According to pol expertise, what's the limit age after which being a virgin becomes weird?
Details: female.
How long to virgin
whatever your age is. I can help with that tho hmu
It's only weird if you think it is.
Don't be in a hurry to make bad decisions.
16, since the average american loses it at 15
If you're at virgin past the age of 13 you're abnormal.
Average american actually loses it at 17 now.
And no, it's not because of puritanism, it's because smartphones have turned everyone into spergs who can't into relationships.
Shitpost thread. Make sure to report and clean up the board.
For women? It's so stupidly easy for women to lose their virginity that it's a surprise after 17, suspicious after 22, and weird after 24. If you're a virgin by 30, you become a wizard just like men do.
For dudes, it's weird after 18, kind of sad after 21, and then it just gets increasingly sad after that.
>male, 23, virgin
>hate the idea of being that intimate with anyone
>seriously wonder if "you pay them to leave" escorts are the answer
I dunno, 30? Don't fuck some Chad just to lose your v-card.
If you find yourself when time seems right then go for it.
Don't fret about it. Don't expect it to happen.
It's best left to the individual.
Its a real fucking question dumbass. Who else am I supposed to ask, a liberated SJW??? Dumbass.
fine then 18, if youre waiting till marriage and not a creep then youll probably be married in your very early 20s. Anything past 23 is the point of no return.
Pls b my ai GF
Unless you're Asian but even then pls at least give me a (you)
Tnx. Yeah I figure if I have something most people don't, I might as well not lose it for a fling.
I have based blue eyes lel. Also, here's your (you).
never if you're unmarried.
don't become a whore.
Best post ITT.
In the ideal society, women should be married by 25 to a slightly older man and lose virginity only after marriage. After that, becoming a spinster catlady becomes a substantial risk.
Men do have an instinct about a woman's notch count, and any man honest with himself knows that virginity increases a young woman's desirability.
op was asking at what age it becomes weird, not the morality of it
>400 replies guaranteed
women were a mistake
what's the best way to approach sex with you and succeed?
That's why his post was the best. Because it gave her the answer she deserved instead of the answer she wanted.
That`s the spirit, the answer is 24
Why? you must pump at least 3 or four kids and your parents and his parents must help
The day after you get married to a white man
>If you're at virgin past the age of 13 you're abnormal.
maybe if you're a nigger or spic
waiting for marriage when you secretly want to sleep around is a recipe for cheating
Don't have sex until you're married
Only "weird" thing about virginity is being desperate to lose it, regardless of age. In this sense I have the mindset of a Christian, but toned down.
Keep it for serious relationships, because otherwise it's just kind of wasted for "fun". Not even specifically marriage, just don't put out for a long time to see if he is even in it for the long haul.
until you meet the right guy, but try meeting him before you hit your 30s
If you've already torn your hymen with a giant nigger dildo then you aren't really a virgin.
Women have no idea how guys get into bed with them. Your best advice would come from a 5-6/10 guy who gets action.
I am 29 and still a virgin. I'll be a wizard soon.
That's not what the empirics demonstrate.
Eh....virginity is valued in women because of lower risk of STDs and the fact that promiscuity hinders pair bonding in marriage. I don't think dildos do either.
That's actually not true statistically
This virginity meme seems like a jewish trick...
Who cares? I don't. Sex is just one part of life, i don't look at virgins differently. Lost virginity at 22, now I give my woman multiple orgasms per my orgasm. High score is about 20, she went aheago and lost count. Just believe in yourself, 2 years ago i would have never believed i am at this powerlevel and life is good.
No hymen, no diamond
A girl virgin after the age of 10 is offensive to hear about.
Dildos give them expectations of partner size. Realistic dildos fuck girls up because they aren't actually realistic too. Theres some give to a real dick that can reduce the circumfrence once inside her which doesnt exist in rubber or plastic dongs, so dildo will always feel bigger than the exact same size cock.
People have archaic ideas about virginity. In the past, losing one's virginity meant having babies. It was a genuine accomplishment. Today, it most often means nothing of the sort, so don't lose it merely to lose it.
Also, if you're worried about being weird then Sup Forums might not be the place for you. Sup Forums is far more weird than virginity at any age.
It's not a jewish trick. The jewish trick is destroying sexual morals and letting society rot
Average is 17 so that just dont lose it more than 3 years after the average and ya good
You need to read up on the jews more
until marriage
it is true, christians have a higher divorce rate than non christians, its nearly 60%. Losing your virginity doesnt really feel like anything, if you wait till your 25,26,30+ just cause magic man in the sky told you to, you will feel like you wasted your life and have the desire to sow your wild oats. The statistics you posted are irrelevant because only 6% of women wait till marriage, literally only women who have a real desire to be virgin brides, and they get married young.
The waiting for marriage meme is shit - but you should wait for someone you "trust" and would be willing to commit to if they were asked.
The quality of the sex can be a big deal in a relationship as much as people like to think they're above that sort of thing. If the sex isn't great and you aren't good at communicating (don't trust) your partner - that's a recipe for infidelity and resentment. I'm not saying that you shouldn't stick with someone when the sex is bad - but rather if you aren't able to have an honest discussion about what/how you want sex then you don't trust the person enough to be engaging in it.
I'd say past 24 it starts to be odd, past 26 it's straight up weird.
TFW too scared of being caught in some police sting to get an escort.
Life is already shit, my face in the news for trying to get laid via prostitute would make it infinitely worse. So now I stay virgin.
Don't have sex until you are married.
It is weird to not be a virgin upon entering marriage.
I can hear that biological clock of yours ticking loud. Hurry up but remember to pick a white guy because a white male is more likley to stay with you even after that child is born.
Thanks Achmed.
The answer to that is to subtract interracial couples.
Weird? At 30 you get awesome wizard powers
I appreciate the stats graphics, I read about this before. It's just that it was a different time and as post below said, it was that society where people were getting married at a much younger age. And it was easier to do so imo too. Not that I'm against the idea, I'm just saying people are old newlyweds nowadays..
Idk. Kys. Join a feminist club. Eat a dick. Have kids. Or don't. Have a career. Or don't. I don't care any more.
Hey leafanon. I'm a virgin too. Let's solve both our problems!
>non cristians
I thought atheists, but then I remembered literally everyone else
theres really no excuse for a non religious male in a western country to still be a virgin past 25, even if its with a prostitute it counts.
>95% of marriages are weird
not really, back when i went to church everyone was sleeping around. Hell the pastor was fucking the choir director and was fired.
they are, but everyone who is traditional and worth getting married too is snatched up before 23. My point is that if you have the desire to sleep around, waiting till marriage is only going to end in disappointment
american evangelicals have the higher divorce rate in the world
This is the key info you need. If you're a female virgin beyond 25, you're in a fair amount of trouble and are probably mentally ill and/or extremely angry at the world. Good luck, OP!
On one hand, who gives a shit? Why should other people's thoughts/opinions bother you? On the other hand, just don't be a degenerate whore. Ideally, get married then lose your v-card. That's my opinion, but do whatever you want.
>t. 24 virgin, Christian dude
It depends on when you get married. No sex outside of marriage. If you are 30 and unmarried you are likely either hair raising hideous and/or completely nuts.
imo there is no limit and there shouldn't be because there just are numerous factors as of why somebody is still virgin and because of the fact that love is not a game you can play by yourself alone and where you don't make decisions alone.
you can lose it to a hooker if you want. but you most likely won't be happy with that and if the females around you are garbage human beings and commitment phobes who shit their pants and run for the hills like always then nobody can blame you for losing it to a hooker just so you get at least some sexual experience.
on top of that, idiot women would expect you to be at least decent in bed despite not wanting to sleep with you in prior instances. they are all fucking retarded, insensitive, selfish and paradox like that.
as for being female and virgin, well, stay virgin as long as you can and only commit to the man you truly love and that you wanna spend your life with. that way, you're the fruit hanging from the top of the tree and not damaged goods.
This thread is cancer...also TITS OR GTFO!!!
You could always fuck a papaya if you don't want to fuck some college sluts.
the papaya will never cheat on you and will expire sooner than a woman.
Stupid fuckin beaner, OP is a she
you're not a fucking female you lying piece of shit if you were you would have showed us your stupid tits already.
How hard is it to get...Camera, Timestamp, Tits.
Otherwise you are male larping. Also, if you let your dog fuck you, you can consider your virginity lost. Just fyi.
again, OP here, I'm female.
how old are you and what brings you to Sup Forums?
Honestly, how much fun is it having a vagina and boobs? How often do you take pictures of them, just because you can?
23 (unless you have had your own place, own car and job since 18)
after that you are fucking weird, you'll never be with a decent woman for more than a month, you might as well say fuck it and die.
sorry, wrong quote the first time.
Txn for your post!
Good job OP, don't cuck to your retarded hormones in the heat of the moment. You made it this far, that has given you a huge bargening ship for attracting good guys. Use it to marry up, use it as curence, don't just throw it away on some "I think he might be the one" meme. Don't think it is wierd. Get out there and find yourself a good husband. If you are lower than a 4, and are having trouble attracting good guys, look at why, and fix it. If you are a burn victim quadriplegic amputee, sucks to be you, find a blind guy.
Don't fuck this up.
You're a fucking sick faggot, kys!
It's never weird. Stay a virgin until marriage or always. Nuns are based. If you do get married and want you'll have a man who truly cherishes you. Just wait.
being a virgin is awesome, virgins rock!!!
For a woman? 40 if anything, though a woman can lose it at any time and a guy will not only not think any less of her, but might actually think more highly of her for remaining chaste for so long. Just so long as she gives it up for that guy.
WTF I love being a virgin now!
no prob, I should add one more thing. you staying virgin is supposed to be the ideal. but in reality it's good if some women lose it at a random point and have sex every now and then because otherwise no guys would get laid ever.
You guys fell for it. It’s pretty clear here who is the jew.
Namely >> dude nothing matters bruh it just like sex and shit. It’s not like it has an effect on pairbonding, likelihood of divorce, stds and wellbeing in general.
When you see the postmodern marxist hedonism seething out of that post your reaction should be a visceral desire to save western civilization.
I am 29 virgin was engaged to be married where would have lost it at 22 caught her sleeping with my best friend now I fear will never lose it cause all woman are lying cunts
Shouldn't have sex until married, and you should be married by age 25-30.
There's one very obvious option in front of you, user.
Hey user, me too. Wizard powers here I come!
Positive correlation between number of partners and divorce rate. Did you ignore the charts posted earlier?
Bullet = dodged
Thot = patrolled
MGTOW brother.
Any kind of sex? Because 100% non-sex and nofap would be really hard.
male: 24
protip: nobody cares outside of degenerate hollywood propaganda that seeks to subvert the family unit.
2nd day of marriage.
At that point it is odd
That must have been tough :(
Well not all but a lot unfortunately. All the best to you in finding the one you're looking for!
Going for New Years noodle over here. Christmas cake is a certianty right now. Thank god those things only apply to women... right guys?
Problem is standards keep getting higher every year. I just can’t be bothered with the responsibilities that come with dating etc given the low quality of women I can get. It just seems like my job / studies are so much more rewarding than roasties. I really regret having missed on the innocent tennage love but I guess there’s nothing to do about that.
I don't have any problems with a virgin girl but I'm also no gf so my opinion is probably no very relevant desuu~~
My comment was directed towards a female.
For men, you can have sex, just don't do it to often. You should only have sex with someone you barely know (not in a relationship) once or twice, and only if you really want to lose your virginity. Otherwise, only have sex with those you are in a relationship, and only be in a relationship with CANDIDATES to those you could possibly marry.
In general this applies to women as well. As long as you, guy or girl, don't fuck people you barely know more than once or twice, then I don't care as long as you are in a relationship and not just a "Haha we just doing this for fun :)" relationship.
Me though, I only prefer virgins.