what do you think will happen to us (saudis) when we can't sell oil because there is no oil?
Saudi is still gonna be prosperous.
They're investing in other fields, because they know oil won't last forever.
better start learning how to sell sand
Export more terrorism probably
your government will start taxing people to get money, people will riot as the currency and market crash, the government fears for their dictatorship to end, government starts killing its own people and a civil war erupts with saudis flooding to Europe following their other fellow arabs, this is the current cycle of dictatoring arab governments, we've seen it in syria, we've seen it in libya and many other arabic dictatorships, its just a matter of time before saudi arabia hits the end of its failing fashist regime.
My grandfather rode a camel, my father rode a camel, I drive a Mercedes, my son drives a Land Rover, his son will drive a Land Rover, but his son will ride a camel.
--Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum
This. Only post in the thread that is accurate.
Well, you sent enough Muslim pilgrims to Europe and America to receive a steady stream of money.
Saudi has had little tax on its people. That will change to be more toward western countrys. No issues as it will be a slow process. Saudi is a fantastic place with some of the best buildings in the world with high end shopping and lifestyle. You are basically the florida of the east. When the oil runs out solar power will be introduced on a mass scale. And if we can run cables at the bottom of the ocean..a pipefine to direct energy created isnt so far fetched. You will be fine :)
>investing in other fields
topkek m8, they literally import every single thing they have.
As long as they got those sandnigger dates they should be okay.
Like what? Soccer teams? They literally have nothing else. They don't even have a skilled workforce since they import those too.
>Sandnigger dates
What's that?
i predict, when youre oil is gone, you gettinĀ“ screwed big time by youreself and by america.
ssaudis waste the oil money big time and when theres no more oil why should america protect you any more?
You'll still have Mecca as a tourist attraction.
>You'll still have Mecca as a terrorist attraction.
FTFY, also it is not open to non-muslims
Found our own from fraking. So you can fuck off and die now. Fucking assholes.
Less funding for terrorism.
So that's a good thing.
Plebbit alert
If you haven't already descended into civil war by that point, you will quickly proceed to do so.
u get nuked or invaded
Your best friends will decide that you fund terorrism and you guys need some democracy and freedom
Come to Eu to live for free.
You will drown due to a deluge of cum due to my ecstasy. I can't wait for you camel fuckers to go back to the stone age and stop funding fucking wahhabi madrassas in the UK.
Well if you studied economics you would know by the tine oil hit 20 dollars a gallon we would switch over to something cheaper like hydro or solar cars. The price would slowly rise up giving us time to find another way. Plus every 10 years the gas on earth doubles because they keep finding more of it and say oh no we hit the half way mark again!
The very second you goat fucking backwards sand niggers stop producing a commodity that we want, and the only thing of worth you peasant sand 'people' have managed to extract is oil, we will convert the endless seas of sand you bearded abominations inhabit into waves of glass which will wash away centuries of moon rock worshiping pedo rapist culture from the earth.
Official US policy declares that once Saudi Arabia runs out of oil, the entire country will be melted
down with nuclear fire.
It is all a Jew tactic. We will never run out of oil. Oil is made from decomposed corpses. Organisms are always dying. Only reason they are claiming we will run out is to keep gas prices high, and to fund the climate change agenda.
People die even more of hunger, the bazillion princes start infighting with private armies, ij the end they go back to live in desert tents
Atleast you're using your oilmoney to build a wall against your neighbouring Jihadists.
Norway isn't
>They're investing
LOL what a joke. All the money goes towards nepotism and the biggest socialist experiment in the history of mankind
1: Most of your "human capitol" is a bunch of inbred lazy fucks that go to western collages for free and then get fake degrees because the universities don't have the balls to expel that oil money +1 for the free market.
2: The physical investments your government has made are all largely outside your country, and held by the sovereign wealth fund, so the royal family can bamf out of there when the oil is gone.
3: Your population hasn't modernized and is extremely stuck up demanding both Gibs from the government, and free cushy jobs, while simultaneously being unemployable outside the kingdom.
4: The vast majority of the economy in Saudi is done through foreign workers, because the native saudi's don't have real skills, nor any work ethic at all.
5: The kingdom has the most backward business hostile culture on the planet with not only loans being banned, but nepotism and tribal animosity being the norm rather than an exception.
6: The wahabi/salafi problem is extreme, and you are going to have a major religion fueled oppression/genocide problem.
7: There is barely any water, almost all of it is fossil and non-renewable, the vast majority of that is located in the Shia areas. Currently 40% of water is non-renewable, and ~80% has been extracted in 25 years.
8: The government has $487billion and ran a deficit of ~$87billion(1/3 of total spending) in 2016 that leaves 6 more years max at this rate.
9: There are 260 billion barrels in reserve, and there have been no increases in known reserves in decades. At the current rate, which is increasing yearly to make up for a cheaper oil price, and to keep it low to attack the Russian and Iranian economies, there is ~75 years until none left at all. This will happen a lot faster, so I guess ~35 years till bad news.
10: The population has 33 million people, and can produce enough food for 2.7-3 million.
How about you guess
>they better figure out how to make fuel from sand real soon.
same thing that will happen everywhere else: streetshitting panic, collapse, and 90% die-off
Oil will last for at least about 100 years. I don't know what will happen next, that will depend on how Saudi Arabia develops in the coming decades.
lol someone should steal like half their oil so they die faster
No need to worry sunnibro, the public has no idea but there is waaaaay more oil in the gulf and under that sand than we think.
Although i hope this country collapse so we purge every Libe*al here. It probably won't, because that vile dog MBS plans to switch to Solar energy. Something which Arabia will never lack for.
you invest to something quick or back to camels and primitive life style...
you are confusing them with Qatar
you become canadians and start the process over again
The oil will last forever, there is literally an infinite supply. Way to be fooled there. Enjoy your price hike.
Learn to drill your own and how to distill your own fuels. Wake up and be your own man.
Hey nigger, they ain't developing any infrastructure. What is the point of investing in a western company, when that company wouldn't be able to provide jack shit to you when the good ol USA has sanctions on them and bombing the shit out of the country.
For all their "investments", the clear winners are westerners. No investment was made inside their country. Their people are useless and dumb, they have literally no industries, the only one I heard of was a couple years ago about how they want to open a car manufacturer which was supposed to be open in 2017. I don't even think they achieved that.
Every single thing they have is imported. The only thing they have is literally oil and their dates. If they don't start investing inside their own country, they are done for.
The royal family investing their money to make even more money does nothing for the country itself you fucking nigger.
You can literally read in your own article "Saudi Arabia has an unhealthy dependence on oil" and "This dependency has hampered the development of several sectors in recent years.
They got jack shit, investing their oil money in tall buildings and luxury cars is completely useless. They are fully dependent for everything related to technology, having absolutely no facilities in their own country that develops anything of the like. But hey, they are investing in WESTERN companies, they are "investing in other fields". Meanwhile, they still don't produce jack shit apart from oil, and even then, western companies have to show those retards how to extract it and provide the technology required to do so.
I have a better idea with what to do with all their sand
Reminder that the reason they won't invest in 'their' country is they're transplants to begin with and everyone hates them
As the rest of the world reduces oil use and fracking spreads around the world oil prices will decline.
Saudis are in trouble from here.
i hope your shithole of a nation will be destroyed and all the stupid muslims you sent all around the world to fill those disgusting "mosques" will come to your desert and die together. you people are a plague, only inferior to the jewish plague and on par with the american
I remember a decade ago reading the news and everyone was saying we'd rub out of oil by 2030. That seems hilarious now and the truth is that oil is going to be around for a very very long time. Saudis are fucked though and good riddance
invent in sand digging
perhaps there some ancient magic tech burried inside
You'll have to innovate. In the meantime... invest heavily in education, attract top western minds to build your infrastructure with high wages, stop knocking down your history in Mecca and Medina and think of ways to maximise your profits from the holy sites, create tourism enclaves around your best beaches as well as picturesque desert retreats. Oh, and water down Salafism! If you do that, you'll be fine.
we'll be taking your thicc burka women as breeding harem rapeslaves
If you were smart you'd do everything in your power to "green" the desert whilst you're still super wealthy and you'd also invest heavily in solar plants.
Why you Hate us. I got denied to visit your country for tourism?
You gotta have a Saudi vouch for you to enter.
france is banning petrol cars. if this becomes a world wide trend it wont matter how much oil is left in saudi arabia. no one will be wanting to use it in a few decades.
Tell me what will happen when civil war in Your country starts
You sandniggers will go back to where you came from.
die off with all other semites