Tfw not aussie

I really want to be an Aussie and live in Australia.

They have the most based government ever.

Accent is commanding yet funny at the same time.

Who cares about shitty internet? Internet post-facebook is shit.

No niggers. Only Chinese and Filipinos allowed. They know Duterte is based as fuck.

You get large empty lands for hunting and camping.

Who cares if you cant have automatic weapons? Buy a big hunting rifle or GTFO.

Visit your bro New Zealand who's just a beauty as Australia is.

Ride your 1k cc scrambler on the great outbacks.

Gee I wish I was Australian...

I love aussies' mannerism it's funny as fuck

>No niggers
there's loads of em

>I wish I was Australian

Is it that bad in the Philippines?

your from melbourne right?


my neighbours are literal niggers ffs

How bad are they, user?

Jesus. And here I was wishing I could find a better country to migrate to. This place is fucked.

>How bad are they, user?
not bad at all, they only have daughters

Still better than India though

>They have the most based government ever.

no, our government is a bunch of elitist cucks on a mission to sell this land to china and import more niggers

>based government

nah yeah nah

Prety bad, most live on welfare and complain about every fucking thing they can

You in Salisbury bro? Feel bad for you. Did mobile patrol for the council there for 3.5 years. And I shutdown a bunch of big raves in that time. One white guy vs. 200 nogs is an enlightening experience.

nope i live in a fairly nice area

Will the Philippines assist us against the Indonesian menace?

I fucking hate your stupid corrupt, social media-addicted, degenerate excuse of a country

>tfw quintessentially aussie

Who can tell the difference anymore?

First off fuck off we're full.
Secondly you cunts have the accent not us.
Our Internet is worse than nigger-tier that's true, but goddamn it we tried for a full fiber optic NBN and got fucked by politicians who said eventually we'll get there.
No niggers? Aboriginals are lower than niggers to the point they've been designated Australoids or some niggerish bullshit like that to make them feel special when in reality it proves they're nothing more than wildlife whom we treat as equals.
Empty land here is desert mate.
We might be allowed to own butter knives but the fucking UK has better gun laws than we do.
Visiting New Zealand is literally visiting another country. Don't confuse us with those sheep fuckers.
You have better crotch rockets


They spread to Beaumont too? GlAd I fucking left.

Simple answer for you,
Fuck off, were full.

based anons

>Gee I wish I was Australian...
i know that feel bro

we dont fucking want any more asians we have too many of them already

go to canada

Ever visited an abo town?-I've been to Wilcannia 3 times and had to do security at Cherbourg hospital for 6 months. Give that a fucking go and then tell me how bad it is. There's a reason ppl say if you run over a coon on the Nullarbor you just keep fucking driving.

We hate the indonesians too bro... Bunch of drug dealers and terrorists.

whatever keeps you people from coming to Canada OP.

Bring me some qt flip concubines and I'll sponsor you with my company as long as you have some skills.

This. Sydney here and we have LOTS of black exchange students and backpackers coming in. Not to mention the local aboriginals that are already here. I go clubbing once in a blue moon and see more and more.

indians can operate a phone though.

>Bunch of drug dealers and terrorists.
you just described your own country

Deal, I can send my friend. Pic related.

No, get me Sunshine Guimary.

Boohoo these americans are so jelly because we dont like their country anymore lol... And now theyre being flooded by MEXICANS lmao serves you right fat fags

I really want to be an Australia and live in Aussie .

the rule is that if you want to move to Australia you must bring a qt sister or cousin for one of us to marry

I think maybe we should turn gay like the scandis or something. This whole laconic faux protectionist attitude just makes shitskins want to come here more.

>They have the most based government ever.
You poor delude fuck
>shitty internet?
Yep. You have no clue.
>Internet post-facebook is shit.
But you are weird if you have no FB ... Friends and family want to sign you up and insist on tagging you in pics they sneak of you.

>No niggers. Only Chinese and Filipinos allowed.
Again.. Deluded, misinformed and soon to be woefully disappointed.

>They know Duterte is based as fuck.
Hmmm. 98% wouldn't know who Durante is.

This is a shitpost.

same person FYI

>because we dont like their country anymore lol
as if we care? WE dropped your ass ages ago and look where you are now.

>And now theyre being flooded by MEXICANS lmao serves you right fat fags
I've been to your country. Fat asses in short sleeves and sandals are everywhere. then there are all the kids who are clearly malnourished.


somalia ok?

>look where we are now
We dont have a moron like Trump as president

>fat asses and short sleeves and sandals with malnourished kids
You mean Brooklyn?

>entire country is los angeles
Nope, San Francisco because your all faggots

fuck off cunt were full

Selling your country to China is based?

911 get kek
why post the same copy pasta OP
Just go move to Australia, you could buy a plane ticket for pretty cheap.

OP, are you a chick, or can you become one?

Its not copy pasta... I change it everytime

Fuck mate bet you saw some shit with all the coons.

>Only Chinese and Filipinos allowed
Completely incorrect. Fuck off we are full.

>They have the most based government ever.

capcha: kebabs estate

What's the difference between an abos cunt and a cricket ball?

You can try to eat a cricket ball

Can you guys elaborate why Australia goverment sucks? All i hear from outside are good stuff like you guys being the longest economy going without recession and stuff like that. Top education system, top healthcare system, top tier banter, etc...