Is there any commonality in Italian genes? Are Italians really genetically a people, beyond their culture and nation?
Are Italians mixed race?
Nope not after the jews took over the roman empire and collapsed it.
Italy has never been unified. See Sula's social war and how they genocided Samnites.
Ok but I'm talking about Italians as a people, not as a nation
There's two types, north italians and sicilians. North ones are white while sicilians have jew and muslim blood
That's basically what I fuckin said. Italy has always been multiple cultures and races to the point that the Roman Republic at its height still had huge civil wars.
No, they are polyglot and multiethnic. Etruscans, Pelasgians, Tyrrhenians, Greeks, Phoenicians, jewscum, Minoans, Goths/Germans, Kelts, Egyptians, Hittites, Babylonians, Persians, and a fuck lot more else are mixed together in Italy. It's in the goddamn language. Read a book.
Then after Rome falls you have four or give different Germanic tribes all of them with Imperial Ambitions.
Those in the north are celto-germanics
and those in the south are arabo-berber-latin mongrel.
the kingdom of heaven rules over the kingdom of man
So they're just like mexicans then?
>Those in the north are celto-germanics
Many of them have decent enough intelligence and looks genetics, but just like with other “decent” racial foreigners doesn’t make them welcome in the rest of Europe and CANZUK
....uhm kay? whats that got to do with this?
Don't know if feeling proud or feeling bad about it
Fair enough, but I was hoping they at least had enough genetic similarity to be considered their own people.
Nope. Ironically my Grandmother from Northern Italy was browner then my Blonde haired Naplese Grandfather.
The big reveal of this thread is that I have heavy italian ancestry and I'm asking these questions for my own sake. It's honestly really depressing to consider that I already lack a solid culture for being American, and on top of that I'm a mutt with no solid racial or ethnic background for being italian. So basically I'm just a person with no culture or ethnic heritage.
Sicily, which was originally greek, got raped over by africans, vikings and turks. So it is the real melting pot of europe. They collect big money from EU and northern italy since 50 years and still are the biggest shithole
Nothing stated in here means that Italian isnt an ethnicity or people.
vandals, goths, germans (Staufer), vikings....
Are you retarded by any chance ?
>muh western culture
>Italians are niggers
Pick one faggot
I know that. I was just pointing out how my part of my blonde hair comes from Naples not from northern Italy.
Vikings tried to burn down Rome but got lost and burned down the next best thing they could find. Also Normans could be considered Vikings. They acted like it.
Northern Italian (various celtic peoples), Sardinian, Sicilian/Southern Italian and Tuscan
Sardinians are an anonmaly, they're actually seperate from all other Italians, they're pure Neolithic Indigenous Europeans
Vikings settled a small part of southern italy theres no way you can claim all italians share norman ancestry
Are you retarded? Did you read any of this thread?
Vikings raped their way up north right before the gates of rome. They fought the pope for some time, you know
they're probably the most raped people, and they don't really have a race for that reason
>So basically I'm just a person with no culture or ethnic heritage.
You what? Italy has a rich history and it has always been the cradle of culture and civilization. You want to experience some cultura italiana? Come and visit any town with less than 300'000 inhabitants, most anything you will find will be older than your country, and with deep histo-cultural ties.
Bike around Tuscanian hills visiting walled towns and abbeys, dive in the Gulf of Naples, attend opera in the Arena of Verona, take an aperitivo under 200 years old olive trees in Puglia.
>Etruscans, Pelasgians, Tyrrhenians, Greeks, Phoenicians, jewscum, Minoans, Goths/Germans, Kelts, Egyptians, Hittites, Babylonians, Persians
Most of these civilizations invented culture and society, be glad Italians, and Greeks too, decided to civilize those uncultured monkeys in the rest of Europe.
>slaughtering people and larping as Greeks
>Culture and Civilization
Why do people always ignore that Sicily had French rulers too?
>They collect big money from EU and northern italy since 50 years and still are the biggest shithole
After the North destroyed its economy with the unification. Goo look what the most populous cities of Italy were right after the unification: Roma, Napoli and Palermo, because that is where the richness was.
>on top of that I'm a mutt with no solid racial or ethnic background for being italian.
Your family should be ashamed of you and I hope Italy never gives citizenship to an ungrateful cunt like you.
>larping as Greeks
You know nothing, we have so much respect for the Greeks and what they have done to us. We don't need to stole their culture, because after they helped us we developed our own.
I just want to have an identity. And since Italian isn't a race I can't really be considered "ethnically italian" because to be Italian is purely cultural. So I'm not really Italian anyways because there's no real Italian blood, it's just a mix of things. Sort of like a person born in Mexico who has a family from Brazil is no longer in any way Brazilian. And I don't say these things to insult Italy it just seems to be the apparent truth. I've denied it for a long time.
>I just want to have an identity.
Then you shouldn't have been born in the USA.
Also you are talking to me about " there's no real Italian blood", then what about American blood?
they kind of are. ever looked at an actual north italian? they are blonde and blue eyed quite often.
They certainly have germanic traits.
>they are blonde and blue eyed quite often.
Current leader of North separatist party.
Being a Roman was never ethnic or even cultural. It was an ideal. A way of life so to speak. Kind of like being an American. You should try to better your country so you can be proud of it rather then dwelling on things way out of your hands that make little difference anyways. "Irish" or Scottish Americans who wear kilts or spout off "I drink Guinness on st pattys day i feel lik such an Irishman" are cringe worthy.
Previous leader.
His son.
All I see is 100% Germanic Lombards who deserve their independence.
A way of life is a culture but I get what you're saying
Meanwhile terrone, leader of Fratelli D'Italia, half Sicilian, half Sardinian.
We are not a single ethnic group if that's what you are asking, since even without counting barbarian migrations, various ethnic/cultural/linguistic groups are native to the peninsula.
Inb4 Arab rapebabies huur duur
Plutarch was born, identified as Greek and was a Priest of Apollo but he was still a Roman. And if you've never read Parallel Lives I recommend it.
There were no non-Italics in Republican Rome.
There is commonality, Rome, Greece, and Western Anatolia were all inhabited by the same people group before the Northerners started coming in droves.
First the Gauls crossed into Greece, Thrace, and Galatia subduing the lands and mixing/settling in various places throughout, most notably establishing the Chiefdom of Galatia under Brennus' line.
Then Rome became mixed after 400 A.D. When the Germans started to settle in Italy and establish kingdoms. The Gauls also probably had some minor Chiefdoms in the Southern Alps which while not independent remained purely Gallic.
As Rome declined so did her Roman population, less Villas of 12 children and more city manors of five to six children, meanwhile the Germans and Gauls did not hesitate to keep large families of 10-12 children on their own estates.
In any case, guido has been through a lot and should be encouraged to rise again.
We are white as fuck. Surely whiter than Northern snowniggers pieces of shit
>Is there any commonality in Italian genes?
you can distinguish some peculiar traits in the northern people and the southern but not many unified characteristics shared by the whole peninsula
>no none-Italics
>Illyrians Cretans Greeks and Sardinians
>And since Italian isn't a race I can't really be considered "ethnically italian"
Yes it is. After the roman empire regional ethnic identity holds very little importance compare to overall ethnic identity of the nation. People won't be butthurt if someone from Florence moves to Milan, but they will be butthurt if someone from Nigeria does.
Don't conflate Italians being derived from various native ethnic groups to the "country of immigrants with no identity" bullshit
If Italians are all mixed and rome was a culture of multiple ethnicities then why is Sup Forums against race mixing/multiculturalism?
I find these kinds of threads quite funny, because I've never met an American in Italy that told me Italians are not white, it's always Americans on the internet that talk shit, Family guy and Hollywood movies are not reliable if you want to really know about other countries.
Italy is largely free of outside genetic impact excluding the south. The population of southern Italy have strong genetic ties to the Greeks who established colonies in Sicily and the very southern ends of the mainland. Subsequent invasions, including from the north, had little to no effect on the population.
They're not, and rome wasn't
The thread is not about us being white or not faggot. Read it again
Isn't there any dna studies or anything that can confirm or deny this?
Yes google "Italian genetics"
>the last five letters of the link
>unarmored legs exposed
Almost non existant in the peninsula
>various Greek ethnic groups
True, especially in the south which was part of Greece originally
Extremely isolated as an ethnic group and not a very populated part of italy, so of negligible demographic impact
The only sizeable groups of non Italics were Greeks and their derivates along with Celtic tribes + Germanic barbarians later on.
because we we're not mixing with niggers, I guess
You are a moron.
If a descendent of italians can't be proud of his roots is because he is a moron. Italy is fucking GREAT, way more than America will ever be. Huge culture, history and past.
You should be ashamed, and I'm not joking or shittalking, this time for real, just stop coming in here and stop reading in the "xxxx is not white" shit. Be proud of what you are, of your roots and your family.
Really piss me off see this kind of kids here.
>Extremely isolated as an ethnic group and not a very populated part of italy, so of negligible demographic impact
You know what is frightening? That there are more Turks in Germany than Sardinians in Italy, despite the latter being one of the oldest settlers of the continent.
Yea I know. It's pretty sad. Also I think Sardinia has the lowest birthrate in Italy if we exclude immigrants
Yeah I should probably just take a break from Sup Forums anyways
I don't understand your insecurity. All Americans are a mixture of people from different ethnic and racial backgrounds. If I was Italian I would be proud of that heritage.
The vast majority of races are social constructs.
NOTE: I said the majority, not all. There are less than 10 actual races of people on this planet.
You feel the way you do because of what america has become. When you're country is flooded with nonwhites and the only purpose of its existence is to be the shopping mall of the world, it's not hard to imagine why you'd feel that way. Like almost all Americans, you are mixed European, which is why we often identify along racial lines as opposed to ethnicity in Europe. Be proud of being white, be proud of the accomplishments of your ancestors both Italian and otherwise, and never feel shame for that.
Pretty sure Albania is the real shithole of Europe.
french are meds right?
italy is a meme nation just like germany. a dozen different ethnicities lumped together because they occupy the same geographic construct and speak similar languages.
Those missing nipples won't let me sleep at night
Honestly we're all fucking mixed race to some degree. It happened the instant the cro-magnons, homo sapiens, neanderthals, denisovans etc. all decided to mate with each other.
The various Roman conquests and various barbarian invasions against Rome would have resulted in many mixed race Romans. However I think generally Italians today would still look rather similar to Italians back then, you just look at the Roman statues and compare them to Italians now.
>distraught over 2D woman's anatomy
Yep, HUNgarians are definitely mongols.
they also fantasized to be cucked by a moorish KANG in literature, germanic indeed
Romans got GAULED, there's no connection between romans and italians genetically.
not exactly, but yes, they are genetically identical to the original populations today
False, my Finnish friend
It is so funny to see Anglo colonies discussing about "mixed race", when your own countries have been for decades the examples of "melting pots where everyone mixes" used by the immigrationists.
Exactly. Our points apply to the Chinese and Japanese too. Jap nationalists accuse Chinese of being mongrelised but Chinese always outnumbered their invaders and conquered peoples 1 million to 1, this is why Han Chinese make up 92% of China. Many of my friends' faces look just like the Terracotta warrior statues. Japs themselves exist because of Sundadonts from indonesia race mixing with the stone age Chinese who immigrated through the land bridge in Korea and settled in Japan. They're basically a race of prehistoric Chinese, Koreans and Austronesians all mixed up together.
They don't look much alike. And Augustus was described as having Light Brown Hair. Those are a bunch of Dark Haired Berbers.
I'd say a mix of Celtic, Germanic and Meds because it's been occupied by all those groups for so long. French people look quite diverse but also have this general look too. They have quite pointy and large noses like the Italians but seem to have some British looks mixed in.
Not berbers, Italians are not gentically related to berber populations
>Dark Haired Berbers.
So white anyway according to your census.
Hell, even Moroccans are white for your stats.
Please stop depressing me with the fact we have even fewer whites in the US than we think
inbred spoiled and retarded subhuman tbqh, glad they did ostracize the bossi family from their own party
still not trustworthy party despite being one of the best alternatives to the current garbage, tfw there are politicians who have been sitting in the parliament and senate for 30 years
They are TRSodomites.
It is not like the Bossi family was always loved inside the Lega
>Bossi è un incolto, buffone, arrogante, isterico, arabo levantino mentitore, lo schiaccerò come una sogliola. Se mi si ripresenta lo caccio a pedate nel sedere.
>Gianfranco Miglio
captcha: newham umberto
Rome went downhill after the republic was diluted with slave and minority blood.
Salvini looks like a syrian and talk shows use him to spoil even good ideas. Controlled op/10
>implying the votes won't be rigged to put good goy Forza Italia in power
>implying voting is going to change anything
Don’t be such a self hater.
Best part is that now he is the hero of the Roms too
Go to 2:00
>that smug Rom
>ever under Roman rule