The power of love will defeat ideology
that "nazi" was ANTIFA. unplug and think for yourself.
So it turns out the gentlemen of colour in this pic really were protecting him (after he'd been punched a second time)
It's not the first time black people have felt sorry for dumb rednecks and protected them from an angry crowd.
so was there anyone there who wasn't paid by sore nose?
who has the money shot?
the one where he gets thumped?
it's the only photo I haven't saved yet because I saw it on my phone at the time
Woah, that's adorbs. Maybe if more communists didn't act like violent niggers then I wouldn't want to murder then so much.
roses have other significance in art besides socialism. To be frank I've never heard that roses were a big socialist symbol, it's news to me. Not saying he's not antifa, he might be, just not sure how much the rose has to do with it
Most alt right """"Nazis""""" couldn't care less about niggers. We know theyre globalists and leftist puppets who don't have any control of their own lives, let alone of movements like (((BLM))). We just want a separate ethnostate or the re-establishment of ethno states. Most Alt rightists have no reason to hate blacks, other than for their propensity to crime. Theyre like a rabid dog, theyre not our main enemy.
>4 swastikas wasnt enough
fuck off he's a larping antifa nigger.
Roses are so common in tattoos. Especially as fillers/side decoration like this guy has. Anyway, whats the story?
What is NatSoc?
>this hardcore skinhead nazi has a sweet rose tattoo for no reason
seems legit
national socialism
>pic related
we dont use the marxist rose.
>freshly shaved evil nazi skinhead wearing FOUR swastikas complete with suspenders and boots (organized event and he is only one seen dressed this way) is embraced by forgiving black men wearing sweater vests
You have to be a pleb to believe this one
Pretty much this. The only thing letting them do major amounts of damage is... well ourselves and our government
right here lad
Here's one, there's another one around that doesn't show the assailant's face either.
Basically the crowd weren't into it, it wasn't on the west coast where the women would have scratched his eyes out.
>mostly whites attacking
>blacks forming a wall around the nazi
Are white people the true 'nogs'?
This guy is a fucking caricature, not even the dumbest Nazis would ever dress up like that.
I can hear the hands rubbing.
higher res
>the same dude who punches him hugs him
this is totally authentic
Was this before or after he was slugged?
True national socialist nazis don't see black people as their enemy. They want black people to have their own community and their own culture. OP watches too much TV. Black separatist groups have much in common with the Hu-white separatists. In the Nation of Islam farming communities; drug use, race mixing and degeneracy is frowned up (just like the real NatSoc) Turn off the TV for a week and your brain will naturally start thinking for itself. The people who have nazi tattoos and hate blacks usually have no clue what National Socialism is. That's why most americans have no idea what a real "Nazi" is.
>To be frank I've never heard that roses were a big socialist symbol, it's news to me.
I haven't heard of it before either, user.
I looked it up.
It looks like a symbol for moderate socialism like Tony Blair and Jeremy Corbyn's party in Britain. That's the kind of socialism that needs a foundation in classical liberalism and democracy, not Marxism.
Nazis and blacks get along all the time
Hope dude enjoys his monkey AIDS
I love how the false flagging shill took off the suspenders to make the swastikas more visible and the photo OP more clear.
fake as shit.
you're probably wondering how I got here
> wait, don't punch him yet, I'm looking for a good angle
What the fuck is that thing around his neck
>showing up decked in Nazi gear
false flag. anyone who falls for this shit is new to the club. the FBI has been doing this for well over a decade. keeping up the charade as if "LE NAZIS!!!" are a legitimate threat keep a lot of worthless bureaucrats employed. this guy was a plant, as is anyone that purposely provokes KKK/Neo Nazi imagery outside of shitposting outlets like Sup Forums.
And what branch of skinheads is this mutton-chop loser supposedly from?
This is horribly fake, even the old hands in antifa will realise that.
WP Skinheads shave their hair closer to the scalp.
Braces are too thick.
Brown eyes ... this isn't a rules it out completely once, just makes it more unlikely.
If anyone has a picture with his pants and boots that'd be great.
I also want to confirm you can be a nazi without "hating" niggers, it's about not wanting to live with and mix with them. Personally though, I hate niggers.
If that is love you have a funny way of showing it.
"After the second cop shot me a second time, I realized love is all you need."
Nice post by GCHQ
Sweden is this moderate social democrat utopia you speak of. Very moderate indeed. Social democrats have been the ruling party the majority of the past 100 years. I'd venture as far to say that social demorat is the premier socialist brand, very global and merchantile. I think you'd like it!
Here's the socialist rose.
If you want to blame them for refugees, blame them for invading Iraq with Bush and MAKING refugees.
Isn't that sexual harassment?
Thanks user.
So it's dominant in the kind of European countries that sent their air force to trash Qaddafi's defences.
The Order of Thelema emplaces homosexuals and marxists in positions of power within all nationalist movements. These people syphon off the leadership and destroy nationalist movements from within. When the time is right they reveal themselves to be homosexual or crash the entire group.
link related
Also research Jorg Haider, and remember Richard Spencer was studying in Austria when Jorg Haiders party was in charge. Remember Orban, who kicked out Soros, would not allow Spencer to convene in his country. There is a reason he was not allowed to.
Not if you're a man.
But now gays are legal so it should be sexual harassment.
i never considered that people might orchestrate false flags just as a way to create drama to justify the continued existence of their jobs, but that actually probably makes more sense than anything else in a lot of cases
i wonder how often a false flag isn't even meant for our eyes at all, but rather just meant to be seen by the bosses of some people trying to keep their jobs
i feel retarded that your relatively simple comment has blown my mind
i think i need to start filtering fluoride from my drinking water again. i've been buying plastic bottles full of water from the grocery store for a year now. i just never bothered to replace my old fluoride filters
Gays are still men. Maybe if you're a complete cum guzzling degenerate, the kind you often see on pride parades, somebody will give a shit, otherwise it's not sexual harassment.
>The Order of Thelema
Are you thinking of the rose and cross (Rosicrucian) ?
That's common in European mysticism like Golden Dawn and Thelema. I thought it was a hetero symbol.
He was antifa in disguise as "nazi" for western media cameras you jew-rat.
Not if we are talking about the Temple of the Orient. They were to first to allow women to be initiated and used homosexual acts for initiation processes ala Crowley.
L Ron Hubbard and Scientology are a part of this too, via the Temple of Agape in California.
looks like a stunt designed to distract
you do realize the media doesn't want white people uniting to protect their cultural identity?
probably a bluetooth set to talk to the cops with
Ahh, Ordo Templi Orientis, various orders like the Caliphate OTO and Typhonian OTO.
Yes, they're quite sex magic obsessed and rumoured to have homo sex at the higher grades. They're always desperate to recruit more women, especially young women.
Crowley didn't start the OTOs, he took them over and made them into a foundation for his AA order. You might be interested to hear the men are all called 'sister' in the AA.
>i never considered that people might orchestrate false flags just as a way to create drama to justify the continued existence of their jobs, but that actually probably makes more sense than anything else in a lot of cases
Sorry to patronise, m8, but that's pretty obvious if you aren't brain damaged by Alex Jones and his food supplements.
Data leaks are also probably false flags within intel.
Wireless ear buds, I have the same from Samsung.
come on dude dont be a racemixing fag.
>create drama to justify the continued existence of their jobs
You are, without memeing, in all seriousness, for all intensive purposes, talking about jews and how they conduct themselves
>i wonder how often a false flag isn't even meant for our eyes at all, but rather just meant to be seen by the bosses of some people trying to keep their jobs
When you separate MK issues from the Alex Jones crap and understand that it can be done by corruption in security firms, organised crime, or occult orders which are basically the same thing as organised crime hiding behind spiritual or political pretences, that makes a lot more sense.
Sometimes people need to get over themselves and stop assuming they're saving the entire world from Satan, lizard people or the whore of Babylon etc.
Shareblue in full force today.
You guys are reading into this too much he's clearly just a dumb crazy redneck with no fashion sense that walked into the eye of the storm
The things you foil hats get triggered by says a lot about you.
The most disgusting thing about this guy is that he is wearing both a belt and suspenders.
Fucking degenerates can be spotted a mile away.
Maybe, it's safer for an unarmed stray to 'go behind enemy lines' than for a gang to attack.
I guess the NEETs haven't seen enough of human nature to understand how that works.
>Mostly whites attacking
>Mostly whites attacking
>Mostly whites attacking
This is the most obviously staged shit ever, what the fuck
They needed both the "dumb hillbilly nazi getting punched" and the "BASED black guy" reaching out to the dumb nazi, and didn't even bother using different people. How exactly is this situation supposed to have played out?
>Guy stands around, surrounded by cameras mind you
>gets punched
>grins like a retard
>black guy hugs him for no reason
How does this make any sense unless this was just a photoshoot?
>How does this make any sense
I see you don't understand human emotions. When things get real you see the best and worst in people my brother. This man came out to demonstrate his hatred and he felt like he could get away with it. He learned the hard way but my man was there to tell him is a better way. I hope you find that too my man, it's only love, no disrespect.
lmao you tards still believe that meme? that guy admitted that he stabbed himself.
Can't we unite as nationalist through voluntary separation
Protecting my ass shill. Get a real job.
You're a fucking nigger. That's not how the real world works.
obviously satire bro
Grats retard you just played yourself
What race do you think his handler is?
segregation is the only chance for your country, for us here is europe is re-emigration of the outsider's
Deflecting shill.
Niggers are violent. Don't try to think otherwise.
>denying that everyone that's on your side is on your side
>literally a communist
yeah readup on S.H.A.R.P. skinheads.
I was a skinhead at a time in my life and I knew jewish skins and black skins....
>yeah readup on S.H.A.R.P. skinheads.
Skinhead started out like punk with Jamaicans and working class whites together.
The right wing steal people's memes and get violent and then integrated people adapt to it.
When far right groups started infiltrating and having their own events, SHARP and Rock Against Racism started so black skinheads would know where they were still welcome.
Bumped and eating popcorn
Why the fuck are comically dressed skinheads still allowed at our events? Or is that guy a plant?
>Swastikas on shirt
>rose tattoo
>not Swastika tattoos
This seems so engineered, not to mention the whole situation was apparently surrounded by fucking journalists.
>our events?
lol these aren't our events, alt-right has been done since charlottesville
we need a new form of fascism that isn't this dumb civil rights style performative bullshit
Yes, always counter-signal against anyone who actually does something while sitting in a basement, that is surely the way to win. Oh but it's okay because you made an extremely vague "suggestion" you're not a kike who lives off criticizing others.
>always counter-signal against anyone who actually does something
not everything your side does is automatically good you retard and spencer is incapable of adapting
>Oh but it's okay because you made an extremely vague "suggestion"
m8 proto-communists got their shit pushed in for decades because their ideas were shit
we need new ideas
Here we go, the alt-lite tries to undermine the alt-right. We do not just want an ethnostate, but the complete eradication of all nonwhites in our lands - and one day, the lands of nonwhites. We need to hunt down and kill every single nigger, kike, and half blood animal in white lands. And once that is complete, we can unleash the white terror on Africa and the rest of the non-white world. Our ancestors were not simply content being stuck on their tiny shrinking morsel of land, they wanted the world. All of it. The white man will regain his place as the rightful ruler of the planet.
>not everything your side does is automatically good you retard and spencer is incapable of adapting
Spencer is great at personifying the internet fucktard. "I'm here for a discussion, ask me a question . . . HAHAHA if you had to ask that you're stupid so I won't discuss it."
He's truly a provocation for a punch in the face for his hubris, I wouldn't be surprised if he calls people shills and thinks it's an argument soon.
Careful, they're learning, the armband isn't on the wrong arm this time.
What's he going to do with that 2000 dollar cheque?
>They even had the nigger wear a fucking Mr. Rogers sweater vest to contrast the Nazi's hateful swastikas
Dishonest antifa scumbags.
fake and gay
Brown people open your eyes, understand national socialism is the best system for all, including for the ones who want to live in a multicultural ideastate. True freedom does not exist... yet
Or remain useful idiots for the progressive (((democrats))) of the world, like the ones we saw yesterday at Spencer's speech
Dass cool