Not terrorists just naive

Why are our governments more concerned with disagreeable tweets and Facebook posts than child rapes and terrorists?

It's like they want to bring terrorists into the country. If they have been to fight in Syria they shouldn't even be allowed back

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I think you're country is cucked as fuck

That obviously goes without saying at this point. You're really in no better position though

thats very tolerant. I imagine a lot of IS soldiers are suddenly feeling very naive and disillusioned.

How about we throw out the politicians with them?
Serious let's just rip the gates from Downing Street and force to experience the downside of their philosophy.
It will happen mi2+4-1


Why not shoot them? Traitors should be killed.

If you don't punish them then you show that the government is weak. You show that the government doesnt care about terrorism.

well they let syrian "refugees" in, this is about the same in terms of danger

>Why are our governments more concerned with disagreeable tweets and Facebook posts than child rapes and terrorists?

Because you can lump all of that together under the umbrella term of "extremism" and say you are fighting extremism without having to stand up to brown people, which would get you called racist and other awful things.

>Why not shoot them?
Start with the politicians. Knowingly allowing terrorists and traitors to "reintegrate" back into your country is an act of treason.

That's crazy, but letting actual known fighters back in and letting them go free is suicidal. One moment we are meant to be at war with them, the next they can come and be our neighbors.

This is a recipe for disaster. If you were a conspiracy theorists, you would think that they want terrorists, they want them here creating chaos. Even the other day we had the head of mi5 saying terrorist attacks were inevitable. Of course, its insane our leaders at every level are mad and it's the same across the western world. The western world is falling apart

They shouldn't be prosecuted.

They should be summarily executed.

You guys need to bring back hanging, drawing, and quartering.

They would just use it on dumb white goys who said something against diversity online

Frankly, tweets and Facebook, are the only contact the governments left or right. Have with the people of this country. As most of that communication is with whinging activists, they think they are being popular. We jail people and put them on offender registers for life, for having nonce pictures. These Isis wankers, have done much worse. Fuck them, they made their bed, let them lie in it.

Because their propaganda is being challenged and called out for the bullshit it is, governments don't like that

Especially mine

People who are cowards and opportunists but don't confess they are (maybe not even to themselves) are the worst


Too much "energy" drinks that's why

It's hard to say where the balance between cowardice and opportunism lies here.

The beautiful thing about expanding your powers and budgets to address a crisis but then using them for something else is you will never fix the crisis in that way. In fact it might continue to escalate! More money and power!

Realistically as a politician or bureaucrat lasting solutions to real problems are the last things you want.

Do remember that they won't be affected in their escorted vehicles and gated communities.
You are the ones getting fucked over and their construction, military and security companies make money over it.


Uh huh.


They should have their citizenship revoked. No debate.

Russia needs to take the war to Briton.

>why is a democratic goverment more concerned with their ways then with the safety and well being of the population.

Because they arent leaders but normal people out of their role OR they are jewish and dont care about the foreigners they own.

>white teeth

But we also cancel duel-citizenship of anyone that goes to fight in syria, and lock up any citizens. It's highly illegal to fight for another country.

WTF?! If there ever was a case where a death penalty should be applied this is the case.

because they only go after those they know won't fight back.

some guy being a loudmouth on twitter? 99% chance he's actually a pussy and when the police knocks on his door he'll shit his pants and do everything they demand as long as he can avoid punishment

some nutjob who went to a different country to fight as soldier for a lunatic death cult? that guy probably won't just nicely follow your orders but you need to use actual force to make him comply.

Western nations got too used to having a white population that sticks to the laws by themselves without constantly needing to be hit over the head by the authorities. and now they lost their spine and balls and don't know how to enforce it anymore when faced with individuals who do not play nice.

This. Citizenship and residency should be revoked. Instead they will be allowed to come back be given free housing and benefits. These people are literally blowing up children and we are being forced to pay for it and told it is good for us. The focus is on people who voice sight dissent, while there is absolute chaos on our streets. At the same time we are force fed a message of diversity, tolerance and multiculturalism and that it is all good for us

Why not? I mean treason isn't that bad of a crime when you look at it.