Why do you fags pretend gassing jews is a solution to everything?

Have your autistic asses considered something slightly more rational and less violent? I'm willing to bet 100 shekels 90% were never in a fist fight, much less capable of shooting a jew you personally know and don't actually hate in the head

Other urls found in this thread:


Because Jews are the reason the world is so shitty.

gib shekels

Whats wrong with gassing Jews?


The fact that shitposting aside, killing a large group of people isn't something a human psyche can easily handle when not being an edgelord online
And yes jews are people, even if think we're rats or something

>And yes jews are people

prove it.

Are you saying committing a genocide against problematic pest is somehow wrong?

Personally, I believe genocides are both natural and healthy to the worlds population. Surely, a Jew would not mind commit a genocide against the Palestinians.


>Why do you fags pretend gassing jews is a solution to everything?
Why do you pretend it's not?

Nothing like a good genocide. Isn't that right Jew?

how quaint a jew on Sup Forums how could that happen ?

Unless you start twisting term and saying genocide isnt just killing off people, then we're absolutely terrible at it
Over the past 50 years or so under israeli control palestinian population has tripled itself to 4 million. How do you explain that

>implying it isn't

Because when you gas the Jews, you get a race war now, don't you get it?

Most of us here are secretly Jews.

i love donuts but can you explain what's she trying to say in the speech bubble


Everyone would prefer if they just fucked off mate but they are not going to do that are they

Why the erections though

>Over the past 50 years or so under israeli control palestinian population has tripled itself to 4 million. How do you explain that
I say you are growing your own enemy. Nuke their asses. Just do not be upset when we want to nuke you or your neighbors.

Keep in mind I say both you and the Muslims are to be nuked. Both you and the Muslims are nothing but trouble and the rest of the world should end you and move on.

As soon as the Christcuck boomers die off I see no new groups in the US caring what happens to Israel.

We are all gay Jews. We just larp as Nazi to give the right wing faggots a bad name.

>all of you are goy
Pick one

It's funny that Hitler always said jews divert topics when a conversation goes against them when practice you're doing to me right now
Fine, nuke the jews if you desire, a bomb won't care about what it blows up unlike a soldier tasked with gassing them. But you've just accused me of genocide and you claim I grow an enemy when both are opposites
So what now

Because it is

They can all move to Israel.

There you go.

They should be forced into Israel and be shut off from the outside world so we can be free of their bullshit.

Dude we just don't want to have our countries destroyed by your fucking usury. Reign in the other Jews who do this shit to us treating us like we aren't human and we would have no problem with you.

Jews need to play the victim and claim everyone is out to get them, we seriously just want to be left alone, free of forced bullshit and have a happier more natural life.

Eh, I don't mind Israel doing UN stuff.

If all Jews leave say the US, they won't have as many Israel 1st policies with the US government.

This is what Israel was made for after all.

We don't even need to gas all of them - especially not right away. We just have to gas some of them, and throw in their goy chattle to be safe. The world would improve overnight without Soros and the Pedowood fucks running around.

You kikels have to realise that we will wake up our nations to what you're doing. The media psyop manipulation, the financial trickery, the Machiavellian tactics. Enough of us know. I would absolutely kill jews to save us from this disgusting asymmetrical warfare. I don't want to though. I think a world where jews work with humankind rather than one where we have to kill you all is better.

if we gassed the jews they wouldnt be able to hurt children anymore



Israel commits genocide on a daily basis. Israel won't exist soon because of that

You were posting in this thread earlier, are you at least someone who is willing to admit that there are in fact jewish 'leaders' and communities who are destroying western nations through dishonest tactics?

>gassing jews is a solution to everything?

No, but it's a good start.

Come get this shiny thing, skekelsteinbergowitz.

Its satire you dip

becuase you still owe us 5.9 gorillion

And yet you do it to the Palestinians....

Let me guess. **THEY** deserve it but nobody else does...especially God's chosen people. Go fuck yourself Shlomo.

Dp you support White Nationalism?
Do you support Hitler and the Third Reich?
Do you want whites to survive?


Sorry, Jew. Your glory days are over. The Goyim know now.

kys leftypol
i can see you
Israel isnt committing genocide and palestine isnt a recognised state on Sup Forums
you can stop with the attempted obfuscation between Israel and diaspora jews who subvert our populations to take sandniggers
Soros funds PLO and pro palestinian propaganda worldwide with great success as all lefties hate israel(except kikes who have trouble with the question to say the least)
Is this something a tool of israel would do
palestine barely existed in history other than the west bank
its basically the only area to remain "palestinian"
the land was controlled by the ottomans(turk rapists) and then they got BTFO by england and england named it british mandatory palestine
so england had hold of the land and left it in somewhat control of jordan with the exception of the west bank which was palestinian as far as i know
feel free to ask questions
also im happy to gas or deport all diaspora jews i just dont have beef with israel


> Have your autistic asses considered something slightly more rational and less violent?
> Jew admits a less violent and SLIGHTLY more rational action could be taken
Agreed. I just want to pierce all your noses with little bells on loops. Like a cow. And herd you around pastures and milk your teets.
I think that'll do.

>uch less capable of shooting a jew you personally know and don't actually hate in the head
that's where you are wrong, I would have no problem killing jew point blank. I wouldn't even blink. The thing is killing one is irrelevant, which is why I wouldn't do that. What's actually relevant is removing jews from power in my country's media and banking.

>a jew you personally know and don't actually hate
Fucking >implying

Shut up Moishe, just kick back and enjoy setting the middle east ablaze from the comfort of your apartheid ethnostate and leave us good goyim alone. Fucking kikes I swear, they're always so nosey.

these sound like the ravings of a lunatic.

The point we're making is that the kike OP is bitching about us wanting to gas Jews but he seems to be okay with his own country killing scores of palestinian civilians indiscriminately. It's hypocritical.

It's like kikes who bemoan antisemitism here in canada but when there's a parliamentary motion to condemn "islamophobia", they flip their shit. They're fucking hypocrites.

I don't actually care what they do with the Palestinians, nor do I give a shit about who owns that land.

>Jews leave America to go pedo up their own population
Am I failing to see the problem here?

Yeah. Israel isn't a legitimate country. It's Palestine. Jews are going to be punished harder than they have in the last 2000 years soon.

No Israel, No zionism, no Jewish state. NO NOTHING.

so you are doing what i said you are doing
>you can stop with the attempted obfuscation between Israel and diaspora jews who subvert our populations to take sandniggers
Israel doesnt have anything to do with the kikes in your country specifically
just because they wont renounce israel doesnt ean they are complicit
it simply means they are hypocrites
they are communists

Whatever, good luck with your alternative of gassing all the Jews. Let me know how that works out.

>i like palestine
>the israelis killed the chilluns

But would you gas Jewish children?


Lol trusting any kind of racially focused supremacist is a bad idea goyim

They got the Romans to kill Jesus cos he chased the money changers out of the temple.

Jews are literally controlling every aspect of the degeneracy that's going on in the society today

Free Palestine, then moralize:

GTFO of here with your laughable arguments
whats next
"Hitler wanted germany to be an islamic state"
followed by linked his ponderings on how germany could have benefitted if the muzzies had won the one of the earliest holy wars


Because it is the solution to everything.


>jews are people
I see through your tricks schlomo

I mean i guess impale the kikes is alrignt but its not as psychologically damaging and (((historically personal))) as

amazing argument mate
fuck you shills are pathetic

this faggot kike is right and you know it

jews were no longer the chosen people when they rejected christ as their savior. They are the devils children now

Sup maen. Hows it going

kys. You know as well as I do you're the fucking shill.

well..it would

i am anti-violence but this pic related is funny.

unfortunately thanks to your people's behavior, it's us or you. Maybe change do something about that if you're so concerned

you can argue any of this if you like
or keep calling me a kike and looking like a fuckwit

It works better as a prevention than a solution


>The fact that shitposting aside, killing a large group of people isn't something a human psyche can easily handle when not being an edgelord online
I don't think you understand how at peace I would feel knowing every Jew is dead.

Gassing jews is a good start but you also need to gas the good goyim. They are ones actually pulling the trigger on us, after all. The master doesn't have any power without his useful idiots.

everyone take note
ive offered this guy 2 chance to address my fair arguments
he just posts sad memes inplying im a kike
point and laugh

Hypothetical: What would germany be like if hitler was a nice guy?

its pretty funny 'neo-nazis' in america like spencer and anglin support israel. kind of sad you don't see zog is in full control of un/eu and the united states.

if you trust anyone who supports israel, you're in for a rude awakening

be sure to address my points


sad man
cant even make an argument


yes israel is committing genocide. they are ethnically cleansing palestenian people, stealing their land, their homes, and telling them they dont exist and that palestenine never existed which is simply not true.

israel rogue state who has nuclear capabilities but no one is ever allowed to criticize it. or call it rogue regime.

the terrorist occupation of palestine will eventually end.

Listen here kike, men sacrifice their souls so their children can grow up peacefully and if you think for a moment that children can't bare the sins of their fathers you've never studied history.

The ovens are warming motherfucker

Fucking jew rat your people must be genocided


debunk my points about palestines statehood beyond the west bank
go on
i dare you

how about we send all the kikes to the middle east close all our military bases there and let them die while we watch?

lol you

> german 5 year census data up until

Europe for Europeans
Africa for Africans
Asia for Asians
Israel for Jews
America for mutts

gonna need a bit more than arbitrary numbers from a screenshot of a page
give me context
and also address palestines statehood
like i asked

>Israel for Jews

*cough* palestine is for the palestenians *cough*

After the nuke, we rebuild
