>Conservative values and Capitalism were all the rage.
>Liberals, Socialists, Nazis, and especially Communists where all equally hated and kept a low profile.
>America was king and the economy was booming.
>Looked like the 1950's, but in full technicolor, the cars nicer and the women hotter.
>Mostly white, still minorities accepted and race relations good.
What went wrong?
The 1980's
Other urls found in this thread:
The 1990s
Well, Regan giving citizenship to all the illegals making sure California never goes red again was kinda shitty.
Mass amnesty and individualism
>literal amnesty
>literal executive actions on additional refugee scum recipience
>literal anti-gun cuck
>literally enabled the GMO and other shit production
>literally cucked White Americans the most
internet, then social media
Reagan sponsored radical Islamic terrorism.
It was shit then like it's shit now.
As great as it is, the internet definitely played a part.
Uncontested divorce.
>tfw you were born too late to explore uncharted lands on Earth
>tfw you were born too early to explore uncharted reaches of our cosmos
>tfw you were born just in time to see how governments throughout the world use proxy militias to further their own cause at the expense of the taxpayer and the effects it has on the average citizen in terms of tax burden
Reagan is the dumbass who ruined everything for good. He made the Republican party what it is today which would have been smart had he not given everyone amnesty and let in more Mexicans.
Now you have democrats with huge majorities and Republicans still clinging on to conservativism.
The cars were NOT better. Better styled, maybe.
>be Ronigger Reagan
>give amnesty to millions of illegals, turning California into a blue state forever
>sign tons of anti-gun legislation
Reagan was fucking trash, he invented neoconservative cuckoldry
Also women in the workforce en masse, causing those divorces
1981 Hugh Hefner made a tranny a playmate, ending the world.
he finished off the Soviets
>Conservative values and Capitalism were all the rage.
No, that was the definitive end of conservatism, it was the advent of Neoconservatism taking absolute control over the west, the beginning of the decline.
>Liberals, Socialists, Nazis, and especially Communists where all equally hated and kept a low profile.
Actually, people were not as retardedly propagandized to back then,and still knew full well that the west is Liberal, as the word had not yet been turned into a slur by those who can not articulate themselves well or when crafting propaganda designed around outgroup pressure.
>America was king and the economy was booming.
Some parts were, some parts weren't. There were basically rolling recessions in many local economies due to the price of oil. The largest gains were in sectors that benefited from Reagan's massive spending bonanza, much of which the USA still has to pay for.
>Looked like the 1950's, but in full technicolor, the cars nicer and the women hotter.
No it fucking didn't. Jesus Christ.
Kind of a retard, fucked your shit up.
Lip service. And again I don't think you were alive then, I travelled all through the USA and there were plenty of people mad about all kinds of shit.
>Mostly white, still minorities accepted and race relations good.
Yeah, until he tied them to welfare as a propaganda tool.
You want to know what happened? He successfully waged war upon your ability to collectively negotiate as labour, he successfully facilitated the offshoring of much of your industrial base.
Idiots literally got mollified by an actual fucking actor while America was transformed to a vassal for multinationals.
But everybody here is too invested in identity politics to ever examine what those they favour actually DO, as opposed to simply parroting what they say along with them.
>What went wrong?
Can you handle the truth like a man, or are you going to start screeching like a women when I hurt your feelings?
Regan along with the ENTIRETY of the white, male, Christian business class wanted more cheap labor and more customers. So Regan, with their help, granted amnesty and allowed a fucking FLOOD of non-whites into the country that has never ceased and never abated.
Politics, society, and policy is tied to our racial genetic profiles. White men are shortsighted and greedy. We also lack the ability of self-reflection. It's our curse. Much in the way that Latinos are stupid, prone to violent criminality and laziness.
So when you see every Western Country crumbling as it's assaulted by a horde of disgusting non-white trash, look to your white Christian business owners who helped make this happen. They were the seed of our demise. It's the true redpill Sup Forums will NEVER swallow. The satanic JEWS came after the rot had already set in and the white men allowed themselves to be manipulated even further. The kikes weren't the original sin, they just helped things along.
it was a scam
No, moron, Soviets felt because they were doomed to fail since the 70s. Inner issues as always. Why should you even care, if he killed YOUR country
>1980s coke epidemic
everyone was on coke
dumb down
trickle down
union busting
it just took a while for the simpletons to catch on
>Conservative values
Pick one. """Neocon""" is not conservative
This. /nupol/ acts like Republicans are actually working for the common good.
>Crack happened on my watch
>Crack was CIA
What went wrong? Reagan sending us into the middle east. While Carter started it, Reagan took it full scale.
It was and always will be the turning point for the US that got us under the thumb of globalism.
Drugs, war on drugs, aids.
carter cleaned out the cia/deep state, reagan brought them all back. @6:00
What went wrong = Bill Clinton
reagan threw the mentally ill into the street.
thank god trump is willing to arm them so nobody gives them a hard time
This. Raegan disarmed us, forced diversification and shitty food and chemicals on us. He fucked us long term
good times good times
The 80s was just a mini backlash against the 60s/70s and after the breakup of the soviet union things went downhill fast!
I've noticed that people that weren't alive yet seem to have better memories than the people that were. remember these?
I noticed everything started changing right after 9-11. It seemed like we were all getting robbed on food and gas. It didn't help that most people were in debt up to their eyeballs which gave us the near total collapse of our economy in 2008. It really went in to high gear after Obama was elected, though. The elites were siphoning off all our wealth and flooding the nation with cheap immigrant labor. Around 2013 or so is when all the degenerates and harpies made their move to dominate us. Thankfully, Trump came along and it's slowed down. Pray to god the left never gets into power again.
Too many fags under 30 here.. I remember when niggers suddenly became 'cool' almost overnight it seemed in the early 90s. And then white kids started dressing like niggers and it was blowing my mind! These white boys actually loved niggers so much they worshiped them and wanted to be like them.
It's because the only cool thing about America is African American culture. White Americans are boring af outside of St Pattys Day
I'll bet $100 on OP being born in 2000. Leftists existed in the 80s, OP. Proof:
Someone complaining on usenet in 1986 about the lack of black women in STEM
Yeah they existed but they were a bit like fags, out of sight and out of mind.
I was 20 in '83 I lived a totally hedonistic life of debauchery , excess and abandon.. I ruined myself.. I've been playing catch up since about 1989
the question is "what went right in the 80's?"
the answer is america had a non establishment non globalist president for once. that's all you need to be great. a president that doesnt want to fuck america over. things were so great, america elected his vice president bush, thinking he would continue this way, but bush is a criminal globalist out to kill america and establish a "new world order".
I remember rumsfeld knew about all these secret laser weapons ect he said the soviets were developing. but he didn't know the soviet union was about to collapse .
all those billions and they didn't know shit.
the reason rumsfeld knew about them was because the soviets weren't talking about them. not kidding
any figure the media portrays as a "good" politican is really the enemy of pol.
reagan and thatcher sold out their country to private power
they didn't like government interference in the free market
they started the whole privatize everything bullshit
reagan gave away government revenue streams so the government would have no money and privatized as much as he could so government would have no say.
It's funny that nobody in this thread gets it.
It's an institutional problem. The institutions are all infected by the parasite of progressive liberalism aka communism and had been for a long time.
What happened was that the Greatest and the Silent generations academics started dying off or retiring. The Boomer professors and assistant professors then switched into full-throttle mode of producing brainwashed graduates who went into media and which you see everywhere aka SJWs and their enablers.
the free market crew gave away government power because they don't trust democracy
We have memes for Americans flying into European threads and shitting them up, I've never seen one for Canadians flying into American threads and shitting them up. Why is this not a thing? Every domestic thread has some 19 year old commie trying to explain America to Americans.
Reagan was the most damaging president since LBJ. America hasn't had a good president since Nixon.
No-fault divorce, the greatest enabler of feminists and destroyer of black families, was Reagan's invention.
> complain about foreign companies
> also complain about Brexit
He sponsored the Jesus-freak identity politicians in the right and gave the liberals a platform to adequately oppose future Republicans on. Trump is so far the only Republican in a while who the identity politics of the left won't work simply because he is pure economics
Realist post I've seen on pol in a couple months. I wouldn't be mad if you gave more details. I was born in 92 and have I idea what the 80's was like, I'd love if you enlightened me since you clearly know what your talking about
I think people are starting to realize their governments don't work and can't do anything
>blaming Christians
Perhaps in name only but unlikely a true Christian would want a flood of illegals and legal alike for cheap labor just to get rich. Last think a true Christian js worried about is lining his pockets by gaming the system. Christians may get some wealth for working hard and honestly for it but abusing and using government to make it happen isn't Christian at all
>realest post
>I wasn't even born yet
There really is no hope
>>cars nicer and the women hotter.
what the hell?
you're an idiot
the 50's were better in every way possible
Oh come on, that's simply untrue. The 80's was dominated by white pop culture like synth wave, madona, George Michael, TFF, journey, list goes on and on. Some rappers popped up but the big black cultural superstars were Michael Jackson, prince, etc. sure as hell weren't rappers. Besides the Beastie Boys were who every white person wanted to be like as far as rappers. I was 10 and my cousins were 20 and grew up in the 80's and that's who they all dressed and wanted to be like. The nigger glorification by whites was a recent thing and was only done recently once it was observed that retarded nigger rap was the best music to brainwash the youth.
This is big. Once you fail to properly educate people on how to think, not what to think, a country is in free fall
>what went wrong?
still lost the culture war. Sure conservatives were winning in Washington, but they were losing in Hollywood and everywhere else. People in the 80s continued to consume this and as a result had a resentment towards traditional culture.
Remember the 80s is also the decade of Madonna and when Rap became popular. It was a degenerate time in many ways
1 post by ID.
the republican party went full ideologue
free market will fix everything/ solve all problems.
Not really soviets ended themselves as communism is doomed to do from the start because its such a shit system
Well I'd say, as many of your former Officers have said, all started going bad after WII, when the Brits coaxed you into being the World Police, because they didn't want to waste money and energy on it, and 'helped' you form and train the CIA. The first thing they did was to go to Iran and over throw the democratic government, just because they showed some leftist ideas like maybe, the oil was their's to sell as they pleased and not BP's. That was the start of the down fall, because they were stupid enough to believe that they could control a bunch of backward asshole religious zealots.