How to read Marx without becoming indoctrinated?
Any tips? I picked up a really thick compilation of his major works for free. Which works are most important to read?
How to read Marx without becoming indoctrinated?
Any tips? I picked up a really thick compilation of his major works for free. Which works are most important to read?
>Any tips?
Yes. Read Marx. Understand what he wrote. Laugh at Commies.
Like you read any other work of fiction.
LSD protects against indoctrination
Don't waste your time.
All communist countries are shitholes.
And before any Commiefuck tells you how Russia got the first people into space remind him/her/xe/xer that the average Russian was eating dirt out of the ground at the time.
> becoming indoctrinated by a book
Only weak minds would do that.
I'm a high-openness, high-agreeableness and high IQ lateral thinker so when I read ideas that are on the surface well-presented I tend to "see where they are coming from" even if they contradict my convictions or my previously constructed moral convictions. I'm afraid if I put a lot of time into reading Marx that I'll end up being a communist faggot or at least sympathizing with them more than I do at current
Just look at the proceeding history and realize the futility.
Read lots of Marx. Decide for yourself.
Read his pieces and read his tone, he sounds like a whiny cunt.
But seriously a lot of the stuff he says about capitalism is kind of true it's just that his fixes are terrible. Just read Keynes, he gives all the same critiques as Marx does but he has actual applicable solutions that can prevent collapses.
Even though keynes was part of a faggot cult he was a patriotic Brit that wanted to preserve culture and help the common man.
His critique of capitalism and markets is excellent even if you disagree with his solutions you can draw up lot form his analysis.
Modern economic concepts like rate of profit and return of profit were born out of Marxist analysis. Simply to call all of Marx`s works unfounded due to failures of his political followers is quite idiotic.
the only way you could be indoctrinated by Marx is if youre a low IQ normie.
Or you just read Keynes
His analytics was an synthesis between capitalists and socialist economists in the first place.
I tried reading das capital. It's drier than the Sahara desert and about as empty, although his initial point that an increase in labor supply will lead to a decrease in wages was correct, and in line with normal economic thinking
It was about preventing collapses by giving more money to the people who actually spend money.
If his books make you a commie, then you were already a commie and should have already killed yourself
I'm one of the guys who would love "true communism" but that's never gonna happen thanks to human nature. So we're stuck with good old capitalism and can try to add some socialist spice to it.
Personally I have to agree, I just put up with the rhetoric on some political circles within the party, otherwise I`m nothing but normal party member within social democratic party.
Think of him like your whiny cousin who likes to whine but can't come up with a solution that doesn't kill half two thirds of the population (the productive kind)
You read the enemy's works to learn from their point of view and if it just so happens you're fighting for the wrong team by the time you're done you change your allegiances to fit your new world view.
That said don't become indoctrinated by a single source. Check out it's competition and see if it has any merit before making you mind up on any matter.
Step one is to not be a gullible retard. Then go ahead and read
>The Communist Manifesto
>Das Kapital
>On the Jewish Question
>Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
Not Marc, but to round out your knowledge of the anarcho-communist menace
>The Ego and It's Own by Max Stirner
Just read it faggot , ive read it ,its not that hard to see the flaws in. Commies need to get gassed
>highly agreeable
>high iq
One trait almost invariably negates the other. Feel free to read the material -- if you are honest in your self-assessment, then there really isn't anything to be concerned about. You'll just have to choose between agreeing with Marxist imbeciles and fitting in, or avoiding them because you can see how their ideology is a Snowcrash-tier mind virus.
Just keep in mind at all times this fact: He was a disgusting NEET who never worked a day in his life and created communism solely as a way of perpetuating his lifestyle
This, like a lot of hypocritical philosophers such as Thoreau take what they say with a grain of salt. Often times they had everything provided for them by rich fucks and they rarely if ever did much of anything themselves.
Read Das Kapital first. He doesn't make many/any communist pronouncements here, it's actually a pretty good flag, and yes I'm an ancap and serious about this. Then read The Communist Manifesto. Understand the root of communist theory. Once you've finished this, read any one of thousand of books explaining why communism is wrong, socialism doesn't work, read a few history books. As long as you are aware you won't become indoctrinated.
That generalization isn't always true, I'm not a stereotypical smart person in that a lot of high IQ people don't distinguish between their intellect and their ego. From what I've seen people at around my intelligence level tend to go into academics and when you do that your identity becomes inextricable from what you know and/or your area of expertise. I've been an autodidact all my life and I'm extremely introverted so I don't tend to be "disagreeable" at all because arguing with people about ideas is pointless to me. I might be more in the middle of the agreeableness curve in that I don't just believe everything I'm told, but I don't just believe things I've learned and previously agreed with dogmatically either and I tend to always assume that I could be completely wrong about something.
How do you become indoctrinated? Are you incapable of critical thought? Communism doesn't follow nature's laws and therefore is fallacious in nature. There's a reason only the subraces accepted its validity.
Same applies to all of human experience post-agriculture. Naturalist fallacy is not debunking of communist ideology.
Bin it.
>we wuz following nature's laws n shit
>reading work of a man who talks about exploitation of working class and unfairness of capitalism, banking system
>survived on his rich friend funds, was deep in debt, exploited his maid, didnt pay her, threw her out on to the street, when he got her pregnant as to hide the affair.
>also didn't shower or shave
>taking any of his works seriously
Just remember that the nature of the man also plays into how useful or decent his ideas are.
Marx was,
>a user
>unclean, boils on ass, balls, and face
>an opportunist
>the original NEET
Explains why he hates the successful so much. It is a late 19th century defeatist emo political manifesto. Enjoy.
>all of this bizarre, speculative introspection
I am not sure if you are young, or simply in that type of mood, or a woman. Your assertions:
>not a stereotypical smart person
The stereotype of intelligence as seen in popular culture portrays the attribute as a sort of product you can consume, by doing things like wearing glasses, reading certain things or dressing in a certain manner, etc. It makes sense to portray it this way, but it rarely holds in real life.
>don't distinguish between intellect and ego
Taken literally it does not make sense, so you probably mean that they tend to feel confident about their conclusions, sometimes without taking proper time to evaluate how much is attributable to intellect or ego. If this is your meaning, then every human being does this.
>academics, intelligence, identity
Academics typically let you know who they are fairly early on because it is a high-status occupation (like good athletes, doctors, lawyers, etc.). Their identities are no more difficult to extricate from skillset or training than it is with other people, especially people who had to go to school for a long time. If you are talking about Marxist academics, that is different, because they specialize in knowing what to think, not how to think.
>autodidact & introverted = not disagreeable & arguing ideas is pointless
What are you even trying to say here? Why would those thing even be linked causally in the manner you describe?
>last bit
Being agreeable isn't believing everything you're told, being agreeable means, at least superficially, placing social concerns as superordinate to others. If you are agreeable in the way you think you are, then you are probably the type who agrees with whoever you talked with last, not what you read last. As long as you are able to draw the distinction between your current mask and what your current state of knowledge is, things should go just fine.
1. Start anywhere you want.
2. Be bored.
3. Chuck the book.
If you find a way to read him and actually make sense of that crap, please let me know.
>How to read Marx without becoming indoctrinated?
Is this really a possibility?
Just read "From Marx to Mises" by Ramsey
Just read it and decide for yourself what parts are truthful. All that SJW liberation shit came years after Marx died from the Frankfurt school and other Weimar degens, you won't find any of it in his works they're purely economic.
>How to read Marx without becoming indoctrinated?
You kidding me? Its Marx. You're more likely to get indoctrinated from reading The Three Little Pigs.
Wouldnt want this Aussie on my team...
It's simple. You only have to understand what he wrote.
>How to read Marx without becoming indoctrinated?
Yes, actually read it. As in, try to really comprehend what he is saying and what the consequences of his suggestions would be rather than just consuming it at the surface level.
It's an inherently flawed ideology.
>becomes indoctrinated from reading just one book
kys retard
Would have been quad 4's, +1 for truth bomb
Marx was a Jew who wanted to violently destroy nation states and Western civilisation.
>How to read Marx without becoming indoctrinated?
>I'm not interested in the power of his arguments, because I still want guys of Sup Forums to like me!!!!!!!!!!!
don't waste your time on jew books
here is an exelent introduction to his concepts
available in audio also
also check out this channel
Class 01 Reading Marx's Capital Vol I with David Harvey
>without being indoctrinated
so you're afraid he might be right?
By not being retarded
>How to read Marx without becoming indoctrinated?
That's not really hard, what you have to keep in mind though is that he is neither a god nor a demon, he was just a man trying to explain society and you should also take into account the historical context of his work.
You realize that the person behind the books was a fat fraud who never worked a day in his life and borrowed money from people just to eat expensive food and smoke cigars
Reading Lenin without getting indoctrinated is the real challenge.
In capitalist society, creative activity takes the form of commodity production, namely production of marketable goods, and the results of human activity take the form of commodities. Marketability or saleability is the universal characteristic of all practical activity and all products. The products of human activity which are necessary for survival have the form of saleable goods: they are only available in exchange for money. And money is only available in exchange for commodities. If a large number of men accept the legitimacy of these conventions, if they accept the convention that commodities are a prerequisite for money, and that money is a prerequisite for survival, then they find themselves locked into a vicious circle. Since they have no commodities, their only exit from this circle is to regard themselves, or parts of themselves, as commodities. And this is, in fact, the peculiar "solution" which men impose on themselves in the face of specific material and historical conditions. They do not exchange their bodies or parts of their bodies for money. They exchange the creative content of their lives, their practical daily activity, for money.
As soon as men accept money as an equivalent for life, the sale of living activity becomes a condition for their physical and social survival. Life is exchanged for survival. Creation and production come to mean sold activity. A man's activity is "productive," useful to society, only when it is sold activity. And the man himself is a productive member of society only if the activities of his daily life are sold activities. As soon as people accept the terms of this exchange, daily activity takes the form of universal prostitution.
Just visualize Weinstein on your girlfriend/wife/mother/daughter/sister. That is what these books are advocating.
The sold creative power, or sold daily activity, takes the form of labor; labor is a historically specific form of human activity; labor is abstract activity which has only one property; it is marketable; it can be sold for a given quantity of money; labor is indifferent activity; indifferent to the particular task performed and indifferent to the particular subject to which the task is directed. Digging, printing and carving are different activities, but all three are labor in capitalist society; labor is simply "earning money." Living activity which takes the form of labor is a means to earn money. Life becomes a means of survival.
The sale of living activity brings about another reversal. Through sale, the labor of an individual becomes the "property" of another, it is appropriated by another, it comes under the control of another. In other words, a person's activity becomes the activity of another, the activity of its owner; it becomes alien to the person who performs it. Thus one's life, the accomplishments of an individual in the world, the difference which his life makes in the life of humanity, are not only transformed into labor, a painful condition for survival; they are transformed into alien activity, activity performed by the buyer of that labor. In capitalist society, the architects, the engineers, the laborers, are not builders; the man who buys their labor is the builder; their projects, calculations and motions are alien to them; their living activity, their accomplishments, are his.
Learn about him as a man, then study his work.
He was a worm.
>Naturalist fallacy
This shit again. If reality proves that an ideology is shit then it's shit.
even marx's mom was fed up with him
If you have high iq you won't became a communist. Simple.
check out this good movie also some time
Yawn, Thomas More said the same thing centuries ago, except with more Christfagging
some one said it back in the 17 century even better
If you spend a couple of hours learning about European diplomatic/military history during the Renaissance and Enlightenment, it really takes the wind out of his sails when he makes broad mischaracterizations about them.
its not easy reading marx, not as simple as muh jews muh niggers muh mexicans
>he thinks he'll become indoctrinated
You won't, Marx is an idiot.
The people who claim to be Marxists are opposed to 50% of Marx's own assertions.
You're none of that, just autistic
>historical context of his work
Even during his time, labour theory of value had been disproven
Don't be a gullible slobbering retard who doesn't know shit about the basic economics and has never had a real job and had never to pay his own bills like 99% of all commie cultists and notice immediately it's just stupid pseudo intellectual bullshitting and jelly screeching with little basis and zero relevance to reality ?
>muh jews
>muh niggers
i forgot anything?
Nahh its unsubstantiatial junk no matter how many times you illiterate commie retards glorify his screeching about capitalism and markets as some undisputed pinacle of literature because you just want to fool some people wasting their time with your hollow earth tier cult scriptures with this blatant lie no one outside of commie tard circles shares and agrees with.
> Communist Manifesto
a horrible piece of propaganda litterature that makes virtually no argument. worth reading for its historic value and to remember why you hate sloppy leftist cunts
>Das Kapital
an incredibly insightful piece of eonomic philosophy that I don't think you can read without being strongly enlightened in one way or another. I had the idea that I'd read it parallell to my classes when studying economy but it got too heavy for me to be able to do both. I read about 80-90 pages though and I thought every bit of it was genius.
>Which works are most important to read?
>The German Ideology
Marx's general analysis of history.
Marx's thorough analysis of the specific era that is capitalism.
>The Communist Manifesto
>Critique of the Gotha program
Marx's analysis of the communist movement and its goals.