They nailed this LV compilation. This will red pill so many people.
Say what you want about infowars
Other urls found in this thread:
Bump agreed.
Time to nuke Israel.
What do they pay you to post in every thread? Do you get some special piece of flair to wear around the office coffee pot, or get to wear jeans on Friday?
I do this for free. I feel compelled to post this picture far and wide in order to redpill those that dont know about Jews and their fucking pedophilia shit.
Bump, please notice me senpai, it's actually breddy gud.
Didn't expect something without any fluff. That was an awesome compilation vid.
Ima say what I want about infowars. Alex Jones is a good man. The amount of energy and effort he's put into the anti-globalism cause is unmatched. The sheer amount of time he's been at it has me convinced that he fundamentally believes what he fights for, and I respect the ever loving shit out of that.
And the LV compilation is amazing.
I sleep most nights with the day's broadcast playing. I find his voice as soothing as a mother. Weekends aren't great because I don't have new content to fall asleep to, but usually I'm drunk enough and it's late enough where I get through it.
>someone on Sup Forums doesn't like Jews, surely they're a paid shill!
Yeah, surprised me too. I wish they'd keep up this style. Hits hard.
It's not that, it's seriously every single thread. Same comment, same image. Reeks of slide.
It's a good image at a time when there's an increasingly large amount of pro-israel reddit niggers lurking about.
Besides that you don't know what sliding is.
Yep this vid will get people talking if it's shared... It was only a matter of time til the deep state fucked up an op on such an obvious scale.
Everyone knows what sliding is you dipshit, stay on topic w/ the video OP posted or get the fuck out
It's in the interest of the shills to push the anti-Jew stuff as much as possible. It makes normies want nothing to do with us. It's a deterrent for people who casually decide to browse; they see that and then they conclude that Sup Forums is as unreasonable as they've been told.
There never was a 'shooter'
Campus saw the cover up in progress. He's lucky he is alive. 'Friendlies' could not stop the entire attack.
Not one other witness 'guest' has come forward that heard shots inside the hotel besides Brian Hodges....
It was a "miracle" more people were not killed
The shooter...
A slide is not a single response to a thread.
A slide is a thread made for the purpose of sliding other threads off of the front page and eventually into the archive.
His posting Israel pedo images is not slide.
scooper le pooper
casinos have a vested interest in not being unsafe - i read they invest heavily in LVPD for shit like this (0\/3r ups
Pruddy good
Downloaded, thanks senpai