Shit taste edition
Jojo Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
first for best Gangstar
>DIO above Dio
What the fuck
Gappy makes me happy
jojo is gay
My self imposed 24 hour suspension is over at last.
Now I can take a break from posting about how awful Killer Queen's face is and post some narancia.
Also 5th for best boy
Don't get me wrong but Part 2 is shit. It's not like I hate it or anything, but I'm just trying to fit in here.
Anyone who denies Killer Queen underwent a design change is delusional.
No but seriously why are the ears wavy now
>tfw next to nobody realizes Giorno is best JoJo
>Hey guys, we should stop criticizing and just appreciate that we even have this.
Why are complacent faggots like this allowed to fucking breath. Who the fuck are they trying to impress? Do they think they'll be rewarded for bending over and being ok with every little thing as if flaws dont exist?
It looks like a fucking mess, but I managed to cram all Killer Queen in the image for ease of comparison.
>Johnathan so low
I'll hold you in my heart forever, you black haired stallion.
Animeonly's and their Joseph wanking. Everyone knows Gappy is the best.
I want to hug Jolyne
I want to kiss Jolyne
That Valentine bump tho. He was below Pucci in the last poll.
Ugh those symbols look disgusting.
And that's supposed to be the BEST part of KQ's design
The face to me is kinda whatever, but that skullcat quality is just criminal
Do people really like Valentine unironically, or is this "makeAmericagreatagainlel" meme shit?
Joseph was the fan favorite long before 2012 anime was even confirmed. How new are you?
Manga KQ > ASB KQ > Left SAS KQ > Right SAS KQ > JJL KQ > Anime KQ
What if this is on Sheer Heart Attack? It's the same emblem...
It's done.
Killer Queen in the anime looks kinda... shitty. Also having to wait another week for Shigechi getting killed. What torture.
Newcunt detected.
Joseph has always been the favourite here.
>JJL KQ that low
He wanted his country to be strong, like a true leader would want.
He had the oppotunity but was thwarted by a cripple and italian flava flav
I feel you man, Johnathan and Jolyne need to swap
Personally, I thought he was a pretty good villain with understandable motives and flaws
Well Sheer heart attack technically is the symbols on his hands, so you're not too far off on that
JJL KQ looks and is a watered down version of the original
>That complete loss of detail and definition on the INTRODUCTORY SCENE
Also why the fuck did Kira go super saiyan? Why is stand aura so stupid.
All I wanted to do was enjoy the part 3 adaptation. But you fucking faggots endlessly shitposted about LE EPIC QUALITY, ruining weeks worth of threads about a few shots that looked bad. Discussion was literally impossible. You completely ruined /jojo/ while DIO's World aired.
Now it's my turn. Your precious part 4 is already being ruined just barely halfway through. I'm going to shitpost 24/7 every single Friday and there isn't a single thing you can do about it. I'm going to rub your nose in the shit that is the horrendous QUALITY of this part until you're so sick and tired of it that you ultimately agree with me. I'm going to do everything in my shitposting power to make the next 4.5 months of these threads absolute shit on a weekly basis. This is what part 4 niggers get. This is what part 4 niggers deserve. Your threads will be of LE EPIC DWUANG TRANSLATION ISN'T THAT BAD XDDD and you will spend hours feeding me (You)s helpless to do otherwise.
Jolyne and Johnny need a swap actually
Overrated fucking cripple
Why did David decide to extend this arc with boring scenes of Josuke and Okuyasu talking about lunch? I like David but I'm really having trouble understanding their choices recently.
>Giorno dead last
Where he belongs. Anybody who pretends to like him unironically is only being a hipster contrarian. Even the nips hate him, and they actually like Jotaro.
That fucking stray dog at the start of the episode looked better
I thought it looked pretty good. Maybe it's just because of the hype I got for Killer Queen returning.
What is this, a picture for Harvest?
>not wanting to be held by Jotaro
are you straight or something kid?
>no EoH KQ
You're doing God's work.
whatever floats your boat
What's it like to have such shit fucking taste user?
Has any of you tried the Stardust Shooters game?
Is it good?
>You completely ruined /jojo/ while DIO's World aired.
I'm pretty sure DP ruined that by completely fucking up the production, making the most important fight be QUALITY.
The rest of your post is just autism, no-one cares. Even if you did that, it'd just be pissing in the ocean.
Killer Queen has nothing to do with quality, its a new design, and its shit.
It will look just as bad in the next episode, with its shitty goblin ears and open mouth.
Read the manga
Go home valentine
Genuinely surprised that I have the same taste in JoJos and villains as /jojo/, I guess they are the most two obvious choices, but you'd expect people here to be more contrarian and go with meme answers like Gappy or Valentine.
I like him but he isn't my favorite.
TGT anime when?
>not Jotaro
>not Dio
>black haired
has he ever had black hair more than like
Same design as ASB user, EOH was mostly reused assets.
Looks exactly the same honestly
why is beerus-sama in jojo?
I wouldn't know, I hate Giorno.
Josuke was leading the poll for a while but Joseph brought it back.
Yes, he wasn't a true villain, which was also reflected in EoH.
Why is he so cute?
Who's the gay guy in the corner?
>jojo niggers have gotten even dumber and their threads have gotten shittier
Will you fags even be able to read by part 5?
God damn it
i normally like vinesauce but that dub is incredibly unfunny to me
like it feels kind of "XD Random!" i guess
>Part 5 in full cg
or better yet
>Part 5 taken over by Toei
Welcome to hell.
Isn't blue just a stylized black as far as animation goes most of the time? I mean, I know Jojo plays it fast and loose with canon palettes, but unless someone explicitly says so in universe, I think of his hair as being black.
I was also hyped when KQ came back just like when TW came back in SBR, but JJL KQ was nothing really stellar aside from those cool scenes with the SHAs.
JJL Kira tho he was fucking based as fuck
All I wanted to do was enjoy the part 8 spoilers. But you fucking faggots endlessly shitposted about NARANCIA IS CUTE!!!, ruining weeks worth of threads about a few italians that smelled bad. Discussion was literally impossible. You completely ruined /jojo/ while Milagro Man serialized.
Now it's my turn. Your precious Narancia is already being ruined just barely halfway through the spikes. I'm going to shitpost 24/7 every single Friday and there isn't a single thing you can do about it. I'm going to rub your nose in the shit that is the horrendous DEAD NARANCIA of this part until you're so sick and tired of it that you ultimately agree with me. I'm going to do everything in my shitposting power to make the next 4.5 months of these threads absolute shit on a weekly basis. This is what part 5 niggers get. This is what part 5 niggers deserve. Your threads will be of LE TERUNOSUKE WASN'T THAT BAD XDDD and you will spend hours feeding me (You)s helpless to do otherwise.
I will never get over his arm looking like it was disjointed from his body or something next to killer queen.
i know it's reused
i don't actually care, don't worry
I love him so much
ill fucking post it here too
dont make fun of my emblems
i dont wanna cry when i masturbate this time
So did this mock-up end up better or worse than the anime?
Why do people give so much a shit about KQ?
killer queen looks better but kira looks autistic
Reminder that Pokemon has better animation than JoJo
what if araki told em to do it on purpose
thats he killer queen was always meant to look like
Id say kira looks better in the anime for the most part.
Dog shit under my boot would look better than the new KQ design, so there is that.
Joel actually has pretty good taste, surprisingly.
You'd expect him to be insufferable since he's a manimefag, but he's actually read the manga up to Part 7, and IIRC his favorite Part is 4 and his favorite JoJo is Jonathan. He isn't going to read JJL until it ends though.
JJL Kira is honestly in my Top 15 favorite JoJo characters, maybe even Top 10.
He will look better in the BD, right?
Killer Queen looks better, Kira doesnt
Even if you aren't actually Terufag, I still appreciate this post.
Joseph's popularity here did take a big hit after he got his own anime, with the natural contrarianism you see here. I'm glad to see he has got it back, best JoJo forever.
>Your precious Narancia is already being ruined just barely halfway through the spikes
pokemon makes stupid amounts of money.
I stopped watching pokemon when he casually threw away the hat that he supposedly gave so much shit about.
we aren't to that scene yet
>Gappy below Jolyne
>Jonathan below Jotaro
>DIO below Valentine
>Diavolo below Kars
Who can I punch?
Describe the series with one panel
Not surprised it's fucking Pokemon we are talking about
Its a bigger cash cow and more popular that Jojo will ever be
then he would have drawn it like that.
Hell he can do it now in part 8, yet he doesnt.
Heads seem too fat. Thin them out, and I'd play ball with this. Also, gonna need some line thickness.
>Favorite part is 4
>Favorite Jojo is Johnathan
Sounds like Joel's actually got decent taste.
How is he so cute?
Ok, Killer Queen's design was changed, but just barely, KQ's face is pretty simple and doesn't have many details, which work for a manga where you can waste a shit thon of time adding shading to add depth, but no anime will be as detailed as the manga.
It's the exact same problem with the Berserk anime, trying to simplify a very detailed artwork can only lead to disaster.
Trying to translate that detailed shading into a anime with less shading forced them to attempt to add some lines to emulate depth, which doesn't work as well at all.
tl;dr: The design is mostly unchanged, but the shading is not as detailed, fucking duh.
Saved. This looks really good but can you make the ends of the mouth shorter? I feel like it would add to Killer Queen being expressionless
Based Teru fag
>worst JoJo as the best JoJo
>2nd worst JoJo as the 2nd best JoJo
>Gappy below any of the other JoJos
>Jotaro below Joseph
>Giorno dead fucking last
>Kira considered better than all the others by a SIGNIFICANT margin
>DIO above Dio
>Diavolo in last place
Holy hell this is horrible.
What is this retarded talking about?