Are simplistic mc's bad ?

Are simplistic mc's bad ?

Not really, just less interesting.

If they are also annoying and have a phrase that sticks in your head like cancer and you can hear it every time you hear his voice.



It depends, if written properly and given a good environment, it can lead to some interesting places

Depends on the series, just like the other MCs.

No but your example is.

describe simplistic

When done well? No
Pic related is what I'd like to think is a pretty good example
She's in future shut up she's anime now
She's a simple character, with simple goals, but she's relatable and she grows rather nicely along with the story.
The problem is if the character stays stupidly simple through out the whole story without an ounce of change.

Not at all.
Having a normal ass dude be the main character not only makes their struggles more personable, but also serves as a grounding point if the rest of the cast is a bunch of crazy people.

See: kekkai sensen

it doesnt have to be bad. straightfoward is being confused with one dimensional.

Normal ass dudes tend to not be normal ass dudes by the end of it. Either by bloodlines, by coincidental abilities they learn or lucky encounters with top dogs.

Basically makes autistic decisions, and I just started watching jojo's bizarre adventure and people liked part 1 a lot, but as I read through threads the general consensus of Jonathan is that he's too simple and that the story is bland

No, but 90 percent of light novels and make it seem that way

Not inherently, since you can do interesting thing with a simple character based on how they play off their environment or the other characters who surround them. Which most animes with simplistic MCs don't do.

"Deep complex" characters can be shit too

Literally no

I'm pretty sure we weren't supposed to take death note that seriously, he was just fun to watch, and the biggest philosophical questions the mango/ animu had was if it was ok to kill people that deserved it...that's not hard

No, many of my favourite MC's of all time can be considered very simplistic. The reason people hate Naruto isn't because he's simple-minded or lacking in nuance, it's because he completely betrays the foundations that made him likeable in Part 1. He went from a gutsy underdog to a child of prophesy who was always destined for greatness from the start, a reincarnation of a deity, a massive Gary Stu, who Kishi literally tried to draw parallels with Jesus, who grew an insufferable hero complex and who became a pathetic mess in his obsession with Sasuke.


How can he be a Gary Stu if he's pathetic? A Gary Stu has to be perfect

That transformation was probably the biggest mistake togashi made for the series

There is such a thing an Anti-sue, y'know.
Someone who's pathetic and miserable, yet manages to do everything right, and everybody loves them.

A well done simple MC isn't bad, and it's better than a poorly done complex MC. But it'll never be as good as a well done complex MC.

In order from best to worst with an example:
>Well done complex MC: Spike Spiegel
>Well done simple MC: Saitama
>Poorly done complex MC: Shinji Ikari
>Poorly done simple MC: Naruto Uzamaki

no. If the main character isn't interesting then why the fuck would I give a shit about their story?

Not if you do something with the simplicity.

Swap Spike and Shinji and you're right.

How is Shinji poorly done? He's one of the most human anime characters out there.

Depends, are simplistic OP's bad?

Some examples

Because it wasn't intended to be portrayed as pathetic by the author. It was supposed to be seen as something noble and compassionate, bringing a former friend back on the right side and away from the path of darkness. But it only came off as creepy, obsessive, stalker-ish and outright yandere. One of the biggest problems Kishi had as a writer was that he was so ham-fisted in his attempts to get readers to like a character.

If a character has a very simplistic view on life, it can be intristing to see how he reacts to the world around him or how his views change throughout his journey

Light was fine though you dipshit.

Shinji isn't poorly done, please kill yourself dumbass.

If he gets his Nen back it will be. For now, it's fine.

I wonder how he could get his men back without seeming like an ass pull or taking the meaning of what the transformation meant ?
I don't want this series to go to shit :-(

Nen sorry guys don't destroy me or gon

Nope, not at all.

And then Z happened....

He's overly complex, complex just for the sake of being complex. His personality comes down to how many different ways he can have a panic attack in a given situation. In trying too hard to make him react differently, he ironically ends up being super predictable. Compare him to Asuka, who people criticize for being too stereotypical tsundere, but when she has a panic attack it has real impact because it's a totally different character trait from her usual self. Shinji's complexity comes from him just freaking out at everything in slightly different ways each time.

I don't know how you can say Shinji is better than Spike, Spike is pretty much the most well written complex anime character ever. Also idk why you have to tell me to kill myself, nothing about my tone is hostile in the slightest.



>Spike is pretty much the most well written complex anime character ever
I want Reddit to leave.

And then super happened....

Goku within the Dragon ball franchise is one of those examples of a solid character that's fun to watch/ read that became worse as the series went on

The problem is when simple MCs have to carry a 700 chapters series the whole way through.