hope you faggots bought into the crypto meme
Hope you faggots bought into the crypto meme
I invested in tangible goods.
I sold my shitcoins last weekend. I'll buy back into shitcoin if it drops below $1800 again.
I invested in video gamed and weed.
How'd that work for ya?
Its all about ETH and XMR now.
I don't want a currency that's dependent on the infrastructure and electrical grid.
Bitcoin is reliant on fiat.
Don't forget this.
Everything you pay for with Bitcoin is based off fiat prices.
Are you saying bitcoin prices are going to crash or skyrocket?
Smart choice. Just don't panic and buy back in as it first to 8000 or 9000 before the massive crash. Might as well put in a short order now if you have the margin for it
I live on credit.. when the currency collapses so will my debt.. without holding any of the vulnerable asset I will be unscathed. also I lived homeless in my 20's and survived without working for 12 years..
soooo their currency is gonna be shit now.. does that mean ours will get stronger?
I didn't buy it on margin. I just bought like $1200 worth of BTC and ETH last year. What even is the cost to open a margin account?
This you gotta answer me all my life savings are in BTC
What the fuck is that thing? Is it a tranny?
Also, If I had a margin account I wouldn't even try to short it until it at least reaches $6800. From what I could tell it looked like it could go to around $6800-$7200.
flag checks out
Random picture of some chola I had in my folder. I think I was using that pic as an example of a rough ass woman that could easily beat up white women.
How about a sudden collapse of ass prices?
Just like the cost to buy hookers in Greece?
>when the currency collapses so will my debt
we are already dead
same , other than house and super. i dont care. watch it burn
Are people still shorting the VIX?
Like the dollar...
That's pretty much every currency. Fiat money's exist largely in electronic form.
Probably not after today. Well at lest not the short term VIX. Although tomorrow might be a good time to actually take on a short for the VIX.
when a massive comet hits the earth it might though.
It closed at 10.05. Not really that much over 10.00. But whatever, it's their bet.
Yeah I just looked at that. It looks like a shitty spot to short it. Probably have a little scare next monday but not the big event people have been predicting. I think that won't happen until next year. Aug, Sep or Oct of 2018.
What? The dollar crashing would mean that it would take a lot more dollars to buy a little bit of food, gold, or bitcoin.
The potential payoff is huge, so putting a little in as a hedge could save the day when the inevitable correction happens, but damn, it won't be fun to cover it if it doesn't.
It'll happen soon afterwards. Hope you lads that buy into the econ collapse stocked up on plenty of booze. A couple shots will get you laid easily.
Shit negro, booze and drugs will get you laid easily right now.
You do know a large majority of fiat money is electronic too right? More than 70% i believe
I have been looking at single stocks to buy puts on for next year. I have been thinking NVIDIA, Take Two and some others. I haven't had much luck with options though.
I think you might have a shot with aapl. They really aren't offering anything new with the iPhone X and it might be out of range for mass sales. Not much happening on the computer side, either. They might have peaked.
Invest in solar material companies, not the companies that install the shit themselves mind you but the producers.
AMAT has made me fucking bank this year.
I was thinking though if there are any smaller cap companies that have risen dramatically along with the larger ones like apple that it might be easier to short them. I think there are shenanigans in the big name stocks trading.
What makes Cryptocurrency magically safe?
AMAT is at all time highs while credit has been expanded rapidly. I'm not buying anything until there is a real correction.
Fair point. Apple tends to buy back or dilute when there's a "problem" with the stock. Maybe Belkin? Or some other hanger on? Anyway, good luck with the bad luck!
He's talking about gold, you doof
agreement was to repay in dollars.. no dollars no debt.
if there is a crash everyone will print a lot more money, go back to zero or negative interest rates, which will devalue everything relative to bitcoin cash
Bbb-but all those commies on Sup Forums said communism was the end be all of all systems!