What is the point of preserving the white race when white are just gonna adopt nigger culture?
If everyone but whites got extinct then it will be like Africa on a global scale with women twerking all the time while rap music plays loudly and people asking for gibs. If you want to save the white race you might as well stop the replacement of white culture first?
What is the point of preserving the white race when white are just gonna adopt nigger culture?
If we take all whites and ship them to Texas, in 100,000 years they will be brown and tan like mexicans because Texas has lots of sun
If we take all blacks and ship them to Alaska, in 100,000 years all of them would be pale like Eskimos
Melanin is not the problem, nigger culture is the problem. All niggers do is loot foot locker and collect food stamps n shiet
Thats the real problem
Is it 89?
1(6) > (6) > (6)[8] > [8][8] > [8]/9/ > /9/8
>white people who 'act black' are cringy and obnoxious druggie pieces of shit that act like low IQ thugs
>black people that 'act white' are well-dressed, educated and polite
This nigger gets it
Fuck im fucking retarded. Why the fuck was I born.
>op posted ifunny and not one fucking faggot here is calling him out on it
Nu-pol needs to die
Anyone who says anything other than 87 is a fuckwit
the answer to this problem is "it is impossible to determine, because the problem does not declare that there exists any underlying pattern"
you're a fucking idiot. It's so simple.
Look at the numbers upside down
Aaaand then theres this wanker
>87? What the fuck how could it be 87 that doesn't make any sense there isn't enough information to determine a pattern her- wait a minute...
lol cheeky cunts
to make the rest of us feel better
there's no guarantee that it's 87 under there.
Question is not answerable with the information provided.
i am fully committed to chinese supremacy and white genocide. your bastard race is the only thing standing between china and exterminating the niggers.
Trashy whores in the ghetto should be pitied they don't know any better. We'll set them on the right path once things are settled.
>trashy whores in ghetto
your women fuck niggers
Kill yourself right now you stupid faggot suck exhaust until the world is better without you
If a member of your race should fall you can either pick them back up or let the pack of minorities get them
Fuck Chinese people, i would rather live under nigger rule.
The only path they're being put on is a path to the deportation bus.
This is why we build the gulags, brother
If I saw that shit I'd suddenly start looking around frantically, very concerned how I had wondered into this seemingly innocent part of town, and I'd try to get out of it as quickly as humanly possible. Running at high speed would be a start.
>under nigger rule
ooooh boy, this one is dense
You forgot one thing... you left your culture in Europe and nothing can shield you against the hippies, emos, goths, fags, electros, rappers or w/e
87. Numbers upside down.
And there's no garuntee there's anyone other than you in what you perceive as being the 'world'.
>nigger culture
is low IQ culture. There are low IQ whites, low IQ spics and low IQ asians. They all act like niggers - now you know why. Nigger is not a
any more than retards have a culcha of drooling and going
There's retard culture, half-retard culture and normal culture. Nigger behavior fits into #1 and #2.
That skank in the OP... you really do have to wonder if it's true that when a nigger spunks into a woman, his DNA gets absorbed into her body, and contaminates it permanently. Just like they say that married couples look like one-another. Perhaps there is a scientific basis to that because the husband's spunk get absorbed into the woman's body, and alters her into a female version of himself. Is it possible? Anyone can tell at a distance this OP skank is a mudshark coal-burning sperm receptacle for a deviant nigger.
>thinking melanin is the only difference between the races
You could breed different colors very quickly. Its only a handful of genes that control melanin.
Thankyou. These things are supposed to be quick solutions.
Don't adopt nigger culture
>Thankyou. These things are supposed to be quick solutions.
should have been aimed at:
>Hurr durr race is just skin color!
Intelligence is genetic and whites are more intelligent
melanin is not the problem - all the other genotype of nig-nogs is. keep them in the sun keep them out of the sun doesn't make the difference. only a specific enviroment that curbs the reproduction of the most violent obnoxious dumb and lacking of foresight* (and promotes reproduction of few who are the opposite) would make them able to carry the "white" culture after many many generations. culture is also a genetic construct.
*current welfare state acts directly backwards to this so nigs will get even worse and so will white people they just have a little more room to fall, but if this system keeps on then no matter the skin color will all be total niggers ( thing is that it kind of cant go on because all civilizationa and welfare will be destroyed as we all get too stupid to hold it up)
L isn't a number dipshit
>thinking that's an L
>also being the first who should understand it
You disappoint me, strayan.
ITT: fucking retards
turn it upside down. Now do this one.
What's missing in the pattern?
O T T F F S S _ _
it legit took a couple seconds, but it is a cute puzzle. once you've seen enough of these things you catch on that at least half of them are visual shit and not math related at all
>If everyone but whites got extinct then it will be like Africa on a global scale with women twerking all the time while rap music plays loudly and people asking for gibs.
Uhhhhh no
Are you people actual retards? You had the full potential to use the cultural appropriation meme to keep the culture segregated and you squander it even now. I swear, you people are so ignorant you do more damage than the regressives do on purpose.
...Huey released this: 4
>turn it upside down.
Strayan outclassed by NZ. Embarrassing.
>O T T F F S S _ _
I didn't get it at first, then after 10 seconds I was like ohhh, right.
I guess I'm a genius?
that's right europe is doing great preserving Western culture. lol
>what's missing
Another O at the beginning, because there are two of all the other glyphs but only one O
Honestly, if I were the elite of an overpopulated world, I would also promote self-destructive cultures. This way all the weak minded people get filtered out into deadly poverty, while all the strong people endure the tide and join me in elitedom.