Be Jordanian princess

Be called non-white sandperson by pol.

How can you live with yourself?

Palestinians are Aryan.

Pic of my eyes.

unironically this

>Be Jordanian princess
>vacation in Germany
>see famous sites and history
>think about that racist website you saw
>post on /pol
>biggest turn on ever
>marries one of /ourguys

She looks like Ana Kasparian

What has this bitch done for me?

Sup Forums is a majority of stoned fuck-wits who can't decide if they're make, female or sonething in between.

Don't pay attention to anything related to what constitutes being part of the white race.

Just make sure to call black people niggers.

That's true.

reddit nigger

>Native English speaker that can't even spell "male" and "something"
>accusing anyone of being stoned fuck-wits
go back to huffing petrol

The entire Levant, through Persia and on to Northwest India all used to be white (settled by the same Indo-Europeans that are the current ancestors of Europeans) before the barbarian Bedouin shitskin and Mongoloid hordes raped their way through the Middle East and ruined any hope of civilization ever arising there again.

Her dad is half English, isnt a full sandnegro

Palestinians aren't Aryan, they are Arab Semites
This girl is from Afghanistan, not even close to being Palastinian

You will never cuddle the princess

Why do royal sandniggers study at catholic universities in the US?

>her dad... not her mum

Israel is going to fall with Trump's storm. Just wait. Palestine will rise again.

Most in the Arab elite are notorious white worshipping self haters who do their best to breed with whites. In fact in ancient times, most arab royalty for this reason were part Slavic and in the Spanish Islamic kingdoms, most in the arab royal families had blonde hair. Arabs royalty have wanted to be like whites.

kys jew

>her dad is English


same with jews

probably you are 52 percent non white


>Palestine will rise again.
there is no such thing as Palestine in the first place, Habibi

You are confused. Trump doesn't stand against Israel. He stands against the globalists
Only Stormfags don't understand.

Sand nigger royalty is actually more white than their lay-people as in the centuries they were raiding Europe for slaves their royalty always wanted white sex slaves and naturally had kids with them so their royalty got bleached to a degree.

You have NO IDEA what's coming. I WISH I could see your face when it hits you I'm 100% serious and it's 100% the truth. Israel is about to be BTFO.

not true but what does that have to do with my question?


fucking teaniggers

All non-europeans are niggers. Saged.

> hi I hasbra for shekels

Palestine from the river to the see

You realize that I have an extension called 4chanx that randomizes filenames right?

You have no idea what is coming.
The Moloch worshipers will be routed out.

Un photoshopped version.

You called her a sandnigger... while being black yourself.

You see the irony? She is skin type A-2.

Yes. and Israel will face tribunals for genociding palestinians. Rothschilds will be exposed. ISRAEL WONT HAVE PROTECTION ONCE THE PEDOPHILES ARE EXPOSED.


Nobody is Genociding Palestinians.

how well do sandpeople soak up cum

Yea right. Israelis will keep you shitskins down for a good long while
No such thing as palestine

>Jews are pedophiles
Who could have possibly guessed.

It's almost like literally every "myth" and "urban legend" regarding how evil the Jews are is actually true, hmm... really makes you wonder if Blood Libel is true too considering they are already raping kids en masse

Jews are pedophiles by nature. It's in their genes. Jews worship 666.

She needs BBC immediately.

>Implying I think you're people
You have to go back ahmed

What's wrong with being a sand princess? Sounds romantic as fuck. Non-white? Some people have to be non-white omg

>Israel isn't globalist.
Fuck off.

What did he mean by this?

>there are white looking people outside of Europe
what is the point of you retards who post this? there are white looking Turks too with greek DNA, so what? they're still not Europeans, and they still don't have any place in Western society. it's irrelevant.


These people are about as royal as Obama was emperor. Reminder that all the current """kings""" of the Levant and Arabian Peninsula were good goyim who helped overthrow the Ottomans and were given these titles by their new kike masters. This little cunt is less of a princess than Meghan Markles for having Harry's cock in her (or whatever her name is).

>All that expensive shiny dental work
They look like amerimongrels

>Actual princess on shitboards.
>/pol starts conversation about jewish pedos in her thread.

The Jews who built Israel up were globalists.
Nationalists have taken over Israel.
Ultra-Orthodox and Diaspora Jews in positions of control are the problem.

That guy goes into every thread and shifts the discussion to Israel.

This girl later became really ugly, and was arrested for suspected terrorism.

No such thing as Israel. No Israeli culture, no Israeli ethnicity, no Israeli music, no Israeli food, these are all stolen from surrounding nations.

She needs to post tits and a timestamp and then we can treat her accordingly.

This, but Sup Forums knows all this already

This thread is about a beautiful princess, let's stay on topic.

Trump is the best think that happened to israel, you retard. We build more and more in judea and samaria!

You fucking kikes never quit lying do you? You will be exterminated soon. Zionists are globalists, end of story.

The Jews who built Israel, yes, I just said that. You are lying that I lied.
Now are you done making this thread what you want to make it about or do you have something to say about the topic of the princess?

I think because their parents think Catholic universities haven't become egenerate too yet. Also, Georgetown is known for its international affairs department so it makes the daughter of a head of state would go there.

bump for cocaine

Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night. Soon you won't be sleeping so nice. That smug kike grin on your face will fall off as you see everything I've said comes true.

No you're still lying you kike because they are the same Zionist Jews as today and they are still expanding their globalist agenda faster than ever, creating their globalist police force and worldwide spy technologies from the Technion. Kill yourself kike.

This is her now.

Hashemites are great guys

Her mom is more attractive.

Go back to khazaria you disgusting pig

And this is her too

It's a trap!


God damn. Her hair on her head connects to her eyebrows!

So in other words, you have nothing to say about the topic of this thread. And you just want to control it to discuss Israel. The Rothschilds do not have power which is why Soros goes after Israel and Israel supports Poland against Soros.
Inb4 soros cancels Femanist thing in Israel, and I then point out all the anti Israel groups Soros funds.

Nice one fuckhead. Just give alphabet agencies your iris pattern. Moron.

Levantines can be white
Yeah no. They are semites not Aryan

>imagine actually believing this

I'm not from there.

You are a khazar and that's where you're from. Either that or you don't even belong on this planet.

Aryan had nothing to do with your skin color retard.

>no limbal rings
yeah sorry, definitely not white there buddy

Does she go to the same gym as Chloe Moretz?

thread got jewed

Awful watch choice.

Nope, I'm not.

People in the levant can be white.

It actually got Anti-Jewed

>Sand nigger detected.
Go pray to your god 5 times a day faggot.

She doesn't see enough sunlight for the hair to blonde like normal girls.
Also her skin problems are due to the same.

Soros is a Rothschilds Zionist pretending to be a leftist. He's part of the same agenda, fuck off with your deception kike and fuck Israel.

You are khazar scum.

the blade runner sequel we needed, but not the one we deserved

she doesn't look bad. if she groomed herself and kept in decent shape, she'd look good.

will a pol/ack have a chance?

its not like old times kike, we will not convert to islam just to prevent ourselves from getting jewed


Yep. And she'd have hair on her chest, and a bush that goes all the way to her belly button.

Soros is a Rothschild Zionist who lost power in Israel. Which is why they are trying to set up Bibi to put him in prison.
Let's talk about this thread topic though. And stop making it about Israel.

fuck off Jew. YOURE THE PROBLEM.

I know women that aren't white are sandnigger caucasoids and they are usually far less hairy. I dated a chick that had no hair on her legs and didn't have hairy armpits either.
