How did one guy kill so many faggot commies?
How did one guy kill so many faggot commies?
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He was a turbo manlet with a lot of rage inside him.
finnish autism
he got good
With bullets
He fired by iron sights so they couldn’t see a scope glare, well hidden.
Did he... level up?
>sniper who kill ten people every day for three moths
>somebody still really believe in this shit
>t. mad commiecuck
He kept journal of every kill and almost every historian besides the marxist ones agree it was credible.
by eating vaginas and wearing skullcaps
It's not like he killed people everyday, he just got the drop on so many squads who were in the open. Also shooting at malnourished (probably) Soviet troops with no camouflage in the snow is probably has something to do with the high numbers as well
Stay frosty, faggot. Simo capped 750 Commies and you know it.
Glad to see you're still but hurt FINLAND never fell to you.
>He kept journal of every kill
Wow such a proof. Did you understand that is impossible count for sniper?
750 people killed for three month by the sniper? Yeah yeah I believe you.
You dumbasses had no camo and were storming in large hungry masses for easy picking, it wont surprise me at all if someone would get 10 kills per day that way.
You've never dealt with Finnish Autism before? Well, good luck with the next war with the Finns, then.
as i understand it, he always taking people out from a highly elevated position, against a white background, and the soviets' snow camo was terrible. shooting fish in a barrel, basically.
They tried to stand too close to him and he just couldn't handle it
One at a time
>Being 300 meters from a Finn
>Too close
Yeah, that's probably true.
>t. army legends to make soldiers outperform themselves and do the bidding
>t. american brainwashing
In thi situation people died mostly from machinegun fire and such a count is real for machinegunners. But sniper? Obliviosly bullhit and propaganda. I understand this is very important myth for you sorry if I hurt your feelings.
with his nugget
You know what the trick to killing communists is?
Give them their revolution and communist state.
>Glad to see you're still but hurt FINLAND never fell to you.
Finland was a part of Russia for centuries.
>murican education
>grab thousands of retarded slavshits and dress them in rags
>tell them to march forward or they get shot by commisars
Anyone who was a decent shot would score hundreds of kills against subhuman golems ruled by Jewish bolsheviks.
It wasn't really 750, more like 400.
K, so Zietzev is propaganda too, Comrade?
We used you even as signposts, we were running low on supplies and our machineguns sucked and kept jamming so they took your dp to use more often. There were plenty of corpses to loot. Also like 150 of those kills by Häyhä were by suomi kp an smg.
>Finland was a part of Russia for centuries.
Until it wasn't and actually killed Reds to prove that fact.
You do realize that he did not get all those kills with a sniper, right?
He also had a Suomi KP/-31 with him, and got a lot of kills with that and not only his sniper rifle.
What made he get all these kills was his dedication, dude would lie in the snow for hours with snow in his mouth to cover his breath just for a few kills.
Get fucked, Sweden.
He still never got anywhere close to the high score for commie killing.
Let's not forget that he didn't use scopes because it would allow them to spot him, and he had snow in his mouth to make sure his breath wouldn't be seen and so on.
He knew that if he dressed like a total dork they'd never consider him a real threat. Smart.
Go back to Russia, Commie. You're a fool.
Yes. Zaycev count is propaganda too, especially Stalingrad part when he killed 200+ people during one month.
Hey now, what's the fucking anger coming from? I'm half finn and I live up in the north, and believe it or not, it's not the same shithole you see on the news and read about.
Fuck, I live in one of the bigger cities up here and we really don't have much immigration, so it's not really bad here, except fucking cold most of the year
His opponents underestimated him. They were too arrogant.
Blessed by the Lord, user. May we all be so lucky
Did he ever speak publicly or write about what he did? Was there ever an indication it haunted him?
>the digits on his rifle were quints
and a proper camouflage, the motivation to keep fighting (not the red army kind, the finns were often deployed to defend areas near their homes) and years of training by hunting. he had all the odds stacked for him
Häyhä actually killed Commies. 750+ of them. Stay mad, faggit. His kill count is verifiable unlike your "Hero of the Soviet Union" propaganda counts.
The lans Finland ceded to you is a shithole.
Karelia is a fucking dump now. Communism ruins everything. Finland remained capitalist and thus became first world.
Commies was ones who gives independence to Finland after Revolution of 1917.
Finland was an ally of Soviet Union after 1944.
the only things missing from that image is teaching your kids not to go on welfare and not to engage in premarital sex
>I'm half finn [sic].
No you aren't. You're a fucking useless Swede. Go die.
Russian military doctrine throughout most of modern history= waves comrade, if they survive it will be their training and then we will feed them if they dont succumb to exposure.
Dont be butthurt Ivan.
>When asked in 1998 how he had become such a good shot, Häyhä answered, "Practice." When asked if he regretted killing so many people, he said, "I only did my duty, and what I was told to do, as well as I could."
He also spent the remaining parts of his years hunting moose with the finish President.
A sniper with a good position can bushwhack an entire enemy patrol in one sitting. Carlos Hathcock did it in Vietnam. He and his spotter caught a VC patrol crossing an open rice paddy, he killed the officer and then the rest (about 2 dozen) dove into a small ditch for cover. He stayed there for days, picking them off one by one as they sat in that ditch or broke to make a run for it. At night he would radio for a flare to illuminate the landscape and keep shooting.
Anyway the point is that one sniper can catch a large number of enemy troops in a bad position and really fuck them up.
Ally? More like trying to keep relations warm enough that tanks wont start rolling.
>Finland was an ally of Soviet Union after 1944.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the most RETARDED FUCKING STATEMENT on Sup Forums FOR 2017.
finns are the BEST commie removers. they btfo'd faggot bolsheiviks funded by kikes in 1917.
They are both have impossible counts in short time it is easily checked in compare with other snipers.
didn't he get shot in the face, but still returned or kept going to war? or he retired after that?
especially if their only way to escape is through a open field of snow, can't really run fast in deep snow.
Lololo, YES, this guy is a legend among the legends
the war ended after he woke out of coma.
>our lies are possible therefore they are true
A Finnish soldier is as good as 10 Ruskies.
good he lived after that. But it sounds like a miracle. is it an example that god hates commies?
>Karelia is a fucking dump now.
Never was finnish except WW2 occupation.
>The lans Finland ceded to you is a shithole.
USSR wants this land because of Leningrad defence plan and USSR takes it as a result of Winter War. Did you know Finland lost the war?
How did one country almost conquer all Europe and Russia in just 7 years?
Its unlikely he killed 10/day
More like, spent a week hiding in a tree or something and eventually a platoon tried to cross a field in front of him and he shot 100 of them before they could get out of range
Hey fuck you, my family's from Ylihärmä and if your fucking shitty bloodline had been there you'd not even exist since your family would've been one of the murdered sorry fucks who put Ylihärmä on Interpol's list of most murders per inhabitant.
The fucking stories man, you wouldn't believe. Such a wonderfully violent place it used to be.
Also, my family's name is up on the rural in the church of fallen soldiers in the finish winter war, so fuck you.
>A Finnish soldier is as good as 10000 Ruskies.
He actually awoke from the coma the same day as the peace treaty was signed.
>Swedish flag
>At the most, a Fenno-Swede
You need to die as much as a Russian. Get fucked, SWEDE. You are as evil and worthless as a Ruskie to me.
I was just about to post that picture, it's so lovely.
Why germans snipers couldnn't do the same counts then? They fought against Soviets not for three month but more than for three years. Maybe because German propaganda at least tried to gave numbers that looks real?
>all this butt-mad
Ryssän helvetti on kylmä=Ruskies hell is icy cold.
You know, because it was winter and all.
unironically this
Sounds like he's rationalized it to himself but he probably had many sleepless nights dreaming of frozen slavic mugs
Stalin would have done the same to us as he did to estonia and the rest if we would have not fought.
>never was finnish
It's a fucking shithole now.
>finland lost the war
They kept their independence, remained capitalist and became first world. Meanwhile Stalin intended for all of Finland to become a satellite state:
>The Soviet Union argued that it was the only rightful government for all of Finland that was capable of ending the Winter War and restoring peace; however, before the end of the war, the Soviets gave up this interpretation to make peace with the preexistinggovernment of Finland, which was still recognized by the rest of the world.
Finland is first world, developed and rich because they remained capitalist. Russia is a festering third-world krokodil shithole thanks to a failed Marxist-Lenist state like many others. Keep masturbating for pictures of Stalin you fucking tool.
Jump off your commieblock you retarded Marxist cunt.
Oh for fuck sake, stop being such a fucking cry baby. I know all you think Sweden is is the left liberal fucktards from the South, but truth is, that's at most 1/3rd of our country.
And yes, I live and was born in Sweden, but that doesn't change the fact that the dominant part of my blood is finnish or that I still cheer for Finland in Finland vs Sweden in Hockey.
If you only knew how good we actually have it up north, you'd probably want to fucking move here.
>the butthurt russian
literally every time this guy is brought up
holy shit, just accept it and get the fuck over it already, why are you still so upset about this?
Yeah, probably. But I guess he just pretended the moose to be commies and kept going. I think he probably kept killing because if he stopped, then it would actually creep up on him.
But he probably just laid out in the snow with camo and snow in his mouth and killed moose, and as long as he killed, he didn't think about it too much.
You didn't know that Finland changed side in the end of war?
Who cares, USSR had at least 10 snipers with 400+ confirmed kills.
That has to the be the most based thing any human being has ever done. During those couple of days taking out an entire VC patrol the devil himself must have been scared of Carlos. BASED. AS. FUCK.
well, it winter war IS extremely embarrassing for russians to talk about, but they should realize it's not the normal populations fault, they aren't all that retarded. they think we are judging THEM when we talk about how badly this war went for them
russians know all about falsifying kill counts for snipers
Ruskies were using mass tactics, in knee high snow, with no camo, and feeding the troops tea and biscuits in cold weather, where you would need over 3500 calories to stay effective.
>I live and was born in Sweden
All I need to hear. Get fucked, Sven. Get your Ingmar Bergman-ass away from me.
Like I said, that's the south and mainly the harbor cities. Should I start posting pictures of Detroid to show you that your neighborhood is a shithole?
Just fucking realize that by believing every little thing you hear about us, you buy into (((their))) narrative and dismiss an entire part of the country which isn't infected with that left shit.
But yeah, keep shilling for (((them))) and further their narrative that all countries are broken entirely and that there's nothing left worth fighting for, see how that kills your spirit.
Not strictly an ally. Only time I know of that you could call Finns and Soviets "allies" in any sense was during Operation Tanne Ost. Otherwise we were more or less neutral.
After the war Finland was pretty friendly with Soviet Union, but still not an ally.
>why you not believe in obvious war propaganda fairy tales
had no idea one fin could trigger Russians this hard
You didn't know the British and Americans abandoned Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, and East Germany to """Win""" against the Nazis because we were tired of fighting?
The ammunition was remarkably well suited for his rifle, giving very predictable bullet trajectories.
Then he was a sports shooting manlet with a lot of patience.
I hope they try again lmao.
I'm so fucking bored
Your a black-cock taking faggot with a lot of AIDS.