Ancestry rate thread?

Should I gas myself anons

Mom is half irish, half off-the-boat german who left germany right before ww2

Dad is welsh/french, and italian/hungarian

Im a degenerate homosex

All European, no Jew. Looks great. What's the problem?


Can't tell if serious or not

They assign you random junk DNA to make you seem less white. The company is Jew owned.

meh, indo-aryan as the old chaps say


And they say that the wog filth belongs to Australia lol

Whiter than Richard Spencer.

You mad about your dindu DNA faggot?

Pic related

Not showing the 2.5% Jew?

found the jew

Jew != European

"Broadly European + Southern European" = remaining 2.5%


>a non-Australian wog infiltrator mongrel complains about ethnic nationalism
Mad immigrants are the same all over

But gooks are chinks

Ashkenazic Jew actually is under European.


Do you guys actually care this much? I mean if you appear white and can foster white cooperation, and have a typical white IQ, what's the point in being autistic about it?

>ancestry shill thread
>being this much of an ultracuck
>believing '''merchants''' selling you DNA kits
Just blow yourself, shill

stay mad slav

I actually enjoy the bants behind it, while seeing people's more serious thoughts on ancestry.

Pic related, if anybody remembers the 'oh shit' thread a month ago.


>missing 2.5%

Those percentages don't actually mean you have any of that in you. It just means you share similarities with that group.

Like for example mine shows that I have .01% of Native American. That's not really possible for how long whites have been in america it would be more if I actually had lineage. I'm pretty sure almost all people that have scandenavian shows they have trace Native American, from what i've seen.

It interestingly is 100% convinced I had an indian ancester back in the 1800s. Specifically it marked something in the 6th chromosome. I guess that's a similarity only poos have

That could just be similarities because of their aryan genes