We live in the most peaceful time ever. What are you boys so angry about?
We live in the most peaceful time ever. What are you boys so angry about?
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20% of men get 80% of women.
boomers hold all the wealth
100k+ non-whites flood the country daily
a small increase in interest would destroy the economy of my countree
women rarely have more than 1 kid.
gas the kikes race war now
I would answer that, but I don't answer questions by women, I just tell them what to do
>20% of men get 80% of women
Either i'm the 20% or this is just false.
I'm terrified of losing everything I've ever known including my own life. I always envisioned peacefully dying of old age and leaving it at that. I never worried about death. I shouldn't be worrying about death right now. Not in the prime of my life.
The world will truly be a peaceful place when there are no muzzies or chinks
subhuman, savages, goatfuckers and commies ruining my peace.
Nothing why ?!
>248 armed conflicts after WW2; US started 201 (81%), killing approx 30 million so far
its not that peaceful
>What are you boys so angry about?
nigger we live in the west
it's never been more peaceful
Should we be angry?
Much like depression, death will always be there. Reminding you the affliction that is life. Just remember eternal nothingness awaits us all.
define peace. if you mean that there now barbarian hordes of foreign armies looting and raping cities and villages. then yes, were at peace
We've lost our communities.
They've been shattered by modern progressive society.
What good is wealth when you have no people to share it with?
What good is peace when what you truly value is being destroyed?
id smash that box so hard. as for me, im fine. life is easy and i dont give a fuck about the future generations.
how about the aquinos? or your probably one of em.
Concerned, more like. What about? Well, as you said
>We live in the most peaceful time ever
Yet some of the the most popular political options, ones that are pretty much force-fed to the youth, are calling for dismantling or outright destroying the culture that created these times.
yeah, my life is pretty easy, sorry. ekk banter stops.
false peace you mean?
bread and games
being surrounded by people and religous zealots that wants you dead exterminated and gone from their memory isn't what i call peace.
and it doesn't matter how much 1post slidetreads you post.
>implying man lives by bread alone
we live in a decadent and decaying materialist dystopia where there are no consequences for anything that is unnatural. Idealism died a long time ago, and so did most of the human soul.
>What are you boys so angry about?
This bit
>We live in the most peaceful time ever.
In a society where every social role is occupied, there are fewer and fewer socially fulfilling roles for each successive generation. Wealth, power and influence are increasingly concentrated in the hands of fewer and fewer families of global elites.
We need a war.
The fact that i can't legally kill shitskins and fix my country
I thought you were making a comment about non-European ethnics and their crime rates until you corrected that post.
mad no gf(male)
Every living thing evolves through conflict, natural selection. Too much peace will kill us all
We live in the most fucked up era ever seen, the 1950s sure look more peaceful to me
i wouldn't be worried about my death if i'd know i get to raise my children up first. but as things are going i don't know if i get to raise them and even if i do my children will then live at times that will most likely be utter shit.
10% of men get 80% of women*
I can't stare at black for all eternity so I don't accept this fate. Reincarnated as a dog so I can shit wherever I want, maybe.
I just want to live my life and achieve my dreams. I didn't even think about the day that politics and turning on the news would bring me to the brink of insanity and chronic paranoia.
Shut up Mohammed, rape isn't considered "getting" the woman
That's a man.
OP, you would make my day even just by a little bit if you [photoshopped a wet stain on the crotch of those panties].
Those cucks took vidya from me so I'm gonna dedicate my virgin life to defeating them politically.
post its benis :DDD
We shouldn't be living in most peaceful time. There should be a a world war where we kill all Jews and where nationalism rises everywhere then every ethnic live in their own territory and the world would be happy.
Angry at white males mating with gooks
so i cant be angry that arseholes have ruined america by forcing us into proxy wars to clear out the middle east for them?
for how long can the wealth make it peaceful
Not angry, but fair adverse to panties.
peaceful ?..or a period of normalization
The totalitarian oppression on dissent and opposing views can also be called peace, but it's not exactly desirable.
It is exagerated. I wouldn't be surprised if 20% get 80% of all fucks. But I would say 70-80% minimum actually have sex at some point and probably would have a chance with a woman if they all straightened up a bit.
This is why
Wow Morty I-I-I knew you were dumb, Morty, but you're telling me you think *burrp* niggers are people??? W-w-what, what have you even learned in that so-called school, Morty? I have the highest IQ of any mammal in the galaxy, Morty, but, yknow, it doesn't exactly take a dimension hopping god (which I am) to see that they're *BURRRRP* subhuman. If I didn't have infinitely better things to do with my time I'd show you Morty, but hey, 22 minutes probably isn't enough time to break the conditioning infesting your weak little Morty brain. So, yknow, if you really care that much, go watch The Alternative Hypothesis or something.
It's only gay to mastubate to benises if you like it.
Only people with high IQ will get that joke
underrated and based.
School was hard for me to
The presupposition of this question is a non sequitur.
Muslims have taken over my city.
Everytime I see government corruption (of which there is vast amounts) I find a Jew holding the money (directors of companies etc.)
We are in age of overpopulation, climate change and unsustainable resource infrastructure and our government is just giving our land (a non-renewable resource).
Death is as natural as life yet in the age of overpopulation the West has placed a completely unrealistic value on human life. Going by supply and demand human life is the least valuable it's ever been.
A poll done shortly after Enoch Powell's 'Rivers of Blood' speech in 1968 showed 74% in agreement. For nearly 50 years this country has been strongly opposed to immigration, for nearly 50 years successive governments have won with promises to reduce immigration (and never to increase it), and for nearly 50 years they have done nothing. We don't have democracy.
Lot's of things to be angry about.
I'm just sick of my country being run by cowards, traitors and prostitutes.
I can't get a woman and will definitely die alone and unloved.
That simple fact Influences everything In my life from my beliefs to what I do during my free time.
My only wish Is to help bring about a political system that recognizes that every man, no matter how unlovable/unattractive, deserves the joy of having a family and holding his own little child and loving wife In his hands. This, or to spend the remainer of my life hooked up to a machine that will let me experience the joys that this false world stripped me of
>inb4 edgy
We live in world where being called a racist ruins your life and whites are put down.
completely in agreement
>Most peaceful time ever
There is no peace among the stars, just an eternity of carnage and the laughter of thirsting Gods, user.
In all seriousness, the last time the world has been this tense was since the Cuban missile crisis, and that's telling something, since there are no real sides other than races and religions.
congratulations for this seemingly honest post, have a good day
Same fag from other thread.
Wouldnt surprise me if you fuckers are from the swedish government.
that just proves by keeping whites down, the world can be a more peaceful place
that was easy to say out loud
I feel you on that
please tell me this is fake wtf
No it's not. But to my knowledge the backslash was so big that they stopped to air this shit and it's also unlisted on Jew tube.
This. In terms of just sex 80 to 20 is accurate considering how common casual sex is these days, but most women will end up marrying a man that's not in the 20%.
you lost
Because we live in the most peaceful time ever.
Need a ride?
I'm not, I just lurve to shitpost.
You could settle with an equally unlovable skank as yourself.
I know a dude with spina bifida that has no legs and he gets pussy. He has a family. Fucker was dealt a shitty hand and has made the best of it.
This and confirmed
>born too late to colonise the planet
>born too early to colonise space
Because we're at war but we're not allwoed to strike back
Not true.
Most peaceful times were the decades post WWII.
Except the cold war but meh i'd rather live on the edge of a nuclear war than some alb*nian subhumans controlling my country
that's about to change.
Don't you mean
>born too late to fight in WWII
>born too early to fight in WWIII
"Getting laid" is degenerate except in the context of a real relationship. Ladies man Chads have chosen to become walking dildos that aim to indulge western girls and their delusional egos.
My pingas of small.
And to think, if you were born just 30 years earlier, society would've made this happen for you.
Course you'd be a commie, but at least you'd have at qt wife and kids.
Because a lot of People wants to ruin everything in this country. They want to replace our culture, our Language and our way of life.
Gelukkig is dit een schouwspel in het westen van het land. Zwartjoekels moetn wie nie he'n in het noorden en oosten
I dont want peace, i want war, I want conquest. I want to rise above others, to rule over the weak.
Peace is for those who cant fight.
The Anglos won their lands through conquest yet are losing them through charity. It is rather pathetic.
Every generation has their great war. Their conflict defining a generation. Our great grandfathers fought during world war two and witnessed the cold war. Our fathers saw the civil rights movement and the drug war.
Our charge is to battle of the failures of our ancestors. Our enemy is an ideological cancer rotting us from within. Our war is spiritual. We have for the first time pulled back the veil on human nature more fully than any generation prior. We have seen the costs of progress, and the destruction of meaning.
We are angry because we are well and truly alone. Our fathers are disappointed in us. Our mothers do not love us. Our society does not want us. Our future does not hold anything for us. We are robbed of our humanity, and so as animals we must rediscover the fire of the human spirit.
It's ok user, don't be sad.
Women are over-rated anyway, you'd have to be EXTREMELY lucky to get someone who actually loves you.
Most of them just use you for money/status and then drop you in a heartbeat when someone better comes along.
Exactly that
Sweden YES.
Contrast with their commercial from 1999: youtube.com
Yeah im pretty sure id win beta male of the year in my hometown and i have yet to go longer than a month without getting laid since i was 16.
Inb4; "nice guy" or predatory false vulnerability and all that shit (litterally too neurotic and shy to lie too or even generally aproach women). That 80% just needs to drink more and leave their fucking computers
Well said sir.