What is it about vaccines that has people so up in arms? If you don't vaccinate your children for certain things, people look at you like you're insane. I hate to ask this but redpill me on these, please
What is it about vaccines that has people so up in arms? If you don't vaccinate your children for certain things...
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Vaccines are safe and effective. The problem is when they put chemicals, hormones and shit into a normal flu shot or something.
Look at the list of ingredients, if you can. They almost always add an odd, unnecessary ingredient. Why?
Is it the additives people get all up in arms about? I feel like they're not safe because of things like that. I never tell anyone how I feel about them because they all look at me and call me an "anti-vaccer", which to them is the equivalent of believing the earth is flat
No, most anti-vaxers are just stupid and don't trust vaccines in general. I don't think additives are well known
>I feel like they're not safe because of things like that
well if you want your kids to get whooping cough then fine, you do you
just crazies who read too much online fake news, remember most of the anti-vacs shit was when obama took office.
Vaccine schedules put too much into your baby at once. Why? Literally because of niggers. They know that niggers will not bring their babies back to get a more spread schedule of vaccinations so they put as much as they can into them at once, by default.
This puts a questionable amount of bad shit into your kid.
Most places let you choose how much.
I wish an anti-vaxxer could comment on these threads to get the other perspective
It's safe. The anti-vaccine meme was just a meme; it may even have been started to make the right look bad. Who knows. But you're fine; get them all vaccinated. Saves lives. And recommend to others that they get vaccinated; herd-immunity is best immunity. If some cook doesn't vaccinate her kid in your child's class and the kid gets >insert any fucking disease here< it puts your children at risk of getting the disease. So just vaccinate.
It's all because of the autism meme and the worry of side effects.
Uh....No one wants polio. So don't try to spread it.
You really only get vaccines as a kid right?
You think it is unecessary because you are uneducated
>Is it the additives people get all up in arms about?
Things "anti-vaxxers" are concerned about:
Too many given to babies who don't have fully developed immune systems
Vaccines that are not necessary such as hepB hours after birth
The preservatives used and what effects they have on a person.
The fact some are made on aborted fetal/bovine cells
Risks of serious side effects seizures, brain swelling, allergic reaction ect
Being unable to selectively vaccinate since they are all mixed in. Want an important one like Dtap? You must get the hepB. Want to space them out so you get one vaccine at a time and don't overwhelm your babies immune system? Can't, they're mixed and cannot be separated
Multi billion dollar industry that is immune from lawsuits? That's sus
The simple fact that they are not allowed to be questioned on their safety/effectiveness without extreme backlash from every one and we are getting closer to forced vaccines with support of everyday people.
Yet most people just believe those that question vaccines only do so because "muh autism" and they can throw andrew wakefield in their face. There is a multitude of reasons why people are skeptical about what they allow to be injected into themselves and their young children. Any parent that does not research into both sides is stupid. You choose what you want to choose. They should not be forced and they should not be free from scrutiny.
Not in australia. Vaccines are combined and doctors can not/will not separate them.
When you get older you need booster shots.
I'm sceptic because normies shill for it, ignoring all sceptics with ridicule.
>It's safe.
Not true. In many cases, you're introducing MANY viruses into an immature immune system (0-2 yrs) and then expecting every immune system to be able to handle it. Many probably can, but we know that many cannot, hence they are not liable to get them.
Question then becomes, how are we screening those who can/cannot get them and is that screening process perfectly reliable (considering the evidence of "vaccines gone wrong").
I'm not anti-vaccines per se (some are necessary), but throwing in every fucking virus under the sun is just a way for pharma to make more money and people that fall for it are vaccine cucks.
I don't trust vaccines because of the peer reviewed comparative study between vaxxed and unvaxxed populations that showed 450% increase in Autism and a 650% increase in learning disabilities in vaxxed kids with no additional health benefits.
It's nuanced. Some vaccinations are ok. But the modern programme is fucked up and dangerous.
Only give your kid the base minimum of vaccinations.
Only let them get vaccinations that have been around for a long time.
Make damn sure you space that shit out as much as you can.
I may only be giving my kids 2-3 shots max, but probably none if they continue fucking with what is in them. Protip: whats in them now is vastly different than what was in them even 20 years ago.
Or dead babies.
Also, this. If the reddit tards generally shill for something that hard, you need to take a damn hard look at it.
I'm anti-vax. Look at the shit that is in them and the fact that the science of vaccination in which antibodies provide you with immunity got totally BTFO by HIV. If you can't understand this, I pity you.
In a nutshell? Jews.
Thank fucking god I grew up before you couldn't even attend public school without getting 100,000 pointless shots every day.
>tfw just contracted some stupid cough because it's so important we import the entire 3rd world into our universities at the expense of the natives
This. I am also skeptic of it because of how much it's pushed and usually advertised as free.
I learned (fortunately early) that just because it's free doesn't mean it doesn't come with a price. I am all for keeping healthy and making sure nothing spreads, but there is a point where you need to start questioning what is going into your body and what is really necessary.
vaccines are generally safe, but can induce adverse auto-immune reactions.
the decision to vaccinate should remain between the individual and their doctor.
Getting the flushot this year decreases your natural immunity for the next year by about 250%, so when a strong strain of flu comes through, vaxxed people are fucked and will be wiped from the face of the earth, Can't happen soon enough.
Polio really doesn't look like fun.
Wait, you mean my grocery store shouldn't have big banners about
Because they totally would do that if they weren't getting COMPED and it was a doctor, not a fucking grocery store.
A lot of the current vaccines kill 10x as many people as the diseases they are supposed to prevent.
Just read scientific papers ffs
Vaccine induced polio, courtesy of Bill and Melinda Gates.
I domt know about the autism meme, but O know 3 separate families where the kids developed speech impediments shortly after getting vaccinated. No thanks
Link, you shitposting emu.
There must obviously have been an indirect campaign paid by the medical lobby to influence public opinion. Redditors also use it to prove their superior intellect over others.
Vaccines, just like everything else on the planet, has pros and cons. Vaccines are not created equal. The diseases they prevent are not of equal severity, communicability, and prevalence; the protections they bestow are not of equal efficacy, safety, or duration. All of their qualities are unique and each of them should be learned about (CDC pinkbook is a good start) if you plan on vaccinating your children in good conscience rather than blind faith.
Some vaccines are invaluable, especially depending on the location, but others are downright dangerous and should probably be outlawed (varicella)
Because vaccines are not 100% and you need herd immunity.
I'd like to see those numbers. Source?
I haven't got my flu shot in at least 10 years
without vaccines, this board would have never existed.
Scientific papers are garbage now that it's just a Jew mill to pay for as many 3rd worlders as possible to develop their transhumanism
t. my name is on another one as of last week and it's absolute regurgitated trash but that's more exposure because morons like the idea of what we're doing
provide evidence to support that claim. Considering outbreaks of polio have been recorded hundreds of years ago, I'm not sure I believe the Gates had anything to do with creating it.
Ever see Equilibrium? It's a movie staring Christian Bale about a dystopian 1984 big brother society. This society maintains control by making a mandatory drug that suppresses emotions. It is illegal to not be on the drug, emotions are heavily propagandized against as something that destroyed society in the past.
Christian Bale is one sort of super matrix style "cleric" who basically practices a made up gun martial arts and goes around killing resistance until he decides to stop taking the drug. He then realizes it's all bullshit, their Big brother political leader doesn't exists and they are ruled by a hypocritical elite that doesn't take the drug. He starts a revolution against the society all because he broke the rule of not taking the drug and it collapses once they destroy a single facility that produces a drug for a large portion of the city.
Basically, people fear governments having a mandatory drug or procedure because they view it as a window for control. Same reason why people question water floridation. They can have talking heads say it's needed but if there is an agenda and some sort of hidden science to it the public is ignorant of, then the citizen is falling prey to a trick. The main flaw of Equilibrium is the government even saying emotions exist, they would realistically be saying you'll die without taking the drug.
Define herd immunity, the benefits it confers, and whom it confers them to.
I'll wait.
Yus. Aborted fetal cells are (((necessary)))
>food with extra ingredients/gmo/non-organic bad
>vaccines with all those good
>regulated by same industry
Even Jimmy Carter wants to know wtf is going on
Here's one: Journal of Translational Science:
Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12-year-old U.S. children
Anthony R Mawson1*, Brian D Ray2, Azad R Bhuiyan3 and Binu Jacob4
Not sure if its still on the net, it got shoahed pretty quick.
Also no comprehensive studies have been done about the mixture of many vaccines at a single time.
user, thank you. I was trying to remember the name of that film recently.
>probably gonna watch it now
First of all, I question your assertion and demand source. Why "niggers", specifically? Why not just say "peasants" or "slackers"?
Second of all while I don't doubt that the circumstance exists, is this really why doctors over rapidly prescribe?
Third of all, are you sure they over rapidly prescribe, and by how much?
Fourth of all, what are the real actual consequences of the above?
Don't just be like "here just read this and educate yourself" and link me to some shitty Loose Change for vaccines shit. I've seen Zeitgeist and it was lame.
These are simple, straightforward questions.
When I ask my doctor these types of questions I get direct answers.
If you're passionately and intelligently anti vax, answer these simple direct questions.
I didn't circumcise my sons but I vaxxed them.
also great post btw
Trying to find the original study link. Greenmedinfo.com is good because it always links to the studies themselves so you can read them.
You realize it's a movie, right? Not real life? Vaccines don't make you an emotionless psychopath nor an emotional beta cuck hellbent on following uncle sam's every word to the dot. Good movie, nonetheless.
Google searches are hard I know.
> Natural News
don't be retarded about the subject.
regardless of where the popular opinion stands, the risk of vaccination should be weighed for each person based on their own medical history.
the issues at hand are:
>forcing employees/students/citizens to disclose said history
>forcing employees/students/citizens to adhere to administrative medical policies
Another great point, which reminds me: vaccines have different profiles as above between different age populations as well. As an extreme example, we vaccinate children for hepatitis. The only reasonable way they could contract this is through criminal activity or gross medical negligence; and they are just infants.
I'm half autismo so I learn this shit, but most people, pro and anti, just sort throw a big good or bad label over the entire industry, which is insane.
To be clear, I asked you for information because I was doing my own searches but wanted some input from you. Jewgle is not necessarily helping me out right now.
Sorry that I wanted some help acquiring red pills mate.
Vaccinate yourself with fruits and vegetables. It's not a surprise that you get sick if you eat pizza, burgers, kfc, candy and drink coca cola and other toxic stuff.
I am for vaccinations but the self-righteous indignation and pearl-clutching of the anti-vaxxers annoys me. They hypocritically argue against bodily autonomy when they favor it with abortion by coming up with shit about herd immunity and so on. I'm irritated by how they are okay with impinging on bodily autonomy when they want to and suddenly are for it when it benefits their interests.
They'll go "But some chillins can't get immunized so naturally this means you have to get immunized". No it doesn't nigger it means tough fucking luck for the other kid. Just because you have valuable blood type or organ type doesn't mean other people have a right to decide about your body. This is why they champion abortion (and I agree with them, also because hey it keeps the population of googles down) but they forget it when it coms to this. You can make immunizations be required for public education, fine we already do that. Also while I am in favor of that, it does make me think:
>We need to mandate vaccinations to protect the herd, people shouldn't be allowed to attend public school since they could infect someone
"K so HIV positive folks going to be restricted from sports where they could infect people
>No you fascist we can't do that we'll even repeal the criminality of not reporting you are HIV+ to a partner.
Yeah, you can choose to not vaccinate and you can't 'choose' to stop being HIV+/. But you can choose to be more responsible/protective with HIV and practice safe sex.
What if i eat pizza with pineapple?
Greenmedinfo.com always links to the studies themselves so you can read them. Natural News is ok but is not as rigorous in backing up some of the claims they make. Corbettreport.com has done a few open source pieces on the Gates Foundation and their links to eugenics. The same people who write books about how there are too many people are the same ones pushing vaccines.
>Jewgle is not necessarily helping me out right now.
On my old computer I had plenty of links to studies and articles on vaccines from the negative side. Now I don't have them anymore, I'm finding them extremely hard to find again. It's very frustrating but not surprising with how googles going with censoring shit.
Here is the reason why there is resistance to this. Vaccines function off the concept of mass immunity. They get a virus, learn to denature it and introduce it to the body where it is eaten by a lymph cell. The body then learns how to defend itself so when that virus comes along the body kills it before it spreads. Thus, the vaccine is a way to gain immunity without getting infected.
The problem is viruses mutate as they infect, eventually they change so much that they aren't recognized as the same virus they descended from. This means that people who get vaccinations are spared of the bird flu one year, then because the virus is circulated in non-immune people it mutates and now they have to make a new vaccine.
If everybody got a vaccine, the virus assuming it only circulates through humans, would got extinct. Pro-vaccine people see anti-vaccers as the reason disease continues to spread for this reason.
Problem is not anti-vaccers culling themselves but them putting at risk others who can't be vaccinated because they are sick or very young.
One of these two things actually keeps you healthy.
Thank you for the information. I appreciate it.
>On my old computer I had plenty of links to studies and articles on vaccines from the negative side. Now I don't have them anymore, I'm finding them extremely hard to find again.
Yeah, I'm pretty much in the exact same situation. Frustrating is definitely the word for it.
If you are not familiar with James Corbett I suggest you watch his two recent documentaries on Big Oil, which ties a lot of different things together, pharma included corbettreport.com
Truthstream media also did a 2hour documentary on vaccines and eugenics.
>sick eating junk food
If you get a virus eating junk food, you probably weren't washing your disgusting fucking hands. The most sick you get from eating absolute garbage food is a week and a half of the shits, drink a fucking Gatorade if that's the case. Fruits and veggies doesn't do shit against polio.
>fighting polio with a fruit salad
Go right ahead.
>meanwhile import niggers with scabies, tuberculosis and plague and let them loose on your kids
wrong, they are poisoning you retarded faggot GMO Mosanto
I do realize it's a movie, I'm making a point about the mistrust of vaccines that doesn't involve stupid shit like "My baby has autism because of vaccination" or "My genetically garbage baby died of this vaccine".
Leukemia patient here. A side effect of all the transfusions and chemo I've had is that most of my immunizations are no longer good. My oncologist told me in no uncertain terms not to get a flu shot - ever. Says it's unneccesary and potentially harmful. She doesn't get them either. Ever.
HIV destroys the cells that act upon antibodies. It has nothing to do antibodies itself.
Next time you're eating junk food, have a look at the listed ingredients then search for all the weird shit they put into the "food".
If you're sane, you won't want to eat that crap ever again.
I got my 3 week vaccines twice because the doctors were incompetent street-folk. I can't make this shit up. My immune system proves it.
I don't get sick, but when I do I just break down right then and there. I went to school with a small stomachache, I vomited all over my desk walking to my locker. Even the bullies gave me a break after that AND THAT'S NOT NORMAL.
Makes me scared to go to work even if it's a barely-there headache (becoming full-fledged migraine out of the blue, which it did).
>Leukemia patient here
Hope things work out for you user.
^_^ so far so good thanks bro.
Raw food diet is the only Red Pill Sup Forums will never take.
Here's a screenshot of the study abstract I referred to. I think it has been scrubbed from the net as most of the links I used to get it went dead.
With the diseases that vaccines cure being far removed as a threat, people focus on the drawbacks or possible drawbacks of vaccines. Bring smallpox back, polio, see how quickly they line up.
No but when they detect antibodies with HIV it means you are fucked, not that you are immune. Therefore the premise is flawed. It is something else that confers immunity and the antibodies only mean that you have had the infection.
>da problem is when something complicated that I dont understand has essential ingredients that I dont like
do you really fucking think the jew would waste money fucking up vaccines when they can let pandemics spread across our race and kill the white man off?
No worries mate. I wish you all the best :)
Babies are in a state where their immune system is in ultra learning mode. Their immune system might be "weaker" to really powerful shit like salmonella but otherwise their behavior of shoving stuff in their mouths and eating dirt is all to establish a proper immune system. People who have sheltered, sterile childhoods get terrible auto-immune illnesses like Crohn's disease as per hygiene theory studies suggest.
I'm not saying some vaccines couldn't harm children, but to say that the adult immune system would be better suites to a hep vaccination just isn't true.
I realize it's weird shit, but as long as you aren't eating it in large volumes daily, you will not die eating junk food. Even if you do, it takes years for it to fuck up your heart or cause diabetes, or other debilitating disease. A rational adult should be able to figure this out themselves. I know what is in an Arby's sandwich, yet I still eat one every few weeks, I'm not poisoning myself with a sandwich.
I sure am living pretty long, at reasonable health, for being poisoned everyday not eating farm fresh food or homegrown food with every meal.
Look at something like whooping cough that is still around despite vaccines. They don't use the same vaccine that they used to. The new one has been found to have pertussis stay in the nasal cavity for up to 6 weeks after vaccination(of course those that vaccinate are not told to cocoon themselves for this time period to prevent spread). You read the stories pushed about newborns dying from whooping cough. It is tragic, but it usually goes hand in hand that their siblings are vaccinated and or they caught it off a vaccinated person. These stories always come with an intense push for MORE vaccination. The stories always put all the blame on anti-vaxxers and create more bias against them because "you're the fault these poor babies die"
Thanks again user. Here's a super-rare, custom made meme for your troubles.
See, I used to eat raw fish sometimes. Before I went to Japan... They have a fish market, but I saw them wash a clam once and a worm popped out and wiggled off the table. Never again.
vaccines = autism = jews destroying someone who could be a future warrior.
^ pizza causes polio
Oh really. It had nothing to do with sanitation and diet, it was all the vaccines.
They have chemical stabilizers in them like mercury. That and fluoride is a bad combo. For the brain.
Plus giving them too early (infancy) can strain the babys development as their weak immune system fights off a foreign-introduced disease, rather than get the antibodies from the mothers breastmilk. This is where the antivac autism-meme comes from and in theory as well as some studies suggest seems more than plausible.
Ok. Well it's clear that you know the risks. Good stuff. A lot of people eat that shit every day and wonder why they feel so bad all the time.
they give you it cus they hate you