Australia to pass more gun control after Vegas attack

Other urls found in this thread: Legislation.html


>no right to free speech, hate speech laws out the ass
>downright draconian gun laws
>need a license for fucking air rifles
>need a fucking license for paintball guns
>need a license for crossbows Legislation.html
>airsoft is banned
>LASER pointers over 1mw are banned (effectively banning the vast majority)
>fucking YO YO WATERBALLS are banned
>novelty toy-like lighters are banned
>smokeless tobacco is banned
>toys containing beads are banned
>need a helmet to ride a fucking bicycle
>plain packaging on cigarettes
>absurdly high taxation on alcohol and cigarettes
>e-cigarettes are banned
>many violent games and movies banned or censored even after the R18 was introduced

meanwhile I just bought a bunch of magazines and ammo
feels good being free

what a massive fucking toddler state

> Shooting in America
> Aussies think they need to stop this
The fuck? What is left to take away? Guess you better kiss your pump action shotguns and private 3d printers goodbye.

pump action shotgund in ausfailia is already banned

Not even Canada is this fucking cucked.

next they're gonna ban condoms so rapists have to leave DNA behind by law

Fucking what now? I have to have ‘good reason’ to keep my air rifle?

yet when it's muzzies chopping through crowds with semiauto long guns in 'commonsense gun laws' europe it's all #I'llRideWithYou bullshit

Aussies for most cucked anglos confirmed

Can't you just kill your police and the government? They are all cowards.

Thanks for looking out for us user.

>Australia to pass more gun control
>Vegas attack
I didn't know Australia was a 51st state. Why haven't any of you faggots told me?

No user that's against the law! That's illegal!

would be nice to take on Australia as a territory and tell the monarchy to suck it

I fucking know right. More proof this was a (((false flag)))

I still have my guns on my farm and they can pry them from my cold dead hands. Once the US is over run by negros and jews and once Europe has been fully shitskinified they will come and I am ready

knives and acid are next

Category C, whatever that means. Cucked?

>tfw even with cuckdeau you will never ever be as bad as australia and the uk

Our gun laws might as well be Somalia compared to australia and the uk

The captive subjects locked on islands really get fucked by import restrictions desu

Cat C means Child Killer

not gonna happen
>believing the kikes who think they predict the future

>that pic
holy fuck

Spics slow down once they decide they need money to be comfortable. Muslims however just explode children, literally and figuratively.

>Be American Hegemony
>Don't even have to attempt to influence laws of other countries, they react naturally and do it for you.
Would be pretty sweet if we were imposing objectively good things, like constitutional free speech. I can't even take pride in this dominance though.

They can't they got rid of there guns :^)

since when did the American Hegemony post on Sup Forums

>attack on foreign soil
>change your laws reflecting that event

the fuck? how shitty is the AUS government that their people are ok with this?

I cannot read the article what are they targeting with this ban? What is even left to take?

Everyone but me gotta learn

they recently banned a lever action shotgun

We honestly don't have any power. The government does everything, and we're just forced to go along with it. We have to rely on rogue politicians to challenge the status quo, because plebs have no influence whatsoever.

Don't you get it yet? CONTROL is the price of VIGILANCE is the price of PREVENTION is the price of SAFETY. You don't need to be ok with this because the government knows what's best for you.

Is that in relation to Vegas? Or just Australia being Australia?

Just being Australia, this happened about a year ago

Reminder the last real Australian died in 1999 after shooting a bunch of faggot jackboot cops.

Buy a 3D printer. Make your own power.

>Be Australia
>Start up as a prison colony
>Never stop

> take on as a territory
We aren’t all ready?

>bad thing happens in US
>somehow more laws in Aus would have prevented it


And to think, you started out as a colony of leprous criminals. You went from being bad asses to neutered monkies in a span of less than a 100 years. Amazing just fucking amazing and yet they will continue to shitpost how Americans are evil. Go buy a hamster you dipshits, that is if your permit lets you ofc.

good lord

>Be Ozfag
>Apply for seasonal workers Visa
>Aim to apply for residency down the road
>Looking for cleanup/reconstruction/general operator work in hurricane affected areas that have vineyards. (relevant experience in vineyard construction and operations)

What do you think my chances are Burgers? Is it difficult to get legitimate residency/citizenship in Freedomland? Is there much work in the winegrape industry? I'm done with the Proto Socialist Australian Federation of Chinese Satellite States. If I stay here I'll go insane from the level of regulation and centralised, corporate lobbied authoritarianism. Would be happy to serve in your armed forces if that improves my chances.

Also, where to go, Florida or Texas? I'm leaning towards Florida.


The word is serfs. The queen owns Britain, Australia and Canada. Look up landownership laws.

You literally rent ground from the queen, she still owns it all.

Call those fucks what they are, serfs cucks.

With the death of the boomers, America will uncuck from the British kikes in a great war with the world.

Nah we're full. All Australians are nanny cucks.

Australia was never a free country to begin with, still has a queen from the other side of the world

desu I wouldn't even know this country was a nanny state if i didn't come on here, most people irl dont have a clue how much of a grip the government has on the country

I see nothing with wrong with helmet law, i'm pretty sure we have that too

Australia has model firearms legislation.