>MFW the blacked posters were the mods the whole time
MFW the blacked posters were the mods the whole time
>Not knowing this
I tried to tell you.
Been telling you since 2011
Mods have put on a false drama to guide the board culture.
This utter destruction of based bro culture and its replacement with jewshit is obvious to most of the core followers of the outlaw pope, but the normies continue to be oblivious
mods will ban you for making thoughtful, provoking posts on this forum that are too "pro-white" or expose too much of the lefty hatred and vitriol towards whites.
site is totally compromised as fuck and has been for a long time now. fuck Sup Forums now.
MODS get in here and prove that you're not blacked
The mods are completely compromised and have been for years.
Are the mods behind the recent influx of christ posters too? It's fucking annoying.
Friendly reminder that there is a place where you CAN have meaningful discussion.
You mean the ones with the Cave-Jew pictures?
WE WUZ MODS??????????
>Recent influx of Christ posters
Go back to plebbit newfaggot
>Are the mods behind the recent influx of christ posters too?
No, they're behind the pagancuck posters.
what? reddit? you can't have meaningful discussion on reddit, everything gets deleted pruned and banned there. everything. literally anything that doesn't support a total left-wing narrative. there are a handful of right-wing subs that don't censor people but the sub count is pretty low.
The_Donald is the only right-wing sub on reddit that is sizeable and active and they're mostly a PR wing for the Trump Presidency. can't have dissenting opinions there. I mean i understand they do what they do, but still it's not a place for open or free discussion :(
>the blacked posters were the mods the whole time
>the mods of r/asianmasculinity and r/hapas
user, I ment the April Fool's joke that-went-too-far-that-much-that-anons-created-their-own-site-without-shitty-bait-threads.
That is, if you liked /mlpol/.
why arent nigger hate threads allowed ive never understood this
Blacked is not as good as dogfart.
>can't have dissenting opinions there.
Fuck off back to Tumblr
I wonder who could be behind this...
Just don't give up on posting them.
>yfw global banned for 24 hours for posting the word "incel"
Like pic related?
Next you'll call me a jewish shill, then when I post more btfoing your jewish religion you'll say I'm a LARPer
Quick rundown 8ve known mods are fags but did something happen?
Have a (You), oldfag
>mfw only threads mods like are allowed to get a appropriate amount of (You)s
Just connect the dots, Payeet. It ain't that hard.
>"Are sexbots redpilled?"
>"Nigger IQ is nowhere near mine, explain?"
>"Is Thot X /ourgirl/?"
>"Give me your poo in the loo memes"
Are you blind? Or have you gotten comfy seeeing three threads a day with all of your filters?
>tfw I sit in /sg/ all the time but I lurk out just to see catalog.
The exact same thread with the same images are created everyday with hundreds of replies i cannot tell if it's just bots or real people
Sup Forums tards just keep falling for this shit. They won't learn that they encourage them by giving them (You)s.
its bots
If so, I wonder, what's the price?
Are mods cheap or expensive whores?
The day Sup Forums was slightly less shitty as shill-bots had the wrong address
Really makes you think about the fucking state of this board... But that "experiment" from 1st of april is going rather nice.
8/pol/ doxxed the mods here like a year and a half ago iirc. Turns out all the mods on Sup Forums pol are faggots from reddit and Tumblr. They control Sup Forums by deleting on-topic threads and allow bots and shitposts to remain
And what Sup Forums did about it?
Oh, right.
Fucking nothing.
Changing the world, but not even able to get their board together.
no shit m8
I blame swaglord
You can thanks m00t for that. The wigger was more concerned with selling out to his kike GF's friends in hopes of getting lucrative support for more of his failed projects. 4chins was ironically his only success and his social bane at the same time.
>The mods are faggots
>Acting as if this is a revelation
>backwards bent goat legs
And he ended on some shitty job in jewgle.
Served him well, trusting a kike. Not that gook-moot is better. In his love for money he's outreaching the jews allowing this shit to continue.
There's two options
We either leave the board en masse, which won't achieve much because newfags outnumber us 5:1, and the newfags don't really care about the fact that this place is now controlled opposition.
Our other option is to pester hiroshimamoot enough to get him to remove and replace the mods of Sup Forums
Gook moot don't care, user. And not even you legendary shitposting skils would make him change his mind. There is also 3rd option. Buying Sup Forums and sorting this shit out. But you have to win powerball for that, I am afraid.
The meme that saved Sup Forums
Not 2011, it was 2014. Moot replaced all SDOM >< with hardcore leftist sjw's before he sold the site
>mods the whole time
Now it makes sense.
It's worse on Sup Forums.
The Shitted.com meme was so perfect on many levels and it worked for awhile but then blacked came back and shitted posters were hard banned
What rule does shitted posting break? If it's racism are the mods admitting niggers are shit?
there was a thread made on Sup Forums mythbusting the porn dicks myth. Got deleted and everyone got banned in it even though it used tv documentary examples.
tell me some text from that thread I’m gonna look it up on the Sup Forumsarchives user.
The mods are doing this because they’re literally being payed to shill for niggers and social engineer people and ban people for wrongthink in their batshit insane sjw minds
we'll it had a tumblr link some fag compiled the evidence in and references to Louis Theroux documentaries.
That's about all I can remember.
how recent was this Sup Forums thread?
months ago. Look for louis theroux, porn, dick myth etc.
found it
i blacked post and cuckpost all the time and im not a mod. its just the easiest way to get (you)s.
>recent influx
tbqfair alot of the SHILLposting is also LARPfest.
Pol was good for news, redpills, some insider shit, memes, and the last 2 prez elections, but its quality and authenticity has diminished
also flag posting and moot were the two of the most obvious catalysts for this shit
>do you think someone would do that? just go on the internet and lie?.png
someone definitely isnt /new/
>putting spice racks on the outside of cabinet doors
holy shit that is the trashiest goddamn thing i've ever seen
Trying to delet nao SDOM. Had pic confused with the .02 shekels meme. Says I can't delet so quickly. As soon as it lets me, I will
Do mods get paid
"Circle of liiiiiife!!!"
Kimba > Simba though.
Using the word "thot" is literally just as bad, you stupid cunt.
Word invented on a rap video... you help normalise the misuse and destruction of the English language, you stupid, hypocritical, cunt.
You have no ideal what one tried to ban on /sg/ when America was criticised
Testing to see if this is a bannable offence.
whats the point of the blacked threads though? I feel like they just increase white male anger towards blacks.
mods literally ban for shitted threads but let all blacked threads go through. what does that tell you about this place and who really runs it??
i've always felt like they were one of our greatest assets. i've posted threads like that on other boards trying to rile up the whites and get the to stand up for themselves.
leftists see everything through the lens of status and hierarchy though. so they see something like posting blacked threads on here as like an ultimate insult to us, that makes us look weak and helpless.
sociopaths think that way.
most people on the right are just trying to figure out what is intellectually true and surprise surprise what is intellectually true is that black people are stupid, low IQ animals that commit hugely disproportionate amounts of violent crime.
the lefties don't get that though, it's all about power and domination with them. everything is about power and domination with them :(
True. But if you aren't filtering that shit in the first place, or you arent smart enough to at least eventually realize you need to filter it, then you aren't much use anyhow.
Sup Forums is and always has been a place for discussing relevant politics and news stories, fomenting, testing, and fine tuning ideas and arguments, and just learning about the world in general from the plethora of posters here.
Even with all the shilling and sliding and obvious garbage threads, there is a lot of value here.
>implying shitted spam isnt just as bad as blacked spam
I understand it's meant to demoralize and to some extent it does, but after demoralization comes anger
It is, I got b& for it as well. But then again I've also gotten b& for strait fabricated bullshit. Bra, we were getting b& for typing the name "Ben Fischbien" in October/November.
Bots are essentially free, the programming has been done and development occurs in parallel, groups with agendas and a lot of money decimate the software to the people who run the attacks. Those people you have to pay, but a couple guys can run a bot network that will spam a board to hell and back, the more expensive part there is the server hardware and office space required.
Mods do it for free, or so we are told. I doubt that tho. They are definitely hard core leftists tho, no doubt about it. (Should have seen the ban-hammer coming down while I was running Eric Clanton generals.)
no i never implied that but of course it's a direct answer to the blacked spam and its very telling that blacked is explicitly allowed to stay on the board while the shitted gets you a ban
shitted is the perfect antidote to cuck nigger spam.
Holy fucking shit, that was the first thing I noticed! What the fuck is wrong with these people? Put that shit in the cabinet like a decent human being ffs.
I tend to agree.
I received a three day ban for saging in pic related. The thread itself was never deleted.
I'm not whining about the ban. I'm whining that mods seem to be involved in this advertising scheme.
interesting take on it.
did you post "saged and reported" because that in itself is against the rules. discussing why liberals fawn over a specific cartoon which involves a worship of nihilism isnt exactly outside the realm of political debate or popular Sup Forums conversation. In that case the mod might have just been tired of getting spammed by people trying to block a thread, who knows.
mods are leftist cucks tho, so there is that too, i will definitely admit it.
it really isnt. that forced meme has practicaly died out already while blacked posting has sustained if not increased in intensity. the BBC is unstoppable.