are you ready to admit you lost sweeties? culture is just a white boy fairy-tail.
everything you love will be destroyed
and your'e just going to watch ,;)
are you ready to admit you lost sweeties? culture is just a white boy fairy-tail.
everything you love will be destroyed
and your'e just going to watch ,;)
lmao I'm Nazi and I love this image
What is this supposed to be?
It looks like some tumblr tard tried to draw SOMETHING but it's not exactly clear what.
Is this a pregnant asian man being fed ice cream by some sort of chimp/cat hybrid?
Although op is a faggot come on now.
Your retarded ideology has some surprisese for you
I hope your fairy tale will come true so you can dee it become your worst nightmare
What's wrong with the OP picture?
Tumblr autism at its finest, go back to your pals and circle jerk the cuckdom ways.
>also its you're not your'e
Illiterate nigg nogg pretender
For your reference my dear sweet autisically inclined OP:
What is the curse though?
Refugees, a tale you know all to well in Ikealand
This. Girl on the left has some sort of fattening fetish. Maybe she likes her being dependent.
Effective shilling has good grammar.
>No one is out to get you goyim, go to sleep
>you're just imagining it white man, don't be racist now
>Effective shilling has good grammar.
Oh please you faggots can't even spell the word 'colour' correctly.
All I see is tublrnosed goblins.
What did OP mean by this?
>All I see is tublrnosed goblins.
if you're gonna be that autistic to mention it make sure you spell it correctly next time champ
They fucken wish they look like that
Its true. I do hate this image.
zionist thread
>culture is nothing
lol read Clash of Civilizations, faggot.
Even your vocabulary is full of candy get some self control jeez
Don't know why but i just love this photo of this happy soviet jew with Hitler statue's head. Maybe it's because he is realky happy.
Youll regret it more than me. Youll be the ones dying of starvations and dehydration and murder. Go ahead. Destroy it. See if i care. I want all you no good fucking degenerates to die. How you gonna survive with no welfare and foodstamps. And a million babies because theres no birth control. Good luck. I honestly wish you the best of luck i your endeavors. Because itss hurt you more than it hurts me.
Color or colour comes from the latin color.
that's a breddy shit art style but still hawt :^)
Thanks user, very kind of you to inform me that most of the spoken english language is derived from Latin
A shitty drawing of 2 fatass dykes doesn't trigger me any
Terrible artwork, is this supposed to turn anons on?
Giantess spaghetti space monster is better
You're welcome friend
keep going
Until the global economiw slip into recession,
mass government and HR level lay offs are coming soon
We'll rebuild but before we'll see women get back on their knees suckin dick for food and keeping their mouths shut.
More importantly the world will look into why it happened however the internet exists so Jews are fucked and so are commi collaborators.
Pic related
You're clocks running out
Alright, this is now a redpill thread.
shill threads and the idiots who bump them
What is this even supposed to convey?
The only thing that triggers me about this is the art style, what's wrong with their fucking feet? If this is your drawing, OP, you should probably kill yourself.