You don't really believe he OD'd on sleeping pills, do you Sup Forums?
What really happened to Heath Ledger?
is that wat they told his daughter?
He was sacrificed.
He refused to spread his cheeks of suck a wiener?
he was a method actor that got too involved in the darkness of his character... tragic loss. It was his own fault, may he R.I.P.. Let it go. It is time.
>wild shill appears
Just get chemed you piece of untershit.
Probably got 'suicided' because he knew too much and maybe became too loud mouthed after playing the Joker.
There is already some stuff around about him
So far I've seen
>became too outspoken and a wild card because he knew too much
>witnessed something
>didn't go along with some '''holywood''' handusery plan
He died
All of you:
This. Also:
he locked himself up in a hotel room for a month and did drugs... that can wear a man's mind down quite significantly. he let that character consume him and he couldn't shake it. stfu with the conspiracies faggot. it's what happened.
Did Mary Kate's bodyguard kill him?
What did MaryKate Olsen know?
>>Heath Ledger was murdered according to Lindsay Lohan, who says the “Hollywood bad boy” became a problem for “the pedophiles at the top of the Hollywood pyramid” after his performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight propelled him towards superstar status.
Lindsay Lohan has nothing to lose, besides she is currently under the protection of mid-east prince/russian mafia son/ or super shady European mobster with lots of money.
No seriously get FUCKIGN NUKED
False, he did another movie after Tdk already and he was nice and happy on set.
It was not simple sleeping pills IIRC. It was the same killer-stuff that Michael Jackson and Prince took and which apparently should never be prescribed because of those massive side-effects.
>go balls-to-the-wall full Joker mode
>can't cope with the lasting reverberations of hypersanity
If you have the flu, your oxygen levels are already low. Add a codeine cough syrup, and maybe a beer or two, or an antidepressant and you're dead.
>You don't really believe he OD'd on sleeping pills, do you Sup Forums?
Harvey Jewstein put too many daterape drugs in his drink.
Sacrifice. Margin call on his blood contract. Just like paul walker, robin williams, MJ & prince.
all I see are mixed articles. very few talking about how he was murdered, and more about how she explained pill addiction sent him down a slippery slope. which, it could have. my ex was a pill addict and I know what that looks like first hand. it could be a real possibility, stop being such a conspiracuck.
He ODd on Red-pills during a hollywood party
Ok guys this is it, though for the most part this will be a "pearls before swine" scenario, i know a precious few anons will see this for what it is, a rare glimmer of truth on the non stop slide thread pol has become.
Heath was warned off the joker role by nicholson. A very ancient demon known for a grin and sociopathic indifference tormented romero,jack and heath, as well as being the basis for the grinning man stories. Im not naming it, as thats always a bad idea with things of this nature, but its not hard to find.
Look at his film choices (though he was mocked for some of these they were way over peoples heads, and revealed ancient truths)
Knights tale: destiny is forged not prescribed, elite class is a myth.
10 things i hate about you. : read taming of the shrew, than read it again.
And of course imaginarium: heath does a movie about the head of an orphan rescue charity that is a front for child trafficking, with occult magick as the driving force. Hanged man reference, black friars bridge, god and satan vieing for souls, its all there, and as close to disclosure of the open secret as the holly wood has ever come.
That film was so dangerous they killed him during production. Even kubrick got to finish e.w.s, but than again, he was lynchian subtle about it.
Ledgers relationship with the olsens opened his eyes long ago to a lot of the shit that normies deride as conspiracies so they can sleep at night, and in the day.
How? They severed the cord that connects his astral body to his physical body while he slept.
I already know how this will go over, but like i said, a few of you will get it.
That john stamos is an evil fuck, and where the bodies are buried. Theres a reason they wouldnt go near the full house reunion
According to various babbling women I've been forced to listen to, the Olsen twins or Lindsay Lohan gave him the drugs he OD'd on
sounds right.
Weinstein had him killed bc he didn't want to spread his boipussy
got sacrificed in an occult ritual
He really took it in the ass in that movie. Couldn't deal with what a degenerate pos he had become just for fame so he took too many pills.
What if it's just misunderstood?
That much concentrated CANNOT BE would be unsettling in any situation.
I dont get your meaning? What if "what" is just misunderstood?
The Grinning Man.
I dont know something barely comprehended by "master magickians" could be misunderstood by
Ive seen more than some and less than many others, but i know many would sooner die than accept two fundamental hidden truths.
"Magick" is very real.
We are ruled by its practitioners
Great until you talk about astral 'cord' then it's clear you know fuck all about astral. Blavatsky / Casey tier bullshit.
The solar plexus is demphasized for a reason. We fell that cord tugged all the time, its referred to as "goosebumps"
Here's the real story behind the Christopher Nolan's The Joker. Batman inspired hope thus Harvey Dent, and inspired the Joker to copy his tactic of using fear. The Joker destroyed the Mafia and corruption that was destroying Gotham from within while Batman and Dent could not.
The ostensible is never the actual.
when a automotive worker dies in an automobile plant, his passing is clearly related to the environment. when a movie star dies while exploiting hollywood lifestyle, its tragic and sudden, but nobody investigates his agents, directors and studio relations. they should be held just as culpable as the car factory.
Mutually assured destruction user
Everyone has dirt on everyone, agents,producers,local pd, even stylists and grips.
>the opening scene where he double-crosses all his own men, not a single child on one of the school buses is hurt
>the hospital is completely evacuated when he brings it down, he's literally the last living soul to exit the building
>even when he's having a gunfight in traffic, there's no civilian casualties, he randomly shoots at a few cars, but only hits their radiators and tires
>the "detonator" for the ferry is conveniently tossed overboard before anyone can find out if it actually does anything or not
I'm not saying he's good, but he does seem really bad at being bad...
I wonder about that drug. If they've built it up as a "Celebrity Killer" on purpose so they can silence anybody who may start getting too mouthy.
Has the dual function of shutting them the fuck up but also framing them as prescription drug abusers.
Personally I think Ledger died while partying with that Olsen goblin.
But he'd be a primo candidate for establishing the drug as an "accidental" killer of famous people.
Im not saying youre incorrect. That is merely the surface explanation you were meant to stop digging after finding.
It didn't really dawn on me until your post that Joker did more to clean up the city in his wild rampage than Batman or Harvey ever did in the Nolanverse.
holy fuck joker is the hero all along? as far as i recall, he actually only ever killed mobsters etc
how much deeper does it go? is the movie symbolic?
...Really? I've only watched that film once. Good if true.
must have really felt like a tease to some faggot producer after Brokeback Mountain
Look at the disinfo brigade that only appeared with their magical consensus on the joker after my posts.
To those who see its all the verification that is needed.
In a way, nolan isnt "on our side" as it were. It was made to grey the notion of rigjt and wrong and what methods best serve the populace.. the same talking point our totall unpaid posting anons are pushing to dilute this thread at this very moment.
The more you all engage their disinfo, the more they win
>noone posted the heat is kill pasta yet
i knew this board was full of newfags and redditors
Note the leafs
spell it out you fucking schizo, no one else gets what you are rambling out. its a fucking fictional super hero film, i dont get how it has astral esoteric significance
This is 100% true.
mary kate olsen was the last person to see him at his hotel. probably spiked his drink
Youd think youd at least change your flags and buzzwords, honestly im offended, its like youve all stopped trying
sorry for jumping the gun thanks for replying, so what, like CIA soft film disclosure, trying to spread an idea of moral relativism?
righteous hero's like batman accomplish little besides ruthless machiavellian schemers? i dont quite get the purpose though, there already is such tremendous moral relativism, etc. if anything, wouldnt that just embolden the concept that violence against corruption (ie. politicians and their associated criminal cartels) is more viable than righteous pacifism?
Heat Legend found out too much and was kill.
Its not about establishment, its about entrenchment.
The one thing fatman is right about is that there is a war for our minds.
And yes youre spot on with your assessment.
They already checked off the gay and tranny box, still have pedo and cannibal to go, shit has to get a lot greyer for that, more than 50 shades
Caps equal truth. Shill logic.
At least you got rid of that horrid leaf flag.
died at 33. masonic killing.
In the sense the people everyone thinks the masons are did it, you are correct.
7 major cults run this world.
Cult of venus,sun,moon,ares (mars),death,volcano and jupiter (jesus/zeus)
I actually feel bad for you... how's that burning sensation in your head? The feeling that your brain is literally expanding, breathing, tingling?
I feel it too.... time for your meds buddy.
like Family Guy said, '' he just went home and OD'ed himself''
He had a blast playing the joker.
It was a fun role, it didn't mess him up at all.
he knew about the daycares
he probably knew about the pigfarm and the snuff ppv
OP on astral cannot AP, there's no 'cord'.
ashley olson
A dude i know had a picture of heath above his bed. So gay. Mind you he was mid 20's at the time. So one night he calls me... crying his ass off and explaining to me how heath died and that he's been staring at the poster all night.
Don't forget that the first movie has the Sandy Hook reference on the map that they're looking at of Gotham, that Trump literally said the Bane lines from the Third Movie. And the bus from the Superman movie that has the numbers of the missing malaysian flight on top of it.
Of course there is, theres a reason the highly misunderstood practice of yoga means "to bind"
Now, we shouldnt have cords, but we do.
My word its like the YT video of all the different news stations reading from the same script.
>to bind
I think the benefactors of the worldwide opioid epidemic would have been pissed with his second to last movie; Candy.
A yoke is a harness attached by a cord to control a beast.
Mfw these shills..
The connotations are different for these two terms in this context.
No, they arent, sovereign beings arent yoked
The Dark Knight was fucking garbage. Needed to be said.
For those that wish to continue the dialogue on this and more, i am easily found epynonymously.
Dead whites who threatened the Jew controllers
What did he "take" out of interest.
In the english language they are.
To bind something is to stow it fast, so that it can't move about.
To yoke a beast is to bring a beast under control in motion, so that it's energy may be harnessed.
This may not be a useful distinction in everyday conversation, but if we're going to talk about spooky shit, then let's get our terms right.
Tell them about Indrid Cold, dude... they need to know.
the goym understood it was time to go to sleep, and so should you.
He used to get bullied a fair bit by Australian media I remember. He didn't take it very well from what I could see.
was just a subconsciois message from ((they)) who control the minds through the media:
act like the joker, you die in real life
I'm not at all versed in occultism, could you be more specific with this demon? I'm a little curious but I don't even know which mythology to start with, spoon feed me.
Also seeking of grins what are your thoughts on the cheshire cat? The character predates carols novel by a good bit and even someone as distant to this sort of stuff as myself has noticed all the associations between Alice in Wonderland and the occult.
So youve read my site.. i told them where to it. You know how i feel about spoon feeding
His name is Indrid Cold, and he's been around for a looooong time. Really nasty entity. Some people think he may also be The Hat Man, but I'm unsure of if this is accurate.
You already let the genie out of the bottle. Might as well keep going. Knowing their names gives you power over them anyway.
>Joker's crime spree is what gets mafiosos to call big sit-down.
>Big sit-down leads to mafiosos pooling money in one place to escape irradiated bills sting
>Joker Demands 'half' of the mob's entire nestegg, guaranteeing that a huge amount of the mob's money has to be in one place.
>Pooled money allows Dent to jail all the gangsters on on big RICOH case
>Joker's plan kills corrupt police commissioner, paving way for boy scout Jim Gordon to become the top cop.
>Burns mob's life savings, thus destroying their major power base.
>Threatens coleman reece's life to stop him from revealing the batman.
>Threatens to destroy hospitals well before he threatens general population, ensuring that sick and hostpitalized would be transferred out of gotham before they could be endangered by his crime spree.
>Sets up the prisoners dilemma with the ferries to remind both the normal people and the career criminals of their inner humanity.
He's a murderer. The means do not justify the end.
Cats go back to the bastian cult in egypt, and gave us the term bastard due to the ritual sex that was canon for bastets followers.
As for the cheshire cat, as with many concealed truths the answer lies in etymology.
Cheshire, Cestre Scire, from Chester + scir.
Chester Cestre (1086), from Old English Legacæstir (735) "City of the Legions
"We are legion" reference to the demonic entity archtype represented.
Scir, olde english. Stewardship,authority.
He who was authority of the city of the legions (demons)
Thats a dangerous misconception. A schlep with wifi can know their names. Its knowing how to intone them that grants dominion.
>Jokers plan to kidnap Harvey and Rachel (who were high level political figures in gotham, for all he knows they were corrupt too) is actually what reveals the highest level mob informants in the GPD: Wertz and Ramirez
So the meat grinder doesn't matter, only the hand that turns the crank?
Hes taken many appearences, and hes been here a lot longer than we have.
Fun fact, though they arent one in the same, hes responsible for the b.e.k. stories, which btw go back to colonial america
>Muh dark role was too much
Fucking please, remove yourself before someone else does because it's unfathomable to me that you share the same air I do.
Hell is full of good meanings, Heaven is full of good works