Okay serious question Sup Forums, how could I get into politics? I thought about leaving but damn it...

Okay serious question Sup Forums, how could I get into politics? I thought about leaving but damn it, I am going to try to save my country from mudslimes, refugees and pull it out from the middle east.

I'm 23 years old, have no connections, regular income and a university degree. How could I be a politiroachian? How could you even get into the politic circle, can you do it with a fresh party?

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there are rapefugees in turkey ?

We have 2,5 million of them.

muslim non secular politik doesnt really make sense to the humble inhabitants of this haitian child traffiking forum

holy kek
Do they rape and cause chaos in Istanbul (Constantinople) and Ankara ???

Get active in local politics, get connections, start small and work your way up. Also, don't even bother making a new party, just hijack a more established one. There's a lot of blatant nepotism in your politics though, so you're probably fucked.

Prepare for the secret police or controlled opposition


you wouldn't feel good had you not pointed this out, Cletus, get over it already!

They raze fucking hell, especially in İstanbul (Not Constantinople :) ). At least k*rds were our own scum so we were getting along. There is no getting along with this mongrels. They form gangs and shanty towns in the city centre.

This is what I was most afraid of but I accepted the risk now.

Please restore Constantinople, OP. Knock down the minarets on the Hagia Sofia.


*Sophia sorry western Christendom

There is no way in hell I could hijack a well-established party. Our politicians stay on positions until they die.

Oh, how I wish I could restore it. I live in İstanbul and seeing the way it is changing pains me to no end.

those are 500 yrs old and thats not even a church anymore. cultureless burgerking.

I imagine that in Turkey, you'd be killed if you were so radical that you'd win coming from nothing.
If I was you, I'd kill myself. Then, I'd learn the fundamentals of the Turkish economy. I would want to do whatever I could to get my hands on as much macro and micro-economic information that I could. I'd look into theories about Turkish economy. When I am equivalent to a PhD in knowledge about Turkey, I'd become an adviser to a politician that I like.

If you want to go from no qualifications nor experience to a serious contender, you'll need political allies. And for that, you'll have to be inspired, perhaps even inspiring.
Try embodying the superior culture you have in mind. Perhaps normalize discrimination against political enemies as if they are cultural traitors. Find a country that you can relate with, and find cultural correlations. Apply to your own.
As soon as you can, branch out and find as many allies as you can. Play the keys right, and you'll find your seat of power.

You aren't serious, but these steps are relevant to someone lurking who might be.

You need connections and you need money. You need good ideas and a sales pitch to get support from corporate sponsors.

Fun fact: That big structure in the center of the photo was for chariot races, and during the reign of Justinian, over 30,000 people died there!

Erdogan is doing a good job kys haini

Good luck with politics being a Christian

a Byzantine can only dream right >:) ...

I don't think it is possible to win the election by being openly secular and Kemalist anymore. However, I do not want to lie to gain power. That is not a road I want to take.

Would it be possible to win an election solely focusing on economical statements?

Sod off, I could leave turkey if I want to but I realized that the fate of Turkey can be changed by a handful of dedicated individuals.

I despise all organized religions.


Fuck Turkbrah, looks like we both have the same problem.
Let's unite to get rid of these savages.

Also are there any Turkish qts that like wyt boisss ?

what do the turks think of the rapefugees?

you wont last. whenever ideology gets too powerful dumbfucks take over and society stagnates. doesnt matter what ideology. checks and balances, its literally what makes america great, and what is observed in nature for optimal performance.

Wussup with the Justinian Plague, where did that shit come from?

No, you aren't serious.
A serious man doesn't go on the internet to ask foreigners how they would acquire a political seat in their irrelevant country. You know nothing of networking. You don't even try.
You aren't serious. You'll never be serious.

And i thought Canada was screwd

>Intro to World History class
Enjoying yourself Timmy?
I'm joking. Enjoy the history, but we don't care about what you've learned as much as your mother does. What else would it be used for?

I mean you didn't even mention why or how the people died. Your post screams "underage!"

Probably the steppe peoples of central asia. The plague was actually cyclical and is related to the plague of justinian

*bubonic plague

That killed a lot of people , prob led to the downfall of Byzantium

Excluding all the sjw which is a minority, most of the Turks hate them, even the mudslimes. Also Majority of the Turkish girls from the Thrace and Aegean are beautiful.

We are already bleeding brain power at a high rate because anybody who's not mentally ill and capable of thinking for themselves is leaving the country.

Nobody borns with that knowledge and I think there is nothing inherently wrong with asking for advice.

See those people following religion? If they don't follow region, is you tell them "its all a lie, forget about it", they will turn into unpredictable masses and then you will see what a chaotic society on the verge of civil war looks like

The brain drain is not that bad and if a leftist progressive feminist crypto commie leaves, the better

Intern with a local politician. Work up to paid job. Attend fundraisers and every event you can. Hobknob shamelessly.

It's all about building a human network and leveraging that into donors. It helps to have no real ideology of your own.

Fucking hell, this is the kind of people I am up against Sup Forums.

How much money do they pay to shill here?

And as i said the drain isnt that bad, and erdogan is clever enough to setup a committee to fix the current drain

There is also a brain drain happening in france but you wouldn't know that, crypto commie

Cultures precedes politics, so make some noise. See if you can get some people excited about your ideas. This will be a lot easier (and probably a lot more fun) than politics because it won't be winner-takes-all like an election.

What you might be able to use politics for though is to get people's attention. For whatever reason, people's ears perk up more when they hear that somebody is running for office.


Finland is arguably better off economically than turkey, yet a brain drain happens there too

What would compel anyone to leave such a developed country?

If you want to make it in politics you will need to make us of the tools of the trade, in this case you will either need a civil war, become some kind of military genius in weeks and come out victorious like the archetypal hero, or be a gifted speaker and sell sweet dreams to people.

As long as people have bread and water, any politician will do really, from the people's point of view

1. If you make it they (your political enemy) will look at your past, they would do anything to take you down.
2. They may hire people who knew you and they will talk about all the dumb shit you did

Got it? Now:
You could form an NGO, act polite, help your neighborhood (you have to gather a fanbase), recreate an old Turkish art, you should learn to dance and a bit of football.
If the army votes respect the army and enroll for 1 year (i cant remember the name)
Go outside but control yourself, never talk against refugees because you could use them.
If you have money help more people, if u can appear on the news as a savior for some reason do it, you must spot the reason (climate, pets, helping students to improve their PISA scores giving infographics, collect plastic or create something to terminate plastic)
If u have a lot of money you could contact me and help my city with a few stuffs (that would gave you recognition and that would help me too)

You alternate between making kinda sense and being a senseless fucking cunt. I do think you have a mental condition. Also what the fuck is a crypto commie? I fully support the free market and certainly am not part of anything cryptic you butthurt erdodrone.

This is what I am going to go with. With the state of today's social media, a cultural movement seems much more achievable and if I could do it with no political agenda I can easily switch to politics from there.

You just blindly hate erdogan

And desu the main opposition of ERDOĞAN are leftist, soros fuelled cunts

If you want to learn how to form a party read the fucking constitution instead of asking about it on an anime discussion website.

From your ideas, I can see that you are a leftist scum that wants to annihilate culture and history of our ancestor to install western degeneracy into our society. So instead of forming a new party, you might aswell join CHP.

What we need is a NatSoc or fascist party that will banish the refugees and drive western degeneracy out of our society by force. Not your faggotary.

>I am going to try to save my country from mudslimes, refugees and pull it out from the middle east.
Are you mentally ill? Save your country from mudslimes? You guys are THE fucking mudslimes. Short of somehow getting everyone to become Christians (secularism is a meme) or some shit your country is and always will be mudslime.

Still, I encourage you to go into politics. As dumb as you seem, the average roach politician seems dumber. I imagine you're from a decent area and not a total shithole like Bayburt. Try getting involved with things on a very local level and make friends. Leverage your income and assets to get more money and use that to organize some basic shit locally. Once you get in on a low level move up within an existing party and work to change it from within. Starting a new party is a fucking meme, unless some major shit happens it's a waste of time. Best case scenario, you get into parliament and can shift things by some tiny amount, worst case you end up ostracized/offed. I don't really give a fuck.