Why didn't Hitler give his men winter clothing when they invaded Russia?
Why didn't Hitler give his men winter clothing when they invaded Russia?
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I don't know, user. Why?
Better question is why they didn't just drive to Moscow?
here this should explain better some of the mistakes they made far better than we forgot our coat in Berlin
Because winter gear is for pussies. It gets to -30 degrees where In in live and I wear jeans and a rain jacket.
and what then sure Moscow is important
but Napoleon reached Moscow and a load of good it did him
Because WW2 never happened.
it happened just not the way they say
They expected the campaign to be over before the winter
next question
>they did
>and so did the Soviets
Source: "Panzer Operations" by Hoth
Background: The Soviets were sending supplies to the Germans after the Germans captured a town for up to two days on the central front. The regulations for uniforms were relaxed to accommodate informal or nonstandard wear. An example would be multiple shirts, underwear, socks, non issued gloves, etc.
Read a book people.
Happiness is a warm gun.
And I'm sure you spend weeks on end out of doors constantly on march in difficult terrain in them too, right faggot?
But he did. And the fucking gommies appropriated them. We wuz reich n shit.
Winter came unexpectedly early that year; he had hoped to take Russia before the real Winter set in.
Then the river oder flooded further delaying the Germans assault into Russian territory.
And that's about it.
Because they invaded in the middle of June, and since winter equipment is heavy, you don't want to burden your already strained supply lines carrying that shit when it won't be needed until four months in the future.
When the need for winter clothing came the German logistical situation of inefficient railways, broken down vehicles, and dying horses was such a clusterfuck that they were having massive problems supplying the basic needs of food and ammunition, let alone clothing.
Furthermore German military vehicles were not used to such cold climates and started to fail, the ice made it difficult for them to also travel without slipping all over and getting stuck. This caused even further delay as Winter set in even colder.
People give you all this crap "Hitler never listened to his generals" when he did, the Germans just got a really bad stroke of luck and then you combine it with Russia having tech that worked in the cold, troops used to the cold and superior numbers they then had every advantage.
On an even battle field without the weather and numerical superiority Ive no doubt the German war machine would have won.
cocaine is bad user
lol...stormfaggots still butthurt their fuhrer got destroyed by a bunch of commies...never change, Sup Forums
>People give you all this crap "Hitler never listened to his generals" when he did, the Germans just got a really bad stroke of luck
This. And the generals often clashed over theory, but the stories get told like Hitler himself is clashing with all of them. In Hitler's talk with Mannerheim, he even mentions he listens to his generals. It's backed up by generals who bitch less than Manstein too-but every amateur pretends to read Manstein's "Lost Victories" and become his fanatics. It's embarrassing really.
OP: because he was convinced the war would be over before it was needed and it was too late when he was proven wrong
Because Huwite men do not need protection from the cold, we evolved in those conditions and thrive in them.
That's why I always wear shorts in the winter. I AM THE ARCTIC HUMAN, I DO NOT FEAR THE COLD AS NIGGERS DO.
Securing the ukraine in an attempt to push to the oil field in azerbaijan was way more important to Germany.
this and checked
Because they were supposed to invade before winter but the operation had to fix Italy's fuckup in Greece.
Guderian tried, but lesser minds convinced Hitler to recall him.
Maybe Hitler was a Rothschild. I think he might have been a traitor.
I think Hitler is great to piss off libtards, but I have doubts about him. His art and aesthetic tastes makes me want to believe, but the way he kept giving away possible victories (Dunkirk, Grozny, jet airplanes, etc) makes me think maybe he was a traitor.
They invaded well before winter. July 24 is the hottest day on average in the northern hemisphere. Napoleon invaded a month before in June 24. Germany on June 22. This is to give themselves a month to penetrate as far as possible into the hottest period. They then have several more months until operations are generally slowed or suspended as much as possible.
Guderian agreed attacking marsh laden Dunkirk was a bad idea. Rundstedt wasn't the best at utilizing tanks. Guderian pioneered them.
>rain jacket
>only -30
True chads need not but a t-shirt and shorts to survive those conditions
That's funny af. Hitler said the same thing about wearing shorts in the cold.
It was a secret plan to purge the Wehrmacht of jewish blood. Since the white race is so smart, they did not need winter clothes but could rely on their intellect to survive the cold. Those with jewish blood would not know what to do and froze to death. This purified the ranks. (this answer may not be 100% accurate)
Stop wearing shorts, but light clothing is fine.
Seriously, shorts are for boys, cut it out.
>not wearing swimshorts everywhere you go
What's even the point then? Why wear clothes at all?
Manstein was a polish jew who didn't like profile pictures.
Underrated post, that game is broken af
too much meth
He didn't count on the battle dragging this long. It also didn't help he split his forces up against an army that survives some of the hellish winters imaginable.
I do, I live on a mountain in a foxhole bitch.
And yet you only walk to and from your car which drives you to McDonalds or wherever you want to fill yourself up. These men had no heated house or car to return to, they where out in the cold, day and night, and marched as well as fought in it.
becouse he was sending them to death dummy Hitler was a death sentence for Germans for stopping commie revolution in the 20s
Because the Wehrmacht only had so many horse-drawn wagons and had to decide if they wanted to carry ammo to its troops or clothing that wasn't needed for a few months.
Because Hitler was a fantastic motivator of men, but a dogshit tactician. His major failing was to ignore his actual tacticians, for his wierd as fuck flights of fancy (Maus, Ratte, Witchcraft, Psychics etc). He had some wins, the V1 and V2, but things like the Tiger were pure overrated (Panther was way better).
If he had focussed on Me109s, FW109s, JU88s, Panthers and on one enemy at a time (finish europe and allies, THEN do russia you total dickhead), we would be in a different world.
I own zero vehicles and walk wherever I go, usually 9-20 miles a day and I have no heating or running water or electricity.
>Mfw pussy ass city on grid carfags try to tell me it is cold.
St P. Was key to victory.
Also, by this time in fhe war they mostly relied on horses to haul supplies.
Don't say that he was the best German commander
He didn't think they would be fighting as long as they were, they should have been in Moscow before winter but they ran into problems fighting the russians. Mostly because Hitler kept redeploying and then redeploying troops to support lines that were spread too thin. Then Stalin pulled his best troops from the Japan front and set them to stopping the Germans and when winter hit, outnumbered, the germans got fucked.
They had winter clothing. The winter is, however, freaking cold and 1941 was an exceptionally cold winter.
>Napoleon reached Moscow
It wasn't a capital.
Why didn't he just focus on the eastern front? The Brits and French were proven to be weak cowards anyway
>american education
Seriously, they did have winter clothing but the generals prioritized ammunition and food supply over winter clothing.
>wears a shirt at -30.
You are weak.
they believed that the USSR was a giant with feet of clay and that they whole "rotten structure" would come crumbling down as soon as someone "kicks in the door"
The germans were running low on oil so they needed to secure the oil fields in russia. Plus Hitler was worried Stalin would attack him. Hitler should have convinced Stalin he didn't want to attack and make him think Japan was going to attack and then when Japan hit USA Hitler should have publicly voiced support for the US. That might have kept the US out of Germany and delayed lendlease support to russia.
forgot that for a moment
Even if he had marched on St Petersburg, Alexander had decided he would abandon it and retreat and just let Russia's terrain whittle the French down.
youre really bad at making things up you skinny fat urban faggot.
People can clearly see through your bullshit.
t. actual rural retard.
Because they priotized other stuff becauset hey thought they could rush through to moscow and take it and be back before the real winter hits.
But then the russians managed to stall them quite a lot. The retarded decision to take stalingrad instead of going around it. that all lead to wehrmacht soldiers sitting in -45C for months with nothing but summer gear.
Hey i saw that thread lawl have an up bump
Why didn't Hitler just use the Eagles to drop the Nazis into Moscow?
They didn't expect it to last that long.
They didn't have the resources.
Military officers kept information from high command about the clothing situation.
Who cares? Hitler lost WW2 when he decided to circle Ukraine instead of go straight to Moscow.
they didn't invade during winter you fucking moron. My great grandfather died in Stalingrad :(
Italy. Literally because of Italy. Going to save Italy from the Allies delayed Germany 5 months for Operation Barbarossa. So blame them for Germany losing.
They still had time. The point of no return is when high command (Hitler) decides to move his center army group down to Ukraine and take it.
That wasted too much time and good weather.
True too. Just some real bad mistakes.
master race dont need no winter clothing
Why not split and send some to go around?
this, should have used more fucking paratroopers, shitty ai
Fucking troll
Because he was one of them
Yep, this in a nutshell. People have this idea of the German Military being a very efficient, well oiled machine when it simply wasn't. Their vehicles were ill equipped and they were also very reliant on horses to carry equipment (750,000 horses at the start of Barbarossa); animals that don't fare very well in cold weather.
Societ tech was far superior (T-34 tank in particular), as was their military tactics.
The technologically advanced German Military being undone by Soviet ''Human Wave'' tactics is a myth that was propagated by West German commanders after the wars end to save face and gain favourable positions and posts in NATO.
They didn't expect the winter to be as harsh as it was, you fuckin' DICK.
Warm clothes and tire chains would have helped secure the future for white children.
It isn't because of winter clothing it's because the when the ice thawed, the terrain became muddy and the vehicles got stuck in the mud and shit. Didn't expect that but should've known.
RIP Hans von Sturmgewehr
Because he didn't give a fuck whether Col. Klink froze to death.
russia was a defensive war he had no choice, german intelligence had picked up plans showing that Stalin was going to invade germany (they had already invaded finland, poland, latvia, lithuania and preparing for romania)
You just might be the biggest troll on Sup Forums.
>People have this idea of the German Military being a very efficient, well oiled machine when it simply wasn't.
They killed off the entire soviet army in the first year of operations. That's 2.8 million by the start of 1941. By June of 1942, they had replace their frontliners at least once over. Yes, they did well.
>Societ tech was far superior (T-34 tank in particular), as was their military tactics.
1) According to one Swedish tank museum, the average T34 that witnessed combat lasted 3 weeks before it broke down or was defeated in combat. At Kubinka test trials, they graded it moderately higher than a panzer III, and slightly lower than a panzer IV. Note the PIV did not take advantage of sloped hull plates. They also had 4x static optics, when they had them at all. The 76 had to be replaced by the 85 short and the 85 med length barrel guns. All of which were proportionally inefficient compared the the German 75's(KWK40 and 42 especially).
2)The USSR had their air force caught on the ground, didn't take evasive actions with it's close air support, routinely lost dozens of tanks against pairs or even singles of German tanks, and ended up causing the loss of about 28 million of it's own people. Operationally, they did as bad at the end of the war in 45 as they did in 42 in terms of losses alone-even as they gained land and the advantage of having allies fight.
>The technologically advanced German Military being undone by Soviet ''Human Wave'' tactics is a myth that was propagated by West German commanders after the wars end to save face and gain favourable positions and posts in NATO.
It was the Soviet strategy. Order 227 and penal legions. They were criminally inept.
Britbong education everybody
Oil too. Germany was reliant on Romanian fields and needed access to the Caucasus to open new ones. One of the main reasons why the Southern Army group pushed on to Stalingrad was to prevent a Soviet counterattack on these new fields.
Easy to say in hindsight but even if the weather wasn't as harsh the odds of a German victory were never great. They were under-prepared, and stretched to the point that it was too easy for a Soviet counterattack to break their lines. Britain and Germany would have perhaps had enough manpower and air support to do it. But even that is a big if.
>german intelligence had picked up plans showing that Stalin was going to invade germany
This is a meme. Stalin moved troops to the border because HE thought Germany was going to attack, and if they did, the Soviets would be completely unprepared.
Because operation barbarosa was supposed to start 3 months earlier already but Mussolini fucked up in the greece, so germany had to mop up that spaghetti stains before invading Russia.
Because he was dumb enough to think that he will invade the country with no roads or proper weather and defeat it like all other European countries.
I think at this point he lost his mind completely.
Oh they expected it, that's actually why they focused their strategy the way they did.
First part about the Ploiesti oil fields is good. Second part about a combined Europe not being able to do it is off I think. The UK had a plan to bomb USSR as early as 1940 believe it or not. There were a million men stationed in the west, that's at least half a million that could've been spared to fight the Soviets. With fewer air losses to the Brits, the combined Axis-Allied air power, the Soviets never would have tied up in early 44 or dominated by 45.
Friendly reminder: Field Fucker Paulus and his surrender is the sole reason western civilization collapsed.
>yfw t-34 tank was inaccurate
>yfw t-34 tank had terrible armor
>yfw t-34 gunbarrel (only thing decent about it) was made by Krupp
>yfw this is German made and sold to soviets 10 years pre WW2 cus Krupp lost the bid against other German competitors
>Lying on Sup Forums to seem tough
Just stop
Most likely because Russia was going to invade and so Germany was forced to strike before they were entirely ready.
germany wasn't a huge producer of textiles and wool. suddenly allocating a bunch if resources to boost the production of raw materials, manufactoris, required infrastructure and finding the available manpower takes years at best
>Most likely because Russia was going to invade
Please stop with this meme. Stalin moved troops to the border because he believed Germany was going to attack them (He had read Mein Kampf). He wanted to be ready just in case it happened, and British and American intelligence had frequently informed Stalin that the Germans were going to invade.
>they had already invaded poland
Germany and USSR double-teamed Poland.
if hitler would have defeated russia then he would have most certainly won ww2, then hitler would have slain all the poles and we wouldn't have the only people in europe trying to stop the islamization of europe right now.
Ugh, every fucking time. Here we go:
>In Hoth's book "Panzer Operations" he notes the offensive placement of Soviet mobile divisions into central Poland
>In "Icebreaker" Suvorov mentions several irrefutable things like the maps of Germany-Poland and translations of the German language to Russian. He presents a hardcopy in a video that I assure you is easy enough to find on google
>The Soviets built up a tank force larger than some of the nations ended up defeated with
>The USSR built BT fast attack tanks built solely for speed. In order to do this, they must use them on concrete roads and remove the cross country tracks. Russia didn't have any interstate at the time or much pavement at all outside urban areas. This was a tank designed for foreign usage.
>They had about 100k paratroopers. That's an offensive tool. If it were defensive(it isn't), then why didn't they use them on the defense?
>Deep Operations. The USSR doctrine is called Deep Operations. It was developed in the 20's, formalized by Tukhachevsky, and pioneered by Zhukov by his own admission. It's an offensive style.
>The USSR's sole raison d'etre is the enslavement of all mankind under it's own system. Of fucking course they were planning on using Germany as their Icebreaker into Europe.
It's either insanity or backfire of the cult of personality.
He was way too "scary" for people to tell truth about the situation and as I think he did not listen to those who knew better.
It's funny in fact how Stalin and Hitler changed their minds during the war. In the beginning Hitler was listening to all the generals and professionals, Stalin don't. In the middle they've swapped places. Stalin gave carte-blanche to Zhukov and Hitler took command in his hands. If Stalin was a little bit dumber and more stubborn Soviets would be fucked by 1943.
This explanation is moronic. It's exceedingly obvious that both sides were racing towards invasion. It's possible to argue Stalin wasn't going to invade in '41 but it's not possible to argue that Stalin was not going to invade.
>Stalin gave carte-blanche to Zhukov
This appearance had more to do with positivism being adopted in the individual sphere. The soviets were attempting to bring certain individuals up as hero's in contrast to the usual representation of the Soviet man being one in a herd- as seen in art depicted everywhere.
Hitlers role was the exact same throughout the war. It didn't change at all. I can cite sources if you want to know more about that.
>They had about 100k paratroopers. That's an offensive tool. If it were defensive(it isn't), then why didn't they use them on the defense?
USSR paratroopers is a meme. Soviets couldn't afford enough planes to make any of those useful. As I believe there were no paradrops until late 43.
>Field Fucker Paulus and his surrender is the sole reason western civilization collapsed
Implying that the Russians didn't literally walk up to his command HQ and tell him, "bro, you really need to quit," and the Germans couldn't stop them because they had no ammunition or food.
This, 100%. There is no conceivable way to argue that the USSR was not going to invade Germany. It's merely a question of "when" the inevitable was going to occur.
People who criticize operation Barbarossa are only able to do so with the benefit of hindsight.
There were no paradrops because it's an offensive tool mostly. But you're right about the transports- the Soviets lost all air control in 41, and didn't recover tactically to some degree until late 42.
Also, a meme doesn't meme
joke. Look up memetic.
at the end of 1942 the germans had destroyed over 35,000 thousand tanks, hitler in a talk with the finnish leader said he could not believe that a nation could start with that many tanks. indicating that the germans were outnumberd at the start and still destroyed thousands of tanks
he really didn't, stalin locked himself in his room for days after the german invasion thinking that russia was fucked and he was about to be executed for putting them in that situation, he thought the americans and british were lying to try and drag him into the war