Brock Turner

>Be Brock Turner
>Go to a party with blonde slut.
>Get wasted with said slut.
>Both of you stumble out drunk together.
>Go behind dumpster to make out/touch each other.
>Chick falls asleep in the middle of it.
>Captain Cucker the Swedish Fucker to the rescue.
>Tackles you to the ground and pins you until the police arrive.
>Somehow you become the most hated man alive.
Guys, is it acceptable to be an unattractive (7/10 or below) white male in today's society? Like the sheer hatred towards us... is just insane. How do you deal with it?

Also, feminism hate thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

MGTOW have it right. Western women are a blob-monster, that continues to grow the more it is fed. MGTOW solution is to stop feeding it until it shrinks. White-knights or anti-MGTOW want to keep trying to feed it in different ways, to see if that helps.

Bump, nobody interested in this shit? Depressing as fuck.

>Guys, is it acceptable to be an unattractive (7/10 or below) white male in today's society?
Yes, you can listen to roastie's problems as a friend and can hope to marry them once they hit the wall.
Brock Turner wasn't really unattractive though.

>Brock Turner wasn't really unattractive though.
He's not an 8 or higher.
I know this is old shit, but god damn it. He's in a fucking law book as the definition of rape.


I'm so glad I don't live in cucked us where a slut can decide if it was rape or consensual after we fuck.

Where are you from? It is worse in almost any EU country.

I'm from this shithole. But at least we know what rape is.

The thing that amazes me most about this is the pure hatred and anger towards a dude who got drunk with a chick and fingered her behind a dumpster. Despite them leaving together, both being drunk, everyone just absolutely hates this guy with a passion. His life ruined is not enough according to most of them.

Why do we males do this to ourselves? Why do we attack each other at every chance we get? These feminists wouldn't get away with this shit if it wasn't for males backing them. Why do we do it?

I want to buy Brock Turner a beer.

>Why do we do this?

Because white knights, who deep down are just like him, see a chance for them to get laid, if they put themselves up by putting other men down. Also roasties apprechiate it, if their beta cuck orbiters put them on a pedestal.

It even happens here on Sup Forums. What Weinstein did is nothing special and was basically just implied prostitution, a job for a (blow) job. Yet people here pile onto him with "muh sexual harassment". Nowadays any sexual/lewd activity between coeds or coworkers is considered sexual harassment, despite the fact, that this is how all our ancestors got to know each other. Keep in mind, that 70% of all long term relationships in gen x were formed in the workplace or in school and since women like to "date up", it was almost always some sort of boss+secretary relationship.

Under modern law, all these perfectly consensual relationships would be sexual harassment or rape, depending on how crazy ones government is (looking at you sweden).

People think if they condem this act of nonconsuensual sex loudly enough, a female with then have consensual sex with them.

Just wait until your country joins the EU and you have to ratify the instanbul convention. It contains a clause, that it is rape, even if the women mere thinks "No" but doesn't speak out.

Ratifying said convention is mandatory for all EU member states, failure to do so causes one to be expelled from the Union.

Whenever I try to point out that it LEGALLY was not rape, I get yelled at for being a "rape apologist." Same thing if I point out that he was drunk too, so he couldn't have consented.

>extreme minority incidents are the norm
Also he's 4/10 at best.
This what a mgtow looks like.

I never got this irony anyway. Why is it rape, if both are equally drunk? Is it because the man needs to maintain an erection for intercourse?

If yes, does that mean, that a woman, who gets wet and has an orgasm during rape did in fact consent?

Israel Anti-Boycott Act

This bill declares that Congress: (1) opposes the United Nations Human Rights Council resolution of March 24, 2016, which urges countries to pressure companies to divest from, or break contracts with, Israel; and (2) encourages full implementation of the United States-Israel Strategic Partnership Act of 2014 through enhanced, governmentwide, coordinated U.S.-Israel scientific and technological cooperation in civilian areas.

The bill amends the Export Administration Act of 1979 to declare that it shall be U.S. policy to oppose:

requests by foreign countries to impose restrictive practices or boycotts against other countries friendly to the United States or against U.S. persons; and
restrictive trade practices or boycotts fostered or imposed by an international governmental organization, or requests to impose such practices or boycotts, against Israel.

The bill prohibits any U.S. person engaged interstate or foreign commerce from supporting:

any request by a foreign country to impose any boycott against a country that is friendly to the United States and that is not itself the object of any form of boycott pursuant to United States law or regulation, or
any boycott fostered or imposed by any international governmental organization against Israel or any request by any international governmental organization to impose such a boycott.

The bill amends the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945 to include as a reason for the Export-Import Bank to deny credit applications for the export of goods and services between the United States and foreign countries, opposition to policies and actions that are politically motivated and are intended to penalize or otherwise limit commercial relations specifically with citizens or residents of Israel, entities organized under the laws of Israel, or the government of Israel.

First of all, that guy was a feminist plant.

Secondly, what does a persons looks have to do with the validity of their social and political claims?

what kind of propaganda book is that? rape and sexually assaulted? he didn't rape. so whoever wrote that book lied. why do i care? if you get all your info from school you are a loser

It was the media promoting it. This is the closest they got to the narrative of the white blonde jock being the evil rapist, so they ran with it.

We all know, its tha Jooz. Yet you all voted for the uber zionist Trump.

A lot actually. Ugly and unscuccesful people will go for ideologies that turn their ugliness and lack of success into virtues. That's why you'll never find an attractive, succesful male become mgtow. Only losers and uggos become mgtow. Men that were too weak and pathetic to keep their marriage together and teens/20 somethings like you that have no success with women. You are the male equivalent of dyke feminists that hate men.

In the UK a female cannot consent if considered 'drunk'. Drunk may be a little as 4 drinks for a women (there has been some test cases, for example two large glasses of wine for a women who rarely drunk alcohol was classified as unable to consent). Obviously, in many occasions (considering the UK party scene is based on heavy alcohol consumption) often a woman (and also the man) would be considered drunk. The problem for men is that technically the women cannot consent (and the man neither) but if the women decides she did not want to have sex afterwards she can report the sex as a rape. In the UK there is no time limits on reporting sexual offences. So in theory, you could be 100 years old and get arrested for a rape when you were 18 and drunk. This has had big social onsequences and I believe has led to many 'dodgy' convictions and also the increase in MTGOWs. One drunken sexual encounter could lead to many years in prison, loss of job, loss of home, loss of family and friends, registered as a sexual offender, unable to find work again. I do not know what the answer.

Why did Brock Turner get off so easy? As far as I understand from media reports he was caught raping some passed out girl in an alleyway. Then two fellas tackled him and roberts your fathers brother.

There is no problem. You're magnifying statistically inconsequential incidents to support your world view rather than looking at the problem rationally.

All of your posts ITT scream white knight.

Its because women are a weak stepped upon minority that must be protected at all costs and you should totally believe any accusation that a woman makes without proof.
Also they are equal to men in every regard.

What the media never mentions is that it wasn't technically rape. He drunkenly fingered her. That's a very different legal charge.

Read the OP.
He got a light sentance because he had a good lawyer and pleaded not guilty. The is no minimum term for not guilty.
A few months later the same judge gave the minimum jail term, 3 years I think, to a hispanic man who was in court over similar circumstances because he had the shitty DA who got him to plead guilty.

The Weinstein thing seen is more a way to attack and damage (((Hollywood))) here than anything uniquely horrible. The stuff he gets up to is completely vanilla compared to what most Sup Forumsacks (myself included) think goes on there

>don't rape anyone
>become poster child for rape
Can't Brock try and sue them for libel?

>say no
whatever happened to this in woman world 2017?
i cant comprehend how easily you can ruin a mans life in the feminist society
>he touched my ass
he is relieved of duty and shamed on social media, and you know once the word is out there your life is already fucked


You should know, it was you, who started this madness after all.

Feminists singled out cases where women who resisted had been killed and said, that the law therefore couldn't demand that they must resist in order for the criminal act to be rape.

They did the same thing with saying "no" too. So now all the girl needs to do is think "no" and it is rape.

He got raped in jail
that's payback and that's good

>>extreme minority incidents are the norm
So even you admit that this was completely unfair?
Way to completely miss the point, jackass. The majority believe the judge should be fired for not giving a harsh enough sentence.
>This is what a mgtow looks like.
Who took that picture of you? Also, now you're a mgtow? I'm confused.

I live in Edmonton where this was done.

The Feminists who organized the slut walk here hired this guy to protest as a MGTOW as a false flag to portray every anti feminist as a skirt wearing wierd autistic virgin...

>Guys, is it acceptable to be an unattractive (7/10 or below) white male in today's society? Like the sheer hatred towards us... is just insane. How do you deal with it?

I think you really have to look at the origin of the culture that promotes the idea of "campus rape". There's something in animal behaviour called "social aggression", if you want to see an example of this watch the documentary 'Blackfish', where it talks about how female whales in nature, and especially in the confines of the small pools they have at Seaworld will as a group bully younger males and push them to the bottom and\or periphery of the group, and regularly attack them. I really believe most of this feminist "rape culture" bullshit is just women promoting misandry and trying to make universities hostile to young males - because these women then don't have to compete as much (notice how they especially like to pick on men who seem to be successful or confident in themselves? Brock is the symbol of that - and these roasties want to threaten ALL males in their culture by taking down this symbol of comfortable masculinity).

TLDR - basically "rape culture on campus" is misandry and misadry is social aggression - women as a group bullying males, to maintain access to resources\status.

> tfw chad
> tfw walking down the street with my hot bitch
> tfw can see how every single white knight is making up scenarios in his head where he white knights my hot bitch gf away from me
> tfw smiling

the drunk slut was cheating on her boyfriend and then probably pretended to be passed out and not remember anything so as to not take responsibility or blame after getting caught, this kid didn't even technically rape her. all the virtue signaling afterwards by people saying they wanted to kill him and hoping he gets raped in prison made me sick.

>on Sup Forums

Nice one.