CRTV is worth the money. Crowder's commentary is good, and I think he's gotten funnier over the years...

CRTV is worth the money. Crowder's commentary is good, and I think he's gotten funnier over the years. Michelle Malkin's show is like Dateline, 60 Minutes, and 20/20, but without the liberal bias. Matt Kibbe is a comfy libertarian bro, and Gavin is Gavin. The production values for most of the shows are actually really high. I'm really enjoying it. I'm looking forward to getting my mug.

Do you guys like CRTV?


>CIvic nationalist "DEMS R DA REAL RACISTS!!" cuckoldry

No thanks.

Nowhere did you mention how informative or factual it is. Hell you didn't even mention how influential it is.

If they aren't saying gas the kikes race war now then no one gives a fuck.

Piss off shill

Mug club member standing by

He's not funny, he does great as a commentator and reporter but he's cringey as shit. I also hate his band of hyena friends who he has on his show with them who laugh like retards at every on of his stupid jokes

His skits aren't usually the greatest, but I do enjoy his show. His Antifa thing was really great.

Wait... are you Stephen Crowder?

I wish.

He does have a pretty hot whitef

Jihadi Bond feature length film when?

Is that you Not Gay Jared?

I enjoy his content but not enough to give him money

Whats up guys, my name is Steven_CrowderFan22. Let me start off by saying that I am not Steven Crowder, but I believe you should give him money. He is smart, funny and actually a nice guy. You would like him so you would agree its worth the money.

Lets use red pills on these normals and stick it to those jokers from reddit. Am I right?

Hi Jared.

It was funny seeing him lose his cool on rogan

he practices weak Christianity by believing in evolution
he is a cuck

Literally only Crowder is watchable of any of those people. Like how Klavan's is the only good Daily Wire show.


I love Klavan, but how can you not like Ben?

He's an unfunny cuck.

Levin is hard to watch most of the time.
Crowder is great, Malkin is good too.

Klavan is my favorite at the Daily Wire but Ben is also great, Knowles is still growing on me.
Post you're mugs

You know how I know you're a faggot?

This beta has his own beta orbiters, sad!

If I want to watch Crowder I'll watch the weekly episode and/or some of his 10-20 minute segments. Anything other than that is unnecessary

Crowder is a pathetic cuck for Israel. These threads are just jewy trawling for more subscribers.