Will Richard Spencer and the others be the white Malcolm X & Martin Luther King
Will Richard Spencer and the others be the white Malcolm X & Martin Luther King
sick of richard spencer HASBARA JEW SHILLS
Nah. They're going to kill Spencer.
Moarpheus is having an autistic shitfit over this.
literally /who/
Holy shit you people are autistic. Like next level shit.
Sage goes in all fields shills.
This faggot;
You'll see him have his little schizophrenic episodes, posting the same old laughable debunked pictures forever, thinks of himself as some kind of leader who's going to be the new fuhrer or something. The guy is legitimately insane.
oh. what do you think about his picture is spencer really a zionist?
What a miserable looking tosser. I empathize with some of his points, but he has gone too far on promoting typical White Power narratives. In reality, the United States must have responsible immigration policies, without excess flow, yet not with the heartlessness towards people of foreign, non-European ethnicities that Mr. Spencer appears to promote. Adolf Hitler is not the role model of America; the Founding Fathers are.
What are the justifications behind calling him controlled opposition? Genuinely asking.
what do you think about this picture
The founding fathers were ethnic nationalists.
CivNats gtfo
malcom x had fucking balls man, he wasn't a shill
Yes and no. He isn't a fan of Jews but he doesn't want to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. Apparently that makes him a Zionist when in reality he's just an ethno-nationalist who believes all races and ethnicities deserve a homeland.
They already are.
Quotes taken out of context aren't an argument you nigger.
That's a good way to describe it. Honestly, we really should start looking at this somewhat like the Muslim Brotherhood. You think they'd have stood there quietly while their political enemies screamed and shouted? Nope. Those niggers would have unleashed on the communist faggots.
We should do the same.
the idea that Israel is the rightful land of the Jews is Zionism. isnt it? the land is actual Arab, not Jewish, which is why Israel had to be created for the Jews..isnt that right?
I have a hard time believing this post is in good faith (probably a jew) but anyone dumb enough to see the point of highlighting jewish hypocrisy when it comes to their ethnostate (israel) and their being against whites having an ethnostate should just gas themselves
He's not a long term leader. He's got decent talking points, as shown today, but he's terrible at actually speaking. If anything, he's the opening act for whoever steps up to take the reigns
>highlighting jewish hypocrisy when it comes to their ethnostate (israel) and their being against whites having an ethnostate
which would rekt Israel more:
>Exposing Israel for being hypocrites
>Exposing Israel for being responsible for European genocide
Richard Spencer is literally Hitler.
Hail Spencer!!!
I already know this thread will be full of anti spencer trannies, so Fuck You not even reading your bullshit.
Richard Spencer is awakening the people. I dont agree with everything he says, but hes headed in the right direction, and his goal is infinitely better than what we have right now..
>I dont agree with everything he says
like what?
To put it plainly I don't give a fuck where the Jews want to live as long as it isn't in my country, and I'm sure Spencer would basically agree with that sentiment.
Problem with that is that's how niggers do movements. We're white, Spencer is popular because he's "Polos and khakis white nationalism" while the "jackboots and buzzcuts white nationalism" got absolutely nowhere because it alienated a huge majority of whites and made them look like thugs.
Jews can subvert other nations without physically residing in them, user. How do you think Israel subverts nations today? Even if ALL Jews went to Israel we would still have non-Jewish Zionists working the Israeli agenda of European Genocide..isnt this true?
malcom x & mlk jr were successful leaders. spencer is just a loud obnoxious nigger.
Oh so you're Moarpheus too, just using a proxy and pretending to be impartial. You're pathetic. You're using shill tactics on this board like a fucking jew. You need to kill yourself.
>How do you think Israel subverts nations today?
By letting them in. Now shut the fuck up you schizo retard.
isnt mike a talmudist Jew who was married to a MOSSAD spy
im asking which would rekt israel more. why wont you answer?
ethno state, or the paneuropean thing. I want America back, and i want europe to take its countries back, but i don't want redrawing of national boundaries or creation of new smaller states. Unless it's done to unite white ethnicity in preparation for taking our land back.
Still 50/50 on whether or not russia can be our friend.
thats it really
Spencer isn't particularly articulate expressing his ideas to normies. You may hate him, but MLK could DELIVER a good speech. Spencer seems need the same deal with a smart Jew-like writer rather than have to come up with his own arguments. Seen him lose an argument to a WOMAN feminist.
>Will Richard Spencer and the others be the white Malcolm X & Martin Luther King
The state of this board.
Even if ALL Jews went to Israel we would still have non-Jewish Zionists working the Israeli agenda of European Genocide..isnt this true? yes or no?
Like the old nazis, this clown is a LEFTIST. He voted for obama. Look it up.
Why are you using shill tactics on this board like a kike? Can't your ideas stand on their own without the need for you to use proxies? No they can't, because you're insane and everyone sees it.
which argument of his do you agree with? thanks for answering btw
such a fucking looser
he named the jews again today, well he called the bolsheviks which were responsible for the 100million deaths from communism, jews
what are you talking about? im simply asking which would hurt Israel more
>exposing Israel as hypocrites
>exposing Israel as responsible for white genocide
which one user?
Lol. No.
On a related note, what's your opinions on Heimbach? I'm interested in the TWP but I don't know if I should support it or not
video of him losing an argument with a feminist?
Missed fellow meme flag's post Reminds me of that Twilight Zone where Dennis Hopper is trying to be a young clean cut Nazi but he needs Hitler to secretly feed him the best lines.
You know what I'm talking about Moarpheus. Kill yourself.
Mike Enoch is based, he should be the headliner at shit like this. He was practically channelling the führer. Spencer while still good is a middling speaker in comparison. Deal with it.
Heimbach needs to work out.
Maybe "lose an argument" is not as accurate as he came off as a beta loser with no persuasion ability. It was a 20/20 clip so he "lost" in the eyes of the viewer
>inb4 nordbro
a moderately intelligent guy, on the left he would have been just another activist, on the right he's worshiped like Elvis Presley. probably knows the whole thing is a scam and in it for the fans.
That guy barely looks White. He'd be at home in Bolivia.
pay attention to spencer 11:50 - 12:10
I agree that White people in general are in immediate danger from non-white immigration, and multi-culturalism and diversity adds to this burden, by encouraging race-mixing.
All races are different, each deserves to exist, and the best way to preserve our uniqueness is for specific peoples to live in specific countries.
he already came and gone his name was Jonathan Bowden
he's either a faggot or a jew
possibly both
Malcolm X couldn't make up his mind what he believed. he was just an angry nigger
This, Kike Enoch is a far, far, far better speaker. Also more relatable.
pretty sure this applies to you more than him, based on your comment
He will be the Marcus Garvey of White people. Except he will be successful as he won't have to rely on the industry of blacks. Poor Marcus. A good man who meant well. Hated communism. His experiment was a hell of a redpill to swallow.
My biggest question out of that video is why the fuck does the League of the fucking SOUTH have a MARYLAND chapter?
This. Otherwise "lol angry white boi made bbc stole his womynz" are a given.
takes one to know one
Agreed. But this idea isn't Spencer's. If you or I got in front of a crowd and said the exact same thing we'd be right, wouldnt we? Spencer is not some great Revelator..he is merely regurgitating other people's ideas. In doing this he mixes good ideas (white nationalism) with bad ideas (zionism)..and therein lay the trick. Israel is the enemy of white nationalism.. but we should empower Israel by sending all Jews there because.... ?
too cozy with white trash neo nazis to be taken seriously, even anglin realises that they're poison
Enoch has good comebacks and shut-downs, but Spencer is more articulate and reaches the (((intellectuals))) and normies more efficiently.
This. Talmudic-Americans like to think Emma Lazarus was a trans-Founding Father. Wrong.
Why are you trying to get the far-right to go out in public and demand that the state of Israel be destroyed? Sounds like a pretty dumb idea if we want to gain any traction and it's not an idea that most far-right people even agree with. Yes we all know the kikes are a devious force in the world, but just keeping them out of your country and being guarded against them is enough. We DON'T NEED to destroy Israel and advocating for such a thing would make us look like a bunch of rabid muslim sandniggers.
I almost admire your dedication Morpheus, but your ideas are just fucking shit.
No. He is nothing more than controlled opposition and just taking advantage of the Left's insanity to attract followers. Without the Media, he is nothing.
Fuck off shill.
Spencer is /our guy/
Another group I've been keeping an eye on is the Northwest Front, but they've been fairly quiet as far as activism. They a red flag too?
>fag flag
Jared Taylor on the other hand knows his stuff.
This faggot Spencer has done nothing but discredit our movement by coming off as an overly racist, Nazi stereotype. And it's all fucking intentional. The media opposition of course will continue to paint and refer to him as the "leader" of the "alt-right". There needs to be a full force operation to put an end to this. We can't have this douche shill masquerading as some kind of spokesman for the cause.
>Why are you trying to get the far-right to go out in public and demand that the state of Israel be destroyed?
I've never advocated for the destruction of Israel. In fact, I have a much better vision for the Jewish State.
>but just keeping them out of your country and being guarded against them is enough.
you're not accounting for non-Jewish Zionists who already spread Israeli agendas throughout various world Governments. Deportation without first re-education will fail.
>We DON'T NEED to destroy Israel and advocating for such a thing would make us look like a bunch of rabid muslim sandniggers.
Agreed. Israel should not be destroyed.
Because to publicly and openly admitting he wants to give all the jews a german shower would get him shoad so fast he might not be able to complete his sentence. If we can get them into their own country, they won't be able to subvert shit here, or pretend to be us and lead us astray. Also if theyre all in one place doesnt it make it easier to get them all?
Reminds me of Strasser, focuses way too much on the "Socialism" in "National Socialism"
I'd long knife him.
That was the original definition. But now that Israel has nukes we can put their "theoretical status" to bed. They do exist and will exist. Spencer is just wisely using this fact in our favor. Only autism-NEETS think Israel's existence is a hill to die on. Meanwhile, adults work within the world as it exists.
why do you need a group to spread the truth? do you need a sense of belonging? i understand that. Sup Forums is where you belong so just name the Jew.
>criticizing Israel means you want to gas all kikes
I never said otherwise you shitsucker.
>discredit our movement by coming off as an overly racist, Nazi stereotype.
Based black men, amirite? We should get someone like Milo "Dangerous Faggot" Yiannopoulos to lead
As long as he is the Anita Sarkeesian of this movement, he will continue to be the figurehead. What you need is someone to replace him who actually has more spine and just as intellectual as Jared Taylor (DESU, he was what made me curious about them, much like how this board made me 1488-curious).
He also relies too much on the Media coverage. Without it, he is nothing.
Israel has nukes illegally and could be dis-armed easily. Wanna work towards that or you just shilling for based Israel?
Because shitposting on a Tibetan woodcarving board only gets you so far in real life.
yep clearly controlled opposition
On two different local radio channels earlier I heard them play clips from his speech
regular music channels, not talk radio. that was included in their short news-of-the-day segments
oh FFS, Spencer gives a little speech so now we have to get raided buy BTFO leftist damage control cucks
>every single Intelligence Office in every single country shills on Indonesian Rice Cooking forums because of how effective it is in changing public perception..
>but its not worth us doing this
are you retarded?
wow how many shills in this thread
>he wasn't a shill
he's as manufactured as Rockwell and King, all of those fuckers were spooks
This is such bullshit. He's given many good speeches. You try giving an intellectual speech under yesterday's circumstances. Literally 99.99% can't even give a public speech, never mind a room of boons who want to eat you. You all would be reaching for the weighted blanket and sound machine. He played the hand dealt, and played it masterfully.
typically whenever something happens in our favour (spencer conference) there's in influx of angry and nervous leftist posters, same thing happened after cville
>is a marxist
>calls other people lefitsts
lol no. no..
Moarpheus I've seen you multiple times call for the dismantling of Israel in your shill-tier threads. What you're talking about isn't merely "criticizing Israel" it's basically blaming them for all the evils of the world to try and get everyone to support destroying Israel all-together.
You're a dumbass dude, the only thing you have going for you is your autistic will to push your agenda, all your ideas are terrible and you try to spread them by forcefully spamming your shit everywhere. Your ideas aren't catching on because they're dogshit dude.
>it's basically blaming them for all the evils of the world to try and get everyone to support destroying Israel all-together.
pic related
Spencer has criticized israel more than once. in fact today he asked someone in the crowd."How many deaths do you think Israel has caused to the palestinians?"