How would Sup Forums raise two sons and two daughters?
How would Sup Forums raise two sons and two daughters?
Without clothes
Nobody here is responsible enough to look after themselves, let alone children.
That does not matter. The end goal is incestual procreation.
No one here is saving the white race though breeding.
Nature and a good family environment (grandparents, cousins...)
I am.
With honesty and dignity.
>ywn get land, build a house, marry a beautiful wife and make 10 children with her and have a big garden and some animals
Fuck children. The world's fucked beyond hope and it would be immoral to inflict it on anyone else. Once I'm gone all this bullshit is you assholes' problem.
This is what I want, but it seems I need to go elsewhere to find a traditional white woman. American women aren't worth the time it seems.
Post birth abortion.
That was easy.
Got 3 so far. I moved to a place that is safe for my kids and has private schools that are trilingual. In a way having kids forces me to do well and motivates me everyday to make as much money as I can while maintaining a lifestyle that is a good example for my children. It is alot of work and forget sleeping a whole night for a while but hey no pain no gain. I highly recommend man that wanna have kids to make a logical choice for mate and not let you dick choose for you.
Home schooling or quaker schools.
Never buy a TV.
All meals must be home cooked and be eaten as a family at a table.
teaching them to trigger feminist and kill commies with the steel bots (security boots). Just like the old way
>casually leaves red pilled literature around the house
Bullshit, I'm trying. One boy, one girl so far. Raised in the rural midwest. Both will be taught to farm, hunt, fish, fix things, build things, shoot guns, love their country, and be proud of their white heritage.
Basically you just redpill the men to be super strong and stuff and the daughters you joke around with while kind of subliminally redpilling them in a funny way. You can't do it in an authoritarian way to the daughters or they will fuck niggers in no time as an act of rebellion (at least in America).
Basically the daughters are kind of expected to be feminine sex objects I mean what else are they? It doesn't mean their sluts but i'm sure they'll have a couple boyfriends and a one night stand or two. But as long as they're redpilled about it, that's all you can really do. I mean they're bitches. I'm a man and you're man OP, and I assume you know how women are. There's not much you can do just make sure all of the men they date are alphas (most redpilled fathers do this, I had a prom dates dad ask if I was a "puff" which I figured out was the British term for gay, and I said "no i'm not a faggot are you kidding?" and he smiled and accepted me)
Just check for alphas that's it.
Totally right wing with strong focus on sport and an indoctrination against the jew and his leftist tricks
Without breeding the white race cannot be saved.
The key thing is the daughters have to see the redpills as funny. So they think "oh my alpha dad use to say that and it's so funny and true haha" or they will end up becoming like moldylocks some shit.
The daughters need to see you as this strong, awesome personality, alpha, father that's hilarious but "he's so right niggers are like that lol XDDDD" or it doesn't work.
Personality is the fucking key and it's sad women are obsessed with everything except personality for child-rearing. At least in America.
It's fucking CRUCIAL to have an alpha personality to your daughter. I cannot stress that enough. It helps her "picker" as women call it pick alpha male types.
Sup Forumss more of the blood and revolution side of saving the west.
No, it's not.
Who cares. Pols kids are slant eyed gooks.
The only way the dutch can save the west is if they smash the dykes and let the sea take them.
I would seek to raise a Chad who gets exposed to PUA techniques early in life so they become second nature. My little Chad will have any girl of of choice and never feel loneliness.
Sure thing, Pablo.
You are too soft. The children you bring into this world will live with a purpose and you are giving them the most interesting age of all time. Whatever the outcome, it is worth it.
Those of you that are married, how old were you and your spouse when you started making babies?
29, wife 28.
Moving to a secluded rural area. Only one or two families with good children nearby for them to make friends.
Teach them the value of hard work and cooperation, get them to read instead of watch TV or play video games, and show them the wonders of the outdoors.
>The world's fucked beyond hope and it would be immoral to inflict it on anyone else.
Why do I see this terrible excuse everywhere? I could list a thousand arguments as to why you're wrong. Just because this isn't the 50's anymore doesn't mean you can't raise a child, retard. All it takes is guts and not being a brainlet.
You're the root of the problem, and why the white birth rate is falling straight down.
With a pulley system. Forklift when they get older.
I am planning to move out to a smalled more conservative city/town
heard swedes are building building some factories or some shit in Anykščiai, sounds like perfect engineer job for me once i graduate
Will be much better than radiactive capital