NZ POL - Expel the Yellow Bugmen Edition

> Teenage Jacinda Ardern footage - hnnnggg

> here we bathe in Cuckservative Tears

> Winston "Capitalism is a Jewish Ploy" Peters speaks out

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First for
>fuck the chinks

There's maximum gook shilling on Sup Forums right now. Pretty funny.


It's weird, you'd think they'd be smart enough to know they'd have to have shilled before the election.


Reminder: National are cuckolds and they had to go.



Dollar is dropping rapidly lads, winnie came ou today sayig massive economic collapse is innevitable and we need ot be ready. Real convenient since winnie just got in bed with the reds, suddenly a catosphtrofic economic collapse is innevatble? I think we may have made a mistale..............

Winston has been saying there will be an economic crash for a few years, people only just started paying attention. At this point an economic crash will be a good thing.

Yes, anyone who has any concern about Winston, or the how an untested three-way of a government might run must be a gook...

1) Hate to break it to you but no gooks are getting kicked out.
2) Even if they somehow halve immigration numbers there will still be 4-5K Chinese coming in every year.
3) Give the poohinloos some love too. We actually import more of them!


>Dollar rapidly dropping
We are an export nation, this is good tho.
>Seppo flag
You have to go back
>Real convenient since winnie just got in bed with the reds, suddenly a catosphtrofic economic collapse is innevatble?
Muh rockstar economy

I'll take your chinks if you take our dindus.

I would nut all over those fucking teeth on god

This. Giving lazy beneficiaries more of my taxes is far less concerning than selling out the country to the chinese

>this is good tho
not for me asshole, thousands dropping out of my paycheck with the fucking dollar cratering


Yeah I guess the shekel to NZD exchange would hit you pretty bad.


It's just a pity John Key left when he did, I would have liked to see him get shafted by Winnie. He must have foreseen what was coming.

Country is more than just you lad

Seems like each side in your political dichotomy is supporting increased immigration for a group that you racists despise. You're fucked. The pendulum is just going to swing to and fro.

Regardless of who wins, go suck some Maori cock.

We are banning foreign ownership and ending mass immigration so when the country goes broke it can't be sold off. Its worth an economic readjustment to crash the house of cards that is the NZ economy (housing, tourism, and dairy farming) in order to chase out the kikes, chinks, and other migrants who are only here to exploit. After the crash we can rebuild this country to its former greatness.

brainless surface level analysis from a seppo

just what i wanted lads

jacunta doesnt even try to hide that sehe is dooming nz economy on purpose just to slow down the influx of national-voter ie successful people. From all over the world, chinks are a meme in nz you can go weeks without them but they know successful people woul never go red so there it is.

yeah they couldnt possibly be trying to reduce abject poverty

You type like a chink.

>This is my fourth election
>It's a first were I voted for the winning side
A little nervous lads.

massive stock crash dollar thrugh the floor except that air nz stocks is seeing a spike as everybody rushing for the exit first flight out.

>Mass immigration is vital for a good economy meme
Is there any reason to actually believe this? I just hope they force all the blugers into the jobs that get freed up.

t. Zhang

>muh immigration propped up economy

If only. We need less people here. Therebarent enough houses to ago around as it is

You're acting as if this wasn't what people were wanting. Time to sell up that portfolio and stay away, seppo.

>Is there any reason to actually believe this?
Just looks at the dollar crshing through the floor at even a hint of immigrtion crackdown.

>my third election
>first win
feels good bro

herro chong ki

Dollar dropping is good for exporters. Hardly a disaster

Yeah there's gook-ops

Mmmm those tasty tears

immigration tends to have a neutral effect, except in places like europe at the moment with tons of muzzies arriving for free houses and welfare

/ourwinnie/ is going to save NZ lads






Whoops that chink who has 20 million in housing and 20 million in debt might lose his fake fortune while the exporters benefit. Muh economy

but those are very delicious foods wtf mate

can we at least keep their cuisine?

nope we eat meat and potatoes in NZ, like it or leave


biltong is meat....
curry is meat
wontons are meat
burgers are meat

ur brain is meat tbf fucking meathead

Thus is life for the wagecuck. Did you know 13.5k in 1965 is equal to 100k now? And STEM wagecucks think they have it good...

>tfw old man eats meat and 3 veg every night at 6 oclock and has done so forever

Voted national too the old fuck because he has forever, winstone is not stuck in the past he just chose the youngest female prime minister ever, hopefully he can temper her feminism to keep the old farmers happy, I'm sure they won't mind if they make a good profit

You will eat hogget and mashed potatoes or you can fuck off to India.

sounds like the western equivalent of north korea

>remove biltong

I wish that I could give you every south african in my country to make all the shit tier overly salty jerky in the world

No im saying we need to hit them with some hammer of thor tier tech

Fucking oath I hate the cunts with a passion

Slimiest group of people I've ever come into contact with

>New Zealand's Jacinda Ardern sets out priorities: climate, inequality and women


wtf do you mean I can't horde thirty residential properties to squeeze rent out of millennials barely eking an existence and will never own their own home because of my greed anymore?

It means you'll be paying the white man tax, Jono. Cough up, bro. Aunty Cindy wants to lead a country we can all be proud of.

As long as I can buy a house in the future without having to eat nothing but pic related for the next twenty years I'll happily cough up extra shekels for comrade Ardern and the lazy brown people

You'll get your shitty, mouldy bungalow and you can settle in right after the Ministry for Women's Affairs checks that your chastity cage is still secure.

>new zealand
irrelevant meme country aren't allowed to have generals on Sup Forums that's a rule

> pretending maoris aren't the only reason Labour is so fiercely anti immigrant
> pretending

And you'll get on a plane and go back to where you came from when your visa expires and all will be right in the world

White man here, Jono. I'm probably going to be bugging out, you can get fucked if you think I'm paying tax to Cindy's government.

What exactly did National do that you liked anyway? Unless you're a CEO, farmer or property investor the past government has been of no use for a decade.

Mate Labour did shit, they can't push shit their coalition partners are against.

Most we'll get are some cringy fucking speeches and wasteful public spending. That's nothing compared to stemming the migrant hordes and making lowering living costs.

Not be the beta cucks, virtue signallers and troughers in the retard coalition.

>He thinks that'll happen


Better keep your head down while that little flag degrades to the status of leaf.

Wait till this babby tries to stamp her place and turns into a wee lefty iron lady who sends 2 batallions minimum to north korea

>He thinks his sissification fantasy is more realistic than Labour not having clout especially with National as opposition.

Inf act why do you keep blaming NZF Labour? why not look at National and realize a party list purge is needed to remove untrusted/despised politicians?

>made faggot marriage legal without putting it to a public vote (since they knew it wouldn't pass if they did)
>infiltrated by the chinese communist party
>gave away public assets to maori

And that's off the top of my head. National had no backbone and were willing to bend over for anyone who flashed some money at them

Then Opposition is National who is still rather strong.

The coalition only just has the majority of seats, she can't do shit to unbalance anything.

If I'm mostly white but around 1/4 maori and look spanish and grew up in ozzie my whole life with a think strine accent what am I when I move over there?

Still a shitskin.

An australian by the sounds of it

Is nz breaking ground again just like they did on globalism and womens vote etc

Nah, not unless more of NZF's policies got through than we were told.

Labour has changed their whole approach and can you even name the last 2 leaders?

Andrew Little and Cuntliffe.

Why do you guys hate chink immigrants they are probably the best ones you could ever ask for? Low crime, good family values, high paying jobs, clean(relatively)

Better than a horde of north africans, poos, blacks, spics and eastern yuropoor gang scum

They are none of those, they cheat, lie and swindle. Isolate themselves and refuse to interact/work with anyone else.

Fuck man they even scream racism when they don't get their way/get caught being shitcunts.

Not to mention the 5th column.

Because rivers and gender equality is more important.

The best immigrants are you fags.

Chinks are awful and if you lived around any you'd understand this. They're fucking disgusting sociopaths

Dont know much about the politics in NZ but I assume you're saying theyre pushing for SJW shit? They arent involved in our politics at all I think so maybe thats why its not a problem and they outperform every minority and whites academically and wage wise but I cant name a single chink MP.

Are the bad ones 1st generation immigrants or 2nd/3rd ones. I find 1st gens actually wanted to come in the first place so like the country but 2nd+ expect it to be tailored to them and cry like faggots

>The best immigrants are you fags.
I'd say the Dutch honestly.

What are the best non white ones? Are maoris based like how they are represented or not

a flippin ozzy

maori are red pilled pic related

tongans are generally pretty nice

old guys are mild as fuck

maoris arent immigrants

We have Jacinda Ardern nudes people. I repeat, we have Jacinda Ardern nudes.

Maori are a mixed bag. The best non whites are japs/singaporeans since they're usually middle class and genuinely come here for the lifestyle and not to be economic parasites

>I find 1st gens actually wanted to come in the first place so like the country
Holy kek no.

All they do is bitch and refuse to integrate/continue being lying chink bugmen. Their children tend to not be as successful/massive sluts. They only cry racism when it directly affects them even if it is a legitimate grievence. They do not push SJW bullshit but do stranglehold properties and businesses. As a general rule they will only interact with other Chinese and all profits will disappear into a property portfolio or back to China.

As for quality of work they will consistently fail to meet local standards but do it at such a cheap rate and get waived through by dodgy certifiers that it will force all non Chinese out of said industry.

To them we are not a country, we are a cash cow/gateway to Western standards, as no cunt in China wants a degree from a Chinese uni when an exotic westernish one will do.

Best are Japs/Sri Lankans (infinitely better than Poos) Maori are by in large shitty but tend to be anti immigrant/tolerable for the most part.

>*elects socialist horse*
What did you sheepfags mean by this?

problem is there literally billions of chinks, dindus at least won't overrun you

>they will consistently fail to meet local standards but do it at such a cheap rate

Hardly better than failing to meet local standards and ripping off the client like nz builders do.

A race between traitors and Socialists.

Yeah it sucked.

yeah! look at Japan, oh wait......

>nz builders
Sure they are.



Oh man, those were the days.

Fuck this traitor faggot, based Muldoon was the last good prime minister this country had