/nsg/ 卐 - National Socialism General


Thread for discussion of the Jewish Question, Race Realism, National Socialism, Anti-Communism, Fascism, Traditionalism, White Nationalism, and European Identity Movements. Share links, PDFs, reading, videos, and propaganda.

卐 Replacement Migration - How the West Can Prevent Disaster

PASTEBIN - pastebin.com/vPZPyDhK

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>Human Accomplishment - Douglas Murray
>Dysgenics: Genetic Deterioration in Modern Populations
>Race Differences in Intelligence by Richard Lynn




ϟϟ 3rd Reich image archives ϟϟ

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Hail victory brothers. What have you done to improve yourself and those around you today?

Reminder that the fight against the international jew is never over, not until we've cast their lecherous influence out of our countries.


>swastika armband on the right arm

Why is that SS uniform reversed

Everything is reversed on the uniform, even the hail horlder swastika.


Hail victory /nsg/, keep fighting until Sup Forums is uncucked again.

Reminder Strasserism is based nationalistic,anti-bolshevik, and aware of racial differences between peoples and actually for the self determination of all Europeans

Leftypol is the other way, faggot

The way you shill for it, it's like you WANT people to hate you and see you as separate.

Starting to think leftypol shills for this stuff on purpose, as a divide and conquer thing. I don't think serious Strasserists want to just troll Hitlerists this badly.

Something funny about that image
>wants to "unite against capital"
>proceeds to miss that Gottfried Feder literally said that capital must be
Fuckin strasserists, literally just commies LARPing as natsocs.
They do. It's pretty well known that leftypol shills for strasserism and nazbol on here.

leftypol dosn't accept Strasserists on the case of it being "reactionary politics hidden in left wing economics", If you really wanted I count argue and prove all I said in my opening proof is 100% true

Hardly shilling I lurked the last couple of threads for that very reason, /nsg/ just has to realize the false narrative of le evil comie who wants to kill all Germans meme is false as hell and is just the result of hitlerarian propaganda after he seized power

>muh containment board doesn't accept me
Too bad. We don't accept you either, so piss off.
>the false narrative of le evil comie who wants to kill all Germans meme is false as hell and is just the result of hitlerarian propaganda after he seized power
Hey, watch this
>the false narrative of le evil jew who wants to kill all Germans meme is false as hell and is just the result of hitlerarian propaganda after he seized power
And this is how you spot the leftypol shill.

Okay you make a post or a claim and I shall disprove it, that is if you really want Sup Forums to be full of discussion and not a echo chamber like stormfront

>leftypol dosn't accept Strasserists
So they claim. In reality, Strasserists that exist today are mostly a front for Hitlerists to aoid persecution in states like Germany where they're persecuted. Modern Strasserists are far more Hitlerist than any of you obviously larping as them. None of you care about any of this, you all turn out to be pure marxists every time I've debated you.

If you really wanted to be accepted here, you wouldn't come here to shitpost like a typical enemy. You'd tone it the fuck down and just represent your beliefs, not the fact that you're in a different camp or sub-set. You're just here to rile things up, you don't believe what you preach. Here's your (you)

I don't have to make a post or claim. I'm just here to laugh at you and your shitty "ideology".

strasserism does not include private property you dolt

>So they claim
It's on the front page rules, along with don't disagree with climate change and some other liberal bullshit

>Strasserists that exist today are mostly a front for Hitlerists to aoid persecution in states like Germany where they're persecuted.
Actually the Strasser party in Germany after the war was also banned by the courts
>Modern Strasserists are far more Hitlerist than any of you obviously larping as them. None of you care about any of this, you all turn out to be pure marxists every time I've debated you.
Strawman no argument

If you really wanted to be accepted here, you wouldn't come here to shitpost like a typical enemy.
I don't shitpost, the Greek shitposts with his 80 images of dead nazi's
>You'd tone it the fuck down and just represent your beliefs, not the fact that you're in a different camp or sub-set. You're just here to rile things up, you don't believe what you preach. Here's your (you)
Strawman no argument

You don't get it do you? No one here is interested in "arguing" with you delusional fucks. We aren't interested in your shitty ideology so stop shilling for it and piss off. Go make your own general.

Okay then so much for /nsg/ being the "educated natsoc" rather then a run of the mill echo chamber, An autistic skinhead would put up a better arguement

>It's on the front page rules
So? You're not accused of shilling Strasserism there to Marxists, you're accused of using it as a wedge against us. It's obviously disingenuous that you keep pretending you don't understand the charge. Unless you're literally fucking retarded.

Why would you come here and just shitpost "IM A STRASSERIST LA LA LA NOTHIGN YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT SUCK IT FAGGOTS"? If you really gave a shit about your vews, why would you self-sabotage like that?

You can call us an echochamber all you like but truth is, you're just doing it because we refuse to listen to your ideology which has been debunked numerous times. We debate with lolbergs and ancaps and paleocons on the regular. Debate amongst ourselves is common as fuck too, you seriously think we all share the same views on the same topics? There is no point in debating your kind because you are indoctrinated marxist rats who think that slapping on a nazi armband to communism somehow makes it better.

>So? You're not accused of shilling Strasserism there to Marxists, you're accused of using it as a wedge against us.
Discussion is not shilling attempts to destroy all discussion, If the general really did fall apart because people were discussing topics it's a really shitty echo chamber then, which I don't think it is
>It's obviously disingenuous that you keep pretending you don't understand the charge. Unless you're literally fucking retarded.
Discussion is not "driving a wedge between you" If discussion of Strasserism is enough to totally destroy the general it's either a really shitty general or your ideology sucks a lot and falls apart under discussion then, even the /lrg/ one gets people dissing it

>If discussion of Strasserism is enough to totally destroy the general it's either a really shitty general or your ideology sucks a lot and falls apart under discussion then
Again, allow me to repeat. What you're seeing here is people who could, incredibly easily, debate strasserism, but are not at all interested in it because it's utterly futile, trying to reason with you retards. You understand? No one wants your shit here.

I just made a claim which is 100% true, a few generals ago we had people calling the Falangists of Spain literal Marxists evil commies, I think that's a step forward in the collective iq of the general rising up from that retardation and people becoming more educated which is a great thing

Strasserism is just one thing when ever it gets brought up everyone reeeeeee's out cause all they heard was Hitlers literal propaganda explaining the purge, instaed of factual evidence and literal quotes and pages upon pages of writing explaining the real reasons for the purge and the vast difference between strasserism and marxism

>come to Sup Forums with the weakest bants and call it "an echo chamber"
>like 90% of the other posts who are all anti-Sup Forums shitposters and shills here to burn the place down
Some memes go so far beyond stupid, they double-back on themselves and tear the fabric of logic underpinning the universe. No on ever agrees on Sup Forums They all have obsessive defiance disorder; they disagree with each other on principle, even when they secretly agree. How new are you?

>a few generals ago we had people calling the Falangists of Spain literal Marxists evil commies
No one was calling the commies, there was just a consensus that they were marxists and that Franco ignoring them post-war was a good thing. Nice try.
>muh propaganda muh propaganda!
You sound like an angry jew screaming about muh ebul nahtzee propaganda, you know that? Kill yourself.

>Some memes go so far beyond stupid, they double-back on themselves and tear the fabric of logic underpinning the universe. No on ever agrees on Sup Forums They all have obsessive defiance disorder; they disagree with each other on principle, even when they secretly agree. How new are you?
I never called it a echo chamber, I said if your general falls apart because of discussion it's either got to be a echo chamber in which case you may as well go to stormfront or your ideology sucks shit ie, the commie general

I have a strong suspicion many White Identity types aren't that interested in a particular brand of National Socialism. They just want a strong State and heavy police action to help bleach the political body and assert some sanity in an insane world.

This is just a wild-assed opinion, but in some ways I don't care if the Homeland leaned to Strasserism or full-throated National Socialism. I just want to see nothing but white faces and civil discourse again.

I've begun to think of the shills shitposting at the beginning of each /nsg/ as a kind of sacrificial rite. We offer these struggles to the various underworld deities that live in the board.

>No one was calling the commies,
I was in the thread, I literally remember people calling them commies and people discussing removing the Falagnist party of that "see how different they are" of the fascist parties

Also Franco wasn't much of a fascist

>You sound like an angry jew screaming about muh ebul nahtzee propaganda, you know that? Kill yourself.
Strawman I shall ignore any more claims of le jew or le leftypol from you, only your actual arguements

Do you agree or disagree with my statement here
If you disagree please provide evidence as to why?

If your also just gonna refuse the argument that means your beat since you couldn't even get past point 1 of a supposedly le evil commie ideology

So why do you come here to take massive shits, and ruin the reputation of your ideology?

>So why do you come here to take massive shits
No I come here for debate
>and ruin the reputation of your ideology?
Oh boy someone said my posts were shitposts on a internet board my ideology is ruined, no wonder communism is a non factor in modern society when Sup Forums laughs at it

Why do you come here to make everyone hate Strasserism and Falange?

Because obvious D&C shills are obvious.

>Poison the well general.

I come here for debate, all you have to do is blow me the fuck out in an argument so hard I won't have a need to post here since they'll be no discussion since I was beat

So far none of that has happened

> 1 post by this ID
I don't know anyone other than Dan Harmon who's taken the "DO NOT TALK WITH NAZIS!11!!" meme to heart. Most all my friends who frequent this board never come to this general. Unless you're a DailyKos-tier moron, most people would see this as yet another shitty general in a free speech board.

>I literally remember people calling them commies and people discussing removing the Falagnist party of that "see how different they are" of the fascist parties
It's funny how you go around screaming "not an argument" like an autistic ancap, only to supply complete non-arguments like these. Like an autistic ancap.
>Also Franco wasn't much of a fascist
He absolutely was. There is no denying that, while he ignored the Falangists post-war, he was heavily influenced by them.
>If you disagree please provide evidence as to why?
Allow me to quote Strasser himself.
>Unlike Hitler's regime, Otto Strasser supported the rights for German Jews to do one of the following: 1. They may stay within the greater nation of Germans but be marked as foreigners and thus only enjoy the rights of such, 2. They may be deemed national minorities and given their own autonomous states within a federal Germany where they will be able to exercise a degree of autonomy over their own people, 3. They may repudiate both their Jewish religion and identity and assimilate into the German nation.
Clearly you push an ideology that you seem to fundamentally disagree with, as Otto Strasser was a civic nationalist and disagreed with Hitler's "ruthless and inhuman anti-semitic campaigning".

>Discussion is D&C

Watch out guys someone brought up a unpopular opinion, he's a shill trying to destroy the glorious right wing free speech of Sup Forums

No one here is interested in debating you. What part of this is hard to understand?

I'm not against Strasserist ideas, syndicalism, and I like Falangism. They became the majority of the Blue Division waffen SS that fought on the Eastern Front. But these faggots are here to convince us to hate syndicalists. Its obvious shilling.

You know, I sincerely hope that one day you find something in life more fulfilling than jacking off to Nazi propaganda on the internet, but for some reason I doubt it.
Too bad chum.

That wasn't my argument I said of my original posts argument, do you disagree that Strasserism is not any of the following

>Aware of racial difference between people
>For the self determination of all Europeans

You are all weaklings with no influence on realpolitik. Your ideology is without deeper core, without Hegelian dialectical viability. cease and die, scum of the earth.

Civic nationalist, yes.
Hilarious considering that the Strassers wanted to ally with the USSR
>Aware of racial difference between people
Clearly not as they thought that it would be reasonable to allow Jews to assimilate with Germans.
>For the self determination of all Europeans
*And jews.

Yeah, you "sincerely hope" a complete stranger stops having Nazi leanings so your wife's son can sleep at night.

Civic nationalist, yes.
As much as other fascists, however the self determination of native Germans,Austrians and Czechs would of been set in stone
>Hilarious considering that the Strassers wanted to ally with the USSR
That was pre war and was only a consideration, The remaining Strasser Brother realized how much of a shithole the USSR was and how it crushed the self determination of people

"Poland, the eastern guardian of Europe, the 'limes' of Christendom, must enjoy the material strength and position requisite for the performance of these duties."

"The cooperation of Poland with the minor Baltic States of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, not only makes it possible for these three European outposts which live under the menace of Russia to be sure of autonomy and of Independent development, but also gives Poland her best chance of attaining a broad sea-front on the Baltic"

"Bolshevism is a deadly peril to Europe a peril which within Europe must be overcome, and on the eastern edge of Europe must be made to keep its distance."

"New Germany will therefore offer Poland her help in regaining Eastern and Southern Poland. We may be sure that no Polish government will renounce Bialystok, Brest-Litovsk, Przemysl, and Lemberg; but we must also consider it unlikely that Moscow will have any inclination for the voluntary surrender of its plunder."

"Applying these considerations to Europe (to which Russia does not belong, never has belonged, and never will belong)"

Clearly not as they thought that it would be reasonable to allow Jews to assimilate with Germans.

p1 of x

>As much as other fascists
Hah, you wish. Besides, we aren't "other fascists" for a reason.
>That was pre war and was only a consideration
Considering it at all is a crime in and of itself.
>proceeds to post quotes with no sources

>Clearly not as they thought that it would be reasonable to allow Jews to assimilate with Germans.

"The diversity of human beings, the differences among them in quality and value, their varying powers and their varying tones, are intrinsic. Yet this fundamental principle of equality must not be considered to invalidate the organic law that the peoples and nations are fundamentally different, with the result that they urgently need differences in their social and political institutions a fact which every government is bound to take into account. But since this desirable joint solution will need time to achieve. New Germany will have meanwhile to set to work by herself to solve the problem of national minorities (and therewith the Jewish problem) in that modern spirit which will pay due regard both to the organic laws of ethnical differences and to the moral
laws according to which all human beings have equal rights."

>For the self determination of all Europeans
>*And jews.
As national minorities, ie fuck all power in the council
Fully assimilated
Or gone to Israel

>and to the moral laws according to which all human beings have equal rights.
Oh, so not only was he pro-bolshevik and pro-semitic, he was an egalitarian too. Good source.
>As national minorities, ie fuck all power in the council
Clearly does not seem to line up with "given their own autonomous states within a federal Germany where they will be able to exercise a degree of autonomy over their own people". Your interpretations of a text are meaningless without justification of that interpretation.
>Fully assimilated
(still racemixing btw)

>Hah, you wish. Besides, we aren't "other fascists" for a reason.
Still nationalists believing in the self determination of Europeans, rather then Hitler forcefully annexing huge territories of the Czechs,Austria and if they won the war large parts of Poland and Polish people would of lost their self determination, I do believe we don't count slavs as subhuman here
>proceeds to post quotes with no sources
Here you go
control + f my quotes and be btfo, by how anti Bolshevik they were, They wanted Poland and Germany to team up and Free Poland

Reminder: Post war Germany, under ordoliberalism and Konrad Adenauer, went from a nominal GDP similar to what they had in 1896 to exceeding the Nazi peak in less than ten years, more sustainably, with less land, fewer people, and its cities in ruins. Your ideology is meme-tier.

>Still nationalists believing in the self determination of Europeans
*and jews
>rather then Hitler forcefully annexing huge territories of the Czechs,Austria
Nice meme
The Czechs were a): mistreating local German minorities, and b): were not a real country. They were a fake state created by the League of Nations.
As for Austria, it was damn well known at the time that Austria and Germany wanted to fuse together into a single state. Where the fuck do you think the chant "Ein volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer" comes from?
>and if they won the war large parts of Poland and Polish people would of lost their self determination
Nice speculation, they only wanted Danzig and the Polish corridor, aka historically german territory.
>and be btfo
You truly are a childish brat.

>Oh, so not only was he pro-bolshevik and pro-semitic, he was an egalitarian too. Good source.
and my quotes here and the source is found in the previous linked post
>Clearly does not seem to line up with "given their own autonomous states within a federal Germany where they will be able to exercise a degree of autonomy over their own people". Your interpretations of a text are meaningless without justification of that interpretation.
Minorities would not have a place of any worth in the government
(still racemixing btw)
Here is where we diverge most other fascists were fine with some "racemixing", and by the racial laws of Germany Mixed Jews could marry 100% pure Germans, so this 100% purity 1 drop rule didn't even apply in Germany

Do the Polish not deserve their own self determination?

Your sources do not debunk the notion that he was pro-semitic, and that he was an egalitarian. In fact you're the one who brought the latter point to my attention.
>Minorities would not have a place of any worth in the government
You're right, they would have had their own government within Germany itself. What a superior solution.
>and by the racial laws of Germany Mixed Jews could marry 100% pure Germans, so this 100% purity 1 drop rule didn't even apply in Germany
Cleverly omitting that only 1/4 mixed jews were allowed to racemix with Germans now are we? Good try.
In non-German territory, yes.

did they leave?

>The Czechs were a): mistreating local German minorities, and b): were not a real country.
As such they would have a vote and decide to see which nation they wanted to join, and yes that includes the German areas voting to join Germany and being let so
>ere not a real country. They were a fake state created by the League of Nations.
Tell to that Czechs living there who most certainly did not want to be back under German domination
>As for Austria, it was damn well known at the time that Austria and Germany wanted to fuse together into a single state. Where the fuck do you think the chant "Ein volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer" comes from?
From the rigged elections with Nazi soldiers standing in every election hall with no private ballots, I also remind you Strasser was for the union of Austria and Germany but only if Austria actually wanted to be part of Germany, Austria has a very rich history
Do they not deserve self determination? Or should the once mighty Austria be little more then a German state?


>As such they would have a vote and decide to see which nation they wanted to join, and yes that includes the German areas voting to join Germany and being let so
Which is why they had the Sudetenland plebiscite, retard. The Czechs only have themselves to blame for continuing to mistreat said minorities even after the vote.
>Tell to that Czechs living there who most certainly did not want to be back under German domination
Again, they only have themselves to blame. Due punishment.
>From the rigged elections with Nazi soldiers standing in every election hall with no private ballots
You really do sound like a whiny jew. Furthermore the autistic Austrian chancellor refused to allow Austria to have a vote in the first place. As did the Polish government in regards to Danzig and the Polish corridor. Plebiscites were a mistake.
>Do they not deserve self determination? Or should the once mighty Austria be little more then a German state?
Austria is, and always will be, German territory. Full stop.


>From the rigged elections with Nazi soldiers
Wow, the "HEY GUYS IM STRASSER SUCK IT" shill thinks the Anschluss was a military invasion. How surprising. I bet he believes in the 6 gorillion too.

>Your sources do not debunk the notion that he was pro-semitic, and that he was an egalitarian. In fact you're the one who brought the latter point to my attention.
Just like the other fascist parties, not being a rabid anti-Semite on the basis of their race does not make you a kike lover, I take a very rough saying Mosley said
Won't attack Jews on basis of race
Won't not attack them on the basis of race
Not putting Jews into concentration camps for deportation does not make you some cuck to them
>You're right, they would have had their own government within Germany itself. What a superior solution.
Nope your twisting my words, they would of had some local autonomy, nothing too great and over time they would assimilate into Germany
>Cleverly omitting that only 1/4 mixed Jews were allowed to racemix with Germans now are we? Good try.
My point still stands, one drop rule was a meme even to the Nazi's, assimilation of some communities would not harm the people in any real way, like a drop of poison into the ocean becomes harmless since it disperses

Heresy to Adolf Hitler

>Just like the other fascist parties
How many fucking times do I have to repeat this? We are not, and never will be, "other fascist parties". We tolerate a large majority of them but under no circumstances are we in agreement with them on many topics.
>Nope your twisting my words, they would of had some local autonomy, nothing too great and over time they would assimilate into Germany
Get it right, you're the one twisting Strasser's words to fit your ideological agenda. He makes it extremely clear that the Jews would have their own autonomous microstates within Germany. Keyword: autonomous. Nothing here implies that the German government would have had any control over them at all. Flaming retard.
>assimilation of some communities would not harm the people in any real way,
Wtf I love racemixing now! Fucking based jews racemixing with germans! Thanks based civic nationalist Otto Strasser!

>Which is why they had the Sudetenland plebiscite, retard. The Czechs only have themselves to blame for continuing to mistreat said minorities even after the vote.
The Czech part of Czechoslovakia was subsequently invaded by Germany in March 1939, with a portion being annexed and the remainder turned into the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.

So then why did Hitler do this, to the Czechs if these areas wern't German?

>Again, they only have themselves to blame. Due punishment.
See Above Hitler didin't just take German areas

Well then you should have no problem with allowing Austria to not have a union with Germany, if it so wished

Austria is, and always will be, German territory. Full stop.
Actually the was very large divisions in the 19th century with Prussia and Austria and several power struggles took place over Southern Germany

Do Austrians have a right to self determination?









>The Czech part of Czechoslovakia was subsequently invaded by Germany in March 1939
Again, due punishment for mistreating German minorities. You literally do not understand this. Furthermore you fail to recognize that it was absolutely possible that Hitler would have installed a Czechoslovakian fascist leader into the country, like he did with France after they were defeated. In fact the entire shtick with Czechoslovakia lasted for such a short time before the war that it's impossible to say what he would have done with it.
>Well then you should have no problem with allowing Austria to not have a union with Germany, if it so wished
No, I dislike votes and would rather see Austria taken over by force. Democracy is a scam.
>Do Austrians have a right to self determination?
No. Austria is German territory.

Further more you fail to recognize that natsoc does not care about other nation states. It exists for the sole purpose of furthering its own race. There is absolutely no reason why other states should be given leeway under the basis of self-determination if a conflict of interest appears. Go be a Wilsonian liberal if you like self-determination so much.



I don't understand what any of this is meant to convey, aside from being consolation for proddiecucks to say "HURR WE AREN'T DA NAHTZEES".



>How many fucking times do I have to repeat this? We are not, and never will be, "other fascist parties". We tolerate a large majority of them but under no circumstances are we in agreement with them on many topics.
Okay but still nationalism, even civic nationalism, which applies to Italy,British,Brazilian fascism etc still makes them nationalists and the self determined citizens of Germany were not about to be flooded with blacks or non whites
>He makes it extremely clear that the Jews would have their own autonomous microstates within Germany.
SEMI autonomous, with the vast majority of Jews being returned to Israel, considering all of these plans this book was written during the war so most Jews would of lept at the chance to leave
>Nothing here implies that the German government would have had any control over them at all. Flaming retard.
Apart from leader at the top of the country having rule over all the states of Germany, and semi autonomy not autonomy

>Wtf I love racemixing now! Fucking based jews racemixing with germans! Thanks based civic nationalist Otto Strasser!

Implying the few Czechs in the German areas of the Sudetenland wouldn't been absorbed either, one drop rule is a meme the nazi's didn't even follow a few drops into a ever growing ocean does not harm it, otherwise Hitlers part jew bodyguards would be money sniffing white hating people

Funnily enough you forgot to mention that quote specifically was from Francisco Franco, who was, yes, a Catholic. But either way the debate on Hitler's religion is still ongoing, although it's very obvious that he did like or at least was neutral to Christianity.

Wtf i love jews now









Standard Christian Zionist propaganda from Burgerland.
>muh joos dindu nuffin
>dey wuz da chosen peepo
>it wuz duh Jesuits goy
>Hitler was a Rothschild Jesuit Free Mason
>but love the Joos nvr4get


>b-but civic nationalism isn't so bad!
And now we're moving the goalposts.
>SEMI autonomous, with the vast majority of Jews being returned to Israel, considering all of these plans this book was written during the war so most Jews would of lept at the chance to leave
Ah yes, more projected interpretations with no historical basis or justification at all. You're a big fan of this tactic aren't you?
>Implying the few Czechs in the German areas of the Sudetenland wouldn't been absorbed either
Not really, no. It was still considered separate from the greater German reich. You clearly have no idea how empires work in terms of immigration.
>one drop rule is a meme
Why are you repeating yourself, civic nationalist cuckold? Piss off, you lost the second you admitted that you agreed with civic nationalism.
>the nazi's didn't even follow a few drops into a ever growing ocean does not harm it
There's a pretty fucking big difference between letting quarter jews breed with Germans versus literally just letting the entire fucking jewish population breed with Germans, I think.
>otherwise Hitlers part jew bodyguards would be money sniffing white hating people
Stupid meme. Only 1 half jew was ever Hitler's bodyguard. All the other half-jews in the SS were promptly relieved of duty following the discovery of their ancestry.
