Hollywood scandals prove all women are whores

>be a woman
>don't want to go to school and spend years learning actual skills
>just have sex with gate-keepers in hollywood to move ahead in your career instead
>become millionaire
>decide to cry about it after you've made $100 million dollars

These women aren't victims. They're disgruntled prostitutes. Why are women such whiny pieces of shit?

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If you were in their shoes, you'd do the same

tag the sponsor dot com proved all women were whores waaaay before hollywood

>Being a woman is the lowest level of difficulty in this sad, sad game that life is.

We need something fresh here buddy

Don't resort to victim blaming they were young and were told to shut up or wake up like Monroe.

They were like 20+

Most women are giving handjobs and blowies out like they're bringing donuts into work anyways, these women just blew some grotesque Jews to star in their gay little movies instead

In principle I would feel bad for those women.

But then I think about all the women i know.

I think about my sisters. I think about the girls at my school, my own mother too.

And I think about how manipulative and oppertunistic they can be.

Makes me wonder.

Every single woman who has ever walked upon this planet is a whore.

>Makes me wonder.

Lmao my own mother was laughing at these stupid whores. They're prostitutes.

Why do you think most Hollywood actors are so average looking? I see hotter women at the mall. These women make it on the screen based on how many diseased uncut 3 inch jewish meat flutes they suck on, not because they're "talented" or any of that bullshit. Most "acting" is really just good videography and editing.

It proves they're hypocrite roasties. They knew exactly what they were getting into with Weinstein types.

If I had to plow some nasty old Jewish hags to make $100M, I wouldn't cry and bitch about it 20 years later, that's fucking gay.

I'd just plow their smelly old Jewish clampooters and be on my way

Jesus Christ, she looks like Lauren Southern seen through a funhouse mirror.

Nah, I wouldn't. Men and women aren't the same. A man doesn't whore himself out to get ahead, he develops skill in the field. A woman sucks a dick.

They aren't victims. They made the choice to exchange sex for fame and fortune. Not taking responsibility for their choices is exactly the problem with women these days. When they fuck up they aren't blamed for it, instead we find someone else to blame. White knights rushing to their defense whenever they fail just compounds the problem.

Monica Lewinsky of all people signed on to #metoo


Really makes you think

I don't know. The funnest part of this to me
is these women coming out like this and
America looking right at them and saying,
" Yea but you did it..... "
They outed themselves and the Jew.
It's the best hollywood I've seen in years!

Why are mad at whores outing themselves as whores?
Its the best hashtag ever.

Actually, these scandals, and the reporting on it, really show that "courtship" is a thing of the past and if you hit on a random woman there's a 50% chance you'll be charged with rape.

The red pill forefathers of PUAhate predicted this 10 years ago.


Wonder what their answer would be if someone asks if they'd do it again if given the chance

>that pic
more brown booty please

Someone should start a #sheknew because all of those actresses knew exactly what they were doing when they walked into those producers offices. I've been around females all my life outnumbered and surrounded by them. I've heard them have conversations where they talk about the dicks of all the guys they've fucked in class like kt was no big deal. If a woman blows or fucks a guy all her friends will hear about it.

On other news, water is wet.

If you could fuck rich women for fame, money, and power based solely on your acting abilities and looks, you would.

Sorry, I and most of the male population don't fuck grannies.

Hence why male escorts which your post equivalent is a huge thing in cities nowadays.

Those actresses chose to sleep their way to the top. Do you really think if they saw Swinestein working at taco bell they would give him the time of day? #sheknew or #theyknew. It was all willing and all for the sheckels.


>a man doesn't
Gay men do. The deciding factor here is testosterone-driven sex drive. Women who will trade money or power for sex with a man are much rarer than the vice-versa.

> I wanted to gas the jews


No amount of white knighting will change the fact that women are whores. Those actresses willingly traded sex for film roles. Hollywood was working like that from the get go. Rita Hayworth probably sucked some circumcised dick in her time too. Right now women can slut around with impunity as there are always some cucks ready to defend m'lady's honor.

Everybody giving shit to P.Cruz because she won't say she whored herself... Have some decency, women.

Source it or straw man some more gayfag.

Or maybe it means having dignity in Hollywood will get you nowhere.

>pursue a career in an industry that requires having no dignity
>cry about having to suck shriveled Jew cock after you've made $100M

What's next? Are porn stars going to cry about being sexually exploited?

Really gets that noggin joggin

>be Hollywood whore-actress
>fuck/suck my way to fame
>20 years later, "pull up the ladder" so those hotter and younger bitches don't get the same opportunity

Misogyny is defined as when a man hates women as much as they hate each other.


Vav vav vav everywhere I look I see (((fiend))) deceiving the masses ... pure coincidence?!

Maybe they drink too much "energy" drinks, maybe too much TV who knows , maybe they lost and desperate...who know ?!