Reminder that if all of you're ancestors dont go back to the 13 colonies you are a foreigner


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I am a first generation legal immigrant


Fuck illegal aliens who cut me in line

Correcting orthography is stupid and pointless

My bloodline's been on this continent since the mid-1500s from South Carolina.

but you did the opposite of the common mistake of just using your in all places. You put forth extra effort to be wrong.

You need to learn our language or go back.

Reminder that if your ancestors are not native American you are a foreigner

My ancestors go back before the original 13 British colonies, one of the first families to settle New Netherlands

I didn't make a linguistic mistake, I made an orthographic mistake, meaning my sentence is perfect grammar and my knowledge of the language has no faults.
Maybe you need to learn the language, don't even know the difference between language and writing

All of them though. Not just one, they all have to have been here by the end of the revolutionary war at least

I'm from the rest of that map.

>I'm from the rest of that map.
what's better, listerine or whiskey?

You made the mistake of not knowing what "you're" means.

Where did the Southern redneck accent come from?

no, I know what the word "yo͝or" means, I just wrote it in a way that does not match up with Standard English Orthography.

Im assuming you're referring to Appalachian.
Its been postulated to have Ulster Scottish influences.
But the reason its "Redneck accent" nowadays is because the Appalachians are poor and uneducated, so it became the go to poor white accent.


pls respond

I'm confused about what you're calling bullshit on. You don't think I know what the word "yo͝or" means?

My ancestors go back to bienville.
Eat a cock faggot

Stay there you coonass fuck

I think you write like a fag.

a foreigner that still gets to vote.

That's an opinion your allowed to hold. I can be you're fag.

No boudin 4 u, yankee

We wuz germans n'shieet

You can't just write English any way you please.

I'm from the Carolinas C*thlic Scum
Kraut, I am just proud that my ancestors were smart enough to leave your shit country. Thats the true German american spirit.

Is that ancestry passed down the paternal or maternal line? My mother's family can be traced back to the beginning Jamestown but my father's side are all eastern europeans and redmen.

my ancestors, at the earliest, date to the flight of the wild geese. They landed in Virginia in the 1670's. Your move fag.

I guess I'm not a foreigner then, but I'd hate to try and have that discussion with an actual native.

ɥi beg tu difer

Where were the polish people on this map? With the Germans?


>Canadian Education
We didn't have any Poles until the R*publican party started letting C*thlics and Sl*vs immigrate

reminder and if indians are not on their reservation they are foreigners


There had to have been some polish people among the colonies? What does catholicism have to do with it? Did you read the map you posted?

Not pointless at all. Here OP, this helped me overcome my own retardation. Maybe it can help you too.

maybe there were 1 or 2 poles but not enough to show up on this map.
And because Poles are Catholic and we historically hated Catholics. See Native American party

You sound retarded lmao

Iur ɥ riitcɩrd.

My first ancestors landed in 1625, am I American?

I brush my teeth with listerine

When did your last ancestors land.
Was it before or after 1783?
If before, yes. If after, than no.

>teaching school children about glorious fags, terrorists, poc, and trans and how superior they all are to the evil white man is encouraged
>but god forbid they run across a pic like that and improve their reading comprehension skills

I honestly feel like this nightmare is just a trend, and critical thinking will once again return to the public hivemind

no, fuck that
the definition of American is about what you do, not where you're from
this country is named after Amerigo Vespucci, who was a Christian that sailed here from the old world, in search of profit, with complete disregard how many natives he steps on
America is a pro European concept, not the land that it sits on

>tfw only 3/4 of ancestors go back

He was a Catholic. True Americans are either Protestant or from a Protestant Background.

I'm good then. My ancestors can be counted among the first families of Virginia.

A true American is someone who is a descendant of the founding stock of this country, WASPs. The whole "being American is about what you do" shit is Jewish as fuck along with the whole "bring your tired, poor, and hungry". This shit is what's destroying the US and turning it into the world's largest "refugee" camp.

Same here user. That and the New Jersey colony for me. I have a bit of Dutch mixed in me.

My stock is the exact same as the ethnic groups right near the area I am from. And they've all been there since colonial times.

Mine go back several thousand years more.

No there was Maryland which had many Anglo catholic recusing settlers during the colonial era(Charles Carroll was a founding father).Elsewhere there were smaller populations in Pennsylvania and New York but rarely had priests before independence.

Yep and they were the stain on the 13

well... true anglos are protestant
and the pilgrims came here to escape their bullshit

>tired, poor, and hungry
>gibs me dats
that defeats the entire purpose
if you want it go and get it, is what we're all about

nothing wrong with being proud of heritage and shitting on others
but mirrors don't lie, it is what it is and you are what you are
a naked insect crawling around a barren rock floating in the black of space, like all the fucking rest of us

Just wanted to point out that very few if any of the French colonists in the time period of your pic would have been born in France, and most likely they'd have ancestors in New France going back at least 100 years

>tfw the lake named after our great explorer and coloniser, Samuel de Champlain, is not ours

The ones shown yeah, this map isn't showing who was born in which country. But there were Huguenot minorities throughout.

Bullshit, I've crossed over a bridge named after this guy beforeściuszko

Just in the USA though, Huguenots weren't allowed in New France (based Louis XIV)

>my sentence is perfect grammar

Moms paternal line goes all the back the the first settlers the New Hampshire colony (called The Provence of New Hampshire) in the year 1630.My Dads line dates back the 1650s Virginia colony.

Both sides of my family had been in America well over 100 years before it became a country.

Grammar was perfect. Writing just wasn't standard

>be native
>ancestors saw the white man coming
>welcomed with open arms and thanks giving
>get conned out of lands
>get murdered by white man's guns
>get killed by white man's vices
>white man puts up barriers to keep same shit happening to them
>they fail
>white man's women getting blacked
>white man's kids getting browner

The future is mocha. Deal with it.

My dads side of the family goes back to 1772, going to Pennsylvania from Northern Ireland.

I iz the American-est

Since you had to pick one specific line to even get that far, I'm going to guess that you have lines that came after 1783, meaning you're not american

Letting the micks in was our first mistake.

What do I win, faggots?

Fun fact. Both sides of my family are from this ancestor. Hoorah for incest.

>Northern Ireland
Probably not a Mic, most likely an Ulster Scot

No I have plently that far back.
The question isn't the ancestor thats furthest back, its the one that most recently moved to America

I picked my dad-dad-dad-etc line. The only line that matters.

Its a Mc.

>be native
In group preference is human nature. The conditioning preventing it is being broken. War is on the horizon. The White race is a peaceful race but when provoked no race is better at killing. This time we will finish what we started you fucking lazy ass red skin savage.

So Black people are actually white?

How do you find that out, though? I always assumed there's still some of my people hanging in England that didn't come over, but I have zero idea how to find them.

>ancestors on my mom's side of the family are colonists including My 11th great grandfather Captain John Johnson, quartermaster to John Winthrop. Killed a bunch of Indians after their town got ransacaked by them.
Pic related is my grandfather John Johnson on the left pointing his hand

Cherokee ancestry here. Go fuck yourself.

Go through your family tree. You can probably trace them to colonial times.
USe your grandmother/great grandmas name and do it for all of your grandparent/great grandparents.
By the way if it goes back to 1830 theres a very high chance that they go back to Colonial times because immigration halted

the future is slavic
shut your shit colored face the fuck up

>The White race is a peaceful race
I can point to about 6,000,000 examples of how it isn't always.

Will do, user. I think I actually did do that & PDFed a bunch of info during my Ancestry trial. I have census signatures & everything. That's when I found out I was related to myself. Whatta day!

Although I can kind of understand it. No cars, hardly any roads, no one coming in/out of your little enclaves in Virginia & Kentucky. My cousin would prob start looking pretty good to me too.

If your family is Catholic, the church has extensive genealogical records that are very useful for ancestry stuff

fuck that, we're predators
predators who always outsmart their prey, and other predators
who you fucking with user?

>the future is slavic
Can confirm :)

no, you cunt

It seems this church was the address given to the first settler & it still stands today. Was that common to give church info as a place of origin when coming over?

You can just use google if you know what to search, but ancestry can be useful when that fails.

Reminder that if your ancestors are not, all, white, free and of good character, you are a foreigner.

If you think all your ancestors go back to the colonies, then you are a fucking retard.

They do I traced them all back.
It really isn't uncommon in the south where there wasn't much immigration

13 colonies were slaves of their elite who led them to purge the true inhabitants. You cursed this land

Reminder if it's not delivery it's digiorno

if it's not delivery it's disgusting