Why don't two consenting adults have the legal right to duel?
Why don't two consenting adults have the legal right to duel?
illegal in the state of Georgia. considered premeditated murder.
Because only barbarians murder.
As long as you don't kill each other you can challenge another person to mutual combat here in WA. There was a nigger floating around for a while who did that in a super hero costume.
Same with sodomy but the supreme court has said that is a right
we can still have a trial by combat in the US.
Too many liberals would try to defend m'ladys' honor and states like Vermont would turn red.
no seriously been illegal since revolutionary times, had so many guys die, we a widow issue.
>be OP
>very libertarian on dueling
>gets dueling legalized
>gets drunk at local pub
>first duel ever that night
>last duel ever that night
Because you don't own your life, suicide is illegal.
time to d-d-d-d-duel
>kill a randome dude
>we just dueled breh , its fine
But refugees welcome, amirite?
a duel has to have a witness for each combatant.
no, we have a license for that.
>>gets drunk at local pub
I am not a degenerate
Because the goverment owns you. And they don't want you to die before you fulfill your purpose.
I think it should be well regulated, very formalized.
Yet still just common sense dueling laws
Too much work cleaning up and dealing with bodies and stray bullets an we wuz Ramon Bruis an sheeeeeit.
good question
>OP walks past a local pub
>gets in first duel that night
>gets in last duel that night
My dick gets so hard every time I follow the rules.
Because you can literally kill someone and say "he consented" after to get away with murder.
Because duels are for real men who don't care is it legal or not. Only little boys asking mommy and government what they are allowed to do.
to duel you both need a witness, otherwise by law, any law, it is just murder.
Because it'd be a huge fucking legal mess. Also probably a physical mess that would require extra medical, police, and cleaning work. There are enough idiots out there that this would get out of hand way too fucking fast. Is this really a question or are you just shitposting?
Penis duelling is fine op, carry on
>drunk people don't already kill each other in what are essentially duels
>implying drunk people even obey the law
>what is drunk driving
>Because it'd be a huge fucking legal mess.
>Is this really a question
Duels were always illegal you dumb bitch. At least since the late 16th century in France. People were sentenced to death for participating in them, countless times.
The point was that you were breaking the law.
it was legal (sort of) in the US up until the late 1800s
Because your are government property.
And what exactly will be worth dueling over in this day and age? Preserving Stacy's honour?
Literal autism
Duelling is an excuse for chad to kill people.
This Pushkin gets it.
Oops forgot to take off my meme flag.
This. People would be a lot more fucking polite if we brought back dueling. Would stick it to the suefaggots too
In France King Louis XIII banned it because his officers were a bit too enthusiasts with duels, so much that it actually had a considerable impact on the manpower.
People still practiced it though, way until 1967 were two french MPs fought with swords the last duel in France.
I miss those days, I'm sure some leftist "comedians" wouldn't be so smug running their foul mouth over respectable people, though they don't value much their honour so they would most likely hide behind the cops.
Duels were great because they were the result of the western man love for honour, nowadays it's a forgotten value when it was essential for 2 millenia
I'd duel you over this post you faggot.
Which one?
Holy pokepill
because of Montaigne
>12 heartbreaking threads who'll make you say "fuck having laws and shit"
Make your words great again!...with Firearms!
Found the cuck
>I don't understand why people shouldn't just be allowed to just shoot each other in the street to settle their problems
Nigga you serious? The whole point of the legal system is so we can resolve our problems without killing each other
>Reddit spacing
You have to go back
I wrote a petition once to legalize dueling, it only got a few hundred signatures.
It would need to be regulated but it wouldn't be hard. In cities/densely populated areas, projectile weapons (guns or bows) couldn't be allowed obviously, but sword dueling would be quite possible. Thus, it would foster a culture where people carry swords in cities (I think that would honestly be really cool, imagine men carrying swords around in cities and shit). This also would require some regulation to make sure that the swords were equal to allow a fair duel; laws requiring that all swords be of the same weight and length - All longswords must be 3.2lbs, with 37 inch blades. All sabers must be 2 pounds with 36 inch blades, all smallswords must be 500 grams with 30 inch blades, all rapiers must be 2.5 pounds with 40 inch blades, all katana must be 3 pounds with 28 inch blades, etc (I practice HEMA I know my historical swords and weights). In open areas pistol duels could be allowed, and of course fisticuffs legal everywhere.
The thing is, dueling was immensely popular among all the classes of people. I was also really surprised to find that even women dueled each other all the fucking time. Even when dueling was banned it took decades for it to really end. At this point it's out of the culture but if legalized it would come back really fast. You guys got to understand that if dueling was legal there would legit be thousands of deaths and tens/hundreds of thousands of injuries every year. That would be a problem.
The legal system is clogged up with frivolous bullshit
>In cities/densely populated areas, projectile weapons (guns or bows) couldn't be allowed obviously
we have gun indoor gun ranges
They do where I live.
Americans are pussies.
>legalised murder will be used to solve already frivolous matters
>serious matters will now be resolved via extrajudicial murder and the legal system will remain purely clogged with frivolous matters
>to duel you both need a witness, otherwise by law, any law, it is just murder.
so 3 niggers can kill you and two of them are witnesses.. seems legit.
But what if I want to duel right here right now and it's the middle of some crowded street?
nobody is forcing you to duel
Get notarized signatures
Also you choose your second
discharging a firearm in public is still illegal
yu-gi-oh was shit and you know it
How's about you just pick up fencing and call it a day?
Lots of states have mutual combat laws
It's just cleaner and easier for everybody if it doesn't end in death. Sure you can say "it was a duel" and think it's all well and good, but society doesn't really work like that any more. Some dead 18 year old's parents would be all on the news crying and talking about how sweet tyrone never wanted to hurt nobody and he musta been peer pressured into it and they're still suing for murder.
Just messy
>discharging a firearm in public is still illegal
Which is why we could just carry swords and sword fight. When dueling was common both sword and pistol duels were equally common, we can bring both back and make dueling great again.
dont let women vote
because murder is illegal and only the state has the right to impose punishment taking away life or liberty
Because then that's one less person that pays tax and/or consumes commodities.
ok so what if the "witnesses" are just your friends?
To be fair: duels don't have to end in death.
There was a time when dueling if a man were to kill his opponent he would be charged with murder should he strike the mortal blow, or if his blow caused a wound that would lead to the death of the man struck within a year and one day.
Say what you want about outdated institutions, there was a certain sense of civility to them. Just not one that would fit in today's world.
Same stupid argument used against guns.
>drunk people will fuck it up
Name something that drunk people don't fuck up.
Either way it's a win
Because men are supposed to be non violent prissy little pansies but also " real men " at the same time. Confusing right?
Yea I said fuck it too.
I just read you're still allowed to duel in Texas, fists only however and no serious bodily harm can come to either of you.
There have been quite a few people wandering Seattle in superhero costumes iirc looking to do some vigilante work as well as mutual fights.
wtf is reddit spacing
there is a whole certification process, justice of the peace did a lot more in the day.
because then the government would have two less methods of tax revenue
Its illegal to hurt your wife's feelings in Texas. Mean words are assault. Dueling is certainly, in no way, legal here. It might say it's legal in 1 law but there are 400 other that say differently.
That wasn't reddit spacing you mexican intellectual, that's proper spacing
Or swords
Or knives
I would choose duel by Russian roulette. Make things interesting.
this, fuck marriage
we need dueling rights, period
we can make this profitable too
fucking text me, CIA niggers, the revenue from this shit will make you laugh at the heroin selling game
correct, and the witnesses have phones with an app and have to record the duel
people can watch duels on the cloud
mega fucking bucks, you niggers
sad but true, ancap andy over here is right
That's not how formal duelling worked. You needed a second and a group of witnesses at the least. You're talking about a brawl with weapons.
>That would be a problem.