when things got bad. They said go back to Africa. I said I'm white! They said technically everyone is from africa. I've never been there. They asked me if I knew who Pepe was. I said yes he's the frog that rides the unicycle. That's when they pulled my underwear up from the back of my pants, which pulled my dick and testicles into my asshole with my underwear. I asked them why they were doing this and they said because it's legal and even mandatory for them to do this and now they were going to take away my healthcare that I already can't afford or even figure out how to sign up for. What's happening to america. My wife's four year old son (an ethnic muslim) said as much as well, so I'm repeating that here to all of you. Please think of my wife's children.
>That's when they pulled my underwear up from the back of my pants, which pulled my dick and testicles into my asshole with my underwear.
Don't laugh you nazi pig it happened for real in my mind.
top kek
This was written by one of us I reneger him making a thread about it
Makes sense. Hilltards are clearly big fans of "literal shaking".
What a stupid nigger... you should be in your own country if you don't want to be discriminated against.
>I'm gonna win $400 tomorrow!
I think that is the funniest one. Betting on shilldawg was at the very least 1:2, that retard lost at least $800 lmao
>hire me
Yep. That's how you apply for a job and not fake a conversation.
Good thread
I'd be more concerned about Forrest Gump getting raped desu
right! it is fun and cool to stay up tonite aNd remember how these spineless pussiez cried and lied for $hilldog.
>World War III against Mexico
No joke. I posted there in another life and any opinion veering towards the right is met with autistic pitchforks. Gamergate and on seems to have made it even worse.
>against mexico
So no Second American-Mexican war to take more territory and ethnical cleaning? :c
They're all lifeless degenerates who post there to feel powerful and virtuous. Their ideas and authoritarianism would be met with ridicule practically anywhere else so the only way they can assert themselves is by dogpiling on other leftists on their own site for stepping slightly out of line. I've lurked there from time to time over the years and I've seen tons of threads where they talk about being trannies, disabled, mentally ill, etc. They've also had a few convicted pedophiles and Clinton staffers post there.
>those stockings
my ex-gf called me crying on election night, she came over to my apartment and got drunk
it was a good night
Here enjoy lads.
>Best Of The Young Turks Election Day Meltdown 2016: From smug to utterly devastated.
>one post calls Johnson a spoiler candidate
>they legitimately think libertarians would vote for Hillary
>it's gonna be one year since election night in two weeks
Even here shits on Nate too much he was still the closest
Nate styrofoam got shit on by the entire left for giving Trump a ~30% chance to win. They were nonstop attacking him.
Holy fuck America is beyond saving.
Britain might be cucked politically but our own native citizens certainly aren't this weak.
Infact, I don't think there's another country that even compares.
Best days
Match me!
>Britain might be cucked politically but our own native citizens certainly aren't this weak.
still enjoy this with my morning coffee some days. best way to get ready for the work week
>eight year old
Yet again. Why is it always 8?
>just had a son last night
I feel like i wanna strangle the motherfucker who made that post.
>these stockings
God, she looks cute.
Sam Kriss outed as a sex pest
GQ Myers outed as a sex pest
Neogaf mod EvilLore outed as a sex pest
Lol who know that all the anti gamer gaters are what they pretend to hate lel
check this one out:
>hur dur I posted that one webm again
Yes it's pretty funny but they managed to detain him in the end (unlike in America where he would just be shot instead), and this is obviously an edge case rather than what usually happens or else you wouldn't have to keep posting the same fucking webm for years.
I'm talking about weakness of citizens anyway, not effectiveness of the police.
>muslim woman
>my wife's son
That's really the only thing that bothers me. I know that a Sup Forumsack wrote this, but he slipped there. Should've said my husband's son, instead. There's no way a muslim woman would be a lesbian.
It's a 10/10 dogwhistling otherwise. A normalfag would take it at face value, but a Sup Forumsack would giggle at "FAThima GASSEM", "turkroaches", "it's 2016" and "a big guy, for me" , among others
>Chavs beat the shit out of white European immigrants
>never touch peaceful Muslim diversity
Really... makes... me... think...
>neogaf owner banned from his own website
>raped a girl or somethign
actual lol
its so bizarre seeing these people act like they are in a fucking movie or some shit. people are so fucked in the head.
The owner of neogaf which is an Alt-left hive of anti white, male feminists....
sexually harassed someone
They're like Rocky at the end of Rocky 2, only sadder and losers. Saved it on my HD, just in case
Always thinking about kids that age for (((some reason))) I guess.
Subtlety is a necessary gift.
You can keep mocking our police but it doesn't change the fact that your actual citizens are the weakest in the world.
I can at least admit our police is sometimes laughable.
>sings "Don't Look Back In Anger" close to what's basically a mass grave.
Anyone saved the data mining thread of a ton of NeoGaff users admitting they'd shag a kid and have pedo tendencies (some tied with their real names and work info) and then going ape when they're revealed?
>managed to detain him
Wow how did the nine police officers manage to detain that one man? It must have been an heroic scene. Cheers to the British police!
the little girl looks mentally disabled
checks out
That poor kid.
>one cherrypicked example
Find me images of half the UK population crying over the latest election result and posting on twitter saying they don't feel safe anymore and then I'll believe our citizens are as weak as yours.
>dead nigger
the choice is clear cuck
bongs what can ya do \o/
>he thinks we forgot the fucking remoaners
you are a nigger
were you born this year?
pic related is (you)
that image on Nate Bronze will never not make me laugh, he got adJUSTed good
Remember when he went nuts when the Cubs won?
so Sup Forums?
>You can keep mocking our police
OK thanks.
why is your gov more concerned with disagreeable tweets and Facebook posts than child rapists and terrorists?