Australia's now officially cucked

>My highscool is now becoming a "White Ribbon" school. We started a "White Ribbon" topic in our "Health class," and OH BOY is it shit.

The teacher (which I jokingly told my mate at the start he looked and talked like a cuck,) forced us to watch a powerpoint presentation about "White Ribbon". It had the stereotypical feminist bullshit, like the "1 in 5 women are raped" and "1 in 4 women are abused, with males being the agressor most often then not" crap. I piped up about the bullshit points and yeah. Then my jewish classmate said "don't so triggered haHaHA xDdddDdD." During the presentation, the teacher was accidently skipping ahead on slides, and for about half a second, I saw the heading of: "WHAT IS A GENDER?"

>Why are Australia and Canada so fucking cucked? Is it because we are part of the commonwealth?

My SINGLE FEMINIST MOTHER put me in school a year late (are you really surprised?) and thus I am 18 in year 11, so I am immune to mods. This also means I have to go through a 1 and 1/4 year before I'm free from this shitty school system.

Other urls found in this thread:[email protected]/mf/4510.0

""Don't so triggered"" Fuck... I meant to put in a "get".

> "1 in 4 women are abused, with males being the agressor most often then not" crap.

But the fact is we are.

I'm happy for schools to publicise facts to students.

Well, honey, the survey in which white ribbon got this information also stated that women abuse men just as much as men abuse women. There is more intimate partner violence between lesbian couples then gay male couples, so this lines up right.

>Is it because we are part of the commonwealth?
To the best of my knowledge, we don't have any of that bullshit going on in schools here, so don't blame the monarch.

You're still doing health class in year 11? That shit became optional in year 10 when I was at school.

My point is is that they claim that men are usually the agressors in domestic-violence and women are usually the victims, but that is not true. They claim they are making dv a mens issue too, but it already is. The teacher even said that as boys we could feel shit about the fact that they are portraying us as women beating rapists. He even said it in a voice like he would reasure us that isn't true, but he didn't. He just told us to write down this crap.

>also, tumblr's back that way, you seem to have taken a wrong turn.

This is the $2b the andrews govt dedicated to domestic violence well spent.

I thought it was all going to be donated to hizbut tahrir

Just feel sorry for the betas that believe it.

Imagine going through your life thinking women are equal to men somehow.

Not in my school. We don't have a choice.
Not yet, anyway.

I don't know if that sarcasm is directed at me as an insult or not.

hang in there OP, once you're out of school you won't be forced to deal with this cancer again. your single feminist mother has already fucked you up much worse than your schooling has.

>once you're out of school you won't be forced to deal with this cancer again
he will if he goes to uni

Idk much about Australia but I do know that women should adopt some self respect and not stay with men that beat them. Just because some men beat their mates doesn't mean we all do for fuck's sake.

>1 in 5 women are raped
It's astonishing how claims like this can be perpetuated. If one in five women are raped, one fifth of your female friends must be raped. So get to it.

OP do you happen to live in Sydney or inner city Melbourne? If so, thats why its cucked. If you happen to live in either you have to leave as soon as you can.

TAFE for the fucking win, ey?
Cheaper, get an actually useful education, and hopefully none of that uni bullcrap. TAFE is just people who are smart enough to get a decent education, and thus probably smart enough to see past dictionary definitions.

'Now' we're cucked...but not before lol idiots...

>gets fucked by 18 chads in 1 night
>vicki shows the video on normiebook

Don't lump us in with you, fucking nanny state. You make us seem like the wild west

spoken like a true dropkick

a wild leaf appears, fuck right off this is an australian thread.

It's fucking cucked as hell in Melbourne

What's the most uncucked university in Aus?

Hour north of sydney. I'm going to live cheap, so i'll just leach off my mum for a year or two before I get out. I could move in with my father (he lives in newcastle and owns 2 busineusses (cant spell)) as he is firmly anti-sjw. Also, he lives close to a TAFE facility, so thats a bonus.
>So get to it.
Are you with or against me?

OP was actually held back for being retarded. This post is more than enough proof. Maybe you should grow up.

"le teacher is Cuck!"

Jesus, you're going to look back on yourself in 2 years and fucking cringe. AHHAAHAHAHAH

only if your abuse is liberally applied to stupid things

How can this be true, if gender doesn't exist? The whole thing sounds very sexist imo baka

True, Canadians at least own M1 Garands and VZ-58 rifles, limited to 5 rounds or something outlandish.

There are no uncucked unis.

Kek the most australian post ive ever seen

Be the change you want to see in the world. You've been shaped/forged in the pit. It hardened you. Now arise. I think you need to be rich. Then you'll have the resources required to change things. Look into technical analysis on Udemy. Rise

>Why are Australia and Canada so fucking cucked?
There's too many effeminate bugmen, commie dykes, mouthy pee ohh cees, cat ladies and soccer mums with neutered husbands afraid of their own shadows.
That's why we're cucked.

Mate as a high school teacher. I want to see the curriculum statement showing that this is included in your course. Teachers aren't meant to fuck around with senior student lessons like that.

Post some proof to Sup Forums. And maybe we can help you out with getting the teacher fired.

you'll be a better person if you go and live with your father. life will be harder but you're with your mum because of this.

Domestic abuse is a real issue, you stupid underage fucktard.

We should respect our women, it's one of the marks of a civilised society, and domestic abuse remains far too high.

Social justice is part of the curriculum for most highschools, they probably slipped this trash in.

You subhuman cunt, who do you think is beating his wife in Australia? Jack Johnson, or Abdul Mohammed Abdulhammed?

Teachers should have autonomy to teach kids life lessons, IMO. You can actually take advantage of this.

Don't be a shill for a rigid system.

Physically and spiritually impossible, my friend.
Fuck off, leaf. Your twice as cucked as we ever will be.
I'm considering getting into the electrical/mechanical engineering fields, as I am pretty decent at maths and science and they seem like interesting job opportunities.
>"The most liveable city in the world"
Trust me, this guy isn't a white night, he's a
>W H I T E K I N G (pic related)
Maybe you should chug down some of his white, SUCCulent excretions.

>retarded school kid thread
>incoherent chain of discussion
>22 unique posters

really gets the noggin jogging

>subhuman because I think our white women shouldn't be beaten

Mohammed, I know that the Koran tells you that you can beat your wife, but Australian law and culture is not based on the Koran.

If you want to beat women, go back to Saudi Arabia and do it there.

Kek sounds like you don't know much about Australian culture, only the modern progressive trash you've been spoonfed, giving the missus a smack is not abuse, pussy.

australian weebs, you must be from melbourne or sydney.

I'm a nationalist who probably reads more about Australia's history in a week than you've read, about anything, in your lifetime, you gay cunt.[email protected]/mf/4510.0

So here are some statistic for anyone interested. Also the 1 in 5 women raped sounds bullshit since there are less than 24,000 sexual assault victims between both genders.

and just where do you think you are?

Good points all around

You poor youngfag noob. I finished school in 2004. All I can remember is life skills which was basically pointless sex ed and a could of lessons here and there with an RE teacher watching the matrix Kek
Sucks to be the next generation

Plus were it not for IdL there wouldnt be a single image in this thread. Is that common?

On mobile, auto-correct aint showing up and I'm rushing to get my "content" out.
I will, papa.
My father, although a stuanch anti-feminist, is scared pissless of women getting angry at him. He siezes up like a goat on crack. I caan see why this is true.
The whole damned school is in on it. It's crap, but aye, what can we do? It's the shitty jews up in parliment that want to secure votes when we're forced to vote in a year.
I'll try, but she is fucking emotional as shit and says "I only do things with good intentions in mind!"
Please, refer to

Im from Melbourne, studying law at la trobe, its not my fault im surrounded by cucks but you wouldnt believe it but im meeting more and more based alt right mates, especially this year

it's so easy to pick where you idiots live.

Yup, sure does.

It's all the hippies who have become social warriors in academia. They have infiltrated the education industry and are trying to take away our self determination and want to brain wash this generation coming through so they have permanent slaves to pat for the inflation which they are causing.

If you think that Sup Forums is still weeb centred then you need to leave.

Just as a general observation, the reason why we have men and women abusing one another is because of the hypersexualisation of the culture. Too many kids your age exposing yourself to crap like American pie and think that the whole world is just one big frat party.

we made dick jokes during sex ed and watched Die Hard for the rest of it because most of us had sex regularly at that point lol. I was in a 2 year relationship. This was in '13

sucks to be gen z

>Is that common?

>where you idiots live.
ayo hol up

>If you think that Sup Forums is still weeb centred ...
kek, are you implying it isn't?

>forced to vote
now this is the most australian post

Yes, it is sad. If my quest to become a trady fails, I'll get a teachers degree and use my extensive knowledge of STEM subjects to teach children maths with sjw statistics and prove the statistics wrong.

You're out of touch.

Australia has always been 'cucked', so is most of the world. This is just women in action.

If you think the schools are bad, think about the courts. These are the law courts where you're supposed to get fair treatment, and yet they're signed up to this political (it's really a charity group that exists to make money for the roasties that work there) organisation that openly promotes a sexist, anti-male approach to domestic violence.

> "1 in 4 women are abused, with males being the agressor most often then not" crap.

99% of males do not ever commit domestic violence. A tiny minority of men do - but almost equal numbers of women do. The ABS's own stats on intimate partner homicide show that about 40% of cases the perpetrator is a woman! Women regularly kill their children and partners, but it doesn't get played up in the MSM (it's mostly only boomers and roasties watching\reading the MSM these days), and then you have feminist organisations like this which systematically conceal the stats on male victims. One example - Mersane Warria killed 8(!!!!!!!!) children including boys and girls, and her case was immediately "poor, mentally unstable woman" and the case was forgotten. Luke Batty, 1 MALE was killed by his father - a man who had been mentally unstable for decades, and who was already mentally unstable when Luke's roastie mother started dating him - and there are demands from feminists for a "men need to stop being violent!" "We need a community dialogue on male violence!". Just compare the two cases. Women kill their children all the time too.

tits or gtfo


Haha, no. My FEMINIST SINGLE MOTHER used to allow me to watch snippits of pulp fiction, american pie etc. I didnt want to watch it, i'd rather be doing whatever I liked doing at that age, but shed just sit me down and force to fake laugh at the"funny part."
True, personally never have had a GF (don't judge, I'm awkward.) Those days were good, but if you look at my school photos you would see the motivation draining fom me every year since then.
Could have fraised it better, not the entirety of Sup Forums is weeb-based.
I'm not here for loli tits.


"i'm in melbourne still"


You are either degenerate or underage if you like anime. Neither is welcome on this board. Anime pics are only for shitposting.

Another thing to consider is that women are individually and collectively much more frequently violent towards men but most men are so cucked and deluded they cannot even SEE this, it's invisible to them. Every day thousands of men across Australia receive a Domestic Violence type order summoning them to court, OR they are literally arrested and charged by police for domestic violence, in both cases very often with practically no evidence of violence apart from the wife\partners' word. This has happened to several men i've known and I worked in the courts myself so I saw it every single day.

The woman uses the proxy violence and coercion of the police (the police having been primed by feminist training - literally training carried out by feminist organisations - to find an excuse to arrest the man, such as if he's damaged property in the fight by smashing a glass or throwing something), and the threat of criminal charges are used to leverage the man into agreeing to the terms of an interim-intervention order. The whole system is pseudo-legal, it's claimed that it's about "reducing violence", but it's entirely framed and implemented in a misandric, feminist manner.

So men are routinely being bullied by their partners who use the threat of police (it's a common thing that these women will literally verbally threaten to have the police get involved again, to make more false allegations, etc).

Just reverse the roles for a minute and imagine this. A man and his wife have an argument and he calls two friends up and claims she started things and she threw something at him, his two friends immediately restrain the wife and take her away in a cage in a car, they eventually release her but they threaten her that they'll return and do the same or put her in a cage for much longer if she acts up again. That's violence. There is no legal recourse for men who are falsely accused in this system, btw. Women routinely just lie without consequence.

>Why are Australia and Canada so fucking cucked? Is it because we are part of the commonwealth?

In short humans naturally look for conflict and so when it is forbidden they start turning on one another without second thought essentially civil wars and civil degradation. They do this because they have unconsciously surrendered their rights as an apex civilization at the top of the food chain waiting around for someone to take their shit from them. You see this manifested culturally in their subservient passive aggressive tendencies they are just screaming "victims are the winners here we are soft easy prey. This is what we all strive to be, victims."

Oh yes I’m sure 1/4 of all women are abused is 100% factual and not skewed in any way

Class of 2017 here in the U.S.

They slip social justice bullshit into ever subject but mostly into english. Other subjects will just find a way to interject and preach diversity and tolerance. (Economics, history, even science in the first chapters). Our teacher taught us about microagressions in a college writing course.

Complaining about anime on Sup Forums is like complaining about confederate statues in confederate states.

Im not in Melbourne


How dense must you be to not realise that degeneracy and anime are one and the same?

Actually its mostly abos. But that probably won't come up.

I graduated just before all this SJW stuff really kicked off, but Health class was still brutal. I chose it because I figured it would be based around nutrition and exercise, you know useful things. Instead we would devote 3 months at a time to a topic like skincancer, smoking and the absolute worst which was aboriginal issues. My last assignment before graduating we had to do a 3000 word essay on how to fix these issues, and I was so frustrated I just said fuck it and decided to be as offensive as possible. I suggested that the only way to fix their health issues was to forcibly send them to "Health Camps" where they would be made to exercise and have their diet restricted, the full deal. My teacher was a raging leftie and looking back on it I have no idea how I didnt get in huge trouble, instead she just failed me and ignored me until school ended.

Fuck off with your pro-women gender wage gap.
I'm not complaining, I'm simply stating that Sup Forums isn't only about "ay-knee-mei tiddies"

Back when I was in school, we had two faggots come during history and art classes and they spent their times pandering to all the dumb fucks in my class. I was the ONLY ONE seeing a problem. Ofc I didn't speak up because my oneitis was communist


You should spank them too

yes we do, even my son has had to do this shit and he's 10

Abos and lesbians tend to skew the numbers for everyone else. Or at least that is what the official numbers say. Independent Man did a good YT video on it.

the scope of what is considered abuse is also very large so that number is an aggregate of a lot of different things.

> TAFE is just people who are smart enough to get a decent education, and thus probably smart enough to see past dictionary definitions.
Literally laughed out loud at this. Holy shit. This is prime "look back upon and cringe when older" material.

Cringing already, sir. I'm tired. It's friday. Fuck off.

Also loving the idea that an "18" year old in year fucking 11 knows jack shit about the world. Why are you even responding seriously to this.

Get back to me, Sup Forums.

Because feminazism requires that people of all ages must be brainwashed.



>Australia's now officially cucked
you always were cucked



Three Ks a day keeps the minorities at bay!

ADF has been white ribbon accredited for years

almost makes me wish the election hadn’t gone in our favor
sure we’d have a crook in chief but at least we wouldn’t have redditfugees like you roaming around Sup Forums