My friend with a straight face is convinced that Destiny would mop the floor with Ben Shapiro in a debate. It took all I had to hold back the laughter. Am I missing something Sup Forums? Does Destiny stand a chance at all?
My friend with a straight face is convinced that Destiny would mop the floor with Ben Shapiro in a debate...
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Nobody gives a fuck. Also Ben Shapiro can never be anything more than an e-celeb because he supports Israel.
> waste of trips
FACT: He would. Both are similarly intelligent, but Shapiro is either a liar or delusional. The truth wins when faced with an equivalent lie.
> Destiny
> Intelligent
Pick one
Many of Ben Shapiro's opinions are indefensible such as his neo-con leanings, Israelphillia and how he thinks centuries of instutionalized discrimination against blacks isn't what has contributed massively to gentrification and the less than optimal socioeconomic conditions blacks find themselves in in modern America. It would be an interesting debate for sure.
lol he is the definition of a "yeah you are right but i dont agree therefore its not right anymore" idiot
I just think he's kind of a scumbag.
desu, you cant really debate a retard.
also check'd
Destiny is a known cuck who lets other men have sex with his gf and possibly his child(supports incest) fuck that short nigger.
Destiny is also the failure that gets emotional when you beat his ass and then doesnt stop interrupting.
>Be JonTron
>Assume that because you're good at improv, you'd also be good at debate
>Debate some soyboy sc2 player (can't even play sc1 where all the professionals gather) and lose miserably because debates are not places where you can let your opponent have the stage at any point or steer the conversation
>Allow yourself to be interrupted and have the topic turn away from your central points ("I'm talking about America I'm talking about America")
>Disappear for a year
>Depressed because your career is now in jeopardy for exposing your political views without articulating them carefully
>Watch Vanilla Ice for comfort
>Make a video on it to pretend you still have a hold on your life
I feel bad desu. But it's still a better fate than Arin's.
Go away destiny nobody gives a shit about you.
Reported for advertising.
Dude you and idra used to do this shit on Sup Forums nobody cares, go play your games and fuck off
>implying dindus don't have low ses because of low IQ and high time preference coupled with the bribery of the welfare state
go back to destiny's chat faggot, no one cares about that manlet's 1st year social science undergrad tier political opinions
Obviously Ben would win. He's debated real media figures and won.
He went to Harvard law. That still means something.
This is a dumb thread.
As much as Ben Shapiro. I guess I admit than Shapiro has a way with words.
>Both are similarly intelligent
Jesus, you leftards are really retarded huh? Destiny is a dropout who lives on neetbux while Shapiro is a Harvard law grad. I hate Benji, but this is not even close.
who the fuck even knows who destiny is? how and why do you know someone as retarded as your friend? you sound pretty retarded for even considering that some guy named destiny would beat ben. Ben is legit smarter than 99.9% of people on this planet
>all those buzzwords
Siding against Israel is siding with Islam. Israel unironically did nothing wrong and the leader of Gaza HAMAS recently said that the peace talks are over and that it's time to destroy Israel. Doesn't sound like they care too much about the supposed human rights violations and apartheid state so much as they care about forcing people out of land they have a religious and historical claim to.
Don't u dare shit on John he's our guy
>Institutionalized discrimination against blacks
Redlining ended in the 80s, which was over 30 years ago. Affirmative action has been in place for that 30 years, but outcomes haven't changed one bit. Even doing shit like forcing companies to hire blacks isn't reducing inequality en masse.
Maybe, just maybe, genetics plays a role in all of this. Might also explain why there are more black athletes than any other race.
Destiny is an idiot who gets away with not knowing shit because of rhetoric. When he encounters somebody who legit knows way more about a topic than he does and won't fall for rhetoric the manlet crumbles. His debate with Ryan Dawson is a great example of that, but there are others.
One of my NEET friends that's all about Twitch always sends me Destiny's debates. Yeah, he's not an absolute retard, but he's mostly debating people that earn a living by having people watch them play video games. It's like me boxing with a toddler.
>Destiny can out-argue a Harvard-grad Jewish lawyer
kike versus cuck. everyone loses
Debate is for idiots. Both sides always say they won.
and his short discussion on race with ryan faulk aka althype
>Watch Ben Shapiro literally destroy this liberal
>Watch Destiny absolutely destroy this alt-right mastermind
Yep, those would be the headlines the next day on all the yellow news sites.
Fuentes also crushed him. He talked with Ryan Faulk, but obviously knew he was outclassed and never invited him back on
Dude, Destiny (i don't know your real name) stop making these threads.
No one here, and surely no one who has seen your sorry ass in a debate will say with a straight face that you can debate anyone.
So stop trying to save your dying youtube on here cause it won't work, it would simply show anons who get curious about your debates how fucking retarded you are.
Destiny thinks voter ID is racist. He's a frail and doughy estrogenic beta male who plays video games all day. Ben is a smug Jew who ate shit when Trump won. Fuck both of them.
Just look at the whole Africa. Centuries of donations, aid, it's still fucking poor.
Compare and contrast these two articles:
>article about study written by two Economic professors
>article written by Gender studies major
>contributed massively to gentrification
This is not the buzzword you're looking for
a fucking leaf
Ben can be infantile and dogmatic, but is very sharp and would easily trounce senpai.
>he thinks centuries of instutionalized discrimination against blacks isn't what has contributed massively to gentrification and the less than optimal socioeconomic conditions blacks find themselves in in modern America.
He's right.
Blacks haven't been oppressed for a long fucking time now.
They're on average lower IQ than other races, and they have the highest rate of single (mother) parent children of all races.
i can do that, everyone can do that.
>sips coffee
hows tel aviv?
> he thinks centuries of instutionalized discrimination against blacks isn't what has contributed massively to gentrification and the less than optimal socioeconomic conditions blacks find themselves in in modern America
God the shills here are getting dumber and dumber. Nogs live the same everywhere. Some places they do a little better and some a little worse. They never succeed because their low IQ and genetic propensity to violence, impulsiveness and laziness prevent it. They do slightly better in nations where they are coddled by Whites but wherever they have complete self determination they murder, rape, steal and starve.
Send him this
Anyone can beat Ben, just mention Israel
But then he'll use his jew magic to make your credit score drop
Destiny isn't intelligent. He has light autism though which provides him an edge in debating because he's very quick, he just argues fast whereas his opponents most of the time can't keep up in sheer speed, this makes them say things out of place or use the wrong words whilst getting stressed which then leads to emotional, Destiny then resorts to arguing only semantics. He never argues a topic in itself without trying the above.
Destiny mostly reads quick facts on wiki before a debate, and does what I mentioned previously. He would get shredded by Ben because he can keep up with Destiny's speed, and is both smarter and more knowledgable in just about everything short of computer games.
Living under white "oppression" has actually risen blacks from anything they have ever created on their own.