Why does pol hate Richard Spencer.
Why does pol hate Richard Spencer
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desu I used to follow Richard when he was doing roman salutes and stuff. But he kinda went overboard on the based Jews shtick. Uniting white nationalism with whatever the Jews have going on makes no sense if youre not a Jew. I dont care about the Jews. I want a white ethnostate and Jews arent going to give it to us.
he's alright
I've seen more support for him the past two days than I've ever seen from Sup Forums. Just because you think you could have a better QB or a striker(whatever analogy you want to use) doesn't mean you don't want to see them succeed
>Why does pol hate Richard Spencer.
Not everyone is falling for his bait.
Because he's a fucking retard.
He exists to pied piper the amorphous groups that are fed up with the uni-party and categorize then discredit them.
Hes a it of a middle level of the spectrum of red pill os i think we neeed someone to lead one to another stage of the red pill
Sup Forums has been against the StormWeenies since day one.
Go away.
>Wanting to send all jews to Israel.
Whats the other alternative?
Having jews as a diaspora in our countries or advocating gas chambers for jews.
I think the go back to Israel argument is good.
Controlled op designed to repel normies.
No one ever heard of him before Trump won and all the sudden the media made him "the leader of the alt-right".
Probable CIA or other kind of Federal agent.
The only guy who openly identifies as a WN you can trust is Jared Taylor.
You could hardly ask for a better mainstream face of the movement. We won't get anywhere with skinhead nutcases and old farts.
For the same reasons that the liberal media apparently love him.
Stormfags are never going to get anywhere period. Civic nationalist domestic policy with a semi (in practice) WN immigration policy is the best you will ever get.
the republican party and conservatives have been trying this since reagan
I like him and Milo
no they fucking havent.
Imagine being this much of a defeatist.
>I think the go back to Israel argument is good.
user, please.
If the Jews just stayed in Israel and minded their own business none of this would be an issue.
Fuck conservatives... they don't know how to fight the enemy and since they ran out Gingrich they've been cowards at best and complicit at worsts.
Bannon Thiel Mercer and the brain trust of Trumpism are semi-secretly neoreactionaries.
He's either a LARPing faggot or an idiot.
Put your trip back on moarphag.
I had no idea who he was until the media started spouting off about Richard Spencer, "the leader of the alt right". Everyone else I knew actually part of the alt right (by that I mean in the right but not neocons or boomer-tier Republicans) had the exact same reaction to hearing that as I did: namely, "who the fuck is Richard Spencer?"
The media created him and told normies and Antifa that this guy is the leader of the alt right. He's a plant. Controlled opposition
Because I'd never heard of that faggot until he got punched and he seems too good to be true for the (((media))) who would really love to say there are neo-nazis fucking about
You can make a much whiter country with such a policy, but you don't get to larp in nazi costumes.
Also I refuse to take any shit along these lines from a Swede, the right in your country is a joke. You let SJWs take over the whole place lock stock and barrel before we ever heard of them in the US and as a result you can do NOTHING to stop the Muslim invasion.
Sup Forums doesn't. 30-50% of the hate comes from a single guy who spams every thread (Moarpheus) and the rest of the hate comes from gullible low IQ morons who can't think for themselves.
They see one picture of Spencer standing next to Laura Bush and are convinced that he is CIA. That is the level of fucktard we're dealing with here.
We're convinced hes CIA since nobody ever heard of him til after the election, he lives in a heavily CIA neighborhood, and all the sudden the media are proclaiming him "the leader of the alt-right".
yes they have, they've often run on "strengthening the border" and other pablum, all of them have been lies, but they have time and time again run on anti-immigrant sentiment
You are resting your hopes on Trump being competent and a raceless nationalism that is implicitly white nationalist, correct?
the united states and the confines on normalcy it has imposed since the second world war, have perhaps a generation or so left before they are gone
when its tendrils recede from Europe and the US itself is just another country, and a hemorrhaging one at that, what is and isn't possible or realistic will be what wildly different than today
These false, imposed consensuses around egalitarianism and liberal democracy will fall down with American power projection.
Because anyone that does anything in real life to help our movement and doesn't sit on their computers all day is CIA
>hurrr he hasn't been famous for a long time this is proof he is a plant
You're a moron.
The equality and social justice religion is stronger in most of Western Europe then it is in the United States (nowhere stronger then Sweden).
So whats your argument?
>(((you can do NOTHING)))
Holy shit your a defeatist.
We have NMR while your stuck with Spencer. Also a recent poll said that 8% of the Swedish population might vote for a NatSoc party.
>Look at how ugly his wife is! JEWISH!
>Look at these two people taking a picture with a member of the Bush family! CIA!
>The CIA totally would let that picture be out if he was an actual informant!!
Tbh if he is actually a Fed, the Feds are based. If he actually is then I guess the Feds are working to convert people to our side. Huh!
Don't get me wrong, Richy can
>over exaggerate his mannerisms
>have a gay accent
>act like a little queer sometimes for attention
But at the end of the day? He is still making a street presence.
>But even after saying all that
My problem with him is that his street presence is made for the specific reason to piss off leftists, which isn't even the point of street activism unles you're a skinhead faggot.
He seems to be steering away from this but he needs to stop doing it completely for me to ever respect him fully.
>scatterbrained/grammar due to mobile posting
what Sup Forums has or hasn't heard of is a paltry benchmark. most everybody here is a young adult with a mild-at-best interest in right-wing intellectual currents. how many assholes have heard of de benoist or tom sunic etc. Spencer has been doing what he's doing since the mid-2000s. In terms of him being the leader of anything, he is simply the one most interested in gunning for that slot, and credible when his competitors are ppl like Milo and Thernovich. He saw what was happening particularly with young people around the Trump election and blitzkrieged out a lot of NrX/racialist material and got his name out there.
I'm not a defeatist about Russia or the US but Sweden is doomed.
What about the other 92%.
We're not stuck with Spencer we have Trump, Bannon and the money of the Mercers backing them. Stormfag larping is counterproductive.
You don't make a frontal charge in broad daylight directly into a strong enemy position you attack a weak part of their line.
because Sup Forums is controlled opposition
you are delusional as fuck if you honestly believe the shit you are saying its blue pilled reddit shit go away
He's the mirror image of Anita sarkeesians ex boyfriend. Some rich jerkoff who wants relevance by trying to Leroy Jenkins himself out in front of a problem which only gets worse when he opens his mouth.
I'm here for the posters, not some unqualified talking heads opinion on X. Have some goddamn self respect
the zeal of converts. These conversions of all white nations into abstractions, proposition countries, or featureless economic zones, are American imperial aims. Without the United States, there is nothing holding back the tide in Europe. The credibility for the Merkels of the world flows from Washington, as their remit and goals are to make the continent amenable to it. This is partly why the election of Trump was so shocking to many upper-strata Europeans, this thought of 'oh no are we on our own, will the masters leave us'. Europe has been remade in America's image for 80 years through brutal social engineering and reprogramming, and I don't think it'll be insignificant at all if/when America is no longer able to exert itself in that way.
these are the type that are anti-spencer
>national socialism is left wing
American need to be gassed
jack is literally ex-CIA
>No one ever heard of him before Trump won and all the sudden the media made him "the leader of the alt-right".
How to spot a newfag, he was known on Sup Forums before Trump.
How to spot stormfag diaspora
t. ass blasted leftypol faggot
Jokes on you im actually assblased reptilian illuminati
Is there anyone Sup Forums does like an isn't controlled opposition?
Because pol is filled with shills.
i honeslty find it weird how some people think 90 procent of pro whites are plants whats next yarred taylor being a DEA agent.
They are just jealous of his hair cut and man boobs.
Does richard have man boobs?
If people are exchanging opinions for money then they are compromised and are controlled opposition.
i think hes hitting 2 birds with one stone when comparing jewish ethno states to white ethno states if they can get one so can we
He's not /r9k/ enough for the fringe of the 3rd position, moarpheus and the like will never ever let anyone lead a movement since it's not pure enough.
spencer just like shill alex jones loves israel.
# zionism is cancer
all of the other shills like tommy robinson and paul joseph watson want you to hate muslims. but dont focus on the jew that is fucking you in the ass and flooded your countries with non-whites
Yeah a little bit, obviously doesn't lift. He's not fat yet, will come later in life if some antifa doesn't kill him with a cement dragon dildo.
Spencer is against americana, lumping the alt-lice with spencer & enoch is not even a thing.
Those shitty photoshop memes make it fairly obvious that a significant portion of those people are literally paid to make him unpopular or they're just leftypol crossboarders. Just debate them on why the hate him and they'll come up with the shittiest reasons and fall apart.
yes i can lump them in all together.
none of them are addressing the systematic problem which is the jew - youtu.be
they want you fighting. they want you to talk about race.
Our distain for Spenser comes down to the following:
>new Spenser thread
>implying we all love him
>implying we all want to watch his show
>implying he's our true leader
>2 seconds pass
You Spensershills are here, like clockwork, to shill that faggot nonestop. Fuck him and you.
I don't hate him. He's making punching nazis and ethnonationalists a mainstream thing lel
i honestly am 100% convinced spencer is cia shill because he never criticizes or talks about the jew.
i swear all of the cia shills promoting spencer fuck you all
You're a fucking liar. Have you ever listened to Mike Enoch's podcasts? Have you ever listened to Spencer on those podcasts? The answer is no. Or alternatively you have but you're just lying.
He obviously works for the FBI or CIA and your Jewing really hard if you don't know that
>claims he hates jews
>lies out the ass like a jew
What did he mean by this?
It's depressing the far right is littered gullible clowns like this guy. Zero insight, zero independent thought, zero arguments, zero evidence.
lie out of the ass. spencer SUCKS ISRAELI COCK 24/7. please kill yourself
Your trips lie, the shills and uniformed/misinformed hate spencer.
Spencers doing better than when he started. In his press conference today, he completely rekt the reporters and he rekt alot of the people asking stupid questions and making stupid remarks.
found the jew or cia spook. please kill yourself cia disinformation piece of trash
Spencer has talked about ZOG a plenty. You're simply lying.
I think he is more a liability than an asset.
do we really need a third active thread on this fucking cointelpro shill? reported
>No one ever heard of him before Trump won and all the sudden the media made him "the leader of the alt-right".
It's your own fault for not listening to American Vanguard episodes before Trump. You missed out on some really good discussions with Jonathan Bowden and discussions about the Nolan Batman movies through the lens of Evola tbqh fàm
They don't.
Threads about him get shilled really hard in order to try and turn pol against him.
And evidently its worked as you think we are against him...
Shit. I have been searching that meme for a long time. This is not the version I wanted but is pretty close.
Notice majority of anti-Spencer stuff is from US flags, or meme flags.
New fags need to learn to identify shills, it's annoying as fuck that they fall for this shit
>Enoch has literally a podcast called the daily shoa
> bashes jews constantly
>doesn't address the jew
you're mentally ill Morpheus.
It's lefty faggots being intentionally obtuse to try and fool newfags. Probably just like you.
Because he's a textbook populist shill
He's a CIA and a leftist
It doesn’t. Only shills from outside Sup Forums do.
Pretty much. The amount of pathetic shilling here is amazing.