>urban dictionary
>type in, "white people"
>top definition
How does this make you feel, white boi?
>urban dictionary
>type in, "white people"
>top definition
How does this make you feel, white boi?
Other urls found in this thread:
>urban dictionary
>because niggers are too stupid for real dictionary
feels pretty good
I don't feel anything
Unlike you, I don't get upset by words.
Like a successful member of the animal kingdom.
The cream always rises to the top
but are dey wrong do you nazis be like klll lots of people thats pretty violent
huh - so race does exist then. that's good i was kind of confused about that.
ha dey do nigga and we the best
>Implying Australians are dumber than nogs
LMAO, wot m80?
>No other race has killed more, destroyed more, raped more, or stolen more
feels good to be in first place
Smug that negros remain so butthurt and fearful of invincible aryan warriors.
Its good to be the dominant race burger... tis really good
Like I'm being discriminated against. Like the left are a bunch of brain dead hypocrites.
Always knew australia was secretly retarded
I don't really feel anything, but looking at crime statics by race I doubt the statement is true.
USed to be a nice friendly left leaning liberal. Then day by day at college I kept getting blamed for all the worlds problems. I’m evil and horrible for being born. Fucking niggers. Gas the kikes.
Native populations.
Then again maybe not.
black nationalism is the bes
That map is for the native population only.
Well, it is pretty accurate.
If, that is, that you count Jews as white.
Aren't the Chinese and Mongolians the record holders for bloodshed?
bretty true
Map checks out
acknowledgment that we are the master race? feels good
that makes me feel like i was born in an winning race. what are you saying doesn't make sense.
Belgium....BELGIUM simply strolled into Congo -a country 20 times bigger. and decided it will be their colony. what that says about black people?
Literally everything there is true. Everyone's playing the game of conquest. And everyone else is bitching because whites were the top players for over 2000 years
Glad not to be Brown.
>A potentially great people
Not really, no. It's hard to be great when 90 is considered a high IQ.
opinion discarded
kind of funny how different the tone is.
CONQUERED. fucking feebs
Fuckin' a
Sounds pretty accurate. Time to get back to our roots.
Arabs are pretty high up there
Honestly? Think makes me want to kill sjw niggerfaggets
Which would just prove their point.
But it makes me boil with rage because I know in my heart whites are the least violent and most benificial race to humanity.
Black people - we need a better definition /pol
Let them make enemies of everyone. One by one they will join us.
Jews - lol tier definition /pol
yeah, like, this literally true. like white ppl are like so fuckin evil seriously. Have you ever like seen how ugly white people are hahaha. They are like honestly so dumb as well, like fuckin seriously dumb that they can't even realise their own like privilege.
oh my fucking god lol fuck white people.
Jesus what a spiteful nigger loser.
Give them a break it's the only metaphor niggers know.
actually, blacks are more hated. Racism is national, not personal. Blacks don't have a single nation that is prosperous. No one respects blacks. That's reality. Ya'll niggers need to sort yourselves out.
>allow a bunch of agenda driven bullshit as definitions
>bunch of pussy ass brown people getting jealous at white power
omg lol fuck white people. just embrace love ok fucking white people i hate them
Honestly it worked for me. If anyone needs evidence of redpilling working here I am.
Really makes you think
Don't bother, visibility is based on le upboat system and the website is obviously infested by SJWs and/or niggers.
Just try looking up "cuck" and see how many pages you need to go down until you get the actual definition.
>that upboat to downboat ratio
Just further proof that whites are the minority and need to start looking out for their own interests, rather than playing benevolent savior to all the retarded, lazy brown people of the world.
If you die violently, and you might, it's going to be a black man that kills you. Maybe a cop, cop could be a black guy too. But it's likely going to be some nigger thug chunk of shit.
Like yourself.
So don't worry about white people. You have much bigger problems. You're white people's problem too.
See? Have problems in common.
Cool huh?
This. They want to kick the hornet's nest, then cry bully when we genocide them.
Why couldn’t we just finish off all the other races?
I'm at the point where I wish it were true.
Imagine how awesome colonialism would've been.
The world would have 5 utopian continents.
This and that, we fucked up biggly.
pls try to refute any of these affirmations
Whiteys are just superior. Europe made this world. We can do what we want, that includes war
>Be liberal professor
>don't have kids
>Be conservative Christian
>Have two kids
>Be Mormon guy
>have 16 kids
>Be Amish guy
>Have 12 kids
>Be inbred trailer trash
>Have 11 kids
>Be Hispanic
>Have 9 kids
>Be black
>Have kids you don't even know about
>be Jew
>Have 1 kid who you force to become a doctor, but he quits school to do comedy, and becomes a low-end/moderately successful comedian who impregnates a black girl and forces her to get an abortion.
>most violent: arabs
>killed more people: arabs
>raped more women: arabs
>destroyed more cultures: jews
>stolen as much land: conquered
>most hated: yeah tru but mostly by themselves
Blacks commit 56% of all robbery, despite only 12% of the population.
Blacks commit 53% of all murder, despite being only 12% of the population.
Despite making up less than 7% of the US population, black males commit 1 in every 3 rapes.
Young black men kill 14X more than young white men.
Blacks make up more than 50% of all homicide victims.
42% of all cop killers are black.
Blacks victims of homicide are 93% of the time killed by other blacks.
In 2006, blacks made up nearly 40% of the total prison population, despite being only 12% of the general population.
>Source: bjs.gov
but what about the through all of history
You can't really prove or refute something like that. All races killed, raped and conquered. Mongols, arabs, nigger tribes. There is no objective criteria you could use to measure who is the most violent
Blacks blame that on whitey for keeping their people down
Everybody had a chance at greatness, but they gave up on it. To gain the ire and envy of the world is one of the white mans greatest achievements.
Seems odd that records of white exist seeing as white people traveled the world and built great civilizations while documenting them. Makes no sense.
Fuck shitskins.
>le bellow 60 flag
what do you mean? per capita? per cent of race? raw numbers?
>unironically believing that Africa was peaceful and not knowing how lucky he is that europeans came and civilized the continent, which had a militant, authoritarian, bloodthirsty history
dude you suffer from the racial IQ gap, don't even try reasoning like white men do. just keep your mouth shut and believe what we tell you because believe me, we're telling you how shit really is :(
Australia had the fucking abbos that would score 25 in the iq tests
Dayyyyuum m. Tho
>How does this make you feel, white boi?
breddy gud brochacho
I got to thinking about those stats. Whites naturally avoid the nigger menace by segregating into their own neighborhoods. Despite this fact that Whites avoid niggers like the plague, the few niggers that are living near Whites manage to boost that blacks-assaulting-Whites to something astronomically disproportionate. If you factored in the avoidance factor, the disproportionality would be monsterous.
>minorities disproportionately use urban dictionary
rly makes one TINK!
I moved to Chicago so I won’t have to worry about being killed by a white man.
We could start a campaign to shift the narrative, downvote the "le white devil cracka" and upvote a definition for niggers, this will cause enough butthurt and sjw tears to amuse us
Makes me feel pretty good actually. Thank you.
Seeing as how Africans have been pretty much as they are now if not worse for thousands and thousands of years, I'd say they've probably killed and raped the most on their continent per capita throughout history.
>A site used by retards that can write they personal definition on everything they want to
Wow how can we ever recover ?
>who can't deal with having lost the popular vote
There's no way this isn't satire.
Damn Im #woke now
It sounds like they got a big fucking chip on their shoulder
I can't wait till WW3 and whites nuke the planet and kill off most humans.
We're #1, baby.
We can fight back with Wiki. Which reminds me, I need to add Gurren Lagann to Charlton Hestons wiki and imbd.
Honestly? Scared. I'm scared. If this is how the general population sees whites then we are fucked
every other race tried to to that and failed
We have the wealth, the infrastructure, the technology and the weaponry. We really aren't fucked
>black "people"
Holy fucking kek @ Australia
This post, the first post, has not been properly recognized as the best post.
>what are Aztecs, Mayans, Zulus, Japanese?
oy vey goy are you racist
Wtf I love white people now !?