I like rape what do you think of it

Rape is so sexy to me just hearing the word makes me horny rape is the most sexy idea I love rape and just the fact that rape causes mental damage makes it even more sexy

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woah cool haha youv def come to right place duder

Rape me rape me my friend rape me rape me rape me again.

What did Nickelback mean by this?

They we’re thinking it’s Nirvana to be raped by a friendo

Sound like furry fetish for me.

Rape is just great and also I am not a furry

I would like my next relationship to be a "rape and molest me whenever you want" type of thing yes

I had something like that with a pretty damaged girl. Those are the only kinds that take it. You get bored with it really fast. You might not know it but Men actually like a challenge

slide thread
Sup Forums is a board of peace

Are you this guy?


Fuck been waiting to use this

Just so you know I am a male and I get turned on of the thought of me getting raped

as a gay man i fantasize about both raping and being raped ama

Even though I do genuinely get turned on by rape that photo made me laugh

we can see your flag

Why is my flag relevant

>screenshotting a picture
>what is a reply?
>being this new

user, I...


Why is rape so hot tho. I would also like this relationship like this but where I stoll get to be all house wife like on the day to day. The neighbors will just think we keep to ourselves.


It just is sexy


I am new and know I know what all of the ruckus is about and know to be bombarded with insults like newfag

Rape was the natural order of things. When men went to war the rule was 8-80 and they're getting plowed. What sickens me though is that I get turned on thinking about being 3rd or 4th in line and plowing an already seeded girl forcing all that other cum out and replacing it with my own.

So that's why I want to be raped.


>Pajeet's first shitpost with us proxy

No bob and vagene for you, street-shitter

move to Finland, nigger

You can only rape people. Women are stuff.

pajeet in street detected

I love raping virgin assholes or right wingers

Found the buzzfeed anti-gamergate reporter.

My kinda girl...