Why haven't you moved to Japan yet? It is an anti SJW paradise
Why haven't you moved to Japan yet? It is an anti SJW paradise
because im not japanese
Because it's a japanese country not a white country
Stop promoting the destruction of Japan.
Because they want more neckbeard white low iq neets about as much as they want more Muslims
I don't belong there and will never fit in
they don't want white beta males
You are as irresponsible and deplorable as muslim rapefugees if you want to move to Japan because you aren't happy with your own native country.
All correct answers
Japan for the Japanese
Because I respect the homogeneity of their country and I don't want to ruin it.
Besides, I prefer my own culture, country and women.
tell that to all the mexicans, iranians, and other miscreants who live there with visas that expired long ago
>Pooland's culture.
After we kicked out all the muzzies you'll be left on your own.
You can not just move to Japan willnilly like European countries.
>After we kicked out all the muzzies
it won't happen kraut
Germany will never do anything about Zionists ever again..
It's up to other nations to follow the example of Adolf Hitler. His death marked the death of Germany. The German people will do nothing because they fear strength
It's easier to get into Mordor than Japan.
> germ culture
> beer
> rape on new year's eve
> watching your wife have sex with a shitskin
Is that what they tell you over there?
Correct answers. We can always learn from their social policy without overpopulating their country and diluting their culture.
1: NOT a fucking weeb
2: Japanese are VERY nationalistic, I'd prefer not being treated like a pale N-word where I live.
3: Highest real estate costs in the world are found in Tokyo
4: Near total lack of white women
5: Don't want to be treated like a curio piece by any locals that do happen to befriend me.
6: Learning tens of thousands of individual pictograms each representing a different object and concept sounds like a PITA vs. any other foreign language that uses an alphabet.
Pic related
Can't get a passport due to owing back child support.
i would travel there, sight see, hit up a brothel or two, try a bunch of food etc
moving there? marrying someone from there? no thank you. japan is for the japanese.
Germany is trash anyway. A mere vestige of the glory that once was. Sure you've had you're time in the sun but poland is leaps and bounds ahead of what you are now
>After we kicked out all the muzzies you'll be left on your own.
>A-after we kicked out Americans, French, Brits and Soviets, you will be left on your own
>A-after we reunite and kick the commies out, you will be left on your own
>A-after we elected AfD and kicked the Merkel out, you will be left on your own
>A-after we kicked out all the muzzies, you will be left on your own
The absolute state of Eternal Kraut
S A D!
fpbp. japs don't like foreigners and I respect that.
you sound like you don't know a whole lot about japan
People who tell me that are the germans I meet. I live in a border city.
Actually most poles my age defend germany. They think it's a paradise cause they can pick berries for 4euro/h kek. Until they go there and realize how mistaken they were or a kraut tells them what germany really is.
>genuinely like America and identify with it in spite of everything
>like guns and being able to own them
>love my family, and they live here
>don't wanna be a gaijin
>they think pot is fucking heroin over there
>They think it's a paradise cause they can pick berries for 4euro/h kek.
My female friend unironically wanted to pick berries in Netherlands
I told her how pathetic and sad that sounds but she did not give a shit about my opinion and decided to do this anyway.
It's a shame, we both went to good IT-oriented school, and during the last year she -- the only girl in our class -- realised that she sucks ass at IT
another weeb pretending he knows what's going on in japan because he just read some gaijin blog
People on Sup Forums tend to think that nips will welcome them like some kind of blessing.
While in reality, nips really don't like foreigners and they can't wait until you finally go back home
Most Japanese are perfectly friendly towards foreigners. But they'll never accept you as Japanese. Which is a good thing. Japan is great because it's homogeneous.
yeah they are just too polite to say "fuck off"
Pretty much. It's a "paradise" EXACTLY because they're left on their own.
Fucking homos!
>pot is fucking heroin over there
So what? Both are degenerate things to do, every pothead should be stoned to death
Your degrees over there aint worth shit anyways and you wouldn't earn more as an it monkey
Fucking nigger
Opposite. Now they have electricity, telephones, plumbing, refrigerators, TVs, cell phones, cars, buses, etc.
>they think pot is fucking heroin
Kill yourself faggot.
Neither do you if you think its a fine and dandy place to leave the USA for
Whatever dude
You keep saying the same shit when someone mentions IT / graphic design
And you have been doing this for so long that I can no longer get mad at you - or take you seriously
For some reason this thread is mirrored here in real-time supforums.com
i didn't say that.
Historically, yeah, I agree.
But I meant that they have it so nice today because they are somewhat conservative compared to western EU countries. They're basically taking the best parts of the west and integrating them in their own culture. They're not embracing everything the west offers, because they will otherwise lose their identity.
That user is right, though? Marijuana is considered rather dangerous there. People's careers have been ruined over that.
Huh, I didn't know Sheeky Forums had a successor.
Are you a cuck? Just say nigger.
Isent it funny how Sup Forums says how great Japan is but does nothing to fix their own countries? It's just a form of escapism from the west than solving the problems in the West It's because Japan does not like foreigners and it prefers weaboos to fuck off. It's about nationalism and populism than anything else.
We can be as good as Japan is and better if we learned to not be subverted by Jews all the time. Poland and Hungary are great examples of this.
To be fair, have you ever seen how Japanese men look/act? "Beta" doesn't even begin to describe them.
I had a friend in the Marine Corp who was arrested and tortured for 3 days by the Japanese police because he was at beach party where there was marijuana being smoked.
Nigger, I didn't want it word-swapped like when I type OP when I mean (OP)
>"An island will float away forever", so no Guam or Hawaii either.
Plus, it's like a $2000 flight
For some reason I am called Bentley Bell on my post
Too much Asian culture. I can't get into it
I don't know who the guy in his picture is, but he looks absolutely repulsive; he looks like somebody a redditor would adore.
His formatting is more or less on point otherwise. The "1:" "2:" "3:" thing I haven't seen in ages.
Its Filthy Frank, dude is half-Japanese and makes a lot of Youtube videos dissing weebs and anime culture himself
Can a white guy actually go over there without learning the language? Thought you guys hated white people who stay permanently.
That is the problem nobody can just move to Japan and live there. Its not Europe and America were we allow people who do not speak our languages to live with us and we house them. Japan only wants skilled work and labor to know the language really well which takes years. Even then you may not make it.
No you can not just move there. You need to speak the language or be talented enough to move there. Japan has high standards compared to US.
tell that to all the mexicans and iranians and other miscreants who barely speak the language and live there illegally
What the shit is going on
>have studied one semester in japan (osaka)
>you can completley forget to live there without speaking japanese (def not an easy languae, after 6 month i could only say hello, good bye and order a beer)
>lots of women DONT like foreign/white men - yes there are also lots of easy girls but they are completely ostracised by jap society
>fucking expensive country (at least in the big cities)
>jap guys welcome you to study or travel there - NOT to stay there
From all those faggot English teachers living there for 10+ years without learning the language, it's pretty obvious that it's possible. You just have to be a special kind of subhuman to go through with it.
Do you have any proof? It might be that these are touring and visitors.
Agreed German flag knows what he is talking about. Unless you know the language and are talented you are not needed.
That's exactly my point.Why would they want white betas who knows nothing about japan other than anime if there are already too much japanese betas there?
illegal aliens aren't touring and aren't visiting
most of the illegal aliens in japan are chinese and southeast asians
Everything that can be said about this subject has already been said.
>Mentally ill sperg, psychologically alien to whites and asians alike, more similar to euro-mexi-feather mutt autists than anything else, even looks like them
Checks out.
I do, it fucking sucks. Insurance is cheap but you get FUCKED by paying for parking and tolls.also it smells like squid balls everywhere
no guns.
>not riding a 400cc sports motorcycle in the land of shitty parking, heavy traffic, and narrow roads
You fucked up.
2. They're not. They just don't like foreign influences.
3. That would be Hong Kong. Tokyo is just above reasonable. Toronto/Vancouver or wherever there are chinks are where real estate prices go into the unreachable zone.
4. This is true.
5. And this. You are the weird alien.
6. This isn't as hard as you think.
somebunny hasn't already moved to japan
go. live there. report back with your findings
it's a free market paradise- nothing to do with left-right shit. there are lots on both sides and nearly the same fringes over there
again- actually go to japan, collectivist scum. tell us what you find. i lived there for a year in anticipation of a hillary win. it's ok, but it's incredibly socially repressive
it's socially-enforced fascism with low taxes, and i am not a fan. the only way i'd move there and actually work toward citizenship for myself and my family is if someone worse than hillary is ACTUALLY elected in 2020 or 2024
until then- the US is marginally better
also- literally what is social mobility
>In the land of constant threat of typhoons and rain everyday
Motorcycles are less likely to hydroplan than cars. However, they are unstable under braking. ABS solves this. Get one with ABS.
And wear a raincoat.
Grats, now you can afford motorized transport in nipland.
same. would love to move there if the US turns into a socialist paradise in the next election or two, despite their repressive society
Here are some stats about foreigners in japan from japanese government.But I doubt you can read it.
I don't want them shitting up my country.
I don't want to shitty up their country.
I can afford it now, I just don't travel to Tokyo in my car, I'll take the train literally 4 blocks away
Worked there for a year while doing an internship, moat enjoyable year of my adult life. Got back to university to do a second bachelor in Japanese, returning then.
that smell kind of grew on me. i think i know what you're talking about, if you're near shinjuku
move closer to odaiba or mita2chome
the smell isn't out there, and they have a fun little statue of liberty replica near the mall on the northside of the bayshore route (that toll road there in daiba)
exactly. it'd shift from the US being marginally better the JP being marginally better, based on my experience working and living there
It isn't a white country though bud
Stay away, stop promoting the destruction of glorious nippon.
because I am neither japanese nor a traitor to my nation and race
if you move there, be prepared to be called and treated like a gaijin and for 3 generations after you to experience the same. either you love their way of life and are willing to work harder than everyone else to still be considered subhuman, or you're not
Because I already went through glorifying their retarded pop culture in senior high. As a German I could never fully appreciate their culture or want to be around it forever. I would go mental once I began craving for European culture. Also China has better food so gtfo.
nice bait you have there
>But they'll never accept you as Japanese
You will never be seen as a true Japanese, but Japan is one of the East Asian countries where they will actually accept you to the point where you can comfortably fit in, provided you do act as expected and don't play the gaijin card at every opportunity.
Although they can be closet racists, I wouldn't know since I'm Scandinavian, I only experienced open racism from the die hard rightwingers, and even they would ease up once they knew I wasn't American
>Can a white guy actually go over there without learning the language?
Short term is ok, long term would be hell, it's not like the rest of the world where English will be a good substitute
Goodluck with working 100 hours a week with overtime lul
>Hey why haven't you moved to Japan /pol tards since you want a non black nation
Cause the Japanese wouldn't let whites destroy their society ?
Does your feeble mind not comprehend borders ?
Even if you marry a japanese national you are a third wheel in the family, the wife and the kid take precedence in rights over your sorry ass.
I don't want to ruin their culture. They are a Japanese nation and it should stay that way. It's a beautiful country, with beautiful people. Let it be.
because i love my country. i like Japan too because muh animu, but i wouldn't want to contribute to the problem that is immigration